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Fantasy Last Light continuation with Darth Corvus

AEchelon said:
Blackbird allowed Seer to help her stand and walked along, a little quicker this time. She was mulling over what he said about feeding oneself before others, but that didn't seem fair or kind. "I don't think that's entirely true, though. What about loved ones? Wouldn't you put their needs above your own? Isn't that what love is?" Who was she to be talking about love anyway. She hadn't ever truly known it. Not even from her parents. She looked up at the hooded figure calmly, waiting for an answer. Then they were interrupted by a couple different people making jeers at the hooded man. Blackbird only frowned at them, but couldn't help but chuckle at Seer's responses. He really knew how to respond to harassment, something the two actually had in common. She guessed that love and kindness was just as foreign to him as it was to her. After Glass made her comment, Blackbird spoke up. "Well he wouldn't be so annoying if your people didn't make a joke out of him." She knew he didn't need help defending himself, and immediately felt embarrassed for doing so. They were closing in on the medical room, but Blackbird was somewhat reluctant to go in. She wanted to spend more time with Seer, and she wasn't sure if he'd leave once the three arrived to Medical.
Upon entering, a rounder woman was bustling about, bouncing from patient to patient, making sure that everyone was as comfortable as they could be. She looked up and sighed, "Who's this?" Her accent was a thick Irish one and Blackbird smiled. "Don't worry, ma'am," she spoke up before the others could, "I just need a quick check up and some beer, then I'll be good as gold." There was a silence between the two before they burst out laughing. It was obvious Blackbird needed a bit more than that, but the nurse could appreciate the girl's humor. "Alright, deary," the nurse said in a more chipper way, "Come sit right here." She patted a padded chair in the corner and got out some equipment to measure Blackbird's vitals. "My name is O'Leary, by the way. Genovefa O'Leary. You, little missy can call me Ginny, though." She beamed as Blackbird sat down.
(1) You just had, to, didn't you?

(2) I'm not entirely sure that's inkeeping with the post-apoc world we are playing... Generally is more gothic, but I can see someone who tries to make the best of it anyway. The trouble with that is that her laughing while this starved girl half-stands in front of her? No nurse or doctor would. They would be more concerned as to how to help her. I can roll with it, but still...
Well I just meant that Blackbird made a joke about her needs and the nurse laughed. I only meant it as a bonding experience, not downplaying the great need to feed this girl. if you want i can add that the nurse gave her a little something while calling down to the kitchen to bring up a meal
AEchelon said:
Well I just meant that Blackbird made a joke about her needs and the nurse laughed. I only meant it as a bonding experience, not downplaying the great need to feed this girl. if you want i can add that the nurse gave her a little something while calling down to the kitchen to bring up a meal
Not quite what I meant...

See, this nurse sees some messed up shit pretty constantly. If she hasn't had the cheery beaten out of her by now then she at least knows when to get a bustle on and when that time comes it would be time for business, not laughing.

Consider what she sees here: a young woman that is so thin you can see almost every bone in her body poking out through her discolored skin due to malnutrition is being held up by her arms by two Rangers in the nurse's doorway so that she can stand (or at least look like it). This scene looks dire for the weakened lass as is, and if she doesn't start feeding her soon it will only get worse.
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AEchelon said:
okay okay... I'll change it, gimme a minute.
I'm really not trying to be an ass here, and I'm sorry that I am. I just know that it's going to be hard to keep true to the theme if NPCs start acting outside of it...
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]I'm really not trying to be an ass here, and I'm sorry that I am. I just know that it's going to be hard to keep true to the theme if NPCs start acting outside of it...

nonono i'm not getting agitated. what you said makes sense. I'm just replying elsewhere rn so gimme a minute :3

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