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Fandom Flashpoint


Never Knows Best
What is Flashpoint?

Flashpoint is a Pokemon Alternate Universe roleplay in a contemporary setting. The stories of the pokemon games and shows are told by unreliable narrators, children who see things in black and white, and remember their involvement as greater than it truly is. To them, love and friendship triumph all wrongs, and they are shielded from concepts like politics and depravity

Well, this is not the story of star-eyed children with a pikachu. This is the story of the real world, of what happens when adults clash and play for power. Flashpoint is not meant to be a grimdark subversion of a beloved childhood classic, but as a maturation of a setting, an attempt to add depth and verisimilitude to a shared experience loved by many.

I might recommend going to the Lore tab if you're interested in more fluff.
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