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Fantasy Seasons Change

I have a question. At exactly which season will we start the role-play? That would be a very important choice since it decides which season duo would be “in charge” or would have to work the hardest at that specific time, wouldn’t it? Should we flip a coin? ( :P ) Or should we just start at your season, @Ramero, since you’re the boss? ( :) )
StoneWolf18 said:
I think it was already claimed but not added to the list...hmmm... not sure though.
Now that I actually looked, it seems a poster above me claimed it. My bad.
I APOLIGIZE! No one informed me of the RP beginning so now I feel like a dumb ass >.<

If someone could tell me where I can jump in that would be lovely.
Yeah, it’s alright, we haven’t gotten too far yet, @StoneWolf18 . Right now, the characters are all at the mansion, waiting for the three that are still missing.

On another note: Yikes, @Ramero! What is up with that bit about people being executed??? I’m seriously confused right now. What kind of world is the one we’re roleplaying in exactly? Is it similar to our modern one or are there a few things we should now about?

I ask because I’ve been roleplaying with the thought that the characters lived in a modern world that just happens to have the seasons work differently, so my character would definitely flip out if he saw that on the news. But should he? Is this a normal occurrence in that world? If that’s the case then I’ve been roleplaying all wrong and I may need to rethink my character.

Can you please clarify this @Ramero?
Alright, seeing as it’s taking a while for my post to get a reply and I don’t want to suddenly stop role-playing, I’ll post something regardless. But I don’t know wether or not I should ignore that bit of shocking news or if I should go along with it. What do you think, everyone? Could you give me some advice on this, pretty please? I’m still not really sure on how to procede… What would be the best for the role-play?
I don't know about the rest.. and the news seems too rude... i think i need to change it.

(To be honest, i didn't receive notifications here.. i need to change the reply anyway)
Thanks for @Shippo



@Cloud Nagasake

First of all, i apologize for being rude on the RP. I change the word executed into arrested and we will decide the punishments to those who get arrested by officials later either through your character decision or we will decide it together. At least they have to be recorded on a criminal record system even we decided not to punish them, either it was frauding, accusing or even framing.

Secondly, since Netflix are unable to make a CS, the spots of Summer Female is re-opened again.

Third, please be more active on this RP. Finn is making a ruckus in the Seasons Controller Hall :D
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Yep, all is taken care of. We’ve finished editing both of our posts, so fell free to post, everyone. :)
Meh this seem exciting at the time but I am out now I delete ny post and stuff you can find someone else

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