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Fantasy Pbbbb5

Name: Eclair
Age: 25
Race: Human

Standing at 4'8, Eclair is intentionally built small for the smaller hitbox.

  • Retributions: Dual handguns with high fire rate, each hit reduces the target's defense value up to a cap.​
  • Tribulation: A sharp obsidian dagger. Damage dealt by this weapon can't be healed for the first 10 seconds.​
  • Godbane: A bazooka with high AoE damage and armor penetration.​
  • Grappling hook: The best ordinary grappling hook on the market.​
  • Halo of The Fallen: A white halo that has a portion of it chipped away. Once per day, revive the user when they die.​
  • Garb of The Void Aspect: Negate the first damage, the first CC and the first debuff received by the user during combat.​
  • Abysswalker boots: When the user dashes near an enemy or when an enemy dashes near the user, expels an eldritch wave that temporarily dispel the enemy's magic. 30 seconds cooldown.​
  • Champion's necklace: Grants immunity to insta-death, mind control and time-stop.​
  • Ring of the Unknowable: Cancel any information-gathering spell casted toward the user and then counter-cast with the same spell.​
  • Bombs and Grenades: lots of them.​


Gun saint, the class that happens when gods gave their champion guns. Despite being a derivative of the priest class their support capability is lackluster. A mid-range DPS class that excels at eliminating mages and kiting enemies. She also dipped a bit of her levels in the maid class for some general crafts buff.

  • Quickdraw: Quickly swap weapons with the one in the inventory. Only works with firearms and explosives.​
  • Gun fu all out: Briefly becomes extraordinarily aware of their surrounding, the user's attack speed drastically increased and shoot as many bullets into as many targets within range as possible. Can be used unarmed but will not trigger attack.​
  • Godspeed: Dashes towards a target area.​

  • Holy Magic: Eclair's holy magic focused a lot on self-buff and debuffing enemies. She also has a wide range of anti-magic spells and a few supportive ones but is generally lacking in magic damage, except probably that holy nukes spell that needs long uninterrupted praying session.​

Eclair is a player that always log in at the same time everyday, 10 pm to 1 am. She missed a lot of in game events because of her inflexible schedule and everytime that happens she would overindulge herself in the game's gacha or haggles in the player market in order to get the missed items that piqued her interest. As a guild member she's calm and cooperative but never opened herself regarding her real life. She's generally a pretty casual player but also a big spender who got into max level from persistence, consistency, money and well-directed growth plan instead of explosive binge-playing. Enjoys fishing, cooking and playing with her collection of cute pets.
Name: Rook
Age: 25
(player and character info for isekai sheets)


Gear: WIP
Prestigious Devil Hunters Coat: Custom Torso Armor made by a top blacksmith. It has a passive HP regeneration effect that increases when Rook deals damage under effects that would continuously damage his health. It also has resistance to all forms of elemental and unholy damage.
Sages Leatherbound Toolbelt: Cash Item purchased from the store. Expands inventory slots by 100. Perfect for collecting even more worthless items that may or may not have monetary value.
Black Crusader Gloves 5+: Obtained from the Black Crusader Boss Rush event. Allows the user to telekinetically move objects. The size of the objects increases depending on the players level and the upgrade level of the gloves.
Jackrabbit Boots: Made from the materials of the legendary Moonlight Jackrabbit. The user can jump thrice their regular jumping height and dash for twice their regular speed.
Mercurios Token: A necklace blessed by a messenger god. This item can triple the speed of the user for 10 seconds with a 20 second cooldown.
Silverbolt Ring: Infused with the soul of a werewolf. Permanent Haste effect. Can perform a high speed dash with a 3 second cooldown.
Quicksilver Ring: Item drop from the final boss of the Quicksilver Assassin questline. Permanent Haste effect. Can double current speed temporarily for 10 seconds with a 10 second cooldown.

(These are what your character has naturally because of their race. Humans can acquire some of these in game but it would take up space for the shit below.)

Adept: Considered the worst class overall for its lack of specialties. Adepts are allotted 5 points at character creation with which to select proficiencies from the other classes via a point buy system. The player is only allowed access to a single class upon starting the game. Their additional classes must be unlocked via a randomized job quest hidden by a level cap. Due to their balanced stat progression and slow leveling. Adepts are considered Jack-of-all-Trades but Masters-of-None.
Twin Blade (1pt): A Fighter Class specialized for speed and continuous combos. Their individual attacks are rather weak and lack range. While they can deal consistent damage to ground-based enemies. Airborne or highly mobile enemies are able to evade their attacks.
Dual-Blade (1pt): A Tank Class specializing in counterattacks and dodging. Wielding their dual-bladed glaives, they draw aggro from enemies.
Dual Gunner (3pt): A Rogue Class designed around hit and run tactics. The paired pistols have an ammo gauge that depletes as shots are fired. Once it runs out, the pistols recharge over time. The Dual Gunner can slide around the battlefield like a figure skater on ice. Despite having incredible range. Dual-Gunner's use of pistols mean that a certain distance needs to be maintained to reliably do damage.



Still a WIP


Class Description

The Ghostblade is a specialized class unique to players whom opt to play as a character of the Undead Race and follow a particular class progression route. Within the game, the Ghostblade class belongs to the Undead race and is technically classified as a 'Warrior' class within the game, the Ghostblade are by no means your stereotypical tank or close quarter combatant. If anything they resemble the class commonly known as 'The Spellblade'. Like their human class counterpart 'The Spellblade', they tend to fight in a very similar manner, utilising a combination of swordplay and magic in order to subdue their foes. Though instead of your conventional magic, they use the spirits of the dead to aid in their fight. Like Spellblades this means they are not solely limited to close quarter combat and instead have the ability to fight at increased ranges, depending on how their skill points are distributed within the skill tree.

The primary fighting style of Ghostblades are to use darkness energy to augment their attacks as well as using the properties of darkness to summon forth beings of the underworld to fight for them. Depending on how the skillpoints are distributed, players can choose to focus their build more into imbueing their weapons with spiritual energy in order to augment their close range combat, at the expense of ranged abilitities. Alternatively players can choose to invest their skill points into a more ranged style of combat, that relies on summoning the souls of the dead. In addition to the two aforementioned builds, this class has access to a special type of technique classified as 'Boundaries'. Boundaries are a form of skill that creates a spellcircle on the ground (the boundary). Within this boundary, various affects such as status buffs of debuffs can come into effect. Ghostblades that specialize in this branch of the skill tree will gain access to unique/enhanced boundaries with harsher effects. This pathway is considered to be more of a support orientated build.

Players will generally have access to parts of all three 'skill tree's, though they can only specialize into one; eventually gaining the trademark ability of the pathway they choose.

Racial Abilities

  • tbc


Limited Shadow/Darkness Magic as well as Summoning ghosts and undead to aide in combat

Listed below are the Techniques at Nyx's Disposal as a level 100 Ghostblade, catered towards a more 'Offensive' playstyle as opposed to Supportive with the use of Higher tier boundaries. For visual images of the skills, press the [X]

Standard Ghost Blade Skills available to all, regardless of their skill tree.
  • Dark Crossing: [x] A skill used to teleport from one shadow to another one nearby.
  • Hide Shadow: A skill used to fuse seamlessly in any shadow, becoming invisible to the naked eye as well as avoiding detection.
  • Ghost Slash - [x] A dark-attributed knockback skill that is classified as a mid range attack. Infusing their blade with the ethereal energy of the netherealm, The user slashes in a vertical motion with their blade, releasing an arc of purplish blue sword aura, that rushes towards the enemy. Its direct damage is quite high at the price of an extended cool down, which leaves a lot of openings after using it.
  • Spiritual Flurry - [x] - A Dark-attributed flurry of slash strikes that send blades of aura towards the opposing targets. These aura slashes lack individual damage and are instead considered to be a series of low damage, quick strikes.
  • Soul Strike- [x] The Ghostblade channels energy into the tip of their blade, thrusting it towards their opponent. Upon contact, the energy gathered at the tip of the blade will disperse into three ethereal ghost orbs that swarm the opponent; striking (imitating three successive strikes)
  • Ghost Step: [x] A movement augmenting technique that allows the player to move quickly without sound.

Offensive Techniques based on Nyx's particular Ghostblade Build.

  • Soul Cannon- [x] The Ghostblade summons a single soul from the nether realm, converting and manipulating their very spirit into taking the shape of a sphere. This sphere can then be thrown towards the opponent, exploding upon contact.
  • Soul Marionette - [x] Soul Marionette is a defensive technique that summons the upper half of an obsidian black skeletal entity. This Entity is connected to the waist of the player and can act as a set of ghastly body armour. By enveloping the player, this obsidian skeleton acts as armor for the player, at the expense of causing some reduced movement speed due to the weight.
  • Soul Doppel - [x] The offensive variation of Soul Marionette, Soul Doppel summons forth the full obsidian black entity to fight. This skeletal minion will fight in complete unison with the Ghostblade.
  • Soul Reaper - [x] The ghostblade summons a dark, corrupted soul. This Soul will rush forward towards the intended target, slashing them several times and inflicting 'fear' as a status debuff. Fear increases the chance of opponents attacks missing.
  • Gluttonous Purgatory [Lvl3] - [x] An offensive skill that opens a 'portal' to the underworld. From within this realm, a large serpentine like mouth slithers forth, seeking its next victim to drag into the perpetual hell that is Purgatory. At the max lvl of 3, three of these creatures will be summoned and will continue to lash out at their intended target. Should their teeth sink into their victim, the unfortunate soul will be dragged towards the vortex/ or in this case the Ghost blade. Essentially a 'pull' type spell that deals damage
  • Purgatory Soul Parade [Lvl3]- [x] Considered to be the Ghostblade's trademark offensive spell, Purgatory Soul Parade summon's forth the souls trapped within hell, creating a large swirling vortex of negative energy and lost souls. Those trapped within the vortex will find themselves at the mercy of the souls trapped within Purgatory and will be bombarded with a combination of blood curdling screams as well as a consistent rate of damage as these souls begin to claw and tear away at the unfortunate victim within before finally launching the trapped soul skyward. - Note: [x] From 1.19 to to 1.40 is how I imagine the inside of this spell to look
Boundary Techniques at Nyx's Disposal
  • Deadman's Soul Boundary [Lvl3] - [x] A boundary encircles the Ghostblade, erecting an ethereal barrier around himself and those close to him. From the corporeal energy, the souls of the fallen will begin to spring forth, intercepting any attack directed at the Ghostblade for the duration of the Barrier.
  • Black Coffin[Lvl 1] - [x] A trap boundary that activates when stepped upon. Black coffin envelops the unfortunate soul that steps on the 'trap', casting them into a realm of pure darkness. Within this realm, time seems to slowdown and the victim experiences an intense gravity pull from underneath them. Black Coffin is considered to be a 'Stun type] trap. That being said, while the Stun is considerably long lasting by the standards of what a stun normally is, Black coffin does not allow for others to attack the person trapped within. This is essentially a technique that removes the victim from combat, by stunning them in a separate realm. For example n-game, this could be used to separate a healer from the rest of their party for a duration of time. If this skill was to be maxed out with skillpoints, the Ghostblade player could enter the realm and fight the trapped victim 1 on 1.

Status Affect Techniques at Nyx's Disposal
  • Nether Realm Miasma- [x] A 'debuff' status afflicting skill that causes the poisonous miasma found within the underworld to spew forth into the world of the living. As a gas, this miasma will spread around the caster and begun to inflict death and decay upon any organic matter caught within its poisonous grasp. I.e. Grass will wither and die. For living creatures, they will be inflicted with a mana devouring 'poison'. For several seconds, players that get caught within the Miasma will begin to see their mana pool decreased at steady intervals.
  • Denizen of the Void - [x] A fear inducing skill that causes monsters and players of lower level to temporarily hallucinate. Those affected will experience the world growing increasingly dark, until nothing but a black abyss remains before them. From within that abyss, the entity that lords over this realm of nothingness will appear, casting the status affect of 'Fear' into the unfortunate soul
  • Banshee's Wail - [x] The Ghostblade channels the aura of a Banshee, allowing them to release a high pitch shrill. This causes confusion and disorientation in those afflicted by the Banshee's Wail.

Main Weapon - Blade of the Primordial Night -

Secondary Weapon - Chain Gauntlet-

Accessory 1 - Ring -

Accessory 2 - Ring -

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Name: Ophelia Payne
Age: 21
Race: Golem (Neutron)

Gear: One of the restrictions from her racial build is the inability to be affected by beneficial magical effects as well, she is however able to use items that produce external effects that do not target herself.
  • Hammer of Dawn: A Large Hammer constructed from the same material as Ophelia, Its immense density allows for it to strike with far more force than it would otherwise seem to the point it can fracture the very air itself. Due to its immense weight combined with personal enchantments, the weapon is spirit bonded to Ophelia and so can be summoned and recalled at her whim, as well as channel many of her abilities through it. Non-Living targets struck with the hammer may be reshaped as desired.
  • Barkers Gauntlets: Twin gloves capable of creating small basketball-sized portals to previously locked locations through hand gestures, these, however, deny the passage of organic material.
  • Assorted Scrolls: Being unable to use magic itself they are known to carry numerous low-level utility scrolls used in non-conventional manners.

A Neutronium Golem with a focus on strength, tank and destructive classes. Ophelia is an incredibly difficult opponent for any to target directly due to a combination of her insane levels of resistance, defences, magic immunity and gravity effects rendering many attack options unavailable. Effective methods are limited to powerful non-magic ranged projectiles of sufficient power to overcome her gravity aura, and melee fighters of enough strength to withstand her aura and engage directly while being supported at range. Her greatest asset however is her sheer physical strength, allowing her to power through many obstacles and even vastly extend the range of her attacks, and even tackle intangible targets physically.

She can easily reshape the very terrain around her with a single swing of her hammer, resulting in it being nearly impossible for her to target just a single opponent during fights. She also excels at the destruction of siege equipment and fortifications among others. Outside of combat, she is capable of constructing architectural wonders of great scale, capable of terraforming the land to create through skill what many would require high levels of magic, and with an exceptional amount of finishings and detail impossible for static spells.
Golem-Specific Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Compulsion, Poison, Charmed, Stunned, Polymorph, Paralyzed, Sleeping, Stunned, Entangled, Difficult Terrain, Magic, Slowed, Staggered, Immobilized, Suffocation, Starvation, Dehydration, Exhaustion.

Classes: Fighter, War Hulk, World Breaker
Ophelia has maximized her build based on physical strength and durability, with dramatic boosts to her physical stats though at the cost of the inability to equip defensive armour or augment herself with magic. Fortunately, this is mitigated through the use of her Golem-based racial levels which also allow her a wide swath of resistance, damage reduction and immunities. The level of physical strength allows them to specialize in raw destructive power and breaking objects and structures.

  • Fist of the Star: Due to the density of Ophelia's body her attacks will bypass the hardness of targets as well as count as eight size categories larger than for beneficial effects such as base damage. This effect also extends to other effects relating to sizes such as carrying capacity, valid weapons and more.
  • Laws of Attraction: Ophelia can manipulate her personal gravity field to cause objects to orbit her freely or vastly increase in weight, this can also be employed to attract objects/targets to her, violently if needed.
  • Size Matters: Ophelia can increase the size of herself or any Object in her possession to extreme degrees, this may be also performed just on individual sections of her targets. This can not however be applied to living targets or items not on her person
  • Grip of the Titan: The user has increased proficiency within grappling-related abilities greatly increasing the effectiveness of such skills, in addition, those held by the user are incapable of using several escape-related abilities such as Teleportation, Intangibility or Shapeshifting. This ability also allows them to take hold of even Intangible or conceptual targets.

Magic: N/A

The dedicated frontline tank for many of the guild encounters, acting as both a wall and a chain for opposing targets. She also would act as the manager of guild resources showing a remarkable ability for both planning, resource management and multitasking given her real-life profession as an Architectural Student. It was perhaps these talents that allowed her to dedicate her time to the game so efficiently while also keeping up with her studies and other commitments, there are also suspicions she may have included complex macros to carry out her grinding actions with limited input from herself. She takes great satisfaction in the design and planning of other guilds' buildings as well, often being sought for advice on such. Outside of their direct combat abilities she has dedicated her few remaining skill points to her specialized structural knowledge and construction abilities outside her physical skills.
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