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Fantasy Powers


New Member
Super powers are real!

All those who have powers need to have them categorized and recorded by the PEA (Power Enforcement Agency).

Public view on powers:

legally you have all the rights of a normal. Except for the fact that your power is on public record and fingerprints, DNA samples and renal scans are all kept in PEA record. But a lot of people discriminate against those with powers, less jobs, more often stopped by cops for no reason, longer prison sentences, beatings on the street, people make you sit in the back of buses and more.

Some with powers go the villein rout, discrimination forces them to seek alternative means of living.

Some become hero's fighting crime showing that not all powers are evil, or making them self's famous, who doesn't like a hero?

Some use their powers for fame, finding ways to push social media to there own agenda.

Others try to live normal lives, be normal even tho there hated for who they are they wish nothing more then just to be a part of society.

Who are you? Do you have powers? Are you good? Evil? Or do you not care about anyone but you and your family? Maybe you just want to live a peaceful life alone.


All IC in IC and all OOC in OOC,

The Character sheet (CS) needs to be filled out if you want a character. You do not need to say if you are good or bad, let your actions define you.

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