The different Rich Text Editor options and how to use them


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The different Rich Text Editor options and how to use them

  • ea2b8322a9.png
    Bold text - Highlight the text you want to bolden and press the 'B' button.
  • d4fc6f14b2.png
    Italic text - Highlight the text you want to italicise and press the 'I' button.
  • e9ab1ebb17.png
    Underlined text - Highlight the text you want to underline and press the 'U' button.

  • ee04c48304.png
    Colour option

When you press this button it opens up a menu that looks like this:


If you want to colour your text easily without using bbcode, highlight the text you want to colour and press the colour you want it to be.








The '

' button can be used when you want the text to go back to its default colour.

  • b6490de8c4.png
    Text size option

When you press this button it opens up a menu with different numbers like this:


With this option, you can highlight the text you wish to change the size of and press the number of the size you want it to be.

This is size 1 font.

This is size 2 font.

This is size 3 font.

This is size 4 font.

This is size 5 font.

This is size 6 font.

This is size 7 font.

  • 50055abf00.png
    Font option

When you press this button it opens up a menu with different fonts like this:


You can highlight the text you want to change the font of and press the button of what font you want it to be. Many different fonts besides this can also be used, and if you are interested about that you can look at post if you want to know how to use it or post if you want to look at some fonts to use.

This is Arial text.

This is Book Antiqua text.

This is Courier New text.

  • a5dd97a47d.png
    Link option

With this button, you can highlight text you want to link with a certain post on the website or to a website.

To unlink it you can press the

unlink button.

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    Alignment option

With this button you can select what side of the page the text you select goes on.

When you press it this menu will come up:


You can highlight the text you wish to align and press the button.

Aligned left

Aligned center​

Aligned right​

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    List/bullet point option

This can be used by highlighting the text you wish to order/bullet point and pressing the button.

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    Indent left/right option

This option can be used for example, when writing a letter. You put your cursor and select before the text you want to indent, and press the indent button however many times you need depending on how far left/right you want it to be on the page.


Dear Mr Beef,

I can't believe you stole my beef. I'm so over you right now.

Love, Libby

  • fb88599f55.png
    Smileys option

When clicked, a menu at the bottom of the text editor will come up that looks like this:


The 'roleplay' tab can be clicked too, for emoticons to be used in dice games.


To get rid of the menu, simply click the option button again.


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    Image option

With this option you can press the button and insert the url of an image you want to use. An alternative to this is also copying and pasting.

  • 900205511e.png
    Media option

With this option you can insert videos or audio from dailymotion, facebook, liveleak, soundcloud, vimeo and youtube.




  • 23181bbc2c.png
    Insert option

With this option you can insert:



Or strike through text by either highlighting it after typing and pressing the 'strike through button' or selecting it and then typing.

  • 5314285293.png
    Font awesome option

When this button is pressed, a menu will pop up that looks like this:


You can press one of the many buttons and it will insert a 'font awesome' text into your textbox.


  • e22643f6bd.png
    Media gallery insert option

With this option, you can select whichever picture from your media library on RPN to go into your post (that is if you do have media). To get rid of the menu you can click the button again.


View media item 10965

  • 93adf284ef.png
    Drafts option

When pressing this button, you can either save or delete your work for next time. But if your browser cache is cleared, this will not be saved. The text editor also automatically saves your work every few seconds, so this is not always needed.

  • c4d6de2d7f.png
    Undo/redo options

Undos or redos a piece of work in the text editor.

  • fdf3e40dfc.png
    Remove formatting option

Removes the formatting from text after highlighted.

Before using the 'remove formatting' option

After using the 'remove formatting' option

  • d7bff31fb7.png
    Bbcode editor option

This is used for when you want to use bbcode. You can select the 'use rich text editor' option at the bottom if you want to use the default one again.

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