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Fandom star wars: darkness rising (qrow & loup blanc)

3 years before Order 66.

Zeth wanted to punch his stupid Master in their big stupid mouth. It wasn't a very Jedi-like thought, but in that moment it didn't really matter. Master Riou had returned from the warfront a scarce week before and was already leaving! Again! Was he ever going to be trained? The occasional tip and adjustment of his saber stance didn't really count. At twelve, he was already far behind his agemates in training and control, but his Master didn't seem to care. Zeth knew the war was important -- but wasn't he important too? Why would his Master take him on as a Padawan if he didn't want to train him. It just made him want to scream. Distress draped over his shoulders like a heavy shroud, weighing down his movements as he paced the corridor's outside his Master's room. Riou hadn't left quite yet -- he could hear them shuffling inside, packing up their things before they headed out again.

You need to calm down, Zeth, he told himself. He couldn't confront them in such a state. They'd take one look at his wild eyes and tell him to go meditate! Inhaling once, Zeth counted to three before slowly exhaling, reciting the Jedi Code. There is no Emotion, There is Peace. There is no ignorance, there is Knowledge... By the time he'd count through the entire thing, he felt marginally better; but only just. He was good at hiding what he felt, tucking all that raging resentment and disappointment under the façade of a polite Padawan. (Maybe all that meditation was good for something after all.) Right on cue, the door to his Master's quarters slid open and they stepped out. Master Antaki Riou was a young Miralukan with tanned skin, dark, wavy hair intertwined with gold, and a sleek, imposing eye-mask that reminded Zeth of a wampa beast. Although they were less than a decade older than Zeth himself, they already had many feats tucked under their belt, and was a clever and powerful General on the battlefield. At least, according to Master Riou's Clone Troopers.

Nearly tripping over his robes in his haste to greet them, Zeth caught himself just in time, skidding to a halt right in front of them. He got the distinct sense that they were judging him through their barely-there force-bond, but he paid no mind as he bowed politely. "Master Riou!" He blurted out, "Please take me back to the warfront with you so you can continue my training!" Oh. Wait. That was a lot less subtle than he wanted it to be. Feeling his skin redden, he continued, "Although I understand your uh, wise, decision to leave me behind to strengthen my er, skills, I feel that it would be much more conductive to my training to have firsthand experience."

Master Riou looked at him then, considering, and for a moment Zeth felt his hopes rise. "I'm sorry, my Padawan, but I believe you have far more to learn here." His heart cracked. "The Warfront is simply too dangerous for an untrained individual, and I've seen far too many young ones fall already to a war they weren't prepared for."

"Then- then train me then!" Zeth pleaded, desperation edging his voice. He reached out for them, only to withdraw his hand when they flinched back. "I can't learn everything I need from reading books or watching other Padawans spar with their masters. Why did you even choose me to be your Padawan if you won't even train me?! I'm tired of waiting!" I'm tired of being left behind. Embarrassingly, he could feel pinpricks of tears welling up beneath his glasses. His Master regarded him coldly.

"All things will become clear in due time, Zy'eth. For now, continue your self-studies at the temple. When I return, we can revisit the matter." Without even saying goodbye, Master Riou glided off, leaving Zeth to wallow in his own frustration and disappointment. Huffing, he turned away and fled, running aimlessly while tears blurred his vision. He just had to get away. As far as he could from them. Eventually the endless corridors gave way to a more familiar area; the archives. Zeth's home away from home. As quietly as he could, he edged his way through the library, ignoring the Head Librarian's concerned look. Bypassing the populated areas for the more secluded back, he waited until he was alone before breaking down fully, crying audibly beneath the blue glow of the archived files.
"Patience, padawan. Clear your mind and focus."

It had felt like the thousandth time that Ren had heard those words spoken in the past few minutes, and it was starting to get to her. Focus? On what, lifting a rock? Weren't they already past the point where this was necessary? She had been taught how to fight, the proper stance, the right positioning of her lightsaber, what to look for and what to ensure she was focused on in battle. So why were they focused back on this? They had already focused on harnessing the force to bring - and push - objects from and to herself, but this was just confusing and frustrating her a little bit. She was ahead of many padawans her age, as she had learned fast and seemed to be well in touch with the force, whereas some others needed more practice in reigning their skills.

"Master, I don't understand why this is important. Aren't there other things you could be teaching me than this?" Ren found herself asking, a heavy sigh escaping her body as her gaze turned to look towards her master. Luminara Unduli, a patient and understanding woman. She had already done so much to teach Ren, and normally, she wouldn't question her motives, but this one made the least amount of sense out of anything they had focused on. Fighting, defending, being one with the force, it all made sense. But this? No, Ren was more lost than anything. And that, was the exact reason she just couldn't manage to lift the rock with the force as instructed. Her confusion was clouding her mind and judgement, and that was only leading to frustration.

"Right now, everything else isn't of importance. A simple task, isn't this? And yet, you're struggling to accomplish it. You can't let anything cloud your mind. Feel the force in everything, allow yourself to focus on only the task at hand. While this is a harmless thing, your situation could be different in the future. If you can't focus now in a controlled environment, would you be able when faced with a threat?" That only drew another heavy sigh out of Ren, but, rather begrudgingly, she nodded. Her master knew best, she knew that. Arguing with her would be pointless and foolish. If Master Unduli thought this was important, then it had to be, even if she couldn't see that herself. Maybe it would be something that would be more clear in the future. Her judgement proved to be in the right most of the time, so Ren knew to listen to her.

Meditation and peace of mind were something that was important to the Jedi. Having control of their own minds was a necessity, because any discrepancy could lead to the odds being against them. The force was all around them, it guided them and protected them, and being able to be one with the force was an extremely important skill for Jedi to have. For a young teenager, it was a lot to be expected of them, but Ren was willing to do whatever it took. To prove that she was worth the hard work, that she was willing to go the extra mile to help rebuild the Jedi Order. The Clone Wars had only recently begun, but it was something that was already tearing things apart. The Clones and Jedi that had already sacrificed themselves to the cause, it was a noble deed. It was something that Ren hoped to one day be part of.

"You're distracted again, padawan." The voice was enough for Ren's attention to be brought back to the real world, and it caused a sheepish smile to spread on her features. "I think that's enough for our lesson right now. We'll revisit this later. The Council has asked for my presence. Continue your training on your own for now, I hope to see progress the next time you're with me." With another nod, Ren collected the rock into the palm of her hand, squeezing it in her grip and giving a small nod to the woman, who soon disappeared from the room.

"Rocks.. I got rocks?" she whispered to herself, letting out a small chuckle of amusement to herself before traversing her way to the courtyard of the Jedi Temple. It was the area that she spent most of her time in, watching the birds and surrounding herself with nature. If the force was all around them, what better a place to be? It was the one spot that helped her clear her mind the most, anyway. It was quiet enough for her to focus, but not so quiet that she would hear every little sound around her. The library was one of those places she just couldn't stand being in for too long, even if she loved reading. She had a task to accomplish, anyway, she didn't need any more distractions. Even if this task did seem slightly pointless at face value.
What was only intended to be a brief break turned into something much longer. Beneath the weight of his shattered heart, Zeth cried until there was nothing left. He stayed in the back of the dusty archive until the tears had all dried up, too distraught to think clearly. He didn't understand why his Master refused to train him. Was it him? It... had to be, right? He wasn't good enough for Master Riou in some way -- he had to do better. But how? His thoughts howled, What can I do? He'd practiced the meditation exercises, over and over and over again. He could use the force, somewhat adequately, if he did say so himself. (At least compared to his youngling self.) He even could go through the basic stances. But practice didn't mean skill. And there was only so far he could go without a steady hand to guide him.

Zeth knew he was behind when it came to his lightsaber skills, frustratingly so. He'd devoured as many books as he could on the different styles, but without a partner to fight his knowledge was limited to the theoretical. Gingerly standing up and smoothing out his robes, he hesitantly peeked around the corner of the archive. The coast was clear. Rubbing at the drying tear tracks on his face until he looked like less of a mess, he walked towards the front. "Dear, are you okay?" One of the librarians called out as he passed.

"Yes, uhm, quite fine," Zeth replied. His voice was wavering. He was definitely not fine. When she didn't turn away, he added, "It's been a difficult day." Her features smoothed over in sympathy.

"It'll get better," She assured him, "Trust in the Force to guide you."

"I will," He said, before dipping his head, "Thank you." Zeth rushed away before she could inquire any further. He didn't really have a certain destination in mind and he still looked a right mess as he entered the Temple Courtyard. Maybe he could find some peace there, meditate a little on his problem.
If there was ever a time that Ren felt worked up, far too distracted or just needed some alone time, the courtyard was the first spot she would retreat to. It usually wasn't crowded, it was open enough that she could give herself space to breathe, and she could walk around if she felt the need to do so. Sitting under the shadow of the tree that the branches created was her typical spot where she could be covered from the beams of the sun. Nature was something she had adored for her entire life, and seeing the birds that would often land on the tree branches and the ground around the trunk was calming for her. It wasn't something she could necessarily explain, but it made her happy. Connecting with nature was something the Jedi seemed to encourage, so in a way she was doing more of a favor for herself that way.

With a small huff through her nose, Ren had planted herself right on the ground in front of the square garden bed for the tree and fixed her attention to her hand. Turning her palm over, she looked towards the rock in her grip, eyes narrowing at it slightly. Breathe, focus, relax, she thought to herself, letting out a heavy breath as she closed her eyes, trying her best to clear her mind. Ren wasn't an impatient person, per say, but when it came to testing herself and her abilities, it was hard for her to not get frustrated. Because she knew she was capable of doing the task at hand, so when she couldn't for some reason, it was irritating beyond belief.

It was just lifting a stupid rock with the force, yet it seemed to be the most challenging thing she had faced all week. Normally she was alone out in the courtyard because it didn't seem to be a main attraction or fancy for the other padawans in the temple, so she thought it would be the same this time as well. She did better alone for certain things, which was the exact reason she had made a beeline straight here when things began to stop working out for her. And, just as she finally began to fall into a calm peace of mind, her ear twitched the slightest bit at the approaching footsteps.

Who was that? Cracking an eye open, Ren looked towards where the sound was coming from, having to restrain a rather disgruntled sigh at the sight of someone - around her age nevertheless - stepping into the courtyard. It wasn't that big of a deal, but it certainly managed to break her focus. Perhaps that was her own fault for being so easily distracted despite such a little thing. As long as he doesn't start making noise, she thought, shaking her head once and closing her eye again, straightening her back up. The last thing she needed was another distraction. She needed to prove to her master that she could do anything that was asked of her, no matter how big or little of a task it might be. It couldn't be that hard anyway, right?
Trust in the Force to Guide him. How?! What had it done for him so far, and how would it help him with his current problem. I need a Master who wants to train me, not some omnipresent power that works in mysterious and uncomprehendable ways. Zeth paced back and forth down the length of the Courtyard, his frenzied movements disturbing some of the local fauna and kicking up dust. There was no way around it, he would have to ask for help? But oh, the Masters on the Council were quite intimidating and he didn't want to bother them with a matter as trivial as his. Maybe one of the Knights? Zeth closed his eyes, thinking of the Knights he kind... of.. knew?

They were all very intimidating.

He huffed out a frustrated sigh, before flopping down on a smooth stone not too far away from an apprentice around his age. He scrutinized her, before his eyes flitted to the rock in her hand. She was... Ren. He was almost 75% sure that was her name, and she a Padawan around his age, training under Master Luminara Unduli. He watched her for a couple of moments unblinkingly. She looked like she was doing a force exercise. Maybe something her master had assigned her? He wished he had a task from his Master. He continued to stare openly, having nothing better to do.
Focus, focus, block out your surroundings and just focus-.. It was much easier said than done, because the sound of the back and forth footsteps were enough for her brows to twitch the slightest bit in annoyance. Once one thing began to distract her from whatever it was that she was doing, it was near impossible to ignore it. And it just so happened that the other padawan that had arrived at the courtyard was doing quite the damage to her focus. This was why she preferred being alone when it came to meditation and training. Because anything that could pose as an obstacle to her would. She might have been gifted with the force and ahead of most of her peers, but that didn't mean she was perfect.

Far from it, really. But she did her best and put a lot of effort into perfecting all of her skills. Ren had managed to keep her eyes and mouth shut as she tried to block out the outside noise, but the following series of rather loud sounds were enough to draw a sigh out of her. Do you have nothing better to do than to make so much noise? She thought to herself, not realizing how on the nose that was as she opened her eyes, turning to the padawan with the intention of asking him to either leave or quiet down. Though, the sight of him looking- no, staring, was enough to take her aback. "..What? Do I have something on my face?" she inquired with utmost confusion, not sure what was so interesting that he would have decided that she was the most interesting thing to look at. Ren was almost positive she had seen him around the temple, but they certainly hadn't talked before. Not that she could recall, at least.
Zeth blinked owlishly, before startling when he realized that he had been caught. His skin turned almost impossibly redder, as he struggled to find something to say. He took a deep breath, trying to quiet his worsening anxieties and look like some semblance of normal. "Oh, ah, uhm.. sorry," He eeked out, "You looked like you were concentrating and I-" don't have anything better to do or a good excuse. "Must of been distracting. Sorry." Shoot, she looks a little annoyed. He dragged his fingers through his curly hair, which was a nervous tic of his that his Master had always frowned upon. It was too easy to pick up on.

"Uhm, I'm Zy'eth Jonakel, but you can call me Zeth!" He said, holding out his hand, "It's nice to meet you. You were doing a Force Exercise, right? What kind?"
It didn't take a rocket scientist to be able to practically see the nerves bouncing off of the padawan near Ren. Like he had been caught doing something he shouldn't have been doing. Well, staring wasn't a particularly polite or praised activity, but it was not harmful in any sort of capacity. Aside from the fact that Ren could practically feel his gaze, now that she knew it was on her. Really, why was he staring at her when he seemed to be preoccupied with himself? What with all of his movement and noise that he seemed to be able to produce well enough on his own. Ren wasn't mad, but mildly irritated was definitely the proper term for it. Because she had just been beginning to relax and focus before her attention was once again drawn to something else. It wasn't the padawan's - Zeth, as he soon introduced himself - fault necessarily, but she was already worked up well enough that it was easiest for her to think, yeah, it is his fault.

Even if she knew it really wasn't. The hand extended to her seemed to go unnoticed - or at least uncared about - as she watched Zeth for a moment before her gaze fell back onto the rock in her hand. It was more a pebble than anything, but that was besides the point. "Some sort of focus exercise," she eventually shrugged out with a heavy sigh, brow twitching the tiniest bit as she attempted to close her eyes to refocus. Though, the only thing that managed to do, in her current state of frustration, was fling the rock halfway across the courtyard. Emotions were impossible to hide from the force, which was what made the Jedi warn about the dangers of the dark side. Even one wrong move could change the course of their life for good. It was something they all had to be wary about.
His hand hovered awkwardly in the air for a breath, shaking slightly, as if hoping she'd change her mind. One moment. Two. When nothing happened, it fell limp at his side. Zeth chuckled sheepishly, trying to beat back the awkwardness crawling down his back. "A Force Exercise, huh?" He asked, "Oh, uhm, erm, how's it going?" He watched as she closed her eyes, as if trying to rekindle whatever she was doing before. The rock wobbled, rising upwards before being flung. Zeth let out a "Yeep!" on instinct as it passed by him, covering his face with his hands.

"Rough time?" He asked, "Oh, and I don't think I ever got your name!"

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