Naruto: Alternate Realities - Lore

【Synopsis】- History

Seven hundred years before the start of the role-play, the majestic creator of the earth planted a seed that grew into a divine tree that bore a single fruit. After the consumption of this fruit, humans gained the ability to control and manifest chakra in miraculous ways that eventually became known as Ninjutsu, which was derived from Ninshū. However, such a magnificent power did not come without a price; from the divine tree, now fruitless, erupted a disastrous, ten tailed monster that wrecked havoc and left a trail of destruction behind it. No one, even with the mirthful, yet mysterious, power of ninjutsu, was able to stop this beast. Many clans and families fell under the weight of this monster as it ate up the power that it previously, unwillingly distributed.

When all hope for this epidemic seemed profoundly hopeless, out of literal shadows rose two figures that, almost as if they had the powers of gods, stood against the beast in a fierce battle. With the cost of one of the second hero's life, both were able to seal the monstrosity within the surviving hero. While the second hero is not remembered, the hero that sealed the ten tailed monster inside his body sacrificially became known as the "Sage of the Six Paths".

From the many line of descendants of the "Sage of the Six Paths" and those in his era, came very strong leaders, that, over time, formed the concept of villages. And over the course of hundreds of years, villages became a very powerful force, and each of them well-known.

However, all was not well in these times, struggle eventually occurred between villages as political conflicts rose of land. The villages were eventually each divided into their separate lands all along the ninja country. A total of three Great Ninja Wars have erupted in the process. A couple decades after the Great Ninja Wars, a long era of peace ensued.


Tablets of a different dimension, deciphered to translate the meaning of ninjutsu and the roots of creation. However such a claim is too bold to be true.

Tablet I [unknown Author]

Ever since the beginning, there has been the Dimension, the main universe. The Dimension is to the monsters and men in the multi-verse history. Within the Dimension, there are Princes, Familiars, 1 King, and 1 Titan. The Princes are the warlords of the Dimension, and the of the Familiars. The Sage of the Six Paths and the Ten Tailed Beast are an example of . For all intents and purposes, the Princes are the most powerful beings in our Dimension to have ever existed. The King is the most powerful amongst the Princes, and the one who is recognized by The Titan, the single most creature to ever __.

Tablet II [Kaguya Clan]

We are a side universe, a Beta Dimension, one of many dimensions that themselves of the Dimension. Our Beta Dimension is the last Beta Dimension that has not already been over taken by the Dimension, reason for this being that up until recent events, there has been a our dimension from the others. For unknown reasons, this has been broken, and of the princes and four of the Familiars have entered our dimension for ______ in our realm.
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