The Breakfast Club

Brian Garner

Awkward Boy From The Black Parade






Why you are there:

Thoughts on the other students:




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Name: Danial Dawson

Age: 16

Role: brain


Dani is a shy quiet girl whos nose is constantly in a book. Rather it be a school book, fiction, or her sketch book. She doesnt talk much preferring to listen and observe but when she does it can be anything from a random sentence to a wise word. She doesnt like large crowds and prefers to be alone but would mind a few friends. Shes a little untrusting but once you earn her trust you will discover shes a geeky cheerful colorful girl full of quirks. She is smart and thanks to her parents knows how to take care of herself physically and verbally though prefers not to. She has a love for the strange and weird things hiding from the world and wishes to discover them one day.




Daniel is the daughter of a famous lawer and a cop. Her parents adore her but unfortunately never got the chance to spend a lot of time with her growing up. Their jobs needed them. This left Dani in the care of babysitters and nannies who often times just curled up on the couch and fell asleep watching tv leaving Dani to care for herself. This made Dani become responsible from a young age and caused her to stand out amongst the other children in her neighborhood. Because of this she was picked on and in the end resorted to staying inside and reading. Books didnt have mouths to bully you. This caused Dani to be even more of a loner in the others eyes so growing up she had great grades but never had any friends. A year ago her father got a job offer so they moved to a town called.

Why you are there:

She was framed by another student when she had stood up for one of their victims.

Thoughts on the other students:

She doesn't know them very well.




Tattoos- Three. A Celtic rose design around her right bicep, and a star on her right hip. Her fourth is on her back. It's a pair of large angel wings. Between them it says When life puts you in tough situations don't say "Why me?" say "try me."

Piercings- Bellybutton ears and tongue.

Scars- a few on her arms face and stomach.
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Connor Grotowski


Role: Criminal

Connor is a bit of a smart mouthed kid. He's a short tempered and quick to spit out a sarcastic remark. He seems very scary and mean from a first glance, but he can be romantic and very persistent if he likes you. If he is in a strong relationship with someone, he can be very sweet. He usually doesn't talk to people because he thinks they are all stuck up or scared of him.


History: He grew up in a house with a happy mother and father. No fights or anything unusual. Most of his friends thought he had the coolest family. That was until he was 13. Then his dad was caught doing drugs and sent to jail for a few months. He got out soon and he moved back in. They didn't want to divorce until Connor was 18 so they didn't have to go through custody battles. His father was always sleeping and smoking or hiding away in their barn. His mother was always depressed or crying. They both drifted away from him, so he turned to the rebellious teen he is.

Why you are there:
He was smoking on school property and then when he was confronted, he put the cigarette out on another students arm.

Thoughts on the other students: He thinks they are all stuck up and hates them.

Crush: none yet

Sexuality: bisexual

Name: Terrence Parks

Age: 17

Role: Basket Case

Personality: Terrence is a giggly person, he'll laugh at nearly everything. He likes to come off as if he doesn't care about anything, but inside of him is a large heart that wants to learn everyone's secrets. He's quite childish, as a result of his back-story, and he loves to mock people.


History: When Terrence was born his mother and father were disappointed. Instead of a strong, and very handsome baby they got a premature one with ordinary brown hair and brown eyes. Through his childhood there was nothing he could to make them proud of him, even when he won a national spelling bee they scoffed and turned their heads. He soon gave up, and became his own person, which wasn't much of a difference. He started developing depression and anxiety, and soon it felt as if everyone in his life hated him and wanted nothing to do with him, so he shut down and stopped caring. Now he mocks others like a five year old, and bursts out laughing randomly in every class.

Why you are there: His frequent childish behavior soon resulted in him blowing a raspberry at the Principal, much to their displeasure.

Thoughts on the other students: They all think he's crazy, so he mocks them.

Crush: None yet.

Sexuality: Asexual

Extra: Has a tattoo of a sentence on his left forearm: "
One person's craziness is another person's reality."

Lip ring on bottom lip. Always carries candy in weird places.
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Name: Candice Bernier

Age: 16

Role: female know it all

Personality: she has very strong opinions and is very vocal about them. She doesn't let people tell her what to do and she's openly rude. She doesn't have friends because she has a lot to say. She talks to people and isn't always rude, but she's pretty quick to tell it how it is. She doesn't agree with society and is an activist for female and gay rights. She could be described as hard to get.


History: She was popular and all at her old school before her mom left. Her mom left when she was 10 to peruse a career in art. She never heard from her again. She moved to a new school and immediately hated everyone. She was always shoving people out of her way and just gave off bad vibes.

Why you are there: her English teacher was getting tired of her arguing with him and sent her to Saturday school, which she thinks is so unfair. She would make remarks like "why don't you slip into something more comfortable, like a coma?"

Thoughts on the other students: she thinks they all hate her or she hates them.

Crush: none yet

Sexuality: straight



If you're not first, you're last, kid.
Name: Mavis Ruth Fultz

Age: 17

Role: Girl Athlete








History: When the twins were born, Mavis was dressed in frilly, pink outfits, but her father soon realized this was a mistake. As a toddler, Mavis had a love for running around and playing tag for hours on end. Her brother did not have as much energy, so little Mavis always ended up askimg her Daddy to play with her. She was quickly seen as the son their father had always wanted. Mavis played every sport growing up, from bowling to football, but swimming really warmed her heart. Even with her meets and practices, the female makes sure she stays close to her brother. She loves being around him; he's everything she's not.

Why you are there: Punched a kid in the face who called her brother a "I'm unculturedot".

Thoughts on the other students: Indifferent; she just wants to get out of here before her workout time at 5.

Crush: Mavis has to focus on her swimming; she doesn't have time for dating.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Extra: Maverick's younger sister (by three minutes); she was adopted with her brother, soon after their birth, by their single father.


The key to EVERY outfit? Sunglasses and a smile.
Name: Maverick Anderson Fultz

Age: 17

Role: Prince








History: When the twins were born, Maverick was dressed in sporty onsies and plain tshirts. This was obviously not similar to the boy's personality. Their father quickly accepted everything about his son and never stopped loving him. They get along, but Maverick knows his father will never be as close to him as he is to Mavis. They respect each other, but each know and accept that they have nothing in common. Maverick feels loved but rather lonely. He never tells Mavis this, and pretends he is only upset when students mock his sexuality.

Why you are there: After his sister punched a bully in the nose, a teacher assumed the twins had teamed up on the other student.

Thoughts on the other students: They are unfamiliar to Maverick, and he is curious about their lives.

Crush: This changes just about every other day.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Extra: Mavis' older brother (by three minutes); he was adopted with his sister, soon after their birth, by their single father.

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Name: Cyan Johnson

Age: 16

Role: freak


Cyan is a particularly outstanding individual. With his colorful if slightly feminine appearance and cheetful strange pessimistic honest behavior he is an enigma. He adores cute things and loves to play games. He is smart and prefers to keep to himself. He is very stubborn and has a dark view of the world that he tries to fill with color and strongly believes in the domino affect. He hates bullies.




Cyan was born and raised in a small town by a doctor and surgeon. He had a good home life with loving parents and a little sister that adored him. School was a different story. There he was a target because of his feminine appearance and strange personality. He was always cheerful and didn't hesitate to stand out. The bullies hated this but he stood strong. This went on until they targeted his little sister. A brutal homophobic group with bad back rounds saw him kissing another boy who he had a crush on. They followed him home and when his sister left to visit her friends attacked her. They carved I'm uncultured lover in her back before he could get to her after hearing her screams. The police came but they got away. After this his family moved and he found he no longer had such a bright view of the world.

Why you are there:

He planted his boot in another Kids face when he looked at his little sister for to long.

Thoughts on the other students:

He thinks they are all fake.




Three: on his back between his shoulder blades he gots a tattoo that looked like scars. It says I'm uncultured lover. The other on his hip that's a star and the last is on his inner right wrist. It says the liars are the ones in charge and they will always try to control the honest.

Piercings: Tongue and right eyebrow.


Melissa Carter








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Why you are there:

Making out in the janitors closet

Thoughts on the other students:

Depends on her mood. (No Joke)








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Elizabeth Manasco






Elizabeth is kind, though she can be blunt. She doesn't realize that something she might say could hurt somebody. She is naive, and doesn't understand things easily.



From a young age Elizabeth has had things handed to her. She never had to become mature, so she didn't. Instead she grew up with a habit of bragging, she bragged about her clothes she bragged about her her house, she bragged about everything. Though, she tried to be kind to people, some seemed to think she was a snob. She has always been interested in "The Poor Life" but she never told anybody.

Why you are there:

She commented on the teacher's skirt... It wasn't a compliment.

Thoughts on the other students:

She couldn't care less, really.


None yet




If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
Name: Steve "Snowy," Verona

Age: 16

Role: male athlete

Personality: He is shy around most people for fear that he might not be well liked. He is nervous for the same reason. He can be friendly, but he puts up a confident front. Most people think he is stuck up.





History: His father wanted him to become a great athlete and he has been in Olympic training programs a few times for cycling. He is supposed to dedicate his life to it, however with this detention, his family is extremely angry.

Why you are there: He was caught lighting matches in the schools bathroom with his friends. His friend wasn't caught.

Thoughts on the other students: He is nervous around them, but acts nonchalant.

Crush: Maverick, but he would never tell.

Sexuality: homosexual

Extra: He is always saying. "Good enough isn't enough,"

Amelia Vega

Age: 16 / Almost 17

Role: Basket Case

Personality: Amelia is very quiet although she can snap back at people without warning. She is also distant and cautious around others but cares deeply for anyone who gains her trust. (Rather uncommon) She keeps to herself and usually isn't noticed in classes because of it.


Amelia's mother threw her father out shortly after she was born. He didn't really care so Amelia has only a few times met him. Her mother got married when Amelia was 9 years old to a strict man who has always been disappointed in Amelia since she didn't excel at anything when she was a younger. Her mother always backed him up and this caused Amelia to become so distant and cautious of other people. When Amelia was 15 she was her mother found drugs in her room. Her mother snapped at Amelia telling her she wouldn't allow her to be as much of a failure as her father. Since then the two of them only really "talk" when her mother scolds her for something.

Why you are there: For bringing a rat to school and releasing it in class. (And it wasn't even the class she was supposed to be in.)

Thoughts on the other students: She doesn't really know them and frankly doesn't really want to know them. Feels that most of them are self-centered and stuck up.

Crush: None yet.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Extra: Amelia usually stays in her room reading so she doesn't have to face her mother.


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