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Fantasy Sėtonas Academy - Lore



Personified Chaos
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Early Ages:
Pasaulis was almost completely populated by humans in their early stages of life. Monsters were considered mythical creatures and god-sent.
The humans began populating more of the large world, building homes and farms. Due to their nomad life being given away, more monsters were given the possibility to live in non-human populated areas without worry. It wasn't uncommon in that time period to see a monster overseeing a large amount of humans, claiming they were some type of deity in order to have control.
Not to say that the humans weren't equally corrupt in their own ways. It also wasn't uncommon to see them physically disputing with each other for simple things like land that weren't necessary for survival.
Age of Rebirth:
After several millennium, the monster population steadily grew and humans began to catch on. The different species of these creatures were considered warnings from the gods, the humans claimed it was their kin who was re-birthed who sinned in the past life. This lead to the beginning of the hatred of monsters. The humans attempts to explain this phenomenon obviously became very violent within decades.
Monsters were burned, stoned and overall executed very violently in public areas. This, of course led to an uprising. Some monsters were unable to hold their own due to size or form, but others were the complete opposite. They began to ban together and create forces that were diligent in each area with each species help. This began the first war.
The War to End All:
After years of endless conflict, the forces were overall equal to each other. One held a mass quantity, while the other held mass power. The number of humans and monsters tremendously thinned. Eventually, with both sides worn from resources and soldiers, diplomats came in. While it wasn't exactly peaceful, and a lot of false claims were made on both sides, the humans and monsters finally came to an agreement to end all of the bloodshed. This was called 'The Ramybė pact.' While discrimination of both was still highly allowed and even encouraged within both cultures, the populations were allowed to rebuild after the Great War.
Modern Day:
There is still heavy discrimination within the world, and sadly endless conflict. Though, they never go beyond a few unruly people. Technology hasn't advanced beyond amazing architecture, pencil and paper, and some detailed books. It was only a few centuries ago that monsters had claimed the right to land, it only took several a few years to build up successful countries. Pasaulis is one of the largest planet's known to us, leading to a large amount of land to be claimed. Monster empires are uncommon, though some still exist today. Magic has only recently been discovered by humans, since monsters have possessed such abilities with birth. Politics are quite difficult, because most of the one's who are actually interested are greedy or monsterphobic humans hoping for a pay-raise.
Overall, we have progressed thoroughly, but still continue to fight for every right to be included in society as humans are.

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