The kingdom of nowhere.


One Thousand Club
Imagine that you aren't an ordinary person...that you have a secret. Imagine that you went to sleep one night and woke up the next morning on the hard cold ground. Imagine you look around at your surroundings and find desert, for miles and miles. Imagine you look down at yourself and find yourself looking....not like yourself. Imagine you get up and have weapons that you don't know how to use. Imagine you walk for days and finally find a kingdom of sorts....the kingdom of Nowhere.

(People can join but one person is invited. @Original Hylion )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/imagesCAT9M66T.jpg.2ddad8c5e27625e1a499b88deee95bd0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/imagesCAT9M66T.jpg.2ddad8c5e27625e1a499b88deee95bd0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hello, and welcome to my kingdom and here are my rules.


Posts must be at least, one paragraph.
I am not asking for a whole page, because I know that I can't even do that xD

Romance is aloud. It is aloud but keep it PG13. Kissing is the limit.

Proper grammer. We all spell something wrong from time to time, but no chat language.

Have fun. Yes, this is a rule.

If you have read the rules put two hearts somewhere in your skelly.

Characters~ (At least 3 females three males, maximum 8 females 8 males)

Me~ /2 females

@Skev Keensorth /1 male

@DeGage11 /1 male

@Karma200 /1 female

Character skelly~



(You can have anything from Nekos, to...anything)






(Anything I didn't add)

My characters~

Name: Minx James

Age: 18

Species: Elf

Gender: Female

Bio: Minx has lived in this kingdom for her whole life. During this time she had lived with her mother, Queen Tina, and her father, King Kernof. Over the years she had always clung to her father more and it made it all the better for when her mother died suddenly, due to heart problems. However her father could not handle all of his grief and soon after, took his own life. Minx took a while to cope with this and still, to this day has trouble talking about him. After her father died she took her throne, and now rules over the kingdom with a loving, yet firm hand.

Personality: Minx is a very kind individual. She rules over her kingdom with a firm hand, but is always nice to people around the walls. She always greets newcomers and does her duties. When she is in her chambers, she is usually drawn back from the world, and often sad.

Weapons: She always has her bow and arrows on her back, and also keeps two hidden blades inside of her boots.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/dk.png.40dbd76b0c35372cc95a06c95e801cc9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/dk.png.40dbd76b0c35372cc95a06c95e801cc9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Ally Lizack

Age: 17

Species: Neko

Gender: Female

Bio: Ally was always mistreated by her parents because she wasn't what they wanted. Now yes her parents were cats, like her, but her parents didn't like the color she was born with. Now most people would get all depressed and stuff of they were abused like her, but she didn't. Ally became stronger and one day moved away from all of the crap that was going on at her 'house'. She had just moved into an apartment and got comfortable in her new environment, but what was about to happen to her was never expected.

Personality: Ally is a very independent person, and will turn down all the help she is offered until she gives up and cries. She is a very kind person, and will always joke around with people to get them to smile. Ally loves candy, but don't give it to her or she will jump of the walls for hours.....literary.

Weapons: She keeps a retractable sword in the waistband of her underwear.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/so.png.8a8643bd25407f00e3e296b238820721.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/so.png.8a8643bd25407f00e3e296b238820721.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


If any questions just ask.



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Name: Skillx Rethom


Demon Vampire


Born in 1700 to a rich family, his father a demon and his mother a vampire he has been around for thousands of years. As an only child he was raised to be proper and respectful though tended to be alone and isolated himself most of the time. His parents however pushed him to learn to defend himself as every young man in his time should, he learned to use his twin swords with expert skill as he also began reading books and studying which allowed him to expand his mind and creativity. He isn't very close to anyone and of course not that social. He tends to hide in the shadows and observe the world.

He tends to be friendly to those who know him and still remains to be polite and kind to woman as he was raised to be. He also however isn't afraid to give his opinion and is rather cold hearted when he does which results in him hurting many people or starting fights. He likes to question things and keeps a journal of his research. He liked to scare people as he always hides in the shadow and takes pleasure in the fear he sees in them

Twin swords


He also keeps a separate personal journal that he keeps hidden in fear that someone might read it
Name: Blaze Fireheart.

Age: 2 years since hatch.

(anything eh? Well lets just go with what I love :D ) Dragon.


Bio: Blaze was a very intresting dragon for the two years he got to stay around his own kind. He was always very silly and hyper. He could never take anybody or anything seriously, just because he thought as everything as a joke, doesnt mean he couldnt focus though. He took learning very VERY seriously, and almost always listened to his orders. But when he was alone. He was cracking up over something stupid like a funny looking cloud or something of the sort.

Personality: Like I said before, Hyper and silly. Sometimes even unpredictable. He is also a spitfire, as in untamable. But when he's fighting hes very fierce and very violent.

Weapons: A spiked barb on his tail, talons, claws, teeth.


(two hearts xD )
Oh joy! 1 more male! Its not gonna be me though...i dont really like to play more than one character, but im still excited!
Yay! so lets see here...we got a dragon, a demon vampire, a neko and a elf? This should be...interesting.
one of these things is not like the other of these, winged, fire breathing, beast of flame. Which one of them is it xD
Question: do we have our own ability? If so, my character has sound xD

<3 <3

Echo Clange

Age: 19

Species: Fairy

Gender: Female

Bio: Echo is the next in life to be the Queen of Fairies but because of her father's strict teachings and harsh ways toward Echo, she continues to try to stand up for her rights as a woman. But because her mother is very sick and can die any moment Echo doesn't refuse the crown, she wants to take her mother's place to take care of the people she loves so much along with wanting to prove to her father that she is capable of being more then just her mother's shadow. There are many who refuse to acknowledge her as the next Queen because of her personality but there are times when she shows the quality of a Queen... just remember never to make a Queen angry, especially a Fairy.

Personality: She is strong-willed with a spirit that will never break, Echo refuses to allow anyone to step over her and is definitely prepared to give her life in order to protect the fairies who have so little faith in her. When she is on her 'break' she usually sits in a beautiful field or somewhere comforting to relax and take her time to think things through, she also plays with sprites in her spare time

When hit with the blade it sends waves of hollow sound into your body and begins to rip the victim's insides (Echo can control them & when she doesn't use them for battle they look like a normal fan)


This is the mark of the fairy princess, it will change when her statues turns into Queen
Character skelly~

Esahc Lamb

Age: 21

Species: Human Golem (like humans but way better)

Gender: Male

Bio: Esahc had a tendency of moving around a lot as a kid, so a majority of his friends in his real life were very disconnected from him. He naturally became somewhat lonely and melancholic, making it hard for him to make many friends at all. He found online sites to be a much more welcoming community that he actually lived in long term. He knew people for months and some years, he felt like he belonged to a community so that became his home. He very much liked to read and found himself very attracted to fantasy books, as well falling to fantasy games and movies. He found that his online friends enjoyed it as much as he did, so they began to write their own fanfics. Interestingly enough, he grew up to attempt college and aim for a degree in creative writing. Jules was content, until one night he went to sleep.

Personality: Esahc is a really sweet guy. He is easy to laugh and all around pretty darn positive. Social and outgoing, but only amongst the right people. Secretly a pervert. He has his own little quirks, but is easy going and easy to get along with. He is a jovial person who enjoys friends, someone who is like the best friend arch type. Usually has very little luck with women.

Weapons: He is quite skilled with most weapons, and he comes with a large arsenal of varying weaponry. Mostly all close combat weaponry such as swords to knives. Except for his bow and arrows


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/39983-4-1376057449.jpg.8f1276ce7104dedab52c8b88dd020452.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7692" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/39983-4-1376057449.jpg.8f1276ce7104dedab52c8b88dd020452.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He often enjoyed attending renaissance fairs, while he was definitely no expert he became quite indulged in researching and writing accurately.



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