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Fandom The Legendaries


Senior Member
The scientist furiously pressed a sequence of complex buttons on the computer counsel while pulling levers connected to large spinning steam machines and twisting knobs attached to sparking and surging futuristic devices. He ran around the lab working like a mad man but it had an odd fluidity to it. Almost as if it were a dance or a work of art. The maniacal look on his face showed that he was loving every second of it. Suddenly the last wormhole opened up with a great swirling flash and yet another time traveler fell out of it onto the laboratory chamber floor with a loud clanging crash. He had golden armor and a big sword which sparkled like it's blade was made of pure clear diamond. A hooded figure stood motionless with arms crossed hovering high in the air, above them all. The group of confused individuals below all looked at each other with a sense of awe. The varieties and uniqueness of each was amazing to behold all at one time.

The golden knight looked around then up as he recognized the floating figure.

"Merlin? Is that you? Where am I? What's going on here?"

The wizard smirked. "Greetings my liege. It has been a long, long time and warms my heart to see you, but first allow me to greet the rest of my guests as well." He yelled back to the scientist. "Is this all of them, Doctor?"

The scientist jumped back as sparks began to shoot out of one of the machines."No it is not all of them you ancient old fool! I told you the chronomatrix wasn't ready yet but you insisted we try it now!" The scientists says using a fire extinguisher to spray out the electrical fire.

Merlin rolled his eyes. "It had to be done. You know we were running out of time."

"Look! Look what you did to my beautiful machine! It was a time controlling masterpiece. Now it probably won't even make it as an alarm clock. Years of work! Gone! All gone!" The scientist said throwing a tantrum.

"Cmon Frank. I hate it when you whine like that. It gives me migraines. This one was only the prototype. I know you were planning on making a second one anyways. I even seen it in your schematics." Merlin said rubbing his aching temples.

"You! Bastard! You dared to look at my blue prints! And my names not Frank! It's Frank-en-stein! Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein! That's it! I can't work like this. I'm going to go find something ferocious and evil. I'm going to imagine with all my might that its you! Then I'm going to kill it. Then I'm going to bring it back to life. Then I'm going to kill it again!" He said stomping out of the lab.

"Good. That'll help him blow off some steam, then he'll feel better." Merlin said not worried about the doctors safety. "Anyways welcome! You have all been brought here from different periods in your time to the modern age world of 2041. As not to disrupt the time stream and alter the future causing unimaginable mayhem, we have pulled you here seconds before you ceased existing. In other words, had you stayed in your time, you all would have died. According to histories records you all did die, but now the truth is your here. You should all be thankf-"

A big muscle bound barbaric man interrupted rudely brandishing a double sided axe threateningly.

"Get to the point sorcerer! Why have you brought us here? No doubt to make us into slaves, or to sacrifice us to some demon, or make us fight for sport. Are you trying to gain riches, glory, or power? You unholy mystics are all the same. Which is it this time? What is it you want!?"

Arthur jumped up angrily.

"Hold your tongue savage! I will not sit and let you falsely accuse my noble comrade with such rudeness." The armored king said pointing his divine sword at merlins ferocious accuser. The big brute smiled at the challenge brandishing his war axe.

"Arthur wait! Beowulf is correct. I did call you here for a means. But not to benefit my own means. By means of rescuing the world in its most dire time of turmoil."

With that Merlin created images, a swirl of icy colors in midair telling the story of the state of the world.

"The world as you each once knew it, has become a place filled with darkness, deceit, and chaos. Mankind has throughout history weakened itself with meaningless fights for money and power. But truth is all the damage is not our own. Through out history from man's existence to now, we have always been manipulated by the demons. They look like humans, dress, and act like humans but this is all a show, so that they can enter our government, our militaries, our homes, and from the inside, destroy us all. The door has been opened and a secret war is upon us. Creatures of hell run freely now, hiding their true selves and we need you to defend the last remaining free human city from their grip. This city, Helzhavun in which you inhabit right now, is danger of being destroyed by the demons. But with you here there's a fighting chance."

Suddenly the gruesome visuals faded into nothing. Merlin continued his speech.

"This is not your true time. Not your true fight. Should you request it. I will send you back to your rightful place. But should you decide to stay, I will be forever in your debt. The final choice is yours."

Merlin drifted down to the ground. And bent down on one leg bowing his head to them.

"With a humble heart, I plead for each of you to stay for a night. Think it over, then return here with your answer tomorrow. I have prepared rooms for each of you within my sanctuary here at my home, The Magistrate."

Van Helsing walked out from his place in the shadows and addressed the group.

"We have a total of six floors. All the men's apartments are on the even floors of the building. Womens are on the odd floors." Van Helsing said staring at Beowulf with a smirk of humor.

"Let me show you to your room big guy. See if we can find you a football game to watch on tv. I bet you'll like that."

"Teevee? Foot? Balls? What foolishness do you speak of?" Beowulf asked confused but followed slightly intrigued.

Merlin stood up and faced Arthur.

"You too have a decision to make my friend. I suggest thinking deeply and answering me tomorrow." With that Merlin left him and retired to his room as well.

Alright so allow me to introduce some of the main characters of that would be included in this rp, along with yours.

Merlin-The Legendary Wizard.

He has a natural winter time affinity allowing him to control three of the natural elements of water, air, and ice effortlessly with the flick of a wrist or the twitch of a finger. Some say that the legend of Jack Frost is actually based on Merlin himself.

Dr. Frankenstein-The Mad Scientist.

Frankenstein may look like a frail little scientist. But his diabolical inventions and insane experiments are said to strike fear even into the hearts of demons. Most would rather execute themselves than be captured and used as guinea pigs. Has vast super strength, reflexes, and agility because of experiments done on himself, but he hates fighting directly more than anything else seeing it as brutish and uncivilized. Unless your screw with his experiments.

Van Helsing-The Dark Hunter.

One of the first to be summoned by the doctor and wizard. Van has been enchanted with the spirit of a panther making him naturally agile, and balanced, and slightly stronger than a normal man. He use a variety of ranged weapons but mostly can be seen using crossbows and handguns. Lastly he carries a cursed Dagger called "Diabolic". Diabolic gives Van, demon like bat wings increasing his movement speed and giving him flight abilities, but the longer he utilizes it, causes the demon inside of the dagger to slowly take over Vans mind. It also can only be used at night as the demon within the dagger hates being out during the day.

King Arthur-The Golden Knight.

Arthur is the most noble of kings and men. His heart and mind always follow the ways of justice which is why he is worthy to carry the divine sword Excaliber.

Excalibur has an enchantment on it so that the blade can never be chipped or broken and never dulls over time but what’s more, it also absorbs any curse or magic used against its wielder nullifying its effect and making the sword more powerful. The downfall to this, is that it also does this to healing spells and any other spell that can help rather than harm. If he wants to have a spell used on him, he must be separated from the sword first.
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