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Realistic or Modern The Apartment - Neutral Characters

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Jared Garfield


The landlord of the apartment the friends are livng in. He's a very easy going person but if you don't pay rent on time he'll hound on you until it is paid. He doesn't mind animals in the apartment as long as they are cleaned up after.

Jamal Hughes


The owner of the Smoke Joint. He's a very funny and nice boss who gives amazing advice when people are in real tough predicaments. He's a very impatient and fast paced man who doesn't have time to slow down while he is at work.

Clark Fiasco-Winters


The owner of Brooklyn Coffee. He doesn't like being disturbed while he is drinking his coffee nor does he like loud noises. He is a charismatic young man who can charm the socks off any man or woman that enters his coffee shop. Don't even think about flirting with him ladies, he's gay and taken.

Roman Fiasco-Winters


The owner of 13 The Corner Bookstore13. He is laid back and funny guy to talk to. He can hold real long conversations and loves to talk about books no matter the genre. He enjoys reading books on his down time at his small bookstore. He is the husband of Clark Winters. Roman is also a perfectionist and makes sure everything is perfect and the way he wants it to be. He becomes agitated and uncomfortable when things are out of place.

Shankia Jones


The owner of the Greenlight. She is a serious manager who doesn't take bullshit. If you do the work and correctly she will praise you. Slacking off is not an option if you work for her. She cares for her employees and they respect her. Do not get an attitude with her, she doesn't appreciate people getting a disgusting attitude with her when she is only trying to help.

Alysson Strauss


The owner of The Scarlet Violet flower shop. She is a sweet and kind young woman who is easy going. She will sometimes let her employees leave work early, but don't take her kindness for granted. She doesn't approve of being a push-over and people walking over her.

Jacquline Francis


The owner of the Pink Elephant, she is an amazing boss to work for. She doesn't enjoy people ruining her club. She is a very seductive woman, who loves seducing her male and female employees for fun. and only wants her customers to enjoy their time at her club. She likes things done her way and rarely takes suggestions, unless they are real good ones that can help her club get more customers and make more money.

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