James Todd Poe

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History Nerd Eli

History Nerd

This is my first character sheet I have ever written for a character outside of a roleplay. Your feedback would be wonderful!

James Todd Poe


16 (sophomore)


A light blue, like the sky, and they’re soft. They’re filled with a hesitant kindness and curiosity that would only best be compared to a young animal (perhaps a fawn), just discovering the world.

Although it’s flat on days that are tiring, it is normally in a neat fohawk. His hair is a dark reddish brown-or-chocolate cherry.

Overall look:
He’s an average height with a swimmer’s body, minus the bulging muscles. Normally, he wears dorky clothing and doesn’t think twice about it. People have already gotten used to his look since it began in sixth grade, and in the high school, the rest of the people have already done the same. James has black rectangular glasses that honestly make him look like a total nerd due to how he dresses sometimes. It’s cute.

James is a bit shy when it comes to new people, but is somewhat fine if Charlie or Sarah are around. This guy is very creative though. He excels in photography, and is pretty decent when it comes to writing. The sad thing is, though, is that he doesn’t give himself enough credit. He’s pretty timid, anxious, and can wear his heart on his sleeve. It’s not healthy-falling in love so easily-but he honestly can’t help it. If someone shows him enough kindness and interest, James will immediately confuse platonic and romantic liking.

However, when James is around the people he can trust, he turns into someone with a lot of confidence and can get a bit witty. His tongue is sharp, and he never beats around the bush. Whether you’re looking for a sugarcoated answer or not, James will give it to you. This only happens when either a) he knows you better than the back of his hand or b) you are seriously ticking him off on a bad day.

James is just a sweet kid who’s a little lost, but who isn’t trying to find themselves?

Relationship with Charlie Hooper:
James and Charlie began dating in 7th grade after realizing that the other was not straight, but it wasn't just based on that. The two had crushes on each other and it was pretty genuine. They lasted until after the first few weeks of 9th grade started. There were no hard feelings on either side and surprisingly, there wasn't much awkwardness. Yes, they kissed a lot when together, but that all melted away and they were able to move on from those facts. They never did anything sexual (because James isn’t interested in sex but mostly because they’re young), so that helped a lot. What James doesn’t know is that Charlie’s feelings haven’t quite gone away, and he still has a huge crush on James. Charlie keeps those feelings hidden (well enough for James not to notice), and is sort of okay with just being friends with James. When Pilot comes into the picture and starts to show romantic feelings for James, Charlie will end up trying to make Pilot stay away from James. This, however, will not work.

Looks: A redhead with spiky hair, green eyes, and many freckles. Basically the typical redhead. He’s the same height as James, and is scrawny. He has a birthmark on the top of his left hand in the shape of a balloon; it’s about as big as a dime.

Relationship with Sasha Adder:
They ended up clicking right away once Sasha’s mom brought her to James’s house when she was attending the book club. This was when they were in third grade, but it turns out they weren’t in the same class at school. To make up for lost time, they played in at recess, played during the book club meetings, and sometimes snuck away from their tables at lunch to sit with the other. As time went by, the stronger their friendship became and they started to tell each other everything. From their little collections to their fears of becoming older. That’s really about it. They know each other better than anyone else could ever hope and there’s nothing else about it. When Pilot comes along, she will full out support it and try her hardest to get James to talk to Pilot and ask him out. Although James denies that he liked Pilot, Sasha knows better and can see James’s feelings as plain as day. If Sasha wasn’t around to get James to realize and accept his feelings, there would be no story.

Looks: Her hair is a really light blonde, almost white, and curly. Her skin is very pale, but freckles are scattered everywhere except her face. They are non existent in that area. She’s 5’2” but man she doesn’t act like it. She’s very strong and independent, so she is bigger in character than in size. You will often see Sasha wearing an assortment of fancy/interesting skirts and dresses or in a hoodie. There is no in between.

Relationship with Pilot Grayson:
They will end up meeting when Pilot goes to James while at lunch. He will sit across from James, smiling and obviously excited. He’ll explain the situation about how he wanted to start a club just like James and then they will start talking. He’ll be friendly and all, but once they finally get the club up and running, Pilot will start to take a bigger notice of James and realize that he has a crush; which will lead into something bigger. Pilot will accidentally take up more of the other’s time, making Charlie absolutely jealous and angry. He will inform Charlie that he has no intention of backing down and that he will basically fight Charlie to get James to be his. Pilot isn’t necessarily protective over James, but he doesn’t want to lose his chance/relationship with him.

Looks: He has his own character sheet.

Relationship with Parents:
James’s mom and dad are totally groovy and accepting to almost everything. They don’t mind that their son will end up with a girl or boy, but just want him to be happy with whoever he dates. His dad, Arthur Poe, is a total history nut and is actually a history teacher at the high school. He teaches AP and regular history and is basically like a child in school but he can be an adult when he needs to be. James’s mom, however, is completely engulfed in the world of being a doctor. Lila Poe has no intention of being a surgeon, but the idea is interesting. Arthur and Lila are absolutely adorable and James wants a relationship like theirs. He is inspired by his parents in almost everything he does and he sees them as perfect models of a successful life.

Looks: Lila Poe- her hair is dark brown, she has light blue eyes, and is pretty skinny and nimble. She is 5’8” and rubs it in when James talks about his height.

Arthur Poe- his hair is chocolate cherry, he has gray eyes, and is pretty broad at a striking 6’.

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