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Fandom RWBY- Grimm Awakening


Endless Witch
Welp,, here we go chaps! Round 2! With luck we can get this done.

As, we agreed, at least six sentences per post. This is a must to ensure fluidity. If you need, thats what everyone is here for.

I want to say post within 4-5 days. That's about when people start leaving/dying out. If this occurs I'll write a post for your character on the sixth day. This won't be a repeat of the last RP.

Welp, shall we? Let's have some fun!
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Welp, it's started! Good luck to everyone in their posting. If anyone has something they would like to do later, don't hsitate to post things here!
Gonna be away from electronics all week due to a service trip. Valkyrie, if you want to make a post for my OC it's fine with me. See y'all when I get back.
I'm not the creator, but there's not much issue with it. You'll need to wait for 8 people though, at the very least.

@ValkyrieRose what's your decision?

We have a full cast already. We had way to many members the last time. So I'm sorry, but it's closed to membership
I have nothing against the girls being together tbh, it's sorta cute, even if I don't get a chance to try some romancey stuff, all for plot cohesion. Though, as long as Blanc doesn't do any actions that are male only-type actions, there's nothing to stop just going "oops, female" as long as you don't make that decision if it's impact the RP significantly
Wha... we didn't start flirting!... did we? All my charecter did was touch her war and didn't hear what Erika said about the ears

That does nowt mean anything! It could be embarrassment! X3... I am suddenly finding this conversation interesting

As much fun as I am having I am going to sleep. Onyx don't kill the big one just yet, we need to team up on it so we can get the piece. Goodnight, see you all...uhh...later...
Val, how could you hide this RP from me!? xD

So... Would you mind me joining, my dear Valkyrie? If you want, I could even make that kind of character. Y'know, last name starts with a U, first with a B, your favorite anime... ^~^

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