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One x One The Saving Grace of Destruction - Overview


Elder Member

There are three types of humans in this world. Mirtis-the mortals, Eilif-the natural born and Feikn-the created. Mirtis are the plain old mortal members of our human society, going about life with no realization of what lurks around them. Eilif are people born with power inside them. How they've come about in unknown. And lastly, the Feikn. They are ones created by the Government, experimented with and given powers.

The Government has come up with a game, throwing all the Eilif and Feikn at each other to find those who will stand above all. The battle ground is all of their country.

You've escaped the government facilities before the plan was set in motion. I've just discovered my abilities. First impressions don't always leave good ones and maybe they do, but either way, if we want to live to see the next sunrise, we have to work together in order to survive The Killing​
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