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[ SnowFeather, ArielSnow ]

Well, I don't really watch too much anime, so I don't usually do fandoms.

- A civil war has broken out in the US. One side has captured one of the other's men, and a team of spies, with Muse A at the lead, is sent to rescue them. Muse B is guarding the prisoner. Muse A and the team are stopped near the entrance by gunfire, but Muse A manages to sneak past through the ventilation system. The one's holding the prisoner [Muse B's side] finds out about the rescue mission, and kills the prisoner. Muse B finds Muse A and they try to kill each other. Muse B almost pushes Muse A out of a window, but rescues Muse A. Muse B's superiors sees this, and opens fire on both of them. Now, both of them need to get out of there, with the help of one another. (Soldier × Enemy Soldier)

- Shapeshifters and Werewolves are rivals. So what happens when Muse A [werewolf] finds Muse B [shapeshifter] while on a hunt? A hunter sees them in their animal forms, but sees through it. He chains them together, and somehow they have to find a way to get free, but are transported off to a distant forest. (Shapeshifter × Werewolf)

- Muse A [Chrome//Explorer] is antisocial, and the smartest person in the world. At least that's what he thought. He meets Muse B [Firefox//Safari] and finds that this wild individual is just as smart as him, or maybe even smarter. They become friends, but will love blossom? And how will they handle Muse A's overprotective dad? (M × M)

I may have more..
Hmm, a lot more detailed then any others I've done. A bit more challenging as well I like. I guess because my character is female we can go with the animals. Also, the smart characters sound interesting. Why don't you choose.

A few ideas I have

- A young couple are lost on a hiking trip and the surrounding area is haunted.

- The female is a princess sent to marry a prince of a neighboring kingdom but gets captured. The male role is hired to find her but things change as she windes up rescuing him.

-The male is a spy and so is the female and their objectives are each other. Their missions are to kill the other one.
Hey! Isn't the last one from Mr and Mrs Smith?! Lol.

I could do any of your ideas, or my ideas. I can't choose. I'll leave it up to you.

I just realize, that people can call both of us Snow.

But people DO call me Snow, so..
I've never seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I actually took the idea from SpyKids. And yes, I'm know by Snow a lot as well

I still can't decide lol
Hmm... Maybe this will boost?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-129.jpeg.0af7d4f14fb5880b74b91088f6c05794.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/images-129.jpeg.0af7d4f14fb5880b74b91088f6c05794.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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