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New Member

The name’s Mari, and as the title says, I’m hoping to do a group Doctor Who roleplay using Jack Harkness, Ten, Rose, and the (Simm) Master.

Just to get this outta the way, imma be playing the Doctor, and I already have one other person who’s going to be playing Jack Harkness! You can see my writing sample here: Can’t Think Straight - Ryokawa - Doctor Who [Archive of Our Own].

Now… onto the full plot:

Rose Tyler, the Doctor, and Jack Harkness were forcibly plucked from their individual realities – Jack yanked out from Torchwood, Rose extracted from the parallel world, and the Doctor taken from his TARDIS – and thrust unceremoniously back into present-day London. Their return was promptly met with apprehension, as they found themselves incarcerated within the unforgiving confines of a jail cell in Her Majesty’s Belmarsh prison.

In that whole ordeal, they had not yet crossed paths, unaware of each other's presence, until Jack began relentlessly battering the bars of his cell, his shouts resonating through the corridors. Both Rose and the Doctor couldn't help but hear the clamor.

It soon became evident that they had been brought together not by luck, but by none other than the Master himself, with the intent to shatter the Doctor's life once and for all.

If you’re at all interested by any of this, shoot me a dm or comment below.

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