The Biozonen Incident ©


New Member
Ok boys and girls, men and woman this is the official sign up spot for The Biozonen Incident. It is important to note that no one can be infected and running around trying to kill others. I find this only leads to stale mates or arguments. You may be a scientist however BUT you can only start out on the first level of the facility, for the time being. Once we reach farther into the facility and reach level two, and then three respectfully any newcomers are welcome to be a scientist on those levels. I will change this post when to help make it easier to know what floors you can be on.

The other playable character you can be is part of Z.E.U.S, you will be pretty trained in this group and will know your way around a gun. However with such skill starting out so early I must ask that you don't abuse that. As for Rank which will be part of the Biography I will only accept one Major, One Captain, and one Lieutenant, anything lower then Commissioned is opened for you to grab. As these groups usually consist of twenty soldiers only I will make that the player cap for soldiers in case this gets a large flux of characters.

Here is your Bio format, you can feel free to add in tabs if you wish to more accurately describe your character. Its important to know that weapons with in the facility are prohibited if they are lethal so scientist will have to find something blunt or use stun weaponry like base guards. Soldiers can have three weapons Main, Secondary, Auxiliary, also make sure keep track of your ammo count, once your out your out there are no guns in the facility so make it last. The set limit for ammunition is 200 rounds each gun.


Codename: (Soldiers only)

Nickname: (Scientist only)



Appearance: (For this roleplay you can post a picture plus general description hair color, eye color etc. or you can just put up a full description. Up to you)

Affiliation: (Soldier or Scientist)

Rank: (Soldier only)

Title: (Scientist Only. What is your specialty?)



History: (Go as in depth as you like but over all I am looking for what makes your character who they are, and why they doing what they currently do.)

Other: (Anything else you feel we should know about, quirks, pet peeves, wet the bed totally up to you)



Rylan Ogden


  • Height: 6,1'
  • Weight: 200 plbs
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Descent: European / American
  • Body type: Toned / Muscular / Fit
  • Scars: Has several scars upon his body, most of them are not visiable or are always concealed by clothing. The worst scars being one on his left leg which is about the size of a normal size dinner plate, and a similar size scar on his chest which takes the size of a normal size football. Other minor scars are injuries ranging from knife wounds to bullet size scars, mainly in his chest area.
  • Tattoo's: He only has one tattoo which cover the majority of his upper arm is Semper Fi and the symbol of his operations group.



Code name Meaning:

Rylan Ogden has fought on terrains of all natures, from jungle warfare to in snow as high as his waste. In terms of conditions that favors him the most, cold snow and ice would be his best. Like Ice Rylan is hard, cold, and is not easy to crack. Very much like Ice he is also cold physically, the details of how the incident happened was part of a Black Out operation in the Arctic Circle, so the actual account is rather sketchy but it was said the Rylan was wounded from a shell fragment to his knee cap in the middle of a very bad arctic storm. Most Black out operations, if you disappear then you are immediately considered dead and buried in the eye's of the Military. Rylan crawled through ice and snow for almost 15 hours to make it back to his base camp, and when he was found, he was severly frost bitten and his leg had festered harshly from the combination of cold wheather and the wound being slightly infected from the round. Medical reports claimed that Rylan was able to keep the leg, and also that because of the severe frost bite his core body tempature was compromised. Where a normal human temapture is 98 degree's his core body temapture ranges around 93 92 degree's which gives him and edge in the colder regions. Thus because of his demeanor, his inability to be cracked, and his cold attitude in the face of adversity, he was deemed the code name Ice.











Primary weapon is an M4A1 with attached flash light, hand grip, silencer, and a holographic site.


Secondary weapon is a SIG Sauer P226 with attached flashlight, and laser site.


Auxillery weapon is a Timber Rattler bowey knife, surgically sharpened steel blade, brass and steel wood handle.


Rylan is a soldier first and your friend second, he does not let his personal feelings become mixed up with each other when he is on a job. He is cold and calm at all times, and he does not panic ever, and he does not accept disobedience, when he says to do something he expects it to be done no half assing it. Coming from a military family he is versed in the ways of respect for not only himself but also his superiors and the ones above him. He does not tolerate fighting in his ranks, or bringing your personal problems on the job with you, he expects anyone under him to be sharp, prepared, and ready to go when the time comes. Beyond his cold outer apperance Rylan is a nice man, not the point where he would buy you a car, but to the point where if you need him he will be there. He cares for anyone he works with, and has a leave no one behind mentality. He would give his life to go back and pick up a downed soldier and get them out of danger. Outside of the job he is a funny guy, who likes to joke, and throw back a couple beers on a slow night. He enjoys classical things such as opera, and wine, and a nice evening with a classy woman. Like in work he does not let his work life spill over into his civilian life, he can be quite charming when you get to know him, and he is by far way more relaxed outside of hos job. However in both work and life he is very paranoid and always constantly on watch even if you don't notice. He believes that attacks can come at any instant and the one who isn't prepared is the first one to die.


Rylan was born on a base hospital on a cold December night, Christmas eve, 1967 to a loving mother and a father who was a Captain in the United States Marine Corp. Rylan was in every sense of the word and Army brat, his family did not stay in the same place for too long in any case. Growing up he got used to always being on the move, and never staying in one place for too long. Life was rather tough for Rylan, he had no friends because he knew he would not be in a school long, and life was rather lonely. He had his mother and father but Rylan often just wanted a friend he could confide in. Before the age of 15 Rylan had been to nearly nine schools in his life so far, and by the tenth he had become rather cold and a bit secluded, it got to the point where he did not even open up anymore to anybody. Fearing for him Rylans mother convinced his father to find housing in a small town in Georgia, after that Rylan did not see his dad half as much anymore, his father was always somewhere on a mission. Rylan often imagined himself out there on the field with his dad, and it was in this part of his life that he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

1983 was the worst year for Rylan, only being sixteen at the time he had a time coping with the death of his father. His father had been shot down in an over see's mission, and was claimed dead almost a couple days later in a hospital in Houston. Rylan was devastated losing his father, and descended into a deep depression that almost claimed his life when he was 17 in the form of an bullet he pulled on himself. After his failed suicide attempt he was admitted into a psychiatric facility where he was until 1987, at age he was released but it was obvious he was not himself anymore, and much of what happened on the inside of that place was never told. It was in 1990 when Rylan enlisted himself for the United States Armed forces, but given his past with mental help he was nearly denied, but given who his father had been he was given a chance to prove himself. After six months of basic training at Fort Houston, Rylan was almost immediately deployed across sea's to assist in a terrorist threat. It was within this time frame that Rylan really shined and proved himself fit to be in Army, not long after his deployment he found himself thick in battle, and that battle alone earned him a citation for his bravery on the field.

In 1997 at age of 30 Rylan had earned himself a place in the Military, and the Government noticed him for his ability to not only get the job done, but the way he followed order seamlessly and was unafraid of going where others would dare not set foot. Rylan was inducted into the ranks of a secret operations group, that went in ahead of deploying soldiers, and cleared the path. Rylan excelled in this work and by 2002 at age 35 he was a Lieutenant and running and operations group of his own. However in 2009 at age 42 he got the news that his mother had died of a heart attack which threw him back quite far with not only grief but the fact that he had lost his only family member left to him. After the funeral Rylan was a changed person, he wasn't the same man that used to joke around, or fool around with, he had become cold. In 2010 Rylan was declared MIA after disappearing on an black out operation in the Arctic circle, he had been wounded in an assault on the ice where he nearly died. Upon returning to his base camp he was immediately taken to a medical station not far from there where he was treated for severe hypothermia and frost bite. Rylan was moved around in hospitals for almost a year before he started rehabilitation, which lasted nearly another year.

After another bout with death, Rylan was granted time off to re cooperate and heal after the blows he had been dealt over the course of a couple years. It was in the coming year that Rylan was called back from his get away in the Caribbeans, a terrorist group had attack the United States and the death toll was rising. Within a day Rylan was back in the military and on the front lines with a new commission of Colonel leading the operation to clean up the threat. It was within this time frame that Rylan was inducted into one of the several forming Z.E.U.S (Zombie Extermination Utility Squad) squads where he was made the CO of the group and lead one of the attacks and restoration of the C.D.C facilities that had been taken down by the dead. After the incident had ended Rylan was a changed man having seen the things he had seen, he almost out right quit the military right then and there, but Rylan fearing that the events of this day could happen again stayed and become part of a permanent edition to Z.E.U.S stationed near one of the corporate labs. He bided his time and mostly kept to himself for mostly 4 years. That was until the faithful day came in 2017 at the age of 50 that his unit was put into action. The Biozonen lab had been attacked and the possible threat of another world wide panic was now in motion.


Rylan is trained in several forms of martials including but not limited to Taekwondoe, Jujitsu, Kung Fu, and a less practiced but effectice style called Wing chun. He is also a grappler expert and ground submissions.

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Name: Selena Reynolds

Codename: S

Age: 20

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be820caa0_Underword(1).jpg.555e39d0b6c6d1f22b7d32fdd8a28097.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10626" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be820caa0_Underword(1).jpg.555e39d0b6c6d1f22b7d32fdd8a28097.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'9

Weight: 120 lb

Black hair and bright blue eyes

Affiliation: Soldier

Rank: Lt.

Weapons: The two guns in the picture, and combat knife hidden in the right boot

Personality: She is friendly, but comes off cold. The soldier her and the civilian her are completely different.

History: Back in 2013, she was in one of the first states to be hit. Oddly enough, it had no effect over her, but it killed of most of her family. She has become something of a mother figure to her younger sister. She joined to stop that from happening to others. As her father was in the military before her, she gained respect and title early from the higher ups. But it wasnt easy getting to Lt that fast.

Other: Smokes, but its not like a chimney



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Okay. First off your bio is a tad under furnished I would need you give me a bit more of a description for your character height, weight, etc so I know who I will be describing. The second thing is keeping with a realistic point of view in this role play a 20 year old would never be able to become a Lieutenant unless there were circumstances entitling them to be. An in that case if you could update your history or other a bit to signify how this came to be that would be good. Lastly Z.E.U.S is more or less for more advanced soldiers, soldiers with a background in the military. Now I give you the opportunity to reveal your past military experience in the RP so you don't have to add it in your history. But if your going to be a part of Z.E.U.S your character we be a last minute edition, once again sticking to the guide lines I set for this role play and sticking with realism.

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