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The House in the Woods

Zero Gravity



The house has been abandoned for years, the family rumored to each have been killed by possessive ghost that didn't want intruders on their land. Other rumors state they each died of terrible accidents that no one could help. But, really, no one knows that truth. Then, a newbie moves into town. Of course, they've heard all about the rumors of that house, and they don't believe a word of it. Ghosts and spirits are just a hoax, right? However, a townie who's lived in that small town for far too long knows differently. They know that whenever someone even gets near that property, bad things happen. Cocky and eager to prove the believer wrong, the newbie challenges them to stay a whole night with them in the house. If they're able to make it, then the believer has to admit that they were wrong, and superstitions are stupid. And, of course, the believer reluctantly agrees.


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