Storytellers companion.. exalted second edition


One Time Luck
Hey !

What about the charm in second edition ? What about the summary of the charm of the dragon-blood, abyssal, sidereal.... What do you think of that ?

Is this only a summary or they will release a book for each type of exalted also ?

The storyteller look like a quick help for general charm, there is not any charm tree (prerequisite) and many are missing from the first to 2nd edition.

What do you suggest ? To keep as a base the book of the 1st edition ?


Arackiel said:
will release a book for each type of exalted also ?
Yes, but if it's anything like 1st Edition, they'll be released one at a time, 6 months apart. That means a wait of about 2 years for a full set.

I don't see them keeping to a six-month schedule. Not and put out the other books in the pipeline...unless the new editor really has a thing for making deadlines.
Although the 6 month per book cycle does not seem impossible, one does wonder. Will it really take that long to cook up the new fatsplats? They do, after all, have material to fall back on this time around. Meaning they should have a more well-defined sense of where they want the book to go. Not to mention source-material to actually use as reference.

Of course, they might choose a 6 month cycle simply because it is good business. Anticipation is good. And they have a pleuthora of other promised source-material to work on...
Am I the only one who finds it a bit annoying that WW wants me to fork over $600 to replace the Exalted books that I spent years collecting without giving me any new freaking information on Creation?  I say to hell with WW.  They can earn their money by being creative and giving me information I want instead of ruining a game that I like.  Why does WW always do this?  I liked the oWoD.  I liked Mage.  But they ruined that as well.
... what? If you don't like 2nd. ed, stick to First. It is quite comprehensive after all.

And there seems to be plenty original material lined up... the Elemental direction books and the Wonders of the First Age series in particular.
At the end of Storytellers companion there is a list of the upcoming release... but i'm not sur to understand that....

manuals of exlated power : this hardcover series of books fleshes out creation's four remaining exalted types as well as the capricious fair folk..

with the plurial form... does that mean that they will dragon blooded, sidereal, lunar, fair folk will be available beore the end of 2006 ?
Am I the only one who finds it a bit annoying that WW wants me to fork over $600 to replace the Exalted books that I spent years collecting without giving me any new freaking information on Creation?
NO, comrade, you are not.
I find it annoying that you insist on posting about it repeatedly.  This argument has been hashed out, beaten to death, buried, and resurrected.  I mean, there's only so many directions this could go.

Would you fully accept $600 worth of new 1st Edition books?  Would you not buy any more Exalted books, feeling your collection was complete?  Do you somehow feel that some magic force is going to rip through your bookshelf and decimate your collection?

If your friends all switch over to 2nd ed and you choose not to, because you haven't bought the books out of some sense of righteous indignation, then.. you've chosen to exclude yourself from their gaming.  Too bad, but that was your choice.

White Wolf is a company in the business of making money by printing game books.  There was enough perceived commercial demand to justify a new edition of those books, and they are now printing them.

How much WW-produced material do you make use of, that you don't ALSO already own?  If the answer is "little to none", then you lose nothing!  You go on gaming, WW makes money, everyone's happy.  If you own very little Exalted 1st ed stuff, then you again lose very little by moving to 2nd ed.  But I hear constant whining like this, and what I DON'T hear is people telling me what new 1st edition material they are being deprived of because of this move.
And one might well add, that 1st edition did need some fixes here and there. And some of them have actually been fixed in the 2nd edition.
Am I the only one who finds it a bit annoying that WW wants me to fork over $600 to replace the Exalted books that I spent years collecting without giving me any new freaking information on Creation?
NO, comrade, you are not.

It is the Vampire: Revised to NWoD Vampire thing again. Each time a game at WW changes developers, they gotta swing around their creative dick and remake it in their image.

Same thing happend with the Aeonverse, cept the difference being it's new developer killed it.
If you're worried about completely replacing your 1st Ed stuff, don't. Instead, get 2nd Ed Core and ST Companion; the information in them will show you how to adapt all the existing 1st Ed stuff for 2nd Ed.
I think this is what I am going to do. For most charm trees excellencies can pretty easily replace the various dice adder charms and such. As to implementing DVs it will give a bit more work, but I think it will be more or less straightforward.

And my exaltedless friend has promised he is going to buy all the new books as they come out :)
I'm planning on picking up the 2nd Edition, but probably won't run anything from it for a bit.  I've got a good game rolling right now, and I'm not planning on hauling its ashes for a bit--I already did my Ru-N-Improve with the Modernis setting.  

This is modus operandi for WW.  I'm used to it. Nothing new here, and it doesn't really do all that much to get my nose out of joint, because either I absorb the new stuff into the game I'm already playing, or I wait until a new arc to work the new edition in.   Either way, it's accounted for.  

Then again, I use the books for inspiration, rather than as canon.  They are tools, nothing more.  Do I mind that WoTC brings in new books?  I use their Eberron setting and a few others for inspiration too, and nothing about them invalidates anything previous, because I use them as tools to build my game.

If you're collecting books because they're the official, Be All, End All...then that's your look out for the price.  Drive on.  Accept that you're a collector, and be done with it.  You don't have to use the new material.  It's there if you want, and it will still be there even if you don't want it.

I know a fella who's still running his old West End version of Star Wars, despite the fact that there hasn't been new material for that system for how long, and refuses to even look at the d20 version--which I think is foolish, since the mechanics are so much better, but it's his table, and he can roll how he wants.

WW has been doing this for a long while.  This isn't new. They're in the business of selling books.  Buy them, or don't.  Be happy in your game otherwise...
I, at this time, would simply like to point out some of the finer points of the industry.

Firstly, I am not exactly happy myself that I have to re-buy the books I love so much (seeing as I have no money). At the same time, however, these new rules are excellent, and are not just a rehash of the old. And, not only that, the fluff(content) has been tidied up a bit too. Also, White Wolf has promised that all new material will be coming out in the new books and they haven't let me down since Vampire 3rd edition came out.

Secondly, there has only been ONE new edition of the Exalted rules. Let's take a look at our friends over at Wizards of the Coast who have re-printed their game 4 different times. Granted, every edition has been better than the last and has made the game more enjoyable. Isn't that the point? And I am not seeing any 3.5 edition in Exalted.

Thirdly, when it comes to role-playing, you cannot look at it any other way then it being a hobby unless you want to find a set of rules that you want to stick with forever and play those until you die. This is a hobby. To keep in the game you have to buy new material. Now, the way I justify it is by asking myself whether I would rather be painting $45 miniatures and having to continue to buy those as they come out every month along with new rule-books, paints, tools, and carrying cases, or a book every 6 months? Would I rather fix-up old cars for thousands of dollars (I would love to but no $) or buy a book every 6 months?

In short, if you want to do the math to figure out yearly what kind of investment you are making to this game, it will always fall a lot shorter than most hobbies out there right now.

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