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Realistic or Modern Ten Years Later - Notes


Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)
This thread will be used for the relationships our character used to have.

* Use PM or OOC thread to discuss possible relationships

* Use the template I will give you

* Don't post in anything, before I have accepted your character (which will not be before 18 July 2015).

[img=http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=CHARACTER NAME HERE&name=Precious.ttf&size=40&style_color=COLOR CODE]

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Best Friend:[/i][/b][/color]
{Despite them being a group of friends, there is always that one person you are most drawn to}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Crush(es):[/i][/b][/color]
{Did you character have a crush back in highschool? Did his/her crush know this?}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Fling:[/i][/b][/color]
{Did your character have a fling with anyone from the group?}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Dates:[/i][/b][/color]
{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Haters:[/i][/b][/color]
{Even if you are friends, there are some people you just can’t seem stand, or not?}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]Anything else:[/i][/b][/color]
{Is there anything else to know about the past relationships of your character with his/her friends?}

[color=#COLOR CODE][b][i]After graduation:[/i][/b][/color]
{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}
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Best Friend:

~ Best friends is a big word, but he was definitely close to Dennis. He stood up from time to time for the boy when he was being teased/bullied by others.


~ Mason, of course, since what is there not to like about that boy. He thought he could handle the rude side of the other, he even enjoyed it at times. Yet he was harshly shot down when he confessed and never ever tried again, yet the feelings had never left


{Did your character have a fling with anyone from the group?}


{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}


~ Skygge Vuori, he definitely hated that guy's guts. Mainly for how he treated others and didn't care for the consequences of his actions.

Anything else:

{Is there anything else to know about the past relationships of your character with his/her friends?}

After graduation:

He had a very random hook up/meet up with a male in the bar while drunk, he yet has to find out this male was his high school friend Mason.


Best Friend:

{Despite them being a group of friends, there is always that one person you are most drawn to}


{Did you character have a crush back in highschool? Did his/her crush know this?}


~ Raylene. He sorta more or less had something going on with her. He also came up with her beloved nickname Ray-Bear


{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}


{Even if you are friends, there are some people you just can’t seem stand, or not?}

Anything else:

~ He kinda kissed Winnie once, for a bet he lost. It was pretty random. Not so fun when Raylene walked in on them

After graduation:

{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}

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Best Friend:

Raylene. They had... the same differences, y'know?


Ryan Barton. He was just so sweet, and Win is still fully convinced that he would have been there for her after that... thing with Skygge, if it weren't for his sister...


{Did your character have a fling with anyone from the group?}


{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}


Harassment, and then not even explaining of apologizing for it? Yeah, Skygge was pretty high up on that list.

Anything else:

Winnie and Skygge's friendship started with a polite wave of the hand. It ended with an extremely rude kiss on the lips... and a lot of tears.

It's like Mason's on the tip of Winnie's tongue... not literally though. She's not into that.

Tommy's the most hilarious yet wisest guy Win has ever met and she doesn't know why.

She's quite close friends with Lori. She's sweet!

After graduation:

{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}

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✯Best Friend:✯

{Despite them being a group of friends, there is always that one person you are most drawn to}


{Did you character have a crush back in highschool? Did his/her crush know this?}


{Did your character have a fling with anyone from the group?}


{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}


{Even if you are friends, there are some people you just can’t seem stand, or not?}

✯Anything else:✯

{Is there anything else to know about the past relationships of your character with his/her friends?}

✯After graduation:✯

{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}


Lori D'Angelo

Best Friend:

{Despite them being a group of friends, there is always that one person you are most drawn to}


Sky, but he did not know.

Mason, but he also did not know.


Lori and Dennis hooked up their first year of high school at a party. The got all the way to third base before Dennis freaked out and ran out on her. He was never able to look at her in the eye again. Lori getting a boyfriend the second half of high school just made it worse.​


{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}


{Even if you are friends, there are some people you just can’t seem stand, or not?}

Anything else:

Befriended Winnie as a teen when she kept to herself, but they lost touch until the reunion/recently and they're good friends again.

Friends with Quinn during high school and stayed friends for a bit afterwards, before drifting.

After graduation:

{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}

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Best Friend:

{Despite them being a group of friends, there is always that one person you are most drawn to}


{Did you character have a crush back in highschool? Did his/her crush know this?}


{Did your character have a fling with anyone from the group?}


{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}


{Even if you are friends, there are some people you just can’t seem stand, or not?}

Anything else:

{Is there anything else to know about the past relationships of your character with his/her friends?}

After graduation:

{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}



Best Friend:

Natalie. They were the Silent and Rowdy combo. They evened the other out.


Besides a confusing interest in Skygge that freaked him out, Mikayla was the main catch of his eye.


Mason has a tendency to do questionable things when drunk, and making out with Brooklyn at a party happened to be one of those things.


Mason and Quinn tried dating, but it didn't work out in the end


{Even if you are friends, there are some people you just can’t seem stand, or not?}

Anything else:

Unlike the others, Mason doesn't hate Skygge

After graduation:

Hey may have had a drunken hook-up with his friend Quinton in the back of a bar... And Quinton didn't know it was him. ^-^

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Best Friend(s):

{Although Dennis did live in the depths of a trash can from being thrown in so much, he did have several people close to him. Natalie, probably being the one person he trusted the most in this entire school, and Quinton, their relationship was based more on a mutual enemy than similarities, but still friends are better than foes}

{Dennis has also had frequent encounters with Rayene and Winnie. Their bond over comics has ended up in him knocking at the doors of both girls. Although if the three are in the same place at the same time Dennis is a nervous wreck.}


{Brooklyn Barton- the girl that once had a tight grip on Dennis little heart. From the first time he saw her practicing for drama club, Dennis fell hopelessly in love for this blonde beauty. The feeling, unsurprisingly, wasn't mutual. Though Dennis reminded Brooklyn of his love through very cheesy Valentine's Day cards (even when it wasn't Valentine's Day), she never even looked his way. The feeling diminished through college and now she's just another face in the crowd}


{Had a fling with Lori at a party, but never made it passed third base. Dennis freaked out and left the room running. He hasn't been able to look her in the eye since.


{Dennis never had dates in High school, unless they were bets people had lost or pranks}


{There's people you dislike and then others you can't even see. That's Skygge for Dennis. That lowlife, cocky, son of a- lets just say he isn't Dennis's favorite person.}

Anything else:

{Is there anything else to know about the past relationships of your character with his/her friends?}

After graduation:

{Dennis would get the random text or call once in a while, but determined to put his past behind him and moved on, Dennis ignored every single message and tweet.}

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Best Friend:

Winnie Keir. In some cases, opposites really do attract.


Raylene was always drawn to Elliot, but she (of course) never mentioned it


A spur of the moment thing that occurred between her and Skygge that she never told anyone about.


Never dated anyone.


Ray has a very low tolerance for Skygge; especially when he calls her Raybear. She was also never a big fan of Mikayla

Anything else:

Skygge lead Raylene on to believe they were in a relationship of some type and then kissed her best friend Winnie. What's worse is that it was a bet and Ryan became distant from her friend.

After graduation:

{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}

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Best Friend:

~Ryan Barton. We're blood. Enough said.

~Mikayla. She was popular. So was Brooklyn. Plus she wasn't a threat since they were queens of completely different kingdoms, if you will. There was a little friendly competition between them, but that's healthy.


~Mason Wenshall. "He was that cute, popular soccer star, how could I not crush on him?"


~Mason Whenshall. "It was at a party, We both were a little drunk. I hoped maybe things would happen between us, but it was a one time deal."


{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}


~Winnie Keir. "She was getting wayyyy too close to Ryan for comfort. Nobody spends that much time with my brother except for me."

~Natalie Winfield. "She dated Mason. Gross."

Anything else:

~Elliot Michaels. "My brother and him are so cute together, even though Ryan insists he's straight and nothing ever happened."

After graduation:

{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}


Best Friend:

~Brooke Barton. "She can be a pain, but she's my sister and we have each other's backs."


~Winnie Keir. "She's just so...and I... *sighs*"


~Elliot Michaels. "It was one time. Besides, I know I'm straight now."


{Has there been any serious dating? If so, let us know, or where they secretive of it?}


~Skygge. "He kissed Winnie and no one can compete with that hair."

Anything else:

~Natalie Winfield. "I think she's nice. She's was a great lab partner. I mean we're not super close but I don't hate her, but don't tell my sister that."

After graduation:

{For any relationships that went on in those ten years, whether they are random hook ups or serious friendships/dating whatever... write this stuff down here}

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Natilie Quinn Winfield

Best Friend:

Quinn and Mason were always very close. Mason usually did most of the talking when it came to conversing.


Dennis. He was always so sweet to her but, friend zoned her in the end. It never went anywhere.


Natilie never had any flings.


Quinn and Mason tried dating for a while, but it was just too awkward.


Brooklyn and Natilie never really got along. Brooklyn didn't like that fact that Mason was so close to a nobody.

Anything else:

Quinn and Dennis were close but when he asked for advice with his romantic pursuits, she realized there was no chance. They were the quiet ones.

Ryan and Quinn were friendly, they were lab partners for a semester.

After graduation:

Natilie was friends with Lori a while after graduation, but they grew distant. She never tried to contact the others. She planned to give Mason a call but never got around to it.


Elliot Alan Micheals

Best Friend:

{Despite them being a group of friends, there is always that one person you are most drawn to}


Brooklyn. She was the drama queen he always wanted.


It was one time with Ryan. It happened in secret and Elliot secretly liked it.


Elliot never dated.


{Even if you are friends, there are some people you just can’t seem stand, or not?}

Anything else:

Elliot was always confused with his feelings. He had a crush on Brooklyn for as long as he could remember, but then made out with her brother.

Brooklyn always shipped him and Ryan.

After graduation:

Elliot never tried to pursue his old friends. When he recieved the letter, he realized he should have.

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Best Friend:

While James didn't have one 'best friend', he had a few pretty good unlikely friends in Dennis and Quinton. Dennis was the more optimistic of the pair, and had a way of getting James' to open up that few others could manage, while James' appreciated Dennis, quirks and all, and tried to keep the bullies off his back. As for Quinton, the two often discussed the crime dramas James' was a quiet admirer of, and there were perhaps a few moments where they were more open to each other about their inner thoughts or lives outside of school. Out of everyone, these are two of the people James is looking forward to seeing.


Unknown, TBA


No: at the time, James would never risk his relationships with any of his friends over a one-time fling.


James didn't really date in high school- always had other things on his mind.


James and Mason were not often on the best of terms. With the minor sports rivalries as well as their juxtaposing attitudes, they could only be considered 'friends' through having mutual friends. Mason had a way of getting under James' skin, and Mason was one of the few people in their friend group with whom he'd argue with or show open frustration/ anger towards.

Though he never admitted it out loud, James had a strong disliking, if not hatred, for Brooke. In his mind, she was spoiled, bratty, childish when she didn't get her way, inconsiderate of others (excluding her brother and closest friends), and always caused unnecessary drama in the group. The only reason he never revealed this was that doing so would have just caused more trouble in his mind.

Anything else:

Despite initially baffled by her personality and sense of fashion, James gradually got used to her ways, but the two were not close.

Similarly, Winnie and James were not very close. They did have a few deep conversations over the years, but that's about it.

While they didn't talk much and only shared a few classes together over the years, Tommy and James managed to get along fine since Tommy was so chill and wasn't fazed by James' seriousness (Though there were moments where Tommy's laid back attitude would get on James' nerves). This is much like James' relationship with Shane, save that he found himself lecturing her from time to time about skipping classes.

Given their contrasting personalities, one would think that Sky and James were never close or were enemies of a sort. However, while James and Sky probably butted heads the most over Sky's rebellious, rule-breaking habits, it was only due to James' concern for him. Though they didn't really talk about it, James often sensed there were deeper reasons behind his friends behavior, and felt like it was his duty to try to straighten him out... or at least prevent him from getting expelled or killed. One could even say James' was Sky's guardian at times, and for those who know James' background, one could question whether this has in part to do with James' failure to take care of his own mischievous brother, Jackson.

In comparison to James' relationship with Brooke, James always liked Ryan well enough in that he was a nice, open-hearted person. He only wished that Ryan was willing to step out of his sister's shadow and become more of his own person.

While they didn't really talk or spend time outside of the group, James always respected Lori and her strong work ethic.

Ambivalent towards Mikayla, Natilie, and Elliot.

After graduation:

May have briefly stayed in contact with Dennis and Quinton initially, but they all lost contact shortly after the start of college.


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