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Fantasy The Last Flicker /Remake/ (Open/Accepting)


Cheshire Grin

No cat has ever given a human a straight answer~

The Last Flicker


"Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." - Neil Armstrong

What if you woke up one day and found out you weren't normal anymore? What would you do if you found out one day you were one of the most important figures in human history? That would make you feel pretty special, wouldn't it? But what would happen if it came true?

The year is 2032, the world is in turmoil. The Unemployment Rate has risen from 30 to 50%
within the past year and has slowly been getting worse, the environment has taken a toll for the worse, and the people are no longer happy. The world, at one point, used to be the happiest place until something happened. Not a lot of people know what, but that was when things starting going downhill. To make things worse, the rich have made the lives of the poor difficult, forcing them into doing things no human being should do. While some places were able to avoid them, many small businesses have been able to get out of their greedy hands.

The governments are in disrepair, but they are trying their best to protect the people, however, they can only do so much. The only reason people haven't completely given up is because of the stories of the old days.

Myths, legends, mysteries, stories, curses. Humans have always been drawn to them. They have fueled the minds of many children for a long, long time. Even as they reached their adult years, they never gave up believing their heroes will come to life and save them from their existence. Many children wished they would still be around and maybe the world wouldn't be a terrible place. While some myths were told to bring awe, there are other stories meant to scare others. The Curses are the main reason people both love and fear mysteries, many have tried to find one of these fabled places but would fail in the end. It appeared as if many of these legends didn't want to be found...at least, not yet.


"If you aren't standing here with me right now, then you weren't important enough to stand back them." - Luther A. Maximus

There are humans out there...very bad humans who don't want to exploit the mysteries of the world, but also plunder the riches for themselves. While there are secret adgendas within the organization, they one a goal in mind. Find these special beings and see what they can get out of them. If not willingly, then by force.

The Creators, the legends all have heard about, are making a comback. It's time for the past to help the present in order to secure the future. Children will never have to know pain anymore as long there is still hope and a little bit of imagination..
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  1. No Godmodding or Powerplaying. I want everyone to have fun in this roleplay.​
  2. Happydeath will be my moderator for this roleplay, if I am not around and you have a question, you can ask him.​
  3. Be respectful.​
  4. Post profiles in the CS section and nothing more.​
  5. Please don't put one-liners, I understand Writer's Block, but it's very hard to respond to one-liners and they can get really annoying at times.​
  6. A minimum of 3 lines will be nice.​
  7. Don't post too fast, not everyone can keep up. So, no back and forth between two characters, if at all.​
  8. You can have as many characters as you want, but you must control them.​
  9. Let me know if you are going to be disappearing. If you don't tell me, you will get one strike. Once you have three, you will be kicked.​
  10. No text talk please.​
  11. No Gary or Mary Sues.​
  12. Don't post in the actual RP thread until told to.
  13. Rules will be added or removed to how I see fit.​
  14. If I like your profile, it means it is accepted.​
  15. Have fun~​


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