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Futuristic [Temporarily Locked] Claw's Death Lands


New Member
Death Lands

The earth is a mere shadow of what it once was, after a nuclear war between the three superpowers at the time, the life on earth was left in shambles. After a hundred years or so, the people left their underground bunkers and settled across the empty desert world they lived in now. Several faction arose during this time:

The Cholnists: A fanatical order of people founded about 20 years before humanity emerged, they are very militaristic and anyone who even dares to insult the leader Andrew Choln is promptly executed. The order has over 240.000 people in it, a large chunk of the North American Population. Their equipment is quite good, however their tactic is to overwhelm a enemy not defeat him via good tactics.

The Spartans: On the opposite spectrum is the Order of the Spartans, a order founded a few years before the nuclear war, by whom it is still a mystery. When the nuclear war started they were among the first to hunker down in their own bunkers to shield them. After the war, 120.000 Spartans got out of the bunkers armed to teeth and armored with pre-apocalypse armor, tanks and other equipment like that. They value tactics despite having the most advanced equipment of everyone still alive.

The Colonists: While not a order per se, several small cities banded together to protect themselves from the influence of both the Spartans and the Cholnists. They have a military of over 150.000 people and while their equipment is rather poor, they sure aren't to messed around with by either side. They have never moved in offensive, opting rather for defense than offense.

The Shadows: Odd insect like creatures split in quite a few different types. However all of the types listen to their respective Hive Queen. They seem almost alien-like in their physiology with some of them having plasma guns incorporated in their hands. Their population consists of over 7.5 million Shadows, lucky for everyone though, each hive is independent and if they meet with another Hive, they will fight untill one of them loses.

The Mercs: Again while not a order per se, these people have banded together for defense, though they won't hesitate to shoot one of his comrades if he gets paid well enough. Their equipment varies by each person, one could have Spartan technology, another could have pre-apocalypse technology. There are about 80.000 people that choose to kill for money.

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