The Solar War


Newtype Magic
Confirmed characters will be posted here, by me. Post character submissions to the OOC chat.

Remember to make characters that are fun for both you, the GM, and the other players. Don't be a douchebag, don't be a godmodder, don't attempt to be a mary sue or a special snowflake, and don't step on other players' toes, and everyone will have a good time.

The Character Sheet is as follows. You will be making recent or soon-to-be graduates from Cee school [generally 19-21, depending on circumstance], dispatched to fill the gaps in the Union line in a quiet section of Asteroid Belt




Picture [Optional: a good description is preferred, but pictures are more than welcome]

Physical Description

Personal History


Character Traits


Ethics [optional]

Goals [optional]
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Name: Cordelia Von Strauss

Callsign: Rusty (A red head who always got stuck with the oldest Cee model during live training. It could have been worse)

Age: 20

Appearance: Standing at 5"8', Cordy is a read headed, green eyed girl from Mars and she's already heard all the jokes you could make about that colour combination. Her hair used to be a lot longer actually, reaching down to well past her shoulder blades but she had to cut it short for active service and so she could actually wear the various helmets someone in military life has to. Cordelia has a naturally pale complexion though even now she's yet to totally lose her tan, courtesy of those Martian rays. She wouldn't be surprised to find more freckles dotting her cheeks thanks to them though. Even before joining up she lead a pretty active lifestyle, going for regular runs even trying yoga (granted, she didn't last two sessions) which gave Cordy a slim build. Now those military exercise regimes and rations have added a helping of muscle to that. It helped that she wasn't slowed down by any ample cleavage or anything. What?! She's a C-cup y'know... not that she cares about that stuff or anything.

Personal History: Cordelia was born in one of the countless industrial cities that dot Mars. She grew up running between factories instead of climbing trees. Fun fact: Cordelia was five when she saw her first real tree. Not that she minded, like every child of the red planet Cordelia was brought up to view the factories like cathedrals as much as buildings of industry. Surrounded by murals and monuments to both the valiant soldiers and the stalwart workers that armed them. These were the glorious dead, those who had given their lives in the AI war and to whom Cordelia owed all. At least that was what people taught her to believe. Her childish devotion faded over time but she's still a Martian, born and raised on a warrior's world.

That was also what made life harder for Cordelia though. You see Cordy was born to a middle class family, or as close to one as you got on Mars, her old relatives were small time factory owners and producers of small luxuries. Sure some people appreciated that such jobs needed to be done and that little things like that made life just a bit more bearable with killer machines beating at your door but try selling that on today's Mars. Where everyone can tell you who in their family served and what battles they fought in, or can list off every type of weapon or munition they helped make and how they could blow a Cee apart. Old scars and ancestry weren't just a source of honour and pride in Martian society, they were a way of claiming social standing. Now try getting those new contracts for the family business when the competition can claim that their grandfather helped save your client's by holding the line at the asteroid belt. While yours was busy filing accounts.

Not just among the older folks, it was a constant source of embarrassment and a reason for bullying when Cordelia was growing up. Not that she was one to back down from a fight but damn if it didn't get tiring. Deep down maybe that was her reason for signing up. There was talk of the draft coming sooner or later anyway but around Mars people were already lining it. They were Martians! Warriors born and bred! Shield of The Union and oldest of the colonies. Of course there were people who would go charging for the front lines. And Cordelia was one of them.

Her family protested of course, threatening to cut her off, to take away off the fancy things they'd bought her, including the apartment. Cordy understood too, she didn't blame them or anyone who chose not to fight, she'd stopped buying the nationalist hype a long time ago. But her ideals were far less lofty. The Von Strauss family was stagnating, getting left behind as Mars rebuilt itself in a new image after the AI war and in the wake of the civil war. The Union as a whole was changing and Cordelia would not be left as a simple witness. She'd prove her worth as a soldier and a Cee pilot and come back a hero. That would give her the sway to start throwing her name around and maybe even get involved in Martian politics. Become a woman of real standing.

Personality: Cordelia is a stern woman meeting her for the first time. She's taken enough crap from people back home that she's slow to let her guard down, it doesn't help that her brand of professionalism is seriously uptight and she doesn't take to jokes at her expense very well. Her fierce nature when it comes to hand to hand combat and actual battle can seem standoffish or just straight up scary depending on who you ask. All of it being fueled by her ambition to prove her ability and come out on top, especially where other Martians are concerned.

Under the hard shell though come some embarrassing secrets. Cordelia loves romance stories, the cheesier and steamier the better! She also gets a kick out of how she looks in her flight suit and the way it hugs her figure, feeling a certain confidence from the way her hips move when she walks in it, she even likes being noticed by people in... that way. They better be cool about it though, like hell is she putting up with wolf whistles and leering. The military is such a boys club, what she'd give for a girls night out some time soon.

Character traits/Notes: Cordelia took to hand to hand combat training with gusto, getting government permission to wail on some guy's face was a great form of stress relief. This carried over into her cee piloting as Cordy showed in training that she favored speed and using her saber to use cover to close the distance and then blitz her opponents with fierce attacks while they were still reeling.

She suffers from a bit of an inferiority complex thanks to the shaming of her family's lack of military success, making her more likely to put more pressure on herself than needed and get overly stressed.

Motivations/Ethics/Goals: To gain rank and renown, to serve with honour and to come home with any spoils she can manage. Guilt is unlikely to bother her this early on, Cordelia signed up for this willingly and feels she has no right to complain about the horrors of war, she knew what she was getting into. All the intensity here aside, she isn't totally selfish. Cordy knows full well that team work is what will let you come home in the end and that the unit is only as strong as its weakest link. She just might need to loosen up a little before any real bonding takes place... if she can.
Name: Vincent Brooks

Callsign: Phoenix

Age: 20



Physical Description: Vincent is a short, thin young man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

Personal History: Born on the colonies of humans who had surprisingly managed to make a life on Mercury, Vincent always had big dreams. He was a bright and cheerful soul who always wanted to fight against the forces of evil. He was aware of the AI threat that had devastated humanity, and at an early age he vowed that he would devote his life to fighting anything that would threaten humanity in such a way.

Progress was slow. Vincent often had trouble with academics and found it difficult to concentrate enough to learn. He was devoted, however, and his diligence was soon recognised. He managed to clear education and leave that part of his life behind him, though it was no easy feat.

Though he did not have his parents support, Vincent left Mars behind in pursuit of his dream of protecting others. It did not take him long to get interested in Cees and the valiant heroes that piloted them. He quickly found his way to Earth in order to join the ABT Academy and graduate.

Personality: Vincent is a very passionate and driven person when it comes to what he believes in. He is very lacking in the intellectual department, and can often be quite gullible. What he lacks in brainpower, however, he makes up for in willpower. He has an unrivalled confidence in himself, fully believing he is strong enough to take on the challenges that he faces. This confidence can make him rather headstrong and reckless, though he does realise his weaknesses. He is extremely stubborn and does not know when to back down.

Character Traits: Confident, driven, immature, gullible, energetic, lighthearted, naive, stubborn, idiotic.

Motivations: Vincent is motivated by his desire to help others and keep them from harm mixed with his lust for thrills that he can only seem to get from combat.

Ethics: While having no trouble killing enemies, Vincent doesn't like to draw the pain out. He wishes a quick death upon them and hates to see them suffer. He despises torture and cruelty even towards his enemies, though his ethics tend to bend to the breaking point when he loses someone or suffers a similar emotional trauma.

Goals: He wants to be remembered in history as one of the finest Cee pilots in the universe, as well as a hero who saved the lives of many.
Name: Ken Onizuka

Callsign: Windy(after drunkenly rambling about the "Divine Wind which smashed the barbarian hordes")

Age: 22

Appearance: Ken is 5'10" ethnic Japanese man hailing from the home islands on Earth. His black hair has been cropped short and, much to his chagrin, he is barefaced. Years of martial arts and competitive swimming have left his body improbably toned and his metabolism comparable to a shrew. He has only one personal possession that he takes with him into the cockpit, a rising sun headband which he claims was his greatx-grandfather's from the Second World War (in reality he bought it online, but telling people that would make him look like an imbecile)

Personal History: Ken was born to moderately wealthy parents Josuke and Genki Onizuka just outside of the massive urban sprawl that Tokyo had become by the end of the 22nd century. His formative years were spent largely in the care of his grandfather for whom he was named as his parents work with a government research firm throughout the war (his father was a test pilot for the early Cee models, his mother an engineer) kept them away for much of the time. His grandfather had been a poet by trade and made sure to supplement young Ken's public education with his own home schooling on the arts and history of their homeland. He learned to write poetry, was taught the history and mythology of the Japanese people, and was also trained in the art of Judo by a close friend of Ken the senior. This secondary education helped to instill in him a deep respect for and yearning to better understand the heritage of his family, something which was starting to become more and more difficult in mankind's endless march towards the future.

After the war's end, Ken once again living with his parents who felt that his time living with his grandfather had left him lacking in strength and discipline. They encouraged him to join a sports club in middle school, hoping that it would help to straighten out their son. This led him to join the local swim team as he was found to have quite the knack for it. While this certainly helped to strengthen his physical discipline, Ken remained a rebellious child throughout much of middle and early high school. A close run in with the law that resulted in one of his fellow punks nearly dying left Ken with an ultimatum: cut the tough guy act or face the full extent of the uncaring judiciary system. It was a sobering moment which helped to wrench Ken's life back into the right direction. He never gave up the punk look, but there was a notable change in his demeanor. He stopped smoking, he stopped hanging around with the wrong crowds, he listened and respected his parents, he helped out in his community and stopped other troubled youths from making the wrong decisions, but he kept the motorcycle: some things just cannot be parted with so easily. He ended up graduating with something resembling good standing and enrolled in the Space Force Academy. His high reaction time and (passable) intelligence ensured him a spot in the coveted circles of Cee pilots like his father before him. He had expected it to be an easy gig, the jacket would get him all the ladies at home while all he had to do was twiddle his thumbs for a couple years on some carrier, but war has a funny way of throwing wrenches into people's plans.

Ken is a naturally charismatic and outgoing individual. He is quick to warm up to people and makes friends easily. While striving to follow orders to the best of his abilities his days as a punk still rear their head in the swagger of his walk and his crass and bullheaded manner of speaking. He has had to on more than one occasion bite his tongue for fear of slipping up in front of officers who remain unsure of what to think about him. Despite his mannerisms he is still a consummate professional and does not goof off when duty calls. While on the surface he seems like a stereotypical "cool guy" Cee jock stereotype, his true passion remains history and poetry, specifically of the Japanese persuasion. He often drops the cool guy facade and goes on long diatribes about Sengoku this and Heian that, especially after alcohol has entered his system.

Character Traits: Crass, charismatic, paradoxically dutiful despite appearences, has a need for speed that only a Cee can provide, friendly dude, kind of a dork underneath it all,

firm believer in YAMATO DAMASHII!
Motivations/Goals: Given that there is a war going on and all Ken's greatest motivation for the immediate future is to simply not get his ass blown off. On the more personal and less pragmatic level he also wants to make his family proud of him, especially to make up for his checkered past and the shame he brought upon his parents' shoulders. His long-term dream is to become a historian or perhaps teach, he remains unsure as those ambitions will have to sit on the backburner for a while.

Name: Lars Johnson

Callsign: Blue. Let’s not get into it. Suffice to say, pilots are assholes.

Age: 21.

Physical Description: I’m one of the tallest members on the team. 6’3” - they don’t make them much taller since they still have to fit into the damn suits. I used to swim before I joined up. Guess I still do, but we don’t get much free time to choose how we exercise anymore. Mostly zero-g exercises. Oh, and I used to have nice, long blonde hair. Matched my green eyes. Then came joining up. Boy was that stupid…

Personal History: I was born on Ganymede. Never really knew my father - he was drafted into the war just a few days after my first birthday. Mom left on a civilian ship and managed to get swept up into the refugee effort. Ended up on Mars. God is Mars a shithole. Slums and industrial waste everywhere. Sure, they play up the green space on the holovids but not all of that is plants.

I couldn’t wait to get off that sorry excuse for a planet. Everyone there is an asshole. Not everyone, really, but most of them. Hardasses. Everyone knew someone that died in the war, and everyone wore it as a badge of pride. Yeah. Some honor that is. Leaving your family to go die in some damn fool’s crusade. I guess its different on Mars though. They died for a reason. Everyone else just got slaughtered past the Belt.

Joining up was the best thing that ever happened to me. My mother was a drunk - couldn’t deal with the stress of a fucked up kid and no money. We lived in the slums outside Hellas Planitia. Mother, when she worked, worked in one of the many factories spewing out endless and useless weapons. I mostly tried to live the life a kid was due, y’know? Playing in puddles of what could, from a certain distance, be called water, beating up other kids and getting beat up in return. High school sucked. Being from the outer colonies didn’t help you when you’re growing up around a bunch of prejudiced assholes. What difference did it make, anyways? We’re all fucking poor, and most of us have lost family in the war. Why make fun of each other?

Anyways, the military was great, except when it wasn’t. It was the same punk-ass kids from Mars doing the same punk-ass shit. But at least I excelled at this. Sure, I only got middling grades in school, but I was a fucking genius at tactics - and I could move in zero-g like no one’s business. All that swimming. Plus, no one wanted to fuck with the now 6’3” guy built like a particularly muscular tank. Sprouted like a bean stalk once I got some actual food rather than the poor people rations they gave to us on social safety.

Of course, I wasn’t expecting to actually be in a war. And holy shit, it’s going to be against my ‘own people’ whatever the fuck that means. I bet it means command is going to give me a hard fucking time. At least us pilots get some damn respect.

Personality: Describe my personality? What type of fucking question is that? I thought we were Cee pilots? Fine, here’s a dating profile: I’m a nice guy who likes long walks on beaches down by the industrial sludge ocean that is everything on Mars. Oh you wanted a serious answer? Well clearly I don’t get along with surveys. But on the whole, you don’t fuck with me or piss me off about my heritage, and I’m happy to help. And while I’m not a huge fan of authority, at least I can do well in the damn military and be respected. Not like dealing with those punks on Mars.

Character Traits/Notes: Well I’m good at swimming. Did it competitively for a while. Plus I’m really good at zero-g maneuvers, and I have great eyesight. One of the reasons they said I’d make a good Cee pilot actually. One of the few that doesn’t rush in to pretend like I’m in some weird battle from Ancient Rome.

Also I’m great in a fight - plenty of experience back on Mars.

Motivation/Ethics/Goals: I want to earn some fucking respect. And you know what? I want this damn war to be over and Jupiter to stop being dumb. It hurts all of us out here. And Ethics? Man I don’t fucking know. Maybe treat people like they’re other human beings? That’s a good one.



Jane Gerald


Locks (this is because she used to have these long, beautiful locks that everyone made fun of but were practically Jane's pride and joy. But, during a training exercise, her hair got stuck on the inside of the suit and she got really distracted trying to get it out and failed the exercise. She got it all shaved off after that.)




Physical Description

Jane is 5 ft 5 inches, a normal height. She is also average weight. She has an oval face with slightly drooping eyes and full lips. Her eyes are a shade of brown which she despises. She never wears make-up or any type of jewelry (contrary to the picture), and normally just wears simple tank-tops and cargo pants.

Personal History

Jane grew up in a military family her whole life, but was never encouraged to join. Her Mom and brother were in the military. Her mom was a space-Cee pilot and her brother was in the infantry. Her mom hated that her brother joined and all she really wanted was for them both to stay out of danger, but she didn't teach her kids to be cowards. Her dad, however, was a writer. Jane hated her dad not because he was mean or abusive or anything like that, but because he always denied reality. His writing never got off the ground and he never earned any money from it. Her family was too poor to pay the bills sometimes and he wouldn't take a job and insisted that he had a job, that he was on the edge of a best seller in a time when no one was even taking the time to sit down and read a good book anymore! When she was 15, her brother died in combat, he was only 24. Jane didn't want to be anything like her father, waiting around for something to happen. she didn't want to be her brother either, a simple grunt sent out to die, so she decided space-Cees were gonna be her thing. When she was old enough and not a second later, she signed up. She's had kind of a rocky road in training. She doesn't have a lot of natural talent and she is over-confident. So there were a lot of nights where she was staring at a book or getting in some non-required practice time. After all of her hard work, she come up right in the middle. She's not bad, but she isn't impressive either.


When Jane is on duty, she is a really hard worker. She stays on task and is not afraid to be mean to get shit done. Jane isn't that good of a leader, but if the current leader isn't doing his/her work then Jane will try to take things into her own hands, which can be helpful, but it can also be a complete mess. When she is off work, however, Jane loves to have fun and fuck around. She is a huge gambler and is actually pretty good at it. She teases her friends so if she is overly nice to you, she probably doesn't like you. Also, she's got the mouth of a sailor.

Character Traits

Jane knows the history of the AI war better then you probably know your mother. She enjoys history a lot. Jane also knows more book knowledge about piloting the Cees then a lot of the other guys/girls, not that this helps that much in a fire-fight but she knows every little tip and trick and maneuver that the books include. Completely unrelated, Jane is a lesbian.


She wants to make a difference in the war instead of sitting on the sidelines and hoping it turns out okay.


Work hard and you'll be rewarded


To win the war, not by herself, but to be apart of the win.​
Name: Connor McKinley

Callsign: Redneck (possible change)

Appearance: Due to the slightly higher gravity of Venus plus the added atmospheric pressure, so he claims, he us rather small. Five feet even to be exact. But he's built like a boulder. This often makes him look something amin to a toad. Curly brown hair and boring brown eyes.

Background: Born and raised in a farming community on Venus. He was shearing sheep, milking

cows, feeding pigs, and all the other farm hand stuff since he could walk talk and lift a full bucket. As he grew, he and his friends began doing more and more crazy and stupid things. Including bu not limited wrestlin a bull, throwing a live pig back and forth, and headbutting the local bill goat.

Needless to say, they got hurt. But it wasn't until after the goat incident did he realize how dangerous his stunts were. So he took the added precaution and wore a helmet. His friends called him a coward, until Henry went into a comma from something similar to the goat incident. but thanks to modern technology, he had a resounding recovery.

Now, to get down to why he became a Cee pilot in the first place. He just felt like it. One day, he

woke up and went 'Yeah, I'll join the army. Get ripped, all the ladies, good pay.' etc. etc. etc. And he just managed to squeeze by the written test, nothing to remarkable in piloting, and truly showed himself in two fields. One, heavy ordinance. Yes putting a couple holes in something was usually enough to take it out of action, but overkill is under rated. The second was much more practical. he is, simply put, a gifted engineer. He isn't over the top amazing like some, but he can do a pretty damn good field repair.

Personality: Sticking to the redneck, hill billy stereotype, he likes his guns. Bigger equals better in his book. So it's a bit of a surprise that he is a Cee pilot instead of a tank gunner. Kind of stupid, book and other. He never paid attention in history, and thinks some clearly bad ideas are good ones.

Character Traits: When ever he is piloting, he makes sure he has a helmet on, his pictures of home and family are where they are supposed to be, and his bobble head collection is lined up just right. Man loves those things, and claims to have one from all the major planets up to the asteroid belt.

Motivation: He's just here for the proverbial dip.

Ethics: All work and no play make for a naughty boy and work hard play hard both come to mind.

Goals: Get through all of this alive and to go back home and brag to his friends.

Name: Nick Watson

Callsign: Rabbit

Age: 20

Physical Description: Nick stands at a full height of 6'1 (74") and weighs a solid 150 pounds. For the most part he's considered a mesomorph when it comes to his bodies build. This means that he has a lean body and is average when it comes to muscles. His facial region includes a well-rounded nose and a set of average male lips. His hair was a very low buzz cut and the color of black. Lastly, his skin color is that of a lightly tanned Caucasian.

Personal History: Nick was born on the planet dubbed Luna. All his life he'd been under the influence that the Solar Union was one of the best things to happen, considering his mother and father had both worked under their power and influence. As a result, they believed it no harm for them to teach him as much as possible about mankind's past and how they had to fight throughout the AI War. Eventually, Nick's mother passed away, the result of her working too hard and overexerting herself. In honor of his mother, he simply believed it would only be right to join the Solar Union and achieve a position as a Cee Pilot.

Once Nick joined up with the Solar Union, he hadn't shown anything superb in training. He only went by the book, performing the tasks asked easily, but never putting his spin on anything. He never really stood out besides the fact that he seemed to enjoy keeping his feet off the ground all the time, almost like a rabbit. Eventually, it stuck, becoming his callsign and he grew more out of his shell, becoming a bit more creative with his piloting techniques, but never doing anything outrageous. Regardless, he was driven by the ambition to live up to his mother's expectations and become one of the best Cee Pilots.

Personality: Nick is an obedient person, so long as the person giving the orders has been labeled as a rank higher than him or the one in control. Overall, he exerts loyalty over his own opinion nearly all the time, at least when authority is around. When not dealing with a person in a power position, he's a very casual person who prefers to spout jokes than have a bland conversation. In terms of emotions like sadness and anger, he even

Character Traits: Knows some basic hand to hand defense and enough about Cee's that he can adapt to performing at an average level in any position on the field. However, he's much better at ranged combat

His motivations are to be more like his parents and to live up to his own mothers expectations.

Ethics: Nick has very few problems with many things, as long as it isn't against the law, it's good in his book, except a few things. For the most part, orders come first over everything, unless it deals with killing or harming an innocent person.

Goals: Nick's primary goal is to live up to his parents expectations and become one of the greatest Cee Pilots.
Name: Zion

Callsign: None

Age: 13

Picture [Optional: a good description is preferred, but pictures are more than welcome]

Physical Description: Average size, weak, slim.

Personal History: Unknown, even to him

Personality: Shy, brave

Character Traits: smart, good at engineering

Motivations: None

Ethics [optional]

Goals [optional]

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