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Fantasy E.T.A The Melancholy of 'Ordinary' high school life!


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)

In a world where ESPers, Aliens and Time-Travellers exist just under Humans radar, how is someone 'normal' supposed to find their own special place…. By meeting one of course!~ For those of us who look past the boundaries and rules set by the world there is a whole world of wonder and mystery…. You just have to look hard enough.

But for one human in particular they're more incredible than they'll ever know….

It's up to the rest of these supernatural forces to stop this world, their home, from being destroyed.

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1.) Follow the RPN rules!~ It's pretty simple and I hope you all know them well enough for me not to have to explain them in here.

2.) Don't be too OP, we don't want any God-moding or 'Mary Sues' in here!~

3.) Keep this strictly PG+13 I'll allow some swearing but don't abuse this right!

4.) Play fair, your character, in a battle situation, cannot 'dodge' EVERY attack thrown at them, you have to be hit at times and nether are these characters invisible, I do not intend any of them to 'disappear' from the role-play but know if a human trips over a rock and face-plants into the floor, they're gonna feel pain.

5.) No fighting in OOC chat! If you have an issue with another role-player discuss it with me via PM form or work it out yourselves separate from the RP!?

6.) If you join, intend to stay, don't post a CS and then never actually appear in the role-play, please? and if you have to leave for whatever reason, please give me prior warning to such an event so that I can plan for it and we can possibly work out a way for it to become a more 'normal' occurrence rather than magically disappearing~…..

7.) What I say, goes. If I refuse your character or think your post is somehow unfair for the others I have the right to ask you to change it, I don't don't want to much argument and really hope I won't have to do this to anyone but I will if I have to.

8.) No One-Liners or short posts!? Please try and get at least a paragraph (4-6 lines) per post minimum!~

9.) OOC in the OOC not the IC!?~

10.) Have Fun!!!!!~ :3
:D X3 xD


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