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Realistic or Modern Group Therapy


King of Nerdz
Imagine life as a puzzle. Some people have all the pieces they need to complete it to the fullest simply. Then for others... let's just say that they don't exactly result in the same way. But then, you must wonder "Why?". "Why do the other kids get to have the thing that I don't?". "Why do I go home to get beaten and starved by the 'parents' who are supposed to love me...". "Why am I so fucking retarded...".

As hard as it is to face it, we all feel this way. I guess that's the reason why were all here. I know personally I have issues I need to resolve within myself, but nobody's helped me before.. so why now?... I mean, they crack us down all our lives, then wait until we finally throw in the damn towel to try and tell us that WE need help...

Society is so backwards nowadays, it's mind-boggling. But I guess if there's nobody ever having hard times, then the rich wouldn't have anyone to make money off of. After all, that is what "makes the world go 'round"..

Point is, we're just a couple of poor, inner-city kids with no one to help us. This "program" their putting us into (I personally believe) won't work. But maybe it will...

Who knows.....
(First post! xD )

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It was early morning. Around 6am. Being awake this early is sorta strange (based on the fact that we're talking about Myles here

xD ). It's just so quiet.. but then again, that's how he likes it. "Hmm... -stomach growls- Kinda hungry...", he whispered to himself. I'll just wait until lunch at school, he thought to himself, which was almost 6 hours until then. Handling hunger wasn't a big deal anymore. There were times when some of his foster parents would go for days without feeding him. So a little stomach growling? No biggie. After all, might have to go hours longer without getting any food, sleep, or any basic freedoms, if Alma, his girl, was indeed pregnant.

The two were already forced to sleep in different rooms, which he couldn't complain argue with, as her parents were graceful enough to let him stay for a few months (until he gets on his feet). And considering how generous they had been to even let him go to school using their address was a greater blessing than he'd expected. But it seemed like after he moved in, the two (Alma and Myles) stopped being a couple and more so "associates"... as bad as it may sound, that's just the way it is. Her parents.. well her Puerto Rican mother and white stepfather, pretty much made the two act like "brother and sister", rather than boyfriend/girlfriend, like they really were. But they were occasionally able to slip in a few hugs and kisses, and we're still able to just chill when both her parents were at work and when she was
supposed to be at math-decathlon or ballet practice, or whatever she usually does.

But the thing is, the most they've ever done (or the most she'd let him do) was eat her out occasionally and she
"returned the favor" a few times as well. But there was that one night her parents were stuck at work all night in last minute shifts, and the two were able to sneak out to a party and got slightly drunk. They woke up just in time the next morning to get home before her mom and dad got home, but he could only remember them beginning to make out before they fell asleep. So the possibility of her being pregnant were kinda 50/50 at this point.

A paper came in the mail a few days before, asking him to come to some "troubled teen therapy session" or whatever. Myles ignored it at first, but then reconsidered a little when it said he would be excused from school. That's a hell of a deal right there, considering he does well in all classes, yet just hates all his teachers.

Today was looking up to be a pretty eventful day, but he simply kicked his feet up and enjoyed the view of the sub rising from the Manhattan home.

Alma: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/11705347_479314588916921_2039790197645471090_n.jpeg.04c514bc9c39e4434cfe2c39d2dff568.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/11705347_479314588916921_2039790197645471090_n.jpeg.04c514bc9c39e4434cfe2c39d2dff568.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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She is woken up by her baby girl crying. She gets out of her bed and walking over to the crib. It was the nicest one she could afford. "Hey baby girl" she says softly as she picks up her up, placing her on her hip. "Mamamamamamamam" she says looking at me and gripping my hair. "Yes I'm Mama" she says with a smile. She looks around at her apartment as they walk towards the kitchen setting May in her high chair. She pulls out a banana and cuts it up into small pieces and placing some Cheerios on the plate to.

She places the plate infront of her baby girl. She places a bib around her neck and she prepares some cereal for herself. She pours the milk in the bowl and places it back in the fridge. She turns to her baby girl that is making a mess of the bananas. After she seemed like forever she was done. She cleaned up the plate and then cleans up her daughter, wiping her mouth. She picks her up placing her back on her hip. She sets her down in the small living room with toys and she gets up and walks over to different places getting into some things and playing around.

She checked the time and it was around 9am. She gets the mail that was sitting outside of her door and starts going through it. There was a card for a "troubled teen therapy group" she looked at it for a second and it said children were allowed so she thought about it, if she could bring May she could possibly go. She put it back on the counter for now turning back to her daughter. She smiles at the little joy that was waddling around. She couldn't help but think she wasn't going to be enough for her daughter.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.bfbb3b66a0d05b5bb655c49f7341e7fd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.bfbb3b66a0d05b5bb655c49f7341e7fd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Just got back from County band auditions! xD )

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Complete loss of freedom.....

This whole idea of Alma being pregnant was still too unbelievable to get off his mind. It was almost as if he were starting to believe it himself.. which is silly, because this is all just a big scary phase that he'll be able to get over.

Bae <3
Come and screw my brains out [/COLOR][/FONT] xD [FONT='Courier New'][COLOR=#0000ff]
Nah, your parents are down the hall
That's right.. DOWN THE HALL! Lol
Love you, but we can't risk it
Aww.. why not? [/COLOR][/FONT] :) [FONT='Courier New'][COLOR=#0000ff]
Because you already might be preggo..

No response after.

Alma is seen as the wholesome, "girl-next-door" type character you see in those good-hearted family movies. Straight-A's, family with some money, great reputation (not to mention body)..
Yet, she chose me... Which is what he's been thinking since the day she asked him out.

Myles has never had someone who was just... there. The people he's been around all his life were not exactly your dependent type. Based upon the fact that she didn't give up on him, even after people found out and start talking about her, spoiling her rep, just shows how much she loves him.

If only he had dropped out a long time ago, maybe he wouldn't have caused her any troubles... or maybe even
dead by now..

He got up to see if Alma's door was open, which it wasn't anymore. Maybe if he hadn't said anything he wouldn't have made her mad or upset... "Oh, well.. she'll come back around. As usual..."

Alma was never really promiscuous. She just does what she has to do to keep her "look" right for everyone, then turns into every man's greatest dreams in the bedroom. She texts the most random things, at times, just like a few minutes ago. Still pretty amazing how she could've had
anyone, but still chose him. Maybe it was because she got tired of being told she couldn't have certain things, so she just went and found the most unlikely match, and actually fell for him...

Myles got up off the couch and went to the bathroom and undressed to take a shower.
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She watches her daughter and she stumbles and falls down, she hit her head slightly on the ground but not hard. She walked over to her, picking her up and softly cooing her. "It's okay, your okay" she says as she kisses where her baby bumped her head. Once she stopped crying, she had her thumb in her mouth and her head was resting against her chest. She was just swaying softly back and fourth. She really wanted to shower but she had to wait until she took her nap, which would be around 11:00. She saw her daughter was fine now and set her back on the floor. She follows me as I walk towards the kitchen.

She was fussing saying,"Mamamamamamama." She was holding her arms out asking her to pick her up. She does and holds her. She puts her thumb back in her mouth and just lays her head against her chest once more. She just noticed it seemed like she was burning up. She grabbed the thermometer and runs it across her head. "101" she says softly. "Baby what's wrong?" She asks concerned, also knowing she couldn't answer her. She looks down at her daughter starting to tug at her ear. "Probably an ear infection" she says mostly to herself. She knew they would have to go to the doctor.

She walked back into her room setting her on her bed and handing her a binki. She hears her daughter fuss as she starts to change into some jeans and a t-shirt. "Honey give me 5 seconds" she says to her daughter. She grabs a simple, comfy, outfit changing her quickly and she grabs her purse and keys to her car. She puts her in the car seat and walks out the door. There was a free clinic that had a pediatrician there that she always saw so she started driving there. She walked through the doors and checks in and sits in the waiting room with her daughter on her lap.

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Knowing it'd probably be another hour or so until her parents awoke, Myles lifted the plug on the tub and did something he's actually never done before---

Take a bubble bath.

The foster homes he went to always had a bunch of other socially rejected kids there, as well, so the best he's ever gotten was a quick 2 minute shower, just enough to cover the basic areas for a while. And if he was lucky, maybe even a half-stick of deodorant.

He slowly poured in just enough liquid soap to fill the tub with bubbles. Slowly, he stuck his toe in and gradually slip b is way in. It was almost like heaven.

"Ahh... wow..", he said as he slid deeper into the clean, soapy water, until it reached his neck. It felt almost like he was having a full-body orgasm because it felt so warm and comforting.


-creaking noises-

-door opens then closes-

"-gasping- What the?!..."

"Fuck me."

"What are you doing?..."

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Antoinette had never really been much of a morning person. She didn't like being talked to in the morning and she didn't like talking to other people. Unfortunately for her, Jacob didn't care very much. Once she had walked out of the room she shared with another girl, he started yelling at her. At this point, she'd learn to just tune it out. She poured herself some coffee and pretended to pay attention to him.

After she'd taken a few sips, she heard him tell her to go get the mail. Annie slipped on some shoes and walked out to the mailbox. She opened it to find only a couple envelopes. She flipped through them, curious to see what they were. She never really got mail, so she was surprised to see that one envelope was addressed to her. The girl's grey-blue eyes widened and she quickly slipped it under her loose shirt, hooking the bottom into the waistband of her pants so it wouldn't fall out. She was fairly sure that the envelope would get taken away from her otherwise. When she came back into the house, the blonde tossed the remaining mail onto the table in front of her guardian. There were two bills addressed to him and one piece of junk mail. She went into the bathroom and locked the door; it was the only way to really get privacy here. Annie carefully took out the envelope and opened it. It was for some sort of troubled teens group therapy. She didn't have much time to look over it before she heard a knock on the door. "One minute!" She replied before putting the envelope and letter back under her shirt. Honestly, Antoinette would go to any event if it meant that she didn't have to work.
(When 11am comes ((in rp)), they all should be in Brooklyn (somehow xD ) for they group therapy session. They are all put in it anonymously, but your character can try to gusset or assume who it was that put them in there. I'll go next, just to get the flow going again xD )

"I'm about to give you what I know you want.", Alma said softy, as she slowly crept toward the tub. "No. You need to put your clothes back on.", Myles snapped. "Babe, look.. I don't think I'm pregnant. It was just a little scare." Myles paused. "Still it's an irresponsible thing to do, especially knowing that your parents are down the hall.." Alma rolls her eyes and responds,"Since when have you gotten so stuck up? Not to mention careful?.."."I dunno, since when have you become such a...-sighs-". Alma glared at him. "Go on. Say it.", she snapped fiercly. "No. Nevermind.". "Since when have I become such a whore?". Myles flashed a sorry look at Alma. "Wait, no. I wasn't gonna.." Before he could finish she picked up the towel and ran back to her room.

"Ugh... shitty times are coming my way.. I just know it...", he whispered to himself. He that around 11 o'clock he would have to he in BK for this "group therapy" thing. It probably isn't anything serious...

Myles hopped out of the tub to dry off and grabbed some fresh clothes from his trash bag in y he closet. It wasn't a super decent place to have to get your clean clothes from, but at least Alma's mom, Mrs. Carter-Tomayo, was nice enough to get him some new (or clean) clothes from the local thrift store.

The clock now read 8:49, and if he was gonna make it to Brooklyn in time, he'd have to be out by at least 9:00.

He walked out of the house and started walking toward the corner of Maynard and 2nd Street. That was where most cabs heading toward the Brooklyn area would likely be.

He flagged down a cab, and fortunately it was just a little after 9 by the time he was able to find one heading that way. He hopped in and headed toward the Crown Heights area, which one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in NYC overall. But he couldn't complain. I mean, his area in Queens had a murder rate of more than 10 a month at one point, so he could handle pretty much anything.

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"Son of a fucking bitch!" Crystal's voice rang out through the small one bedroom apartment she had somehow managed to get for herself and her son. Her hands rubbed fiercely as the sticky substance began smearing across her cheeks. "How the hell did you get into the jelly?!" She asked Zeke who only continued to giggle at his mother's reaction. "Oh, I see! You think this is funny, don't you? Well, I have news for you little boy, no more PB&J for a month!" At this Zeke's giggles stopped altogether but the silence was short lived as Cris began laughing on her own. "I'm kidding...only a monster would do such a thing as that!"

Her four year old soon began yelling at this, his arms stretched up toward the ceiling. "Mommy's a monster, a monster!" He repeated this twice before being picked up and twirled around in Crystal's arms. Her light, almost white, colored hair swirling outward to create a banner behind her. "No way!" Their laughter combined until a knock at the door disrupted their fun. Setting Zeke back onto the floor, she goes to answer it. Grabbing a pocket knife from her side table, she slowly opened the door, the knife hiding behind her back. It was a bit of a surprise when the boy on the person on the other side of the door was only a boy, his hand immediately stretching outward to hand her a letter. "Hello, miss...uh.." His eyes darted away making Cris glance around then down at herself. Her slim body was barely clothed, a sort of crop top covered her chest and a pair of laced underwear was what she had as bottoms.

"Oh, get over it. I can bet that my body looks better than your momma's any day." She was grinning and saw the boy's cheeks flush then turn bright pink. "I have things to get done, you have a nice day." This was the last thing she said before taking the letter from his hand and closing the door. Her pocket knife went back into the table drawer, her eyes only glancing over the return address.
Who the hell knows my fucking address?! The anger boiled inside of her. No one knew this address or should.

Shaking her head, she tears it open only to feel even angrier. "A therapy group?" Keeping her voice down, Cris walks into the kitchen but is stopped by the sudden squish beneath her feet. "Son of a bitch!" She screamed and could hear her son laughing in their bedroom. She didn't need to look down to know that it was the jelly, obviously. Sighing, she continued to read over the letter. It clearly stated to be there at 11 which wasn't too much longer. Her eyes rolled but in a few minutes she was making calls for someone to take care of Zeke while she attended this stupid thing. it was all going to be for her son, anyway.

"May Costello" a nurse calls. She gets up putting her on her hip and walking towards the nurse. She walks back with the nurse and she takes her away and gets her weight, checks her heartbeat. The usual. The nurse hands May back to her and they walk into the room. It was the usual, they check her heartbeat, vitals, then asks a bunch of questions and they tell her she has an ear infection. She buys the prescription from them because it was cheaper and she drove home.

May fell asleep in the car. She gets her car seat out of the car and she walks into her house. She carefully picks her sleeping baby up. Her head rests on her shoulder. She carefully places the child onto her bed and placing pillows around her so she couldn't roll off the bed. She quickly stepped in the shower. She had to be at this therapy group thing at 11 which didn't leave her too much time. She needed to bring May with her since she couldn't find anyone to watch her. She would probably sleep through the whole thing so it shouldn't be so hard.

She quickly steps out of the shower, drying off and putting some jeans and a t-shirt on. She grabbed everything she could possibly need for her or May and when she walked back over towards the bed. May seemed to be sweating, she probably broke her fever because of the medication and she should feel better. She changed May quickly and just put her in something comfortable. Putting her in the car seat, she got in her crappy car and started driving towards where this therapy group was going to meet.

ShadedRose said:
"Son of a fucking bitch!" Crystal's voice rang out through the small one bedroom apartment she had somehow managed to get for herself and her son. Her hands rubbed fiercely as the sticky substance began smearing across her cheeks. "How the hell did you get into the jelly?!" She asked Zeke who only continued to giggle at his mother's reaction. "Oh, I see! You think this is funny, don't you? Well, I have news for you little boy, no more PB&J for a month!" At this Zeke's giggles stopped altogether but the silence was short lived as Cris began laughing on her own. "I'm kidding...only a monster would do such a thing as that!"
Her four year old soon began yelling at this, his arms stretched up toward the ceiling. "Mommy's a monster, a monster!" He repeated this twice before being picked up and twirled around in Crystal's arms. Her light, almost white, colored hair swirling outward to create a banner behind her. "No way!" Their laughter combined until a knock at the door disrupted their fun. Setting Zeke back onto the floor, she goes to answer it. Grabbing a pocket knife from her side table, she slowly opened the door, the knife hiding behind her back. It was a bit of a surprise when the boy on the person on the other side of the door was only a boy, his hand immediately stretching outward to hand her a letter. "Hello, miss...uh.." His eyes darted away making Cris glance around then down at herself. Her slim body was barely clothed, a sort of crop top covered her chest and a pair of laced underwear was what she had as bottoms.

"Oh, get over it. I can bet that my body looks better than your momma's any day." She was grinning and saw the boy's cheeks flush then turn bright pink. "I have things to get done, you have a nice day." This was the last thing she said before taking the letter from his hand and closing the door. Her pocket knife went back into the table drawer, her eyes only glancing over the return address.
Who the hell knows my fucking address?! The anger boiled inside of her. No one knew this address or should.

Shaking her head, she tears it open only to feel even angrier. "A therapy group?" Keeping her voice down, Cris walks into the kitchen but is stopped by the sudden squish beneath her feet. "Son of a bitch!" She screamed and could hear her son laughing in their bedroom. She didn't need to look down to know that it was the jelly, obviously. Sighing, she continued to read over the letter. It clearly stated to be there at 11 which wasn't too much longer. Her eyes rolled but in a few minutes she was making calls for someone to take care of Zeke while she attended this stupid thing. it was all going to be for her son, anyway.
(Great opener! :) )

Knowing it would only be about 10 minutes or so before they would arrive at the building in Crown Heights, Myles decided to text Alma, just to see how she was doing.

Bae <3
Hey babe
Sorry about earlier...
You okay?..

Once again, no further response.

Maybe this therapy thing would actually help with his relationship issues right now..."Y
eah, right..." He quickly rejected the thought. The only real reason he was going to miss school. He was a senior and only had a single semester left, but still.. School was school. And if got any opportunity to skip out, he was game.

It was now 10:56, and the cab had finally crossed over into Crown Heights, which was apparent because of all the tags on abandoned buildings by local gangs. CH wasn't a super terrible place, from his memory. Just a place that was economically depressed and had a lot of old buildings, was all. But now, crime is getting worse. But still... no worse than Queens. The hellhole in which he originated, and continues to regret being from to this day...

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