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Fandom Dragon Age Inquisition Main Thread


Dorian Pavus
First Inquisitor Maxwell

"The moment all seems lost, he with the holy power shall reveal himself to the world and dispel the evil that holds these lands and bring peace to us all."

General Information

Maxwell Nikodamos Agathangelos


Name Meaning:
Nikodamos-composed of the elements nike "conquest, victory" and demos "the people," hence "victory of the people."

Agathangelos- composed of the elements agathos "good" and angelos "angel," meaning "good angel."

Other Names: Agathan, Maxwell.

Gender: Male

Titles: Inquisitor.

Birth Date: July 24

Birth Place: Tevinter

Race: Human

Astrological Sign: Leo

Dominant Hand: Right




Weight: 160

Hair Color: Pure White

Hair Length: Medium length

Eye Color: Inner Iris Orange, Outer Iris Green

Eyebrows: Clean, semi thick

Facial Hair: pure white Mustache

Imperfections: his left bicep was severely burned in battle, leaving a gnarly mark.

Wardrobe: Consists of Superior battlemage armor.

Accessories: He wears the belt of health.

Equipment: he carries with him his staff. Tempest (DPS 95-97)

Amulets: Superb amulet of magic

Scent: Smells of freshly cut grass, like nature.

Scars: Battle scars litter his chest and back aswell as a few dark spots due to burns.

Health and Image

Diet: Consists of beef and vegetables and beer.

Exercise: Goes for morning jogs about the castle in early morning.

Maximum Load: capacity of 20 including weapons, potions, light/medium armor.

Running Speed: Light on his feet but is slower with more items carried.

Reflexes: He is hyper sensitive to his surroundings, giving him high evasiveness.


Voice: It is strong and holds authority.

Pitch: He speaks in a deep tone.

Volume: His voice may be deep, but can be well heard over a crowd of people.

Laughter: He chuckles at most but is not one to burst into uncontrollable laughter.


Languages: He knows Tevene.

Temperament: Maxwell is patient and not easily angered, when he is its a controlled anger.

Learning Style: He prefers Visual Learning aswell as Reading.

Instincts: He can kill without a second thought, but prefers to save those he can. He is protective of those he cares about and will kill any who harm his allies.


Religion: He believes in the Chantry aswell as the maker.

Spirit Animal: Lion.

Morality: He believes in what is right and is believed by some as the embodiment of justice.

Etiquette: He is very polite and respectful, putting other people before himself.

Attitude: He is positive and dislikes too dwell on the past, rather he focuses on the future.


Priorities: To save those who need saving, and to be the change this world needs.

Self Confidence: He does not have low self esteem, but does not brag about himself.

Motivation: The Maker

Quirks: Is always at least ten minutes early to any meeting or event.

Is always trying to recruit people to his or her religious/philosophical beliefs.

Overly honest person, always telling the truth even to his or her own detriment.

Hobbies: Learning new techniques/magic, reading, having drinking contests.

Desires: To be seen as important, as a necessity aswell as to be loved by another unconditionally.

Worries: That he will not meet everyone’s expectations, that one day he might fail and that many innocent lives will have to pay for it.

Worst Nightmare: Maxwell’s fear is of becoming evil and losing all that he has been given, especially his friends.

Most Prized Possession: His staff

Regrets: Not being able to save those who died because of his mistakes.

Pet Peeves: Dislikes when people talk in odd slang or have improper grammar.

Phobias: Pyrophobia due to all the burns that mark his skin.

Generosity: He would not hesitate to give to those who need it, even if it meant giving them the clothes off his back.

Honesty: He very rarely lies and believes the truth will set you free.

Loyalty: Maxwell is as loyal as can be and will put his life on the line for others aswell as stay true to his allies.

Insecurities: Maxwell desperately wants love, but fears his scarred body will scare away anyone who dared to get close enough to him.

Reliability: He is true to his word and will always try to pull through for those he cares about no matter what.


Compliments: “you are an important part of this team.” “I admire your strength.” “I enjoy your company.”

Farewells: “Goodbye.” “Nice talking with you.” “It was good seeing you.”

Greetings: “hello.” “Nice seeing you again.” “Its been a while.”

Catchphrase: “Everyone has a choice.”

Insults: --

Mood: Content.

Words: Avanna-hello. Vite Benefaria- respectful goodbye.


Likes: The company of men, beer, justice, friendship, and knowledge.

Dislikes: Evil, wine, demons, and losing.


Immunities: Is immune to moves that causes paralysis.

Strengths: Has high health and able to endure alot on the battlefield, a supporter.

Weaknesses: Has moderate attack power.

Specialty: Spirit Magic

Signature Moves: Elegant Defence and Fortifying Blast

Special Attack: Life Ward


Mother: Anael Agathangelos

Father: Carter Agathangelos

Siblings: none

Close Friends: --

Friends: --

Allies: --

Acquaintances: --

Rivals: --


Love Interests: Dorian

Orientation: Homosexual

Significant Other:--

Turnons: Sense of Humor, affectionate, kind hearted men.

Turnoffs: Easily angered, ill mannered, rude men.


Angry: He wrinkles his nose or furrows his eyebrows. He may have a defensive tone, and tends to cross his arms and puff out his chest.

Anxious: He tries to distract himself, perhaps look at the sky or recall a memory.

Criticized: Maxwell becomes defensive and stubborn when criticized by a stranger, but may act more forgiving towards his allies.

Depressed: When upset he prefers to be locked away in his chambers or stand outside on his porch, looking off into the sky.

Embarrassed: He becomes flustered and tends to chuckle or smile alot.

Excited: He is very composed, but his eyes seem to brighten and his mustache lifts when he feels this way.

Nervous: Maxwell tends to sweat a tad when hes nervous, and his eyebrows narrow.

Offended: Same reaction as Criticized.

Praised: He kindly accepts compliments and is very happy to receive praise.

Sad: Same reaction as Depressed.

Stressed: When stressed Maxwell tends to have a serious expression and is easier to anger.


Maxwell is an adult of his late thirties from a noble family in the Tevinter Imperium. Born as the only child of his family, much was expected of him and a heavy weight was put upon his shoulders to bring honor to his family and to marry a nobleman’s woman. He was a part of the Circle of Magi. Leaving Tevinter he chose to join the inquisition. He traveled across the land in search of purpose, deciding that he was going to be the change he wished to see in the world. Maxwell is well known for being a powerful mage from the circle of magi and his reputation for being the hero who was able to end countless bloody disputes while on his long journey to the Inquisition.

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Sandal Feddic

"Enchantment? Enchantment!" -Sandal

General Information

Name: Sandal Feddic

Pronunciation: San-del Fed-dik

Name Meaning: Runner of the Sandal family

Other Names: None

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Titles: Savant/Enchanter

Birth Date: Unknown

Birth Place: Orzammar

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous

Astrological Sign: Leo

Catchphrase: "Enchantment!"



Height: 3'5"

Weight: 230 lbs

Race: Dwarf

Hair Color: Pale blond

Hair Length: Short

Eye Color: Blue

Eyebrows: Dark Blond

Facial Hair: None

Health and Image

Diet: Whatever editable someone feeds him.

Exercise: Mostly what he gets by traveling often with his foster father, Bodahn.

Maximum Load: All of his enchanting equipment (pretty much everything possibly available to use for an enchanter), plus two melee weapons, a shield, two range weapons (to help his father of course), travelling pack (bedrolls, stuff like that) and 5 miscellaneous things.

Running Speed: Not fast

Reflexes: Unknown

Abnormalities: Possibly Lyrium-addled

Vulnerabilities: Possibly Lyrium-addled

Imperfections: Possibly Lyrium-addled

Wardrobe: Surface Merchant's clothing from Orzammar

Accessories: A letter from his foster father, Bodahn.

Equipment: All of his enchanting equipment, travelling pack.

Amulets: None

Scent: Typical Dwarf

Scars: None visible.


Voice: Excited and Innocent (most of the time)

Pitch: Childlike

Volume: Conversation level

Laughter: Childlike giggle


Languages: Common Tongue, possibly with beasts?

Memory: Untested, possibly perfect.

Temperament: Most of the time, Sandal's like a child, naive and easily influenced

Learning Style: Sandal copies what he sees and does it.

Instincts: Unknown


Religion: None

Spirit Animal: None

Morality: Basic good and evil

Etiquette: Non-existent, but excused

Attitude: Mostly filled with childlike excitement, especially when presented and opportunity to enchant something.


Priorities: Enchanting things

Self Confidence: High, until seemingly knocked low by others, then goes back to high again once the incident's forgotten.

Motivation: Unknown

Quirks: Shows up at the most random places in unlikely times inexplicably, possibly an incredible fighter due to the corpses of monsters often found surrounding him, excellent (possibly one of the best) enchanter despite being a dwarf, gets confused easily most of the time

Hobbies: Enchanting things, helping with menial task with others.

Desires: To enchant things

Worries: Not being able to enchant things

Worst Nightmare: Unknown

Regrets: None

Pet Peeves: None, possibly unknown ones

Phobias: Unknown

Generosity: Very generous, though Sandal could just not understand what "generous" and "not being generous is"

Honesty: Same thing as Generosity

Loyalty: Very loyal to whomever takes care of him regularly

Insecurities: Unknown

Reliability: Very reliable, especially when it comes to enchantments.


Compliments: "You smell nice," "You're pretty," "Your shield's/sword's/axe/etc is shiny."

Farewells: "Bye bye"

Greetings: "Enchantment?" "Hello"

Insults: "You're a bad person!"

Mood: Childlike

Words: Enchantment, Deep Roads.


Likes: Enchantments, enchanting things.

Dislikes: Things preventing the above two.


Immunities: Most diseases. It's not known how Sandal became immune to all major diseases, but no one, including his foster father, has ever seen him sick before. Also very resistant to Darkspawn influence (grant Sandal's never ingested Darkspawn before), yet he lacks any psychological or physical mutations from being in the deep roads so much, aside from the possibly being lyrium-addled.

Strengths: Enchantment, menial tasks (possibly combat?)

Weaknesses: Complex tasks, advance thinking (most likely)

Specialty: Enchantments

Signature Moves: Unknown

Special Attack: Unknown


Mother: Unknown, possibly a human or an elf

Father: Unknown, possibly a noble of House Aeducan. Bodahn is his current foster father.

Siblings: Unknown

Close Friends: None

Friends: Hero of Ferelden (The Warden), Hawke, their marbaris, most of their companions.

Allies: Same as friends

Acquaintances: What customers and traders his foster father frequents with.

Rivals: Wouldn't call them rivals, but the Circle of Magi does keep occasional tabs on Sandal


Love Interests: None

Orientation: Straight, but no one's been able to confirm

Significant Other: None

Turnons: Unknown

Turnoffs: Unknown


When Bodahn first set out from Orzammar to become a surface dwarf, his party came under attack by a scattered group of Darkspawns. The monsters seemed distracted by something, and thus the expedition suffered no casualties or injuries as it dispatched the enemies around them. However, just as they passed the source of where the fiends came from, the expedition came upon a startling sight: a hallway filled with the corpses of Darkspawns, including several ogres. What's more was that they all died facing a single direction, surrounding a calm looking young dwarf, who upon seeing the party became confused. When Bodahn and the others tried to figured out who the young dwarf was, all they got as a reply was a tiled head, a curious stare, and "enchantment?"

Bodahn's heart melted, and took the boy under him as his own son. From then on he began calling the boy "Sandal" and deduced that he had been addled due to prolonged lyrium exposure in the Deep Roads. Still, as they reached the surface, Bodahn received the shock of his life when he found Sandal enchanting one of the spare battleaxes that the surface merchant was peddling, causing the blade to light on fire. Bodahn then took Sandal to the Circle of Magi in Ferelden, where they currently were, and had the boy examined. It was there that the mages declared Sandal a savant, and released him to the careful watch of Bodahn, with strict warning to keep a close eye on the boy. From then, Sandal and his foster father would fall in with a group of individuals that would shape the land forever.

Joining first the Hero of Ferelden in their quest to stop the Fifth Blight before it picks up, the pair traveled across the land, from Orzammar to the woods of the Dalish Elves and the cities of the human nobility and politics. Through all of this Sandal expanded his vocabulary somewhat, but still seems to lack complex sentence structures in his conversations. As time passed, the pair would then traveled to the city of Kirkwall where they would meet the legendary Hawke, and sell and buy goods from the hero, before departing to Orlais where Sandal's services was requested by Empress Celene herself. Through all of this adventure, Sandal's expanded his skills to not only being able to enchant any object, but to buy and sell at a profit as well, as well as further expansion in the words available for speech. In both times, the Hero of Ferelden and Hawke would find Sandal in the most unlikely of places, like the midst of a battle or the depths of the Deep Roads, surrounded by the corpses of powerful enemies (including Ogres and Pride Demons!).

It was unknown how Sandal ended up in the ranks of the Inquisition. Official report stated that one of the scout teams found him wandering around near the roads by Skyhold, and took him in for questioning after determining he wasn't a threat. Of course the questioning got nowhere, though the boy was holding a letter of some sort from his father, which he showed anyone that fed him. However with the recent events, there have been no permanent caretaker assigned to Sandal, and despite being housed and fed, Sandal often just wanders around the castle until someone finds him and takes him back to the Herald's Rest.

Traitor Inquisitor

General Information

Name: Arakon Ambros

Pronunciation: A-hra-kon Am-bros

Name Meaning: Night Watchman

Other Names: High Priest Nokara

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Titles: Inquisitor (Traitor/High Priest of Lusacan; Old God)

Birth Date: -350 Ancient

Birth Place: Old Tevinter

Dominant Hand: Right

Astrological Sign: Libra

Catchphrase: Don't fear the darkness.



Height: 5" 9' tall

Weight: 220 lbs

Race: Human

Hair Color: Black

Hair Length: Short

Eye Color: Green

Eyebrows: Trimmed

Facial Hair: Stubble

Health and Image

Diet: Anything that is fine made and deliciously seasoned.

Exercise: Not much of a exercise-man.

Maximum Load: 15 lbs

Running Speed: Isn't much of a running man; uses magic-support incase they do need to run long miles.

Reflexes: About the average reaction of an armed knight.

Abnormalities: His eyes seem to be a Fade-green, having been called of glowing.

Vulnerabilities: Can be easily coated into a fight.

Imperfections: A tiny scar, on the right side of his face.

Wardrobe: Contains the latest fashion, from each part of the world.

Accessories: Old black-ring.

Equipment: Drake-skin, leather armor.

Amulets: An old, dragon-like amulet.

Scent: Smells of fine wine.

Scars: One long scar on his back.


Voice: Pleasant and charming.

Pitch: Calm and deep.

Volume: Doesn't go beyond, simple chat-volume. Doesn't yell much.

Laughter: A simple, noble chutter.


Languages: Is very educated, knows most of the Known World' languages. Including a little Qun.

Memory: Remembers much of everything, but is easy to forget their meaning or use of them.

Temperament: Balanced, yet has a habit of getting into a quarrel, usually wins those.

Learning Style: Likes to be self-sufficient and practical.

Instincts: Goes with the flow of the practicality, tested theories and pragmatism. Doesn't poke the dragon, cause its has been known and tested to be dangerous.


Religion: None

Spirit Animal: Dragon

Morality: Good and Evil aren't. Its only Balance and Chaos.

Etiquette: Clever, charming and a peacemaker.

Attitude: Likes to be the middle-man, able to make fair judgements and later laze around, when the job is done.


Priorities: Finish the Goal of the Rift.

Self Confidence: He makes-up with the knowledge, that he is smarter than everybody else.

Motivation: Balance

Quirks: Despite being intelligent, he likes to play lazy-bones usually. He has an usually obsession with dragons, despite his fear of fire.

Hobbies: Gardening.

Desires: Eliminate the Blight.

Worries: All the effort his goal was for nothing.

Worst Nightmare: Return of the Old Gods.

Regrets: Causing the First Blight and Fall of the Old Ones.

Pet Peeves: Teaching idiots.

Phobias: Fire.

Generosity: He would offer both money and wisdom, if need be.

Honesty: His concept of honesty, is white lies upon to save face.

Loyalty: Despite the past, he isn't one to stab friends in the back.

Insecurities: The final act of his task, won't be accepted by his new friends.

Reliability: He is quick and a smart - and always has an answer ready to help.


Compliments: "A wise choice." "Smart as me." "Good thinking."

Farewells: "Safe travels." "Good hunting."

Greetings: "Greetings." "Good to see you." "Copper for your thoughts?"

Insults: "Dragon' poo." "Fried snack."

Mood: Pleasant

Words: Amandu' Nor Maya Mu-kin - Ignorance is Death.


Likes: Intelligent individuals, jokes, practical-minded.

Dislikes: Idiots, mob-logic, faith.


Immunities: Demons seem to unaffect him. Both their physical and mental.

Strengths: He is very effective against demons, even the strongest seems to have a slight fear of him.

Weaknesses: He is above average, in dealing with the usual opponents.

Specialty: Knight-Enchanter

Signature Moves: Spirit Blades and Fade Shield

Special Attack: Spiritual Purge


Mother: --

Father: --

Siblings: --

Close Friends: None remain.

Friends: --

Allies: --

Acquaintances: Corypheus, the Architect, former High Priests.

Rivals: --


Love Interests: ---

Orientation: Straight

Significant Other: --- (Wishes for one)

Turnons: Intelligent, charming, teasing.

Turnoffs: Brutality, idiocy, fake-smarts.

Reactions (Can Change)

Angry: Becomes defensive in both his words and actions.

Anxious: Starts tapping his fingers against his side.

Criticized: Same as Offended.

Depressed: Same as Sad.

Embarrassed: Likes to facepalm, in such events to hide his shame.

Excited: ---

Nervous: Same as Anxious. With the additive of starting to rub his chin.

Offended: Likes to offend back, with a minor embarrassing detail about his opponent.

Praised: Plays it off to being easy, and natural with his intelligence.

Sad: Becomes closed off, and starts talking to himself.

Stressed: ---


Arakon or in Ancient times going by Nokara was a High Priest of the Old Gods. Namely that of Lusacan, the Night one. He was there, when the breach of the Gold City happened - and what it really was.

He knows what the Old Gods were, and in-general what the Fade hides in its truth. He has been cursed by the Taint millenia ago - but his affliction being internal, rather than external. He has lived for years, trying to fix the mistakes of the past.

But even he, has seen the future coming into motion, and that the world in its current state could not survive it. As thus, with a former afflicted friend - the plan in Haven was realized. Corypheus got his wish, and Nokara got time to prepare in the Fade - until he was released back into the world.

Character Sheet - OC Companion

Isaac Courtois

General Information

: Isaac Courtois

Pronunciation: court-twa

Other Names: Goes by Saenus instead of Courtois as Courtois is father’s name and is recognisable to those familiar with Magisters.



Titles: (previously) Altus, Enchanter.

Birth Date: 15th December

Birth Place: Tevinter Imperium; Minrathous

Dominant Hand: Left

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Catchphrase: “Ea na vento tua beo aureus, ea vento tua beo forta”


: 6’2


Race: Human (Tevinter Born)

Hair Color: Black

Hair Length: longer on top than on the sides, with thick curls

Eye Color: Hazel

Eyebrows: Well groomed

Facial Hair: None

Health and Image

: Fine foods, and fancy wines are his preference.

Exercise: Enjoys it and finds relaxation in it.

Running Speed: Light on his feet, and quick.

Reflexes: Fast and aware

Imperfections: Scars on shoulders and upper arms.

Wardrobe: Superior Enchanter Coat

Accessories: Belt of health

Equipment: Bloodwake (Staff)

Amulets: none

Scent:Book pages, array of flowers, smoke and embers

Scars: He has heavily scarred shoulders and upper arms.

Extra:His left arm covered in dark ink, depicting a forest scene and then slowly turning into the stars at the top of his arm, the stars being in a white ink


: Smooth and Honeyed

Pitch: light

Volume: can be loud and attention grabbing

Laughter: His laughter is often controlled gentle laughter, however when in fits of laughter it’s loud and boisterous


: Common tongue, Tevene, Orlesian, Antivan, small bits of Qunlat

Memory: Impressive

Temperament: Mild

Learning Style: Visual, he learns best from reading. Although he learns well also from tactical

Instincts: Protect his allies.


: Refusal to believe

Spirit Animal: Stag

Morality: Believes in helping those who need it

Etiquette: He would do well in the game. He is polite and dignified.

Attitude:Dwells too much on his past but will stand against anything wrong.


: Saving people and doing what is right

Self Confidence:In abundance

Motivation: Making up for the wrong his family name has done.

Quirks: Twists his rings when nervous

Likes to be fashionably late

Hobbies:Reading, Astronomy, herbology.

Desires:He want’s to be happy

Worries: He worries that he will disappoint the people close to him

Worst Nightmare: Becoming his father.

Regrets:Leaving home.

Pet Peeves: People chewing with their mouths open

Phobias: Deep Water is his biggest phobia, insects

Generosity: Would give his life to those he cares about, for those he doesn’t know he’d certainly give a little money at least

Honesty: As long as it isn’t about his past then he’s probably being honest

Loyalty: Loyal to those who are doing good

Insecurities:So much, insecure about anything related to himself

Reliability: You could rely on him with your life


:’You’re rather enjoyable company” “bese formosa” “ma aureum”

Farewells:’Vitae benefaria’ ‘Farewell’ ‘Valea’

Greetings:’Hello’ ‘it’s good to see you’

Insults:Vishante kaffas

Mood: -

Words: Avanna, Kaffas, Valea


Fine wines, astrology, company of his friends, stories, dogs

Dislikes: Prejudice, Sand, Cold Weather, the sea


: Paralysis

Strengths: Arcane Abilities especially Necromancy, and Storm.

Weaknesses: Physical Combat


Signature Moves: Horror, and Static Charge

Special Attack: Static Cage


: Calventia Courtois

Father: Varas Courtois

Siblings: none

Close Friends: -






Love Interests
: N/A

Orientation: Homosexual

Significant Other: Hissera(Deceased)

Turnons: Affectionate men, humour, wit

Turnoffs:Rudeness, prejudiced people,

Reactions (Can Change)

Angry: Cold, arms folded, short responses.

Anxious: Fidgets with jewelry, chews lips, and scratches arms.

Criticized: Joking, and jesting

Depressed: either cold, and short responses or overly joyfully

Embarrassed: Joking, flustered

Excited: Grinning, bouncy.

Nervous: Joking and loud

Offended: Similar to Criticized

Praised: Thankful, grinning

Sad: Same as Depressed

Stressed: quick temper, seriousness


Isaac is tevinter born, born into Altus parents (his father a magister), yet their names are something Isaac would never consider indulging a person with. Despite being born ‘Tevinter’ Isaac is no longer associated with the Magocracy due to him leaving the imperium at a young age due to his refusal to use his talents against others and his constant questioning of their society. He’s resided in mostly Orlais, hiring himself out as a young companion for travellers. Offering them safety. His reputation for his talents spread quickly, earning him positions within Castles, and working for Arls

and also Josephine!
Character Sheet - Inquisitor

Atisha Lavellan

General Information

Name: Atisha Lavellan

Pronunciation: Ah-tea-sha

Name Meaning: Peace/Peaceful

Gender: Female

Age: 29 waking years (true age unknown)

Titles: Inquisitor Lavellan

Birth Date: Sometime in the spring, Before the fall of the Elvhen homeland.

Birth Place: Elvhenan (somewhere in the area now known as Fereldan)

Dominant Hand: Right is her staff-wielding hand~

Astrological Sign: Pisces


Height: 5'9"

Weight: Don't you know not to ask a woman her weight? She has a very lithe frame.

Race: Elvhen (one of the elves who was born in Elvhenan)

Hair Color: Reddish Brown.

Hair Length: Chin length on her left side, becoming longer on the right. The longest portions of her hair come a bit past her collarbone. (see the drawings under the clothes section for a proper example of this)

Eye Color: Green.

Eyebrows: Dark reddish brown.

Health and Image

Diet: Prior to the inquisition, she primarily ate plants, fruits and nuts which she could find in the forest, only partaking in the flesh of an animal when the need was great and she knew the creature would not suffer for her sake. During/Post inquisition, she's adapted to eat whatever is provided, knowing that she has no room to be picky when she's part of a group.

Exercise: Most of her exercise comes from trekking the forest terrain and moving around both with and outside of the clan.

Running Speed: She runs like the Halla. Her movements are a little quicker than the average persons, but nothing outrageous. She's just used to being on her own, and has developed strong running ability.

Reflexes: She has very good reflexes, being able to duck under trees while she runs, or quickly regain her balance after tripping over rocks. Her spell casting agility is also good, and she can do basic defensive melee with her staff.

Abnormalities: She was born in Elvhenan, and was only a child when she went into uthenera at her parent's behest. Atisha maintained her race's immortality, and thus will not pass due to a life span coming to an end like it does for mortal races.


-Though she is no stranger to natural injury, the injuries caused in battle effect her more. Her status as a mage combined with her slight stature leaves her as an easy target if she is unable to avoid hits.


-As someone not born in this time, she is a bit lost when it comes to social interaction and anything related to 'history' of the time she was in uthenera. This makes it harder for some people to relate to her, especially fancy orleasians who use her social disconnect to support their arguments that she is just some strange elven savage from the wilderness.

-She was too young to know the meaning behind Vallaslin as a child, so when she finds out the truth, she sees the markings on her face as a big imperfection.

Wardrobe: A pair of brown shorts, a green cowl necked tunic shirt with asymmetrical sleeves, shoes with openings for the heels and toes, so she is always in contact with the earth beneath her feet. (See my drawings)

View attachment 216635View attachment 216636

Accessories: A sash which doubles as small item storage, an arm band on her left arm, a bit below her sleeve.

Equipment: Her staff (pictured in the first drawing under the spoiler)

Amulets: Kitty's Collar

Scent: She has a strange smell of magic and the fade intertwined with the earthy smell of the forest.

Skin: Her skin is fair in color, and covered in freckles.

Scars: She has web-like scarring from the front of her left shoulder, wrapping around and going down her shoulder blade. She keeps it hidden from others.

Vallaslin: She has the most simplified version of Mythal's vallaslin, which is the color of dried blood.


Voice: Gentle and warm in tone.

Pitch: Middle range

Volume: average vocal volume, though it might seem quieter due to the gentler tone.

Laughter: Her laughter is very cheerful with little snorts and breathyness.


Languages: Elvhen (though she keeps this fact hidden to prevent suspicion), Common Tongue.

Memory: She has a good memory, especially in regards to things that interest her.

Temperament: Atisha has difficulty completely trusting others and her cautiousness can seem rude to some. She cares deeply for all natural things (the fade included). She tends to keep to herself but once she opens up to others, she is a friendly and valuable ally.

Learning Style: A combination of study and experience.

Instincts: Her instincts are nature and self preserving. If asked a question, she will speak honestly without realizing that in the current society, her words might offend or cause issues.


Religion: Religion is a complicated thing for her. She believes in the creators, but values true knowledge above these beliefs and thus when challenged, she will accept the facts.

Spirit Animal: Hanal'ghilan ; The golden halla. They are herd animals by nature, but Hanal'ghilan is known to travel on it's own only to unite with the Dalish in their time of need. Much like her going off on her own to pursue knowledge, only to unite with the inquisition because of the breach.

Morality: Life of all forms is precious, so she only takes it when necessary.

Etiquette: In the eyes of the orlesian court, her lack of proper social etiquette is appalling.

Attitude: The two most important things in her opinion are the pursuit of knowledge, and preserving life. Though she is a positive and friendly person, if either are threatened she becomes very serious.


Priorities: Obtain knowledge of the past, Protect lives, Save the world...the usual.

Self Confidence: She is confident in her abilities, though before joining the inquisition, she was scared to display her magic, as the keeper of the clan that took her in had made her feel like her gift was a curse during the blight.

Motivation: Finding out just what happened to her people while she was asleep all those centuries.


-Magic faintly forms at her fingertips when she's anxious.

-Becoming excited when she finds relics of the past, especially if they are elven.

-Getting tunnel vision when it comes to reading. She becomes so engrossed that it's hard for those outside to pull her attention away.

Hobbies: Traveling in pursuit of relics and ruins that might contain knowledge lost to the ages.


-That she won't be good enough to keep the people she cares about safe

-That the world might not be savable.

Worst Nightmare: Being powerless to do anything when so much is at stake.

Regrets: She regrets not knowing what happened to her parents after she went into uthenera.

Pet Peeves: People who follow blindly, even when contradictory knowledge is right under their noses.

Generosity: She is not a material person, so all she has to give is knowledge. It frustrates her that some people will not accept knowledge if it differs from what they previously knew. She also knows that knowledge can be a weapon in the wrong hands, so she is careful with whom she imparts important information.

Honesty: Atisha keeps things to herself, but isn't one to lie. She will either stay quiet, or be completely honest even if the situation calls for feigning ignorance.

Loyalty: She is loyal to those who earn her trust and friendship.

Insecurities: She is nervous that if anyone were to find out that she is Elvhen, they might treat her differently.

Reliability: She is a reliable ally in battle and it someone who can be trusted to do what she promises to.


Compliments: "You look...nice?" "I'm glad you've got my back."

Farewells: "May your steps be swift on your journey", "Farewell...", "May you walk with Fen'Harel's blessing" (She was never sure why the dalish were insulted by that last one)

Greetings: "Andaran atish’an" (formal), "Aneth ara" (socialable, only with close ones)

Insults: "Dirthara-ma" (translates to "May you learn")

Mood: Inquisitive.

Words: Fade, Magic, Elvhen, Understand, History, Truth


Likes: Learning, Nature, Magic, Spending time near others.

Dislikes: Pointless destruction, Anger, Stuffy social situations (aka, most times in Orlais)


Immunities: immune to moves that cause knockback.

Strengths: Distance attacking, agility

Weaknesses: Being attacked up close, Being attacked in the middle of spellcasting.

Specialty: Storm Magic (later, Rift Magic)

Signature Moves: Energy Barage, Chain Lightning (later Veilstrike)

Special Attack: Static Cage (later Firestorm)


Mother: Hallana

-Her mother had the same red brown hair as her own which cascaded down the woman's back, but she found it more beautiful when paired with her mother's warm brown eyes and gentle smile. Her singing voice is what Atisha remembers the most fondly.

Father: Athim

-Her father had sharper features which only softened when he gazed at his wife. He had alert green eyes and sandy blond hair which was kept short, but not styled in any particular fashion. A bow always rested against his back, ready to defend his family.

Siblings: none

Close Friends: ???

Friends: ???

Allies: The Inquisition

Acquaintances: ???

Rivals: ???


Love Interests: Solas

Orientation: Straight

Significant Other: currently none

Turnons: Those who care deeply, minds which can accept change

Turnoffs: Those who follow blindly

Reactions (Can Change)

Angry: She becomes tense and the warmth in her vocal tone becomes darker.

Anxious/Nervous: Twinkles of magic form at her fingertips.

Criticized: She's likely to avert her eyes, but accept the criticism.

Depressed: She would isolate herself, pulling her knees up to her chest and hugging them as she hides her face.

Embarrassed: Her voice becomes a bit quieter, cheeks pink and she turns her face away.

Excited: Her voice becomes a bit louder and she feels the need to explain her excitement to those around her.

Offended: Similar to criticism, she will likely bare it.

Praised: She feels her chest swell with happiness and makes eye contact.

Sad: Slowly closes her eyes, willing her tears to stay away until a more convenient timing.

Stressed: Similar to anxious/nervous, but she also closes her eyes, her jaw becomes tense and she tries to take deep breaths to calm down.


This may contain minor spoilers for those who haven't completed DAI

When Atisha was young her parents did all they could to keep her from ever knowing a life of slavery, having been slaves to one of the elven gods and escaping themselves.

Eventually they were cornered, knowing there was no hope of escape. None but each other knew about their child's birth. And so they found a cave, nestled in the trees and hid Atisha. It was a huge risk to send someone into Uthenera, especially one whose whole life was still ahead of them. Many never woke from the slumber. But to be forever in the land of dreams was better than to be enslaved for eternity.

Knowing their child may never wake, they held her tight, only letting themselves grieve when her tiny little eyes were closed. Her mother kissed her hair and softly sang the same lullaby she sang to Atisha every night. This would be the last time she would sing to her child. The last time she would hold her in her arms. Gaining courage, the couple grasped each other's hands before dashing into the woods.

Their pursuers had been gaining on them. It would be any day before the pair were caught. So they would spend their last brief days running together. Running as fast as their tired muscles would allow. Not caring if their clothing tore or their feet were cut open from funning over jagged rock and sharp foliage.


The small girl did as her parents asked. Rubbing her earthy green eyes, she looked up at the pair.

Her mother was more beautiful to her than the many statues they passed. Her red brown hair, the same color as her own, seemed much more beautiful when paired with warm brown eyes and her mother's gentle smile. The woman's hair cascaded down her back, spilling over her shoulders when she would sit and sing the songs of their people.

In contrast, her father's features were much more sharp. Alert green eyes which seemed to notice everything around them, sandy blond hair kept short but not styled in any particular fashion. The only time he didn't appear sharp was when he looked at mother. Like his edges became softer by her influence. Maybe that was what love looked like?

Atisha's small freckled hands gripped the ends of her tunic. Her father said there was no need to be afraid. That plenty of people woke up from this really long sleep. That it would be just like a nap. But she had learned how people's bodies needed to be looked after. What would happen if nobody was watching out for her as she slept?

She squeezed her eyes shut and listened to her mother's song. The words seemed more sad than usual. Atisha prayed that someone would keep her safe. That someone had enough compassion to keep her alive. That her short eight years of life wouldn't be the only ones she got to live out.

A strange feeling of comfort came over her. Like a blanket being draped over her, or a warm whisper letting her know that everything would be alright.

The melody of her mother's song began to fade into the same haze as her consciousness. 'This is it' she thought to herself, feeling both of her parents cradling her small form in their arms.

Then she awoke again. The sound of hooved animals could be heard approaching. She panicked, willing her aching body to move but she felt so tired...

Finally managing to get herself to her feet, she stumbled out of the cave and onto the grass. The earth felt strange beneath her feet, like it was sick or maybe it was just hard from how cold the air was. She could have sworn it was summer when she layed down for her nap. Atisha rubbed her bare arms, hoping to produce any warmth she could.

Voices speaking in a language she did not understand joined the hoof beats. Wait...some of the words were Elven. Perhaps a different version of the language was spoken by this group.

"Ma Halani." Words formed at her lips, desperate to be understood. "Souveri...Taren." struggling the words to explain her fatigue, she did all she could. Being small, Atisha hoped they might attribute her lack of understanding of their language to her age, or having been on her own.

A woman dismounted her halla, one hand on her bow as she looked around to see if their was any threat. The woman's eyes softened and her hand rested atop the young girl's hair. She was a part of a Dalish hunting party, and took the poor thing with her to their camp.

Her keeper was a fair man. He was not nessicarily what one might call warm, but he was kind in his own ways, doing what he could for the people of clan Lavellan.


The day Atisha recieved her Vallaslin, she was nervous. It was apparently some sort of 'coming of age' tradition for Dalish clans. She couldn't remember much of what her parents told her about the creators aside from the fact that they had immense power. From what she heard the Dalish say though, gods having a great amount of power seemed normal.

Vallaslin was done in a special ritual. The ink was mixed with her own blood and became the color of dried blood. How others had green or blue markings was baffling, though she supposed it might have to do with the ink their blood had been mixed with.

Each elf's markings were a tribute to one of the gods of the elven pantheon.A reminder of those who look out for us all. The ink almost burned as it touched her cheek. But she would not cry out. She would be seen as weak, unworthy of being an adult. So she endured. Cheeks marked, the keeper moved to gather more ink when a bolt of lightning struck Atisha's shoulder. The blast knocked the keeper back, as well as the ink mixture, which seeped into the earth.

She cried out, clutching her smoking left shoulder before hissing and pulling her hand back again. The keeper hurried back to acess her injuries, tearing her shirt to reveal a web of angry red skin over her shoulder, upper arm, and part of her back.

The first met with them, her eyes widening when she saw what had happened. Though she and the keeper both kept Atisha's scarring incident a secret, it was only a matter of time before the clan became tense and avoided her.

When the blight hit ferelden, she was asked to leave the clan. The official reasoning was to prevent too many mages from being in the clan, but she knew it had to do with the tensions between the clan and her 'curse' as they called it. So the nineteen year old journeyed off on her own with a bow on her back to prevent the suspicion of travelers she might come across.

She spent her days seeking out knowledge in ancient ruins until news of the conclave reached her and she journeyed there in order to satisfy her curiosity.

Canon Companion


Name: Cole

Age: appears in his early 20s

Race: Human, Spirit

Fighting Style: Dagger wielding rogue

Sexual Orientation: Undiscovered (as Cole is not more human nor spirit as of yet, and has not thought of that sort of thing.)

Friends: --
Canon Companion

Cassandra Pentaghast

Age: Appears to be in late 20s

Race: Human

Fighting Style: Sword and Shield wielding Warrior

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Friends: Lelianna

(Should I do the version of her that was elected Divine or should I just keep her as her normal character?)
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Canon Companion

Iron Bull

Age: ???

Race: Qunari

Fighting Style: Two-Handed Weapon Warrior

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Friends: The Chargers

(Hey I was wondering if as this character I could also control the Chargers as well?)
I think it'd be best if Cassandra was kept as she was before divine. As for Iron Bull, yes you can control the chargers. :) I'll add the information later today. You can make your first post whenever your ready!
Canon Character


Cremisius ("Krem") Aclassi

Age: Mid twenties

Race: Human

Fighting Style: Two-Handed Weapon Warrior, prefers hammers. He looks up to The Iron Bull in terms of fighting, though is less ballsy when it comes to attacking hordes of enemies on his own (like Bull is known to).

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Friends: Bull and the Chargers
Canon Companion


Name: Varric

Age: appears to be in late 30s

Race: Dwarf

Fighting Style: Bianca...ain't she a beauty?

Sexual Orientation: It's complicated...

Friends: Hawke mostly, but Cassandra and the others of the Inquisition aren't that bad
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General Information

Name: Dinyla Roque

Pronunciation: din-e-la ro-que

Other Names: Dinny, Sunshine by Varric

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Titles: N/A

Birth Date: January 4th

Birth Place: Deep in the forests of the Emerald Graves

Dominant Hand: Left

Astrological Sign: Pisces

Catchphrase: "What can I do to help?"

(( will post up picture soon! ))


Height: 5 feet 4 inches

Weight: 145 pounds

Race: Half elf and half human (results with faintly pointed ears)

Hair Color: Raven black

Hair Length: Down to the middle of her back

Eye Color: Sapphire blue

Eyebrows: Thin and neatly trimmed with somewhat angular shape to perfectly curve eyes

Facial Hair: N/A

Health and Image

Diet: Influenced by both of her parents' upbringings, Dinyla tends to lean more towards fruits and plants for her meals but will often have some meat on her plate to compliment the 'forest' that is lettuce and carrots among other healthy foods. From time to time, Dinyla would allow herself a hearty drink of mead or wine but it is only accompanied by a large meal and she privileges herself to just one. If she drinks a lot or if she drinks without food, something is usually bothering her...

Exercise: Being a rogue for the Inquisition, Dinyla often does a great deal of scouting and will be seen running around and quickly climbing trees for the best view. She can handle her own amount of weight but given her slightly thin frame, she cannot do the most heavy lifting like others in the team can.

Running Speed: Dinyla is very fast, able to cover a great deal of ground over a short amount of time. While not the fastest of the team, she has a great deal of endurance, able to cover a lot of ground over an allotted period of time without needing a lot of rest.

Reflexes: Very on point, given the fact she has a great deal of training with her daggers and close combat, having very good timing for dodges and parries. Her reactions for physical punches or kicks are a little slower due to her wanting methodically hit the target just right.

Imperfections: Series of small scars here and there along her body (mostly her hands and arms) from mishandling daggers, arrows, and other sharps. Some burn marks on her hands that have healed over from small mistakes while making poisons and small potions to use in battle.

Wardrobe: Wears a lot of clothes that are light and flow (thanks to the influence of her Dalish father) and can often be seen walking around Skyhold without shoes but will wear boots or sandals depending on the weather and terrain when out on missions. Her hair is often pulled back and over time has adopted a lot of Dalish hairstyles to keep the hair from her eyes. Her clothing is made of light material and sometimes wears furs for the winter months, along with colors being earthy tones with some pop of color here and there. Her shirts are usually backless to allow her tattoo to breathe and not feel so covered, hoping the exposure gives her back some relief if she were to have an attack.

Accessories: Wears a small ring of some of the finest diamond ore on her finger that was a gift from Varric on her 25th birthday.

Equipment: Bears her father's daggers on her belt with a few potions for battle lined along either side of her waist. A lock picking kit rests in one of the pockets of her belt and a Dalish bow and quiver of arrows rests on her back for long distance fighting or hunting.

Amulets: Wears an Orlesian golden necklace around her neck that belonged to her mother along with a necklace of Dalish pendant with a leather string that had belonged to her father.

Scent: Often smells of roses from her constant time in the gardens of Skyhold.

Scars: Dinyla bears a scar along the left side of her stomach from being stabbed during an espionage mission she encountered with Hawke and the others of his company.

Extra: Across her whole back, Dinyla has a large tattoo of Andraste extending her hands out lovingly towards those who gaze upon her beauty and her long hair flowing across Dinyla's sun-kissed skin.


Voice: Soft and a little sultry, articulate

Pitch: A softer and slightly deep pitch, not very high

Volume: Somewhere in the middle that can fluctuate given her attitude

Laughter: Depending on the situation, the laughter can be soft and light, more of the giggling nature and short term, but when something really amuses Dinyla, the laughter is rich and deep, making her shoulders shake to the energy.


Languages: Dalish, Common

Memory: Very good

Temperament: Very diplomatic and pleasant but can be very short and aggressive when threatened or angered

Learning Style: Visual with a great emphasis of hands-on experience to ingrain the material into her mind

Instincts: Overly protective of her closest friends and allies out of the fear she would lose them too. Can kill enemies without hesitation but if faced with a moral dilemma, Dinyla wishes for violence to not be the answer to everything.


Religion: A harmonious blend between the Dalish gods and Andraste.

Spirit Animal: Hawk

Morality: She believes very strongly in doing the ethical and right thing, no matter how much it hurts.

Etiquette: Having an Orlesian minor noble for a mother, Dinyla has great table manners and can be a good hostess if the occasion calls for it but is also culturally aware of others thanks to her exposure of her father's Dalish culture.

Attitude: Very polite and warm to talk to, can be emotionally intimate with others with kisses on the cheek, hugs, or some physical contact to indicate to others she is paying attention to them.


Priorities: Assisting and protecting her friends whenever she can, discovering the truth about her past

Self Confidence: Having lived on her own for several years, Dinyla is fairly confident in her abilities and taking care of herself but just like everyone, she has her moments where she does not believe she is strong enough to do something.

Motivation: Discovering the truth about herself, ensuring her friends live to see a new day, and discover the secret of her tattoo before the pain kills her

Quirks: When her tattoo is acting up, the color in her face usually drains and leaves her in horrible pain that often needs mages to help null the pain with magic but it lasts for only so long; Has a tendency to hold things close to her chest when someone is really emotionally stirring for her; When it rains, Dinyla often watches the storm for sometimes hours on end; When her tattoo is hurting and the skin blisters and boils from the intensity of the heat coming off of her body, Dinyla will walk around at night with the cool air making steam roll off of her skin.

Hobbies: Reading in the library, training in the courtyard, cooking, gardening for apothecary ingredients and for fun, dancing Dalish jigs

Desires: A special someone to go to bed with every night, no more pain from her tattoo, the truth about her existence

Worries: What the truth of her existence may actually be, losing all of her friends and being alone

Worst Nightmare: To be possessed by the very demons that haunted her blood mage parents

Regrets: She could do nothing to protect her parents from whatever mysterious figure killed them

Pet Peeves: People who act like sheep, people who are too absorbed in their own grief or pleasure to notice others' suffering or their achievements, hypocrites

Phobias: Possession by demons

Generosity: Dinyla will give the last bit of food, her bed, and the clothing off her back if it helped someone less fortunate than her

Honesty: Dinyla may tell one small white lie every now and again to assure the peace is kept among the people, but she is as honest as she can be. Lying to those she cares for deeply is not something she believes helps or makes tension better between people.

Loyalty: Loyal to her friends till the very end

Insecurities: With the pain of her tattoo and her nightmares growing worse with each passing day, she is afraid she will become a horrible burden to the Inquisition.

Reliability: Dinyla is always capable of delivering on her end of a deal and she never makes a promise she cannot keep


Compliments: You are just splendid, my dear; I could not ask for a better friend than you.; You are just radiating, aren't you?; Ar lath ma (I love you)

Farewells: Dareth shiral (Safe journey); Till we next meet, my friend; Farewell

Greetings: Andaran atish'an, emma lath (I dwell in this place in peace, my love)

Insults: Dirthara-ma (May you learn)

Mood: Calm and tranquil, taking pleasure in the smaller things of life knowing her tattoo would be the end of her at any given time. Very curious, especially with her history since she was never told the whole story.

Words: Dalish, curious, inquisitive, mystery, diplomacy, kind, Lathbora viran (a longing for something one can never really know)


Likes: Dalish wine, dancing, apothecary, animals, the ocean, the forest, walking in the moonlight, hugs, someone running their fingers through her hair

Dislikes: demons, material wealth, her nightmares, the pain from her tattoo acting up


Immunities: To some basic poisons used by rogues but not special concoctions or trade secret formulations

Strengths: Stealth, high endurance

Weaknesses: Has some natural resistance against magic but by no means immune, more skilled with daggers than hand-to-hand combat

Specialty: Espionage and sneak attacks

Signature Moves: Sneak Attack, Parry, Death from Above (archery), and Lost in the Shadows

Special Attack: Dance of Death


Mother: Enide Roque; significance: Enide - soul (deceased)

Father: Mormerildaer (nicknamed Mormer); significance: black rose (deceased)

Siblings: None

Close Friends: Varric, Hawke, the Grey Warden, and the members of those two companies

Friends: open to anyone!

Allies: Inquisition and all supporters of the Inquisition, a few contacts of hers outside of the Inquisition

Acquaintances: open to anyone!

Rivals: open to anyone!


Love Interests: Has a rather big crush on the Iron Bull

Orientation: Straight but has tendencies of being bicurious

Significant Other: None for right now

Turn ons: physical touch (intimate or caring), a strong spirit that bears through even the worst conditions, a good listener, worldly people, musically gifted individuals (song or playing), goofballs/easy going people

Turn offs: racist, sexist, narcissism, materialistic, possessive, easily angered

Reactions (Can Change)

Angry: Can become very quiet, eyes lock with the individual and can even become a little reclusive, not wishing to interact until she has calmed down.

Anxious: Has tendency to hug her arms around her stomach in the efforts to comfort herself

Criticized: Very quiet and simply stares right in the eyes of the individual that criticizes her, waiting until they are completely finished to make an argument back or may say nothing if she does not think it warrants a response.

Depressed: Faintly pointed ears unconsciously droop a little and gaze often falls to the ground, finding it hard to look up at anyone in the eye.

Embarrassed: Cheeks flush and has tendency to bite her bottom lip, avoids eye contact or might stare at the individual for a time before running off to hide.

Excited: Face immediately lights up with a smile grinning from ear to ear to the point where her cheeks might start to hurt. Voice goes up a little in pitch from the excitement and can sometimes have a hard time containing herself.

Nervous: Hands clench into fists and shake a little, arms hug around herself to try and relax.

Offended: Eyes narrow and ears fall a little flat, can be very blunt and short towards the individual offending her.

Praised: Tries to be as humble as possible, smiles a great deal to the praise and excessively thanks the individual paying compliments.

Sad: Grows very quiet, often isolates herself and has bags under her eyes from fatigue and little sleep.

Stressed: Hair can be a mess at times with fingers combing through her long locks of raven hair, sometimes finds herself antsy or fidgets, unable to sit still.


Dinyla was born to two blood mage parents, who were the happiest people in the world to have a child of their own after turning to the darkest of magic to save their own lives. Up until her eighth birthday, Dinyla was the happiest child in the world with two parents who went to great lengths to give her a life they never had. Her father was a great hunter and mage from an ancient Dalish clan that had cut off all ties to the other Dalish clans and made no contact with humans or other races across Ferelden. Her mother was the daughter of a minor noble in Orlais who had managed to escape the Orlaisian Circle after feeling trapped. Both had turned to blood magic to escape danger and their lives being threatened before finding each other. After Dinyla was born (under very different circumstances that Dinyla is still trying to discover), the family moved to a farm just outside of Redcliffe to live as simple farmers. But not too long after Dinyla turned 8, the nightmares her mother and father often had with the demons that wished to take their souls turned their attention to the young half-blood, invading her dreams in the hopes to take her soul.

Unable to watch his daughter live like this, Mormer decided to take his daughter to the Keeper of his old clan with the threat of being killed on the spot. Explaining to the Keeper once the clan was found what was happening (and the story that Dinyla does not know), the Keeper agreed to make a seal upon the young Dinyla to prevent the potential of possession of her body (...along with another reason). Making the Dalish seal with tattoo tools, Enide asked the Keeper to cover the Dalish seal with another tattoo of Andraste for the hope Enide's beloved Andraste would watch over her child.

Surviving the procedure, Dinyla had returned home with her parents and while suffering the same nightmares, they were not as bad as before. But then came the fateful day where Dinyla returned home to find her parents dead in the middle of the home. With nowhere to go, Dinyla had lived on her own to run into the Grey Warden during the Blight when she was just 18. Her adventures soon led her to travel with Hawke in Kirkwall where she had met Varric.

With Varric captured and taken by the Chantry, Dinyla had done her best to track him and finally found him in Skyhold where she had decided to help the Inquisition as best as she could while she struggled with her own personal demons...
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"When one's life seems meaningless, it is only because they do not place value in the search for a meaning."

General Information

Name: Kariel Shiahari

Pronunciation: Carry-El She-Ah-Har-E

Name Meaning: None

Other Names: None

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, over 100

Titles: Sentinel

Birth Date: Unknown

Birth Place: Unknown

Dominant Hand: Left/Ambidextrous

Astrological Sign: Unknown

Catchphrase: "Him din'an." 'Become death.'




Height: 5'1.5"

Weight: 89 lb.s

Race: Elvhen(Ancient)

Hair Colour: White

Hair Length: Waist Length

Eye Colour: Lavender

Eyebrows: White, thin

Facial Hair: None

Health and Image

Diet: Anything that can be hunted or gathered, but primarily vegetarian.

Exercise: Regular exercise routines with bow and daggers.

Maximum Load: Ten items maximum.

Running Speed: Extremely Swift.

Reflexes: Extremely Adept.

Abnormalities: Sometimes breaks her English.

Vulnerabilities: Must parry or dodge heavy blows, and is not good at constant direct fighting.

Imperfections: She can not read English.

Wardrobe: Robe over basic lightly armoured chest piece and legs. Barefoot, no sleeves.

Accessories: None

Equipment:Dagger hilts and bow hilt for constructing a magical effigy of the blades and bow arms.

Amulets: Amulet of Magic.

Scent: Strong wooden smell, like deep in the forest.

Scars: None


Voice: Light and soft, yet strong in it's tone.

Pitch: High.

Volume: Quiet, unless needed to be.

Laughter: A smile, and maybe a silent chuckle or two.


Languages:Basic and Elvhen.

Memory: Faded due to Uthenera usage.

Temperament: Generally calm, but risible to challenges, or to racism.

Learning Style: Physical replication and repetition.

Instincts: Often reacts with lethal or crippling intent against potentially life threats. If it is not life threatening, Kariel will still respond violently with a force magic push or hand to hand combat.


Religion: Elvhen Pantheon

Spirit Animal: Hawk

Morality: Questionable. She fights for herself. Morals sway with her convictions.

Etiquette: Understands she is out of her world and out of her place. Wishes to learn how the new world works.

Attitude: Solitary and not particularly trusting. She expects those who would be her allies to prove it in a stress filled environment, like a battlefield.


Priorities: Find a place for herself in the world.

Self Confidence: Content with her knowledge, but understands she can always expand her skills.

Motivation: Curiosity

Quirks: Seems to have a vocal tick, making an intermittent, soft buzzing noise at time.

Hobbies: None.

Desires: Learn of the new world.

Worries: That her people should lose everything of their past.

Worst Nightmare: To become a quickling, as she became a Sentinel just after the first Elvhen began to quicken.

Regrets: Not being able to save/remember more of her peoples past.

Pet Peeves: People who intentionally mock or point out her tick.

Phobias: Spiders.

Generosity: Only the bare necessities, or the means to obtain them.

Honesty: Can be blunt and straight forward.

Loyalty: To one she would deem a friend, Kariel would stand against nigh anything for them, just as she did for her people before.

Insecurities: Kariel secretly thinks the reason no one ever came to view her romantically was because she was not good enough to look at.

Reliability: As long as what is being done isn't wholly stupid you can fully expect Kariel to stand aside you.


Compliments: Non-vocal nods.

Farewells: Atisha(Peace)/ Dareth Shiral(Safe Journey)

Greetings: Hamin falon[Rest friend) accompanied with a half bow.

Insults: Len(Child), Dirthara-ma(May you learn)

Mood: Solemn

Words: Tel garas solasan(Come not to a prideful place.)


Likes: Calm quiet places, soft music and easy to get along with individuals.

Dislikes: Boisterous folk, fools, racists.


Immunities: Spirit based attacks, including those from daemons. Despite this the physical aspects can still harm her.

Strengths: Spirit magic and Force magic, mixed with shrewd aim with her Enchantress' bow, and precise and deadly slashes from her Enchantress' daggers.


Speciality: "Assassin Enchanter"(A divergent of the Knight Enchanter)

Signature Moves: Spirit Blade/Bow and 'Force Arrow'(Firing powerful force magic arrows in lieu of regular arrows from her Spirit Bow.

Special Attack: Faded Force- A mixture of the Fade step, with intermittent lapses that allow Kariel to lash out with bow or blade against her foes before fading beck into the ether.


Mother: Deceased

Father: Deceased

Siblings: Deceased

Close Friends: Deceased

Friends: Deceased

Allies: Deceased

Acquaintances: Deceased

Rivals: Deceased


Love Interests: None

Orientation: Asexual Biromantic

Significant Other: None.

Turnons: Unknown.

Turnoffs: The creepiness of "Come to 'mommy/daddy'.

Reactions (Can Change)

Angry: Kariel's hands fall to her dagger hilts and her muscles noticeably coil.

Anxious: Her right hand will rest on her spirit bow handle and left leg will twitch.

Criticized: Kareil will meet the criticiser's eyes, and if it is valid, learn from it, and if not, she with smile humourlessly and turn away.

Depressed: Kariel will usually climb up somewhere high and star out into the sky as she mulls over her thoughts.

Embarrassed: She will raise a hand to her face and usually find anything to look at other than what embarrassed her.

Excited: She will be somewhat bubbly and erratic with a noticeable bounce to her step.

Nervous: Her fingers will twitch and her eyes shift about.

Offended: Expect a dagger out, or the bow. Don't turn your back, talk down the situation, hope she doesn't deem it death worthy.

Praised: A smile and a nod, but Kariel takes her compliments in stride as to not let it affect her pride.

Sad: She will often train her magical aspects when she is sad, as it provides a great distraction for her.

Stressed: She will still train, but instead her physical aspects with fervour.


Largely WIP

Kariel awoke from her latest Uthenera to find that her temple, and all those she served with, had fallen into a massive chasm that had formed under them. Alone and with no temple, and still young, Kariel chose to go see how the world had changed, and eventually heard tell of the Inquisitor and became... inquisitive.

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