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Futuristic Task Force Lore


One Thousand Club
The Great War
In the year 2040 Earth was at a boiling point. Because of territory, religious dues, general terrorism. There were small Wars and rumors of Wars. It all came to ahead when Russia launched a massive cyber attack destroying the internet. They and their allies attacked Alaska, Washington D.C. and London in their openig strike. Over the next ten years millions died, nukes were used sparingly. The war ended in an armistice. After seeing how much damage was done to the planet. Because of the damage humanity looked outwards.

Alcubierrie Tunnels
Created by Dr. Lawrence Fishburg in 2079. This tech would allow humans to travel faster than light. The downside is the drive doesn't go that far only ten thousand miles. The ships censors are also dark they could easily crash into a planet are sun. In order to combat this scientists charted safe "tunnels" for the ships to go through. These tunnels were points the ships had to go enter and exit their drive. If a ship was a few inches off of the outcome can be tragic.

The Governments

At the End of the Great War there were five official and one unofficial governments left

The North American Commonwealth: In the flames of the Great War the United States as it was was no more. The rements of the government as well as those of Canada and Mexico combined to form the NAC.

While they preached capitalism, old fashion values as well as social issues the people themselves were divided into groups of the extremely rich and poor. The poorest of the poor were placed into welfare cities.

The Russo-Pacific Allance (Rupac):
After a failed three year conquest into Europe in the early 2020s. Dimitri Makarov a young KGB operative slowly started his rise to power. He turned the people against the current government in both proxy speakers and small terrorist actions blamed on the weakness of the government. This came to ahead when he instigated a Coup de ta under the disguise of public rioting. Once he was in power he started making secret alliances with China and North Korea. He also reverted Russia back to communism. Once everything was ready he started preparations for global conquest. As the war continued Rupac took over most of asia.

After the war his successor came into power he put on an apologetic face and acted like a loving person unaware of his true intentions.

The Repulic of Africa
Unlike other parts of the world Africa was barely effected by the War. Ugandan minister Akello started having talks with other African nations. After years of arguing and threatening war the Republic of Africa was created. Because of their lack of involvement in the war the Republic thrived becoming one of the richest areas.

European Union (EU)
It's the European Union. Not much has changed a few countries got rearranged. The UK was a nuclear wasteland. Germany and Austria became one country.

The Confederation of South America (CSA)

While the war was going on Makarov started having secret talks with militia groups in Argentina, Brazil, and Columbia. With enough funding the Militia groups became one and quickly took over South America. The group proceeded to invade central America forcing the US to battle on multiple fronts. Some of the fiercest battles of the war were in central America.

As the war came to an end the CSA denied Rupacs involvement.

The Resource Wars.

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