Share a dad joke!


That One Person

Let's make everyone laugh...or cringe with dad jokes shall we? Bring on the puns and the dad jokes! I'll get the party started. And a gif cause I'm addicted and it makes everything better okay!? Gosh! 


I used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me.

giphy (8).gif
Two radar dishes decided to get married.

While the wedding was dull, the


was fantastic.
A woman is sitting at her table, having just finished her meal. The waiter comes up and waits for her to decide on desert. Finally she looks up, and orders. He replies, french accent thick, "You're for a treat." Just as he is turning to leave, she stands up, heated, and slaps him hard across the face. She exclaims "I will not have urine for a treat!" before storming out.

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