[The Official RPN Character Challenge 2015]Break-Week Gala!


Sad Shroom
A Friendly Challenge?Upon waking up, putting on their dressing gowns and heading down for breakfast, the competitors would be greeted with a strange new sight! A sign-post in the lobby, announcing a new event. And surprisingly, this one is a lot less sinister than its familiars...

The sign reads:

'Greetings, participants, and well done for surviving the competition so far! To prove we're not complete meanies, we've decided to give you a day's respite, before we return to our normal pattern of emotional and physically traumatic torture from tomorrow! So, as always, you are free to enjoy our normal facilities; our training rooms, our cafe, and our luxury magical hot-spring experience. But alongside that, we've prepared a special gala!

On the left: the Cross-Universal Payphone. Everybody has a single call they can use to phone somebody back home in their world. Unfortunately, the cross-universal pay-rates are abysmal, so we can only afford to give you two minutes each.

In the middle: the entire main lobby has been transformed into a fairground beyond your wildest dreams! Feel free to enjoy yourselves on all sorts of traditional fairground rides and stalls, such as the dodgems, candy-floss stall and arcade! Why don't you consolidate some of those new friendships you've been making before we murder you?

And, on the right: the Shadow Chamber. This was one of our training rooms, but something weird happened to it overnight... and now heading in there will allow you to talk and interact with your shadow self. Why you'd want to do that, we don't know, but the option is there!

Enjoy the break week!This thread is for interacting in all three areas of the gala! In the general fairground area, you are free to come up with any fairground ride and have your character enjoy it! Don't miss me too much~
Erin was a bit upset that she wasn't able to see Nire's reaction or listen to her reply because after she had finished speaking, white mist had risen and she had found herself back at home. Or...well home perhaps wasn't the best term to use in this instance. Heading down to breakfast and stretching comfortably, she came across the new sign. "We could go to a fair?!" She said excitedly before her eyes fell onto the Shadow Chamber. She had read over the payphone, but had decided that 2 minutes would only make things worse for her father than better. Though she had considered calling her best friend Jonas... but again, perhaps it was for the best that she just didn't call and saved all her stories for when she got back home.

"I could go talk to Nire again..." She said softly, touching the sign where it talked about the Shadow Chamber. Before I do, I want to find my friends, though. Erin said, beginning to seek out Euli, Fredrick, Chastity, Li, and she was even curious to see how Sapphire had ended up doing. She started to look throughout the area, trying to recall if she had seen any of them at breakfast or not.

@Dawnsx @The Wizard @The One Called X @lafeae @CloudyBlueDay


"I'm going to be the best partner I can, and No One's going to stop me~!"

Once War’s blush was gone he looked around and finally noticed the changes in the lobby. War looked around a bit surprised seeing how big it had gotten, and everything seemed like a fair around him now with all the different kinds of rides. He grumbled even knowing it was better than that forest…but what he really wanted/needed were the hot springs to heal up these wounds he got from his shadow(s).

War noticed the sign, but ignored it for the time being as he headed in the direction of the hot springs. When War arrived at the entrances of the hot springs, War debated with himself as to which one to go to. If he went to the communal spring and Skye saw him hurt, he figured she worry and didn’t want her too…But if she was in there or came in some time, they could spend more time together. War gently smiled at the thought and headed in the communal hot spring. He figured since most his injuries were all below the neck he just hid them in the water till the healed up enough to where it shouldn’t be too worry some.

War went into the communal hot spring and changed to a pair of trunks and headed into the water. He sat at about neck level in the water, letting the heated water sooth the aches of the slashes. Some time passed and Skye hasn’t appeared in the hot spring yet. ‘I wonder if all the competitors are released from the rounds at the same time…Or maybe she’s not injured.’ War thought a bit pleased with that thought. But the pleased feeling didn’t last long as he reminded himself of his thoughts about the other day. ‘Or she doesn’t want to see me…to not feel the hurt at the chance of us not being able to see each other again…’ At that thought War’s expression saddened as he looked at the water. War understood that, but he just couldn’t get her out of his head though.

War stayed in the hot spring for about an hour to make sure his injuries healed up completely. When he was done he was going to head back to his room to give Skye the room she might been needed. War had to go through the lobby first to head to his room. As he walked through the hugely extended Lobby with his hands in his pockets, War came across the sign again. He wasn’t really up for a fun time at the moment…but if anything the gods was turning this into the next round. War sighed and walked up to the sign. “If this is another challenge right after the last without a night’s rest…So help me these gods’ souls are mine…” He said a bit irritated.

As War stood in front of the sign, e read over it carefully to make sure it was or wasn’t another challenge. War’s eye twitched at a few parts in it as he read on. "Survived…Meanies...Oh I know a few that call you a lot worse than that if given the chance…” He said meaning him, Skye and Rudy. “Hell one basically did in the preliminaries.” He said to himself as he scoffed. War then growled to himself reading the ‘Emotional and physical traumatic torture’ part. As it read that they could enjoy the normal facilities alongside the new one they put in; the gala. War looked behind the sign at everything and then back at the sign.

As War read on he quietly spoke to himself as he read each section. “to the left: Cross-Universal Payphone…?” He spoke as looked in the direction to see what they meant. He say a lot of different booths ranging from many different types of phones; leading from some the earliest looking phones to the futuristic (to him) where there is a screen you could see the person on the other side as you talked (Like in pokemon). “Oh so we can speak with someone from our world if we wanted…Wonder id they do telekinetic links for those that don't have such tech?” He said as he looked back at the sign and continued reading only to paused as he finished reading that section. “What, we only get two minutes!? Come on you’re gods for crying out loud! You could at least afford more time than that!” War yelled to himself as he growled. He soon calmed down at the realization that he might not make a call anyhow. He then sighed and continued reading.

As he read the fairground section he looked past the sign again and at the massive fair like area. It seemed to have everything for a tradition fair...and even some that seemed strange to him. “Must be from a world different from my own…” He said then a thought came to mind. “I wonder what an orc fair would have?” He thought out loud then shrugged. “Probably something similar to a boar pit.” He thought then read the last bit and growled as his eye twitched a bit again. ‘Before you murder us huh!?’ He thought still growling. “Who’ll murder who!? If I get my hands on you all, you’ll be my next meal!” He said as he shook a fist. “I ate wraith souls which tasted like rot, even wyvern souls which were like a steak dinner…But I wonder what God souls taste like?” he said as he licked his lips at the thought.

War then realized how creepy he was acting yelling at the sign as making threats he was going to eat them, and soon straightened up with a sigh. So far War saw no reason to participate in this event, either as relaxation or as a competition. War didn’t have much to do here anyway. There were only two he had to converse with and one he love to spend time with…but felt she wanted to keep her distance. And the other…was just simply a drag to be around…War sighed then continued reading. He raised an eyebrow he read what was to the right as it was simply stated to be called; The Shadow Chamber. The sign said it was a training room that had something happened to it…now the competitors could interact with their shadows from the last round. War clenched his fist at the end of reading this. “I’ll finally get to hear what it was about to say without interruptions!” He said as he grit his teeth. He then headed to the right heading for the shadow chamber right off the back.
Chastity was relieved when the white mist descended to envelope her. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

And, weirdly enough, she found herself sort of missing her shadow. It'd been sort of nice, at the end. Like they could've been friends, almost.

She tried to clear her head as she listened to the voice's announcement, taking in her new environment. A day of respite? That was... not bad, not bad at all. She thought, briefly, of the cross-universal payphone... who would she call? Sapphire was here, she knew. The others... who knew if they'd even be able to take her call? And her mother...

Her mother.

She hadn't talked to her mother in... far too long. It was dangerous, given what she was doing with the Protectors. They could talk over e-mail, sometimes... but sometimes she didn't have internet access, or time, or... and besides, to be able to actually hear her mom's voice again after so long...

Evening, she decided. She'd talk to her in the evening, after she'd worked out most of the emotional turmoil. She only had two minutes, and she didn't want to waste them on daddy issues.

So... fairground. Seemed nice, but she didn't want to go alone.

Shadow chamber.

...she did sort of want to talk to her shadow again. To see if she had at least a little peace. If she was happier.

She was about to head in that direction, but checked herself when she saw a rather angry-looking man going the same direction. She frowned, but her expression quickly lightened when she caught sight of a familiar face.

"Erin!" She called, rushing to the younger girl's side and resting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

The younger girl had continued to stare at the sign for awhile, continually looking around for friends and sometimes leaving it to see if they had come down yet but always returning back to it just in case they were looking at it. A rather loud and angry man was there the next time she had come back, shouting at the board- which confused Erin. Did the board talk back? Did it say something mean? Or was the man just upset about something and deciding to declare it in a loud voice?

"Do Gods have souls?" She asked, though she wasn't asking the man but instead speaking her thoughts aloud. She somehow couldn't picture the Gods have souls unless that's all they were made up of... Erin wasn't entirely sure what she thought about Gods anymore, not after her conversation with Nire which dredged up a lot of her doubts. She definitely needed to go speak to her shadow again, so that she could at least say good bye to Nire if nothing else.

A familiar voice said her name and the little brunette immediately spun around, seeking out the owner of the voice.

"Chastity!" Erin responded in kind, bypassing the friendly touch to hug her friend instead. "Did you get to meet your shadow too?" She asked, looking up at her friend who looked just a little worse for wear but still as pretty as that first day she called Erin short. "And why wouldn't I be ok? I mean... I didn't have Euli with me this time or even anyone I knew. And this loud blue haired woman was scared of my age and this mean quiet guy was... well he wasn't a good person. My shadow, Nire, said that we should have hurt him back cuz he shouted about killing a 14 year old girl but... well he sounded sad about it. But he still wasn't a good guy I don't think." Erin rambled on for a moment accidentally before turning up short. "Were you with anyone you knew? I'm glad to see you are ok as well! Did anything dangerous happen?"

@The One Called X

(Mentioned: @Kishune)
Chastity laughed, hugging the little girl back. "Yeah, actually I did meet my shadow! And... I dunno. I guess you're my friend, so I can't help but worry about you if I don't know where you are." Of course, the fact that Erin was just a kid compounded that... but she probably wouldn't appreciate hearing that. Her eyes widened at the mention of a guy who'd killed a fourteen-year-old. Horrific scenarios flew through her head. There were a lot of reasons to kill a teenager, and most of them were... predatory. She didn't want to think of this sweet, brave kid being in the same environment of someone who was capable... she shook her head.

"You know, Erin, it's not your responsibility to decide whether or not he's a good person, okay? It didn't matter very much for the situation that you were in then. Nire was wrong. You did the right thing by just not getting involved and staying safe." She paused. "No, I wasn't with anyone I knew. I didn't really get to meet any new people, either- but there was this sweet little fox who helped me out! We spent most of the time getting attacked by these tiny little gremlins, which doesn't really sound very scary, but it is. One bit me, but my shadow helped me." She bit her lip. "It's funny. She was so awful and mean to me at first, but I sort of miss her. She did look out for me, and at the end... she was mostly just hurt and afraid and angry." She glanced at the Shadow Chamber. "...I kinda want to see her again."

"Thanks Chassie." Erin said happily, pulling away from the hug to take Chastity's hand instead. "I wonder if everyone we knew saw their shadows and stuff." The girl said thoughtfully. "I hope so! Nire could be really cool, too. She stood up for me when the woman yelled at me for being a kid in this competition. Nire called her an old goat though, too... which wasn't very nice." Erin shook her head. "There was this really sick looking guy in the group, too, and Nire said he looked like he was going to die. Which... he does... but that's not nice to say either. Nire wasn't very nice with her words and she hit me." Erin said, pointing to the bruise on her cheek. "But overall... I wanted to say goodbye to her."

Erin's eyes lit up when Chastity said she wanted to go see her shadow. "Let's go together then! You can meet Nire and I can meet your shadow, too! And we'll both be able to talk for a bit and then say proper goodbyes!" The girl said excitedly, tugging at Chastity's hand in the direction of the Shadow chamber. The thought of seeing her shadow again had her really excited... and she wanted to see Chastity's shadow, too!

@The One Called X
Lyon sighed as the mist settled and the lobby returned. He was relieved, of course, but he'd been gearing up to fight. To redeem himself, make up for all the cowardice and delgation he'd pulled in the first round. He was going to prove himself, to himself, his shadow, even his dad a little bit. He'd been excited. He guessed that, in itself, was a good thing.

Looking around the lobby, the difference struck Lyon. It was bigger than it had been when Lyon had last set foot inside it, filled with rides and stalls and other attractions. It all looked something like... "A fair." Lyon laughed. "Well there's some variation at least!" He wandered over a sign that was taped on the wall, and seemed to display the various attractions at the fair. "Wait, cross universal payphone?" Lyon started. "That could come in handy." Who would he call, though? Everyone at home knew he was off adventuring, there was no need to call them and let them know where he was. His older sister would be busy, and that left his younger sister. Little excitable Alice. Calling her would be great. Lyon could just imagine the chorus of garbled yelling and giggling that would result from that conversation. Lyon decided to save the call for the end of the day. To make sure he knew exactly who to call. For now, though... Lyon looked around once again. There were a few people in here, including... hey, hadn't that guy been in the same challenge group thing? Huh. The guy was disappearing into the shadow chamber now, and Lyon decided not to bother him. The guy looked unhinged.

Lyon set off into the fair, his tattered cloak rippling behind him. A stall selling clothing was not far away, and Lyon set his sights on it. Next stop, a new cape.

And after that, ice cream.
Bruce walked around the lobby/fair, it'd been a while since he'd been to one of these. Course, before he usually had somebody to go with and there weren't attractions that let him speak to his darker, well not nearly as dark, self or something called a Cross-Universal Payphone. He pulled out his own phone to see if anything had changed about it, since he'd already contacted one of his friends on it. It seemed he'd broken the rules of the Cross-Universal Payphone before they'd even been invented. Whoops. Either way, time to enjoy the fair. First thing first, he should properly dress for the occasion and that meant a mask. He went to the closest stall that sold them and picked out a few to try on before settling on a patriot luchador mask. Bruce definitely had the body befitting a wrestler of any kind except sumo.


With the mask on it was time for Bruce to mingle. The first person to catch his eye was in another stall buying a cape. By the looks of the current one he was wearing this other competitor needed it. "Hello there fellow person pulled into this bubble universe to compete for the gods' enjoyment! Let me introduce myself, even though you don't have a choice, I am Bruce. Bruce West," he struck a pose with his left leg up, his left arm curved by his stomach, and his right arm raised high in the air "the second greatest martial artist in the world!" @Invisible monster


"I'm going to be the best partner I can, and No One's going to stop me~!"

As War headed to the Shadow Chamber, he could tell his out bursts at the sign got some attention and paid it little mind. He had other things to worry about. When War entered the chamber, it was a dark room in there. “I wonder if it’ll be like this for the others who come here?” He asked as fog like back in the forest started to form around him. His eyes shifted around suspiciously as he wondered if this actually worked.

So the one who brings the war to the fight has finally arrived?” A voice said behind him and War quickly turned around and saw nothing. And just like back in the forest a shadowy figure appeared behind him but this time he was ready. He quickly turned right back around and flung his arm in a slashing motion at it as it turned to its blade form, but all it did was go through the shadow as if nothing was there. War narrowed his eyes at the shadow of him standing before him. “What you killed me once…wanted to do it again?” The Shadow asked dully. “Well too bad! The god that created me didn’t think it necessary to make it to where I could get a physical form again after death. He must have little hope for you to defeat me too easily.” The shadow continued as War growled.

Then he made another one huh!?” War asked as he glared at the shadow. War knew this shadow wasn’t the shadow version of him or anything. It was something taking on the appearance of him with a personality to it.

That wasn’t his doing it was another god. You could say a higher up of some sort.” The shadow spoke nonchalantly. “Hell it was that decision that made me made such a bad decision to attack you with a shadow copy….It didn’t just weaken my physically…but mentally too…Tch” He spoke with some distaste.

You seem rather knowledgeable of the gods…” War said as he turned his arm back to normal.

You could say that…but really I only know what the god that created me wanted to know. Such as about you, your skills, your fighting style…your memories.” The said in a tone like he had something over him as War just narrowed his eyes at him. “Oh the joyess bath you shared.” The shadow smirked. “You trusted her easier than your current partner…or are you considering her to be your previous one?” The shadow asked but War replied with another slash at the shadow.

I don’t want to hear this from an imperfect shadow of me…!” War said with a growl as the bladed arm went through it again. “What I came here for was to know what you meant about being weightless for a wielder…not your damn rant about my choice of partnering.” War asked as he stared at the shadow.

Fine fine…don’twe to have our minds made up…but at the same time not…” He said with a chuckle as war just continued to glare at it. “Like I said before, I know a bit of what this one god knows and one thing I know is some the fundamentals that you might not know about your world…due to no paying much attention in class.” He said the last bit under his breath. “You’re World has a high understanding of the soul due to your Lord Death being physically, in a sense, there to teach it. But the lessons are only a start though…the rest is through experience…but that’s skipping head…” The shadow said in a dull manner. “But all in all you should call Lord Death…He should help with that and tell you.

War’s eye twitched as he heard that. “So I came here so you to tell me to talk to Lord Death!?” War said trough clenched teeth. His knuckles could also be heard cracking as he clenched them at his side.

Hey you killed me! Ain’t like I’m going to make it easy on you since doing that…!” The shadow said as he crossed his arms. “But answer me this…What do you view yourself as: A Human or a weapon?” The shadow asked looking at War.

Human…” War Replied confused now.

But then you call yourself a weapon.” The shadow replied back. “Just what do you really prefer yourself as…? Answer that with the rest your time here…” The shadow said as it faded away as the fog returned.

Wait!? Tell me more about this competition if you know so much!” War yelled as he ran after his own shadow but once the fog dissipated he was alone. He growled to himself feeling he wasted his time coming here. He then headed to leave the chamber but stopped at the exit. “What did it mean by ‘what do I really prefer myself as’…?” War asked himself quietly and headed out.

War was less agitated than he was when he first entered the Shadow Chamber, but still had a unpleased look. War looked around at the rest the expanded lobby and saw no sight of Skye. He really wanted to be with her and see if she was ok…but he had to check something first.

War looked at the Cross-Universal Payphone area and debated on even contacting Lord Death. In the end War had to know what his shadow was talking about…He headed over to the phones and stood at one the ones with a monitor to see who he was calling. He looked at it for a moment and sighed. He then picked it up and started dialing. “42-42-564…Whenever you want to knock on death’s door…” War muttered as he dialed. A strange ping like ring tone played as he waited for an answer. “Hello Lord Death…This is Weapon: War calling in…” He said as if he was reporting something.

Yeah yeah, hello War! Long time no see my boy. How have you been?” A being in a tattered cloth and wearing a cartoon like skull mask appeared on the monitor.

Hello Lord Death, It’s been awhile yes.” War said with a smile. War looked up to Lord death not just because he was basically a living god, but when he was young Lord death was always be able to pull him out of a sadden state. He didn’t know if it was his toonish mask or the funny way how he speaks, but he just seemed so pleasant to be around…Though War did get to see him that often though.

So War what brings you to call me today?” Lord Death asked as he tilted his head to the side a bit. “I figured you weren’t put on any missions for now till you and your new partner got acquainted.

Yea that’s the thing I wanted to talk to you about.” He said as he scratched the back of his head with his free hand. War was wondering a way of how to ask this of Lord Death without sounding rude. “Is there a way for a weapon to be weightless for their miesters?” He asked as he looked at the screen.

Hmm…Well yes there is…But I figured you learn that some time ago?” Lord death said as his head tilted to the other side. “When a weapon is compatible with a miester their weight in weapon form actually is cut in half. But when a miester and weapon are truly compatible or grow to understand and respect each other the weapon can be virtually weightless for the miester…Why you asking me this, War? I figured some your teachers back when you were a NOT student would have told you?” He asked as he had one his blocky hands appear to scratch the side of his mask.

War looked at Lord Death surprised at the information he got. He then tried to think back to his time as a NOT student. He knew he spent some time as in his weapon form dues to his inability to handle talking to girls. War blushed out of embarrassment. “I guess I missed that along the line…” He said then figured something out. “Wait if that’s the case…” War remembered the preliminaries when he used a sword similar to him in his weapon form. ‘That sword was heavy…I could barely use it, and half that still no one could normally...But does that mean…’ War thought realizing that no one would be able to wield him even if he was comparable. War’s thoughts were interrupted by Lord Death.

War could it be that you weren’t told this by Death Scythe or about our plan to help you?” Lord Death asked and War just looked at him confused. “I’ll take your reaction as a no…” Lord death said with a sigh as his mask made a look of disappointment. “The plan was to find at least a partner who could hold you. Then move you in together to build a relationship over time…but till you were able to be wielded neither of you be put on missions together…Death Scythe was to look over this and be the one to tell you…even though he volunteer to. But apparently he had other plans.” Lord Death explained.

Yeah apparently he did…” War said in un-pleased look on his face. “All he did was introducing me to a few candidates…For lack of a better word for the moment, every other day.” War said as he looked down. He felt like he was lied to for the past few years by Death Scythe. He could had a partner long ago if it wasn’t for him.

Lord Death saw the hurt look on War’s face and thought for a moment. “Hmm…He could have done it for that reason…” He said and War looked back at the monitor. Lord death had one is blocky hand rub at the middle tooth spike as if he was pondering something. “Spirit could have been trying to find your instant connection to avoid you two losing your experience.” War just looked at him confused. “Experience in the field is crucial for miesters…and with them being off duty for a long unknown amount of time…can hinder them. He might have been trying to avoid that.” Death said to the boy.

To save two lives at the cost hindering of one…” War said sadly knowing that was it and understood it.

Well Yes, but not exactly. Weapons can still fight on their own and collect souls. It’s rare but some can even become death weapons, such as Justin Law.” Lord death reassured. “We all knew of your fighting talent even though being a weapon and were going to suggest that to you a as plan B if things didn’t turn out well. But again Spirit must had a different plan. He must not have wanted you to go down such a lonely road.” Lord Death said in a positive way as he pointed his hand up as if that had to be the idea.

War looked at Lord Death surprised. His outlook on the whole situation completely changed hearing that. War understood his first look on it, but what Lord Death said seemed more like Death Scythe. War smiled at the thought. “Well, tell him thank but I think we both found a partner that will both satisfy both me and him…” War said as he looked at Lord Death. “Thank you lord death for all the help.

No problem kiddo see you around!” Lord Death said and waved at the mirror with the picture of War playing on it. It then turned disappeared. “Hmm…He could also consider himself nothing but a weapon…but that means he gives up his humanity.” Death said with a sigh advising against that happening. “Now…To find Spirit and give him a Death Chop or two!” He said as his mask made an angered expression.

War hung up the phone and sighed. ‘So he was looking out for all this time…He almost puts as much effort into me as he does his daughter.’ War thought with a smile then looked at the fairgrounds. 'I need to find Skye…I’m not going to let it end like this!’ War said as he went to look around for Skye. He wasn’t going to let their time together end.
Skye slowly rose from the warm bath, realising how her wounds had slowly healed. She had somehow fallen asleep from the warmth which enveloped around her, and the misty room. She took a towel which was hanging at the side, quickly drying her own body. Dark eyes still held its sadness, as she remembered what took place with her shadow. She wanted to confront it once again, but decided that now was not a good time; she was still overwhelmed by the many emotions, nearly traumatizing her.

She quickly wrapped the bandages which she had washed and dried with her own heat from her flames, along with her pants and jacket, dressing herself, before she walked away from the hot spring. Her mind once again thought of War, and somehow, she knew he was worried about her. With a small sigh, she closed the door behind her, making her way towards the fair. Her damp red hair flowed behind her back, deciding to her hair down.

She glanced around the fair which held many colourful rides of different shapes. She smiled to herself, her cheeks slightly red, as the thought of War and herself riding together on one of the rides crossed her mind. In fact, she would have loved that. Glancing around for the handsome sword demon, she took careful steps, to see if she could find any sign of him. She was also worried about him, and she had many thoughts on her mind that were still bothering her. She remembered the intimate moments which they had shared in the hot springs; the very words which he told her as he held a hand towards her cheek..

'War......I...' she thought to herself, unable to form the right words in her mind. She sighed once again, still not able to find the sword demon. She needed to see him; to release all her emotions on him. She needed to do so. She needed to talk with him.... @Kishune
War roamed around the fair in haste as he looked for Skye. As War walked through a group or two of competitors War started to wonder if she would even come here. As he looked at the games and rides, he wondered if she even enjoy such things. He then came to a halt as something else came to him. ‘What if she was so badly hurt hat she couldn’t come here?’ He thought as he remembered the fight was for him against his shadow was. For her it could be just as bad if not worse for her. With that in mind War hurried off again to look for Skye. He ran through stalls went around ride looking for any glimpse of her.

As War started down the area with the stalls War had noticed red hair off in the distance. War’s eyes went wide at the sight. He looked in the direction he saw the hair but couldn’t make out if it was Skye or not due to her back being turned. She didn’t have her hair in the same style he was use to seeing. But seeing how it looked wet reminded him of the time they spent back in the hot spring. War smiled gently as he followed after the red head. As he approached up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her as he smiled at her. “I knew this damp red hair seemed familiar.” He said as he held her tighter. He could tell that she wasn't injured due to the fact of her wet hair. To him she must have came from the hot spring. “Skye…I-I…Will you go out with me?” He asked as held her.War could feel that today was his last day in the competition…He couldn’t really explain it. He just knew; which is why he was going to spend it with her, here in this fair.

@Dark Child
Skye gasped as she felt thick arms pulling her closer towards a familiar body; the scent was also familiar, and the only thought came into mind, as she felt hands pulling her even tighter.


"War...y-you found me so easily..." She whispered, as she braced herself against him, her cheeks flushed from such closeness. She smiled, leaning her head upwards against his chest, listening keenly to what he had to say, and the heavy pounding of his heart.

"Skye…I-I…Will you go out with me?

Skye gasped once more at the sudden question which was asked. She quickly turned her head upwards towards him, her smile widening, as she nodded eagerly. She had the very same idea, hoping for them both enjoy one of the rides. "I would love that War...in fact, I had the very same idea when I arrived here in search of you..." She leaned her head against his chest once more, listening to the now gentle beat of his heart.

"I never knew you would have found me before I did..." She laughed softly against him, a hint of sadness glistened from her dark red eyes. There was still something she needed to know; something that kept bothering her since her arrival from the second competition. She breathed slowly, as her lips came into a small curve.

"Lead the way my dear..." She stated as she kissed his chest gently...
As War held her he was worried that Skye’s demon instincts would kick in at him surprising her lie he did but he couldn’t help it. With the day he had and how she just seemed to make him forget his troubles. He risk a bruise or two.

When she said he found her so easily, War smiled. “Well I did kinda looked for you frantically…I was starting to worry about you. Wondering if you got hurt or something in the last challenge…” He told her. ‘Also at the thought of you not wanting to see me again…’ He thought as he loosened his arms around her.

After he asked if she go out with him, War’s smile grew as he heard her accept. “Guess great mind think alike huh?” He said as he nuzzled the crook of her neck. He was happy to hear that. It meant she wasn't trying to avoid him or anything. He heard her laugh about him finding her first and he smiled at her. “A weapon should be by their miester’s side, right?” He said with a laugh as well. When she told him to lead the way War smiled as he let go of her. He blushed a bit feeling her kiss his chest. He then took her hand and gently kissed it. “Sure thing my sweat.” He said as he laced his fingers in hers. War then noticed where they were at and he blushed deeper. “Uh…We shouldn’t do much…PDA (Public Display of Affection)…not unless we want to draw attention.” He said with a nervous laugh and smile. “So what would you like to ride first?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Ah...I was mainly mentally hurt rather than physically, though I had a few stubborn bruises which took a while to heal in the springs.." Skye stated as she felt his arms loosened around her waist. She then knew her instincts were indeed true. He was quite worried for her own safety and was in dire need for her. She smiled a bit at the thought, her body fully relaxes against his.

"Yes...we do have great minds... And I'm glad you had the same thoughts.." Skye laughed softly, feeling him nuzzling against her neck. She was enjoying his comforting touches, and would not have mind if she remained in his arms for the longest while. Still...she had that question which she wanted to ask him, but decided that now was not the time.

"A weapon should be by their miester’s side, right?

Skye smiled sadly at this. Yes, War was a weapon, but she considered him more than just a weapon. He meant more to her than words could fully express. She loved him in the short amount of time since they had met, and enjoyed having him around her. "War...I consider you to be more than just a weapon....you mean a lot to me. I have something to ask you at the end of all the fun..." She smiled sadly at the sword demon, as she now turned fully towards him.

"I am not so sure which one to ride. You are in charge..." Skye laughed a bit, her damp hair clinging to her skin.. @Kishune
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"I'm going to be the best partner I can, and No One's going to stop me~!"

War heard about her experience in the last challenge and nodded slightly. War didn’t know much about her past to have any idea to what would affect her mentally. But War was happy that she was alright for the most part. He was going to try and have her forget all that today as they spend their time together.

Hearing her agree that they had great mind and the same idea War smiled at her, but could feel that something was wrong with her. He didn’t know what, but knew it was important. After War told her a weapon should be by their meister’s side, he say the look on her face and how sadden it seemed. He was about to ask what was wrong till she told him she considered him a lot more than a weapon to her and he smiled at her. “I know you do Skye, just like I consider you more than a miester.” He said as he gently kissed her hand again. Hearing she had a question War wondered if it’s about what’s been bothering her. When she turned to him he gave her a kind smile and nodded. “Whatever questions you have for me I’ll answer them whenever you want.” He told her slightly worried about what it was but wasn’t going to have that stop them.

When she told him he was in charge War thought about what they could do. He then looked at her damp hair and smiled. “How about the coater?” He said as he reached out and grabbed a few strands of her hair. “That way we can dry your hair and have fun…two birds one stone right?” He said with a smile them took her hand. “Let’s go.” He said as he led her to the line for the ride, which was rather short and would be able to get on soon.

@Dark Child
Skye never MIMD the attention. In fact, she did not care whether anyone noticed or not. She smiled sweetly, observing how gently the handsome sword demon was kissing her hand. She then stare in his eyes, noting the slight change in his eyes; he seemed worried.

"There's nothing to be worried about dear." She glanced at the rides as she heard him made his suggested ride.

"The coaster looks quite enjoyable. My hair would probably be dry by the time it stops." Skye laughed, as he held onto her hand, leading her towards the coaster. It was a decent size coaster, the curvy shapes of the long tracks looked quite scary, but promised a time of enjoyment.

"Ah...this will be indeed fun. I think I shall rest my jacket here..." Skye smiled, tossing her jacket at a random spot away from the coaster, before seating herself on the unusual oval shape seat.
War smiled at Skye till she told him it’s nothing to worry about. He nodded as he rubbed the back of his head. War then smiled again hearing her laugh at his idea. “I thought it be a good idea.” He said then took her to the coaster.

As they approached the coaster was a lot bigger than War thought it was. ‘Now that I think about it I never been on a coaster before…’ He though a bit nervously. He then looked at Skye wondering if she had any such things in her world. War then heard her say she was going to leave her jacket there and he blushed a bit and looked back at the coaster before he was caught staring at her bandage wrapped chest. War was still kinda embarrassed around such things but he get use to it.

As it was their turn for the coaster War smiled at Skye as he let her on first; War then sat next to her. The safety bar we then lowered and they slowly started to take off slowly ascending the first hill. “To be honest…I’m a bit nervous about this…I never been on one these before…” He said with a nervous smile as they reached the peak. They soon went down almost like they fell off the edge of the earth and zipped through multiple loops twists and turns. The ride soon ended, but seemed to last longer than a few minutes. War stepped off fist and was a little wobbly and dizzy. “Uhg…Guess I’m not use to such things.” He said as e tried to recover from the experience. If he ate anything earlier, it be somewhere else now.

@Dark Child
Chastity couldn't help but feel bolstered by the little girl's enthusiasm. She nodded. "Yeah. I think I want to say goodbye to my shadow, too. Let's go, then." She offered her hand for Erin to take.

When they reached the chamber, she wasn't startled, not this time. Her shadow was a little bit different, too. She was still a perfect copy of Chastity in blacks and greys. Her eyes, though... her eyes were brown, this time. Human. A sardonic half-smile graced her features. "Hey, princess. Didn't expect to see you here." Her eyes flitted to Erin. "I could say the same for you, kiddo. How's it goin'? You showin' those gods who's boss?"

"Chassie! Your shadow is so pretty!" Erin said after the shadow had greeted Chastity. "Um... the gods are boss, aren't they?" Erin asked, confused by the question. "I've been having fun so far, though, if that's what you mean! Well.. sort of... there are some bad moments, but then you and Chassie know that right?" She said, her grin falling back into place.

Her own shadow came to life a moment later, and Erin suddenly found herself being embraced by a dark mass that vaguely had her shape.

"You came back!" Nire said excitedly, pulling away to take Erin's free hand.

"Course I did! And I brought Chassie with! And her shadow has come to visit too!" Erin said, gesturing to Chastity by living the hand that she was gripping and then gesturing to the shadow by waving the joined hands in the shadow's general direction.

"I'm so glad that you came back." Nire repeated softly, not entirely ignoring Chastity and her shadow but turning most of her focus on Erin. After the shadow girl looked at her other half for a long moment, she turned her attention on the shadow and Chastity.

"So were there shadows fighting their other halves where you were Chastity?" Erin inquired after a moment. "Because Nire never tried to attack me or anything... she's actually nice if a bit blunt."

"Like I said, I just say what you don't want to. Like how you didn't speak up when Chastity's words bothered you... but big people seem prone to making mistakes so it's all good, right?"

"Nire." Erin said, shaking her head and laughing. "Grown ups don't like when they're wrong."

"We don't like to be wrong." Nire helpfully pointed out.

"Yep... this is Nire." Erin repeated again, laughing. "Why did your shadow call you Princess, Chassie?"

@The One Called X
Chastity opened her mouth to reply, but her shadow beat her to it. "'Cause she acts all delicate and princessy. I mean, just look at how we're dressed. Who tries this hard to be cute in the middle of a freaky-ass competition?"

Chastity just rolled her eyes. "In other words, she's an ill-tempered harpy determined to find fault with everything I do. And yeah, people did fight their shadows... But the two of us didn't really fight."

Her shadow snorted. "I basically spent the entire time keeping Daisy Mae over her from getting eaten by gremlins, and then she psychoanalyzed me and defeated me with warm fluffy feelings. Because that is what normal healthy people so in the middle of war zones, apparently."

Chastity gave a one-shouldered shrug, a small smile appearing in her face. The words were similar, but... There was a softness that wasn't there before. It was more banter than vitriol. "I never claimed to be normal or healthy. And hey, it worked, didn't it? And you know, Erin, it is good to speak up for yourself. Nire is right about that... But part of being mature is being able to do so in a way that's polite and diplomatic."

"Unless you're standing up to unredeemable jackasses. Then you can tell them off. And also punch them, but only if you're good at punches. Princess here couldn't hit somebody to save her life. The shadow girl paused. "...and, you know, I'm sorry for whatever we said. It was probably her fault. She has foot-in-mouth disease. It's just sad to watch sometimes."

"My fault?! You're the one who's always insulting people and that's not even the point here!"

"Bad ass girls are always looking cute!" Erin said, and Nire nodded firmly.

"Just look at how cute Erin is! And me! Being cute is just a plus to being us and Chastity. You should be thankful that your other half likes to dress cute!" Nire said, wagging a finger at Chastity's shadow.

"You had to deal with Gremlins? Like the things from that really creepy movie?" Erin said, remembering the things that had started out like cute little fluffy creatures and turned into terrifying, ugly monstrosities that couldn't go out in the sun. It was one of the 'scary' movies that Erin watched with her day during Halloween. Another one they enjoyed was Beetlejuice and the Nightmare Before Christmas.

"See? Speaking your mind is a good thing!" Nire pointed out.

"People like it more when I'm quiet, though." Erin pointed out. Before she could make more of an argument with Nire, Chastity and her shadow got into a bit of an argument.

"Perhaps it's normal for the shadows to throw insults?" Erin asked.

"Or try to kill their other halves. One or the other... I'm glad I wasn't in an interest to actually kill though." Nire admitted.

"So you two actually worked together then? Because... well Nire and I tried to when a super powerful gem was in reach... but it was too heavy for me to hold." Erin said, her face flushing with shame.

@The One Called X
Steam puffed up from the surface of the water, but his body had long since acclimated to the heat of the hot springs. His legs and feet throbbed faintly, but the warmth of the water seemed to seep into his muscles and sooth the aching in them. After he had recovered mostly from the last round, Tetsuun had spent the evening wandering around the building aimlessly for hours. This place was huge, and as he was turning down hall after all, it hadn't occurred to him to try memorizing his path until it was all too late. On more than one instance he had was almost certain he had passed through the same hall. It was difficult to tell, as all the halls were painted a drab gray, and any windows were equally spaced. Decorations were sparse, but he was almost certain he had seen a dining area called Snappy Snacks twice.

No matter where he looked, how many open rooms he passed, his sensei was nowhere to be found. That had decided it for him. Katsuro was dead. The genin had no solid proof, but his thoughts preyed on his mind, insistent that the man had been killed and that he was next. He hadn't seen the man since the preliminary rounds, and before then their meeting had only been so brief, he began to doubt that Katsuro had even been there to begin with.

No, he wasn't imagining things. This place was tricky, but it didn't make things up. Bug guy had really been about to knock the boy's head clean off his shoulders, and the jonin had really stepped in to save him.

The two had barely known each other for a day. Tetsuun hadn't forgotten how the man had insulted him and he would never forgive him... but it could have been to his advantage to have Katsuro here. The jonin knew a lot more about... well... things than he did, and he would probably have been able to bring some clarity to what they had gotten themselves into. Then if he did make it through the rounds, he might have been able to go back home and taken care of whatever unfinished business the boy had left behind, but no. Instead, Katsuro was dead now, meaning that his pupil's demise could only shortly follow, and while he was having to bide his time, letting sheer dumb luck save his ass over and over again, Tetsuun had lost the one thing that brought any sense of familiarity in this strange place.

The boy breathed in deeply through his nose, sinking deeper into the water. Black hair stuck to his forehead in clamps, the dampness from the water weighing it down. Tetsuun's nose just barely skimmed the surface, and with a look of exhaustion well beyond his age, he stared blearily forward.

Instead of finding his teacher, he had found the springs yet again, but now it was even later than the previous night and he was certain everyone else was resting up. Tetsuun had stripped down to nothing but his boxer shorts, and by then his pale skin had adopted a pink hue and his fingers had started to wrinkle in their pruning. He had no way of determining how much time had actually passed, him sitting at the edge, mulling over how worthless he was.

He had never defeated that shadow of his. It had just pinned him down, struggling to strangle the life out of him, its face shifting to more wolfish, somehow hungry features just before it blew off of him in a wisp and he was left lying on his back in a shroud of white mist. Tetsuun could still feel the biting chill of its fingertips grazing his throat, leaving behind a tingling numbness.

If there was an symbolic value to that round, then he lost. That shadow... it was awful. One moment it had been condescending, the next it was hugging itself for comfort... but it was right. It was him. He wasn't sure how exactly, but it all felt intimately familiar. It was pathetic, unstable, and it just meant he was too.

Whatever glory there was to this competition, whatever ultimate prize awaited the victor, he didn't deserve it. Tetsuun needed to go home, but instead of getting himself disqualified for the off-chance that it would send him home quicker, he was cowering and just skimming through the rounds, because he was afraid of what disqualification exactly entailed. In the end, he just wanted to live, and that was it. What was the worth of someone like that? He didn't even care about Katsuro being dead, and what that meant for the jonin's home life. All he cared about was how he was affected. Then his father, that he supposedly missed so dearly? Tetsuun just wanted him home so that he didn't have to take care of his family all on his own. He didn't even deserve his family; they were too good for someone like him.

He blinked, the springs still puffing up steam after cloud of steam. Tetsuun's small frame was slouched up against a wall, his body unmoving.

Suddenly, he lifted his head out of the water, sucked in a breath of air through his open mouth, then plunged back into the water. Tetsuun kept his eyes shut and reached his arms back, pushing him from the ledge that he had rested on and attempted to move himself farther, and deeper as the springs would take him. It was when he ventured that he was about at the center of the springs that he began to feel the pressure in his head and in his ears, and his lungs began to ache with discomfort.

Having rolled to where his torso faced up, he clapped his hands to propel himself deeper. The boy felt his back scrape against the bottom of the springs and his lung began to beg for oxygen. Tetsuun struggled against it, his body wanting to float upwards but his mind forcing his weakening arms to fight it. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. His mouth opened, desperate for just another taste of oxygen, but instead liquid flowed in through his mouth, choking him. His lungs rejected this, pushing it out if only just to suck it back in. His eyes snapped open, the suffocating bringing him unimaginable discomfort. Tetsuun's body was weaker that it had ever been, but still through the fogginess of his mind, all he wanted to do was dive deeper, deeper...

An unseen force wrapped itself around his shoulder and hoisted him up. This sensation dimly began to cut through his muddled thoughts, enough for him to squirm weakly against it, but it was to no avail. Tetsuun's head broke the surface of the water, and he came out with a wave of his arms, eyes shuts as he sputtered and hacked out water. The pressure from being at the bottom of the springs had lifted off of him, but his lungs struggled desperately against it all, squeezing forcefully to push any invasion of water left out. He was left with his body racking forward, spittle flying and smearing over his mouth, until he had mostly recovered, floating in the spring, and water still flowing steadily from out of his mouth.

Tetsuun quieted down more gentle coughs, his lungs filling appreciatively with air when they could. His whole body was shivering uncontrollably, shuddering as he inched his way back until he settled on the ledge before.

He grimaced, first at every sensation his body was experiencing, then it was a furious scowl. "Ugh!" he screamed, the sound echoing in the chamber before he slapped his hands to his face, cradling himself as he leaned forward. Water was still dripping steadily from his hair, but now his eyes were stinging horribly, and with no one there to witness, tears began to stream uncontrollably.

The one thing he wanted to do with absolutely clarity, the one decision he made for himself in that moment, no longer wanting to burden anyone, and he couldn't even fucking do that right. His blood boiled, enraged at this competition, seething with hatred at himself, and even more at that, the gods that wouldn't even let him kill himself. No, that would spoil their precious tournament. He bared his teeth and bumped the heels of his palms roughly against his forehead, hot, salty tears stinging as they pushed out. Tetsuun's face was twisted in an ugly expression, frown lines distinct as he pressed his hands closer to his face. His body lurched forward, coughing violently a little more because he just didn't care anymore, and he screamed and grunted from inside his mouth until his throat felt raw.

Time lapsed, though the precise quantity was uncertain, and he had no choice but to begin the process of calming down. He lowered his hands to rub his eyes sockets, and he hocked out the mucus that had begun to plug up his throat, sputtering a few final breathy coughs. Tetsuun attempted to seize control of his body, forcing the shaky spasms to still with a deep breath, and he finally lifted his head from his hand. The room had darkened significantly, and he imagined it was about the middle of the night now. This realization strangely more than the rest of the experience exhausted him. Resigned to find his room again to finally rest, he wiped the rest of his tears and snot away with his arm, rubbed his face and arm in the water to wash himself off, then stepped out.

Hunger was eventually what drove him from out of his bed. It must have been well into the afternoon when he had finally hobbled out of the room. Tetsuun rubbed at his eyes, stifling yawns at intervals, but still the heaviness in his eyelids remained. What he really wanted to do was just lay in bed, as his hunger had left him feeling weak, but it wasn't as though that was something that got better with time.

His feet had already taken him in the direction of the lobby without even thinking, as that was the only thing in this whole building that he knew with certainty where it was and how to get there. It wasn't too far of a walk, and the boy was able to preoccupy himself with digging his fingers into his bangs. The genin's hair was a matted mess, but with persistence, he was steadily tugging out all the knots to at least where he told people that, no, a rat had indeed not nested in his hair over night, they might actually believe him.

As he continued on, the building grew louder and louder, much unlike anything he had heard here. The wall by his side began to open up, revealing the whole of where the lobby was supposed to be. Tetsuun was always amazed by how many people just hung around here and... talked. The first day was understandable, but now they all knew that they had rooms and would be facing each other at one point. What was the point? And yet today, as he tugged his bangs across his face and out of his eyes, there seemed to be even more people there in a concentrated area... and the lobby wasn't quite a lobby anymore.

He turned his head away, initially deciding to ignore it, but curiosity got the best of him. Tetsuun stuck close to the wall, not wanting to get in anyone's way as he reached the billboard. There was a sizable number of people crowing around it as is, and much to his chagrin, they were all taller than him. His lips turned in an irked frown, but he didn't say a word, instead rolling to the balls of his feet and lifting himself up in hopes of seeing over someone's shoulder.

One of the people turned around then. "Oh, excuse me," they apologized with a grin before stepping out of the way.

Tetsuun plopped back down to his feet, mouth opened in wait of a reply to come out, but nothing came to mind, and thus the other person had already walked off. The boy shook his head at himself but didn't delay another moment of standing around. He filled in the spot the other person had left open and peered up at the billboard.

A cross-universal payphone?
His expression blanked, and for the first time in a long time, he found his spirits lifting a little from out of the murky dark thoughts that had been clouding his mind since his arrival to this place. Tetsuun took a step back out of the circle to glance around, and sure enough, he saw a single red-headed man talking into the phone. He went back to reading thoroughly over the few sentences spared regarding the payphone. Only two minutes? He would need to figure out exactly what he wanted to say... but just the fact that he had that time took an immense amount of stress off of his shoulders. It was something he needed to get done.

The boy skimmed over the rest, not caring too much about the fairground, but upon reading over the shadow chamber, his lips settled into an uneasy frown. No, he definitely didn't want anything to do with that.

Tetsuun followed the directed path to the payphone. It looked like the boy from earlier had long since gone on his way, it seemed, and when he glanced over his shoulder, no one seemed interested in using the phone for the moment. Perfect.

The boy arrived the wall where the phone was mounted and reached up to pull the phone from the receiver. Tetsuun hesitated, contemplating what exactly to say, wondering if this would actually be a real opportunity to talk to them, rather than just some cruel prank. Maybe I should eat first. But he was already here, and if he turned back at that moment, he may never pick up the phone again. If the time of day here reflected his world at all, then they should be up and out of bed now... and Soto would probably answer first, which would be good. Without any more hesitation, he punched in the number to call his house.

A ringing crackled through the speakers for a few seconds, then rang some more until he was afraid that no one would even answer. Finally, there was a decisive click and his mother's voice came through. "Hello?"

"Mom," he breathed out. Relief washed over him, the boy's posture relaxing a little.

"Tetsuun? Where have you been, young man? I've been worried sick about you-"


"- and I tried contacting your teacher-"

"Mom, please-"

"- and he has just been completely out of contact too-"

"Mom, please!" He didn't mean to sound so pleading, let alone raise his voice around these people. Tetsuun looked around nervously, clutching the phone close to his ear, but it seemed as though no one was paying him and heed. The boy puffed out a sigh before returning to his call with a more even tone. "Mom, please, I don't have a lot of time. I'm fine, but I really need to talk to Soto right now."

"Where are you?" the woman persisted, an annoyed determination in her voice.

"Mom, that would take too much time to explain. Could-could you please just put Soto on the phone right now?"

A sigh of her own crackled through the speakers. "Fine, but I expect a full explanation when you get home. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, yes."

Tetsuun faintly heard a muttering on the other end, but his mom was clearing yelling out across the house. Eventually, however, his younger sister was grabbing the phone and talking a little too loud into it, as per usual.

"Where have you been?"

He winced slightly, pulling the phone farther away from his ear. "Soto, I'm going to need you to listen to me-"

"We were supposed to do laundry yesterday, and the day before that-"

"Yes, yes, I know, but could you please listen to me?" Again there was silence, and he could vividly picture the way her lips puffed out in her pouting, but at least he finally had her attention. "Look, I'm trying my best to be home as soon as I can, but I don't know when that will be-"

"Do you promise?"

"Huh?" he responded automatically.

"You promise you'll be back soon?"

Tetsuun frowned, caught off guard by the question. "Uh... yeah, I'll try." A pause before he attempted to revert back to the speech he had prepared. "In... in the mean time, you're going to have to take care of Mom... and the house." He heard her huff a quiet, annoyed sigh, but she was still listening. "You're going to have to start thinking ahead about what kind of meals you're going to be making, because you know it takes chicken and other things some time to thaw-"

"I know, I know."

"- and remember to make Mom rest often. Even if she wants to help around, she can't be on her feet that long. If she ever gets too hot, you just make a bag of ice with a-"

"I knooooow."

"And check the trash cans every few days, but check hers every day because even if she gets sick, she might not say anything. Also, dust around the house and open a window every once in a while beca-" The speaker suddenly broke into the sound of static and his face fell into a look of dismay. "Soto?" Nothing.

That couldn't be it, could it? That definitely wasn't two minutes. He clacked the phone clumsily against the receiver before pulling it back to punch in the number again. However, when he put the phone back up to his face, the speakers were beeping loudly in protest. Tetsuun shut his eyes and exhaled deeply, craning his neck down to bury his forehead into the phone. That was it. Did he even really accomplish anything? There was probably something far more important to instruct her with, but his mind had gone on auto-pilot in his panic. Now what?

With reluctance, he put the phone back, stepped out of the way of anyone looking to use it, and slumped down in a nearby bench. Now he had a lot to think about. When he got back home... if he did, they would want to know what happened to him. Tetsuun wanted to tell them, but what? That he was teleported off of a pole to participate in some tournament of champions? No one would believe him, but... He yearned to go home. In that moment, that's all he really wanted... or, no, that's what he wanted this whole time.

He reflected back on the night before briefly, all of his thoughts and... That was kind of melodramatic. There was more clarity in his mind now, since it was no longer late at night and right after a round, and every thought of what had gone through his mind brought on another cringe. It was in that moment that Tetsuun decided there was no use moping around. What would that accomplish? The only thing he was sure of was that, if he somehow did win this tournament, then they would reward him and he could go home... Well, even that he wasn't sure of, but it was a start. The two rounds, and even the preliminary rounds, he had done nothing but shying away from the challenges. He had made it this far on that, but that must have just been everyone else being that bad. He couldn't shirk through the competition, spineless as he had been. So far, it had proved to be nothing he couldn't handle, so if he actually tried now, winning this thing would be a snap. At least, that was the pep talk he had devised for himself, but he was going to stick to it for as long as he could.

With a newfound determination, he straightening up in his seat and took a look at his surroundings. The smell of food wafted in the area, eliciting a growl from his stomach in response. The line to any snack bar that he could see, however, was dismally long. Tetsuun's eyes eventually landed on a familiar mop of black hair, and from beneath it that boy that had been with him the first round, slouching over a picnic table with a corndog in hand.

A faint idea began to shimmer in his mind and the boy found himself rising to his feet. Am I really going to do this? A split-second decision told him that, yes, he was indeed. Tetsuun began forward, wearing a mask of indifference as he casually made his way straight over to the picnic table. Upon arrival, he did not break his stride. Instead, he hopped lightly onto the table, as though it were just another obstacle in this linear path. However, instead of carrying himself any farther, he turned to where the other boy was and swiped his hand low in an effort to snatch the half-eaten corndog away, hold it behind his back and turn to stare down at the elder boy wordlessly.

Skye enjoyed every moment of the ride. Her hair was almost as dry as before and a smile lit her face when she saw how wobbly War was. She held his arm to keep him upright, before pulling him into a deep kiss. She was happy. Mainly due to the fact that War was beside her the whole time during such an experience.

As she released the kiss, her smile remained, stating deeply in his eyes. "I know how much the ride have affected you. I hope that this kiss did some justice.." She laughed slightly, before releasing her hold on the man, walking towards the jacket she had tossed to the side. She took hold of it, making her way towards War, deciding not to wear the jacket. Her hair scattered all around her shoulders, some falling below her back. She placed both her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly...

"Is this better..? I hope this also helps.." Her bright smile had now became a sad one, the thoughts now rushing though her mind.

"War...there is something I need to ask you.." She stated, as she pulled away from the hug, then pulled him towards a quiet area away from everyone. She wanted the final answer to this whole new affair.

She instructed War to sit beside her on a fancy bench that was present, then turned towards him. "War....you have told me you loved me since the time of our little intimate moment at the bath house, and I have, the same. But, I fear this might be our last moment. I can sense it......" Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes, as dark red eyes slowly became light red. She loved this man so much in such a short amount of time, yet, have not the chance to be around each other as she had wanted.

"Being in this competition, I've gained so much experience, and learned many new things. And here, I have met you.. But tell me, how can I ever be happy when we won't be able to see each other for long?" Skye was no longer able to hold back her emotions, as she quickly placed her head against his chest, her tears leaked rapidly against his shirt. Never in her life had she felt so vulnerable, and so in love with a man as she did now. She gripped his shirt with a single hand, her emotions poured out on him; the guy she had so much feelings for. She cried against him, no longer cared about how pathetic she might have looked. All she wanted was to be with him, to have him by her side for as long as the world last. It was within a short space of the since they met, yes, but within that time, a bud of love bloomed and was continually growing inside her...


"I'm going to be the best partner I can, and No One's going to stop me~!"

As War was still wobbling a bit he felt Skye grab his arm to steady him. He smiled at her as he thought of something. ‘I should be use to this. I’m supposed to be swung around like that a lot…but then again I just recently found a partner…’ He thought then felt Skye kiss him. He was happy to find her, even if it was in this competition. He closed his eyes as he kissed her back as he blushed a bit.

Feeling he got his balance back, before she broke the kiss. He smiled at her as she said she knew the ride affected him and hoped the kissed helped him pretty much. “Yeah it helped.” He said as he watched her get her jacket. War watched her as her long red hair was scattered around her shoulders. War smiled more feeling her arms wrap around him. Hearing her asked if it helped ne nodded and gently moved a few stray strands of hair out of her face.

Your hair’s just as beautiful down as it is up.” He said with a smile. His smile then lessened as he saw the sad look on her face. When she told him there was something she needed to ask him he nodded as he understood. He followed after her with a sad look on his face as well. He knew what this might be about. He’s been having the feeling that he needed this place ever since the end of the last round.

They found a bench away from prying ears to sit and talk. War sat down next to her and looked at her intently. When she brought up the hot springs War’s cheek flared up at the thought, but nodded in response as he listened to her. War drew a sadder look on his face as she said this might be their last moments together. War saw the tears form in her eyes as she spoke and gently wiped them away. “You have been feeling it too…huh? Since the end of the last round I been feeling that I had to leave this place…but I just wanted more time with you first before I go…” He told her sadly.

War listened as she went on saying that she gained so much experience being here, and that he met him here. But when she asked him how can she ever be happy if they aren’t able to see each other again. That alone just sent a pain in War’s chest. War never knew if he ever even remember this place if he returned…If he was returning at all. War looked down sadly as he clenched his fists at the thought. If the gods did send him back to his world with all his memories of this place, it be torture…but then again torturing them like this seemed right up heir ally.

War felt Skye rest her head on his chest as she seemed to sob against him. War was utterly surprised to see the strong woman he had become partners with crying against him. He looked at her sadly as she cried into his chest. He then wrapped his arms around her and gently petted her head. Tears started to form in his eyes as well. “I don’t know how to answer that…” He said softly as he held her. “I don’t think anyone can…” He continued. “All I know is….We have this time right now…and we should do everything we can to make it our best time for us, that way if we remember each other…we left with a great memory with each other…” War said with tears running down his cheeks as he placed his lips on top of her head. He knew how she felt and wouldn’t dare say he didn’t feel the same. He just didn’t know what else to do. “Skye…at the end of the day…let’s leave together…” He said as he held her tightly.

@Dark Child
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