Regarding Rank.


Doujin Expert
Yes, hello!

My question is, is it possible for a character to have a higher rank than Roy or Aaron? I understand that it is possible, seeing as 10 is the limit, but I wanted to make sure, seeing as Aaron is the leader of the Squads in Weave. Sorry for the dumb question.

I am primarily asking this due to me wanting to make my character a bit older than all the youngster, around early to mid thirties, and with him having prior combat experience to the Reaper invasion, and him being with Weave since the beginning, I was thinking he would have a relatively high rank. Not like a 9 or anything but maybe an 8 or 7.5? 

Thanks for answering my stupid questions :)
I believe I've answered that, but no. Roy and Aaron are the some of the strongest Weavers worldwide, and the rank of 10 is not reachable by Weaver until around the second or third season. I can't explain in detail without spoiling anything, but currently your characters cannot be any stronger than Roy or Aaron. Though, to have a ranking above 5.5 you'll have to know how Threads work and such in detail. We can't have strong players running around breaking in-game physics, now can we? ^^

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