Other Rages!


That guy who's not around much right now
Firstly, this thread is to let off steam, not debate with one another. A bystander can just sit by and watch, maybe get a good chuckle. Of course language should be kept clean enough for public eyes, and there should be no specific calling outs. This thread will follow all of the general rules on the site, so This thread is to relieve stress, not create it.

To demonstrate proper raging, I give you, "One Liners"

So, with the number of threads that appear, and how many posts there are springing up in them, you'd think that we should all be happy that there are members going that extra step and posting regularly. NO, this is not the case. Upon inspection, many of these threads are OOC or one liners, which the site actually has rules against, though they aren't enforced. I'm not unreasonable, I understand that sometimes more than one line can't be done, however every single post as merely one line, or out of character content, is infuriating. To sign on every day, and see a thread full of garbage at the top of the list for it's section when there are so many quality threads below it being ignored, drives me insane. There have been a few occasions that I read through such threads to count out quality posts, posts more than one line, that weren't sign ups. By the way, remember that "character sheets" button at the top of the section? The one full of signup threads? Maybe you should use it some time people! Ever more, the idea threads appearing throughout the entire forum, bypassing the idea section entirely, private roleplays in public sections, idea threads begging for one on one partners... I feel smothered sometimes, looking over all this and thinking back to what it once was. This may be nostalgia speaking, but I don't remember nearly so much OOC or one line posts before recently. Maybe I just turned a blind eye before, but no more! Now I get to sit and watch it slowly drive me insane.
I totally agree with you there! Or like when you type a really long post and you get so excited to see that someone has replied and it's JUST a one liner. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that totally grinds my gears. I spend ten minutes on a single post and you don't even give me the satisfaction of a paragraph!? I mean honestly, your character has to be doing more than just talking! There are so many things you could do with your character. What does he/she/it see? What is he/she/it doing? I mean it drives me crazy! Granted I have posted a few one liners but never every single post. That is in no way exciting. Also, the spelling, now I know I am not the spelling bee champion, but seriously? That just drives me mad. Simple words get spelled wrong. Where is the literacy? The OOC posts one liners tick me off the most! I get so exicited when they reply only to see (~...) I don't have any more hair to pull because of this!! I share your rage...
I now exactly how your feeling, ill get caught creating a large post consisting of a few para sometimes. But then only to find that those who reply will give me a one line, or maybe two. It just makes me want to take my lap top and crush it against my face. I dont know if any of you have ever had writers block when typing a few para, well in my case its usually about four para when i want to write something good with quality and a good amount of detail and description. But i feel as if every one liner is coming form someone with permanent writers block. Just my thoughts
Oh god, I know that feeling. I hate writing a load of stuff for the other player to respond to, and feeling excited how they'll do this or that, and you just get, '"Yeah," he said.' or whatever. It's so frustrating!

I've also noticed something recently which is driving me nuts: people trying to make their characters look 'cool' by having them continually outdo everyone else at everything ever or just try their best to look 'badass'. I mean, obviously there's nothing wrong with a character doing things better than another character, but what I'm talking about is just ridiculous. For example, I joined a roleplay on another site because I was bored. It was a post-apocalyptic roleplay, and society was crumbling, blah blah blah, so I made my character dirty, smelly and socially inept. The other characters were squeaky clean for NO REASON, kept taking the mickey out of my character for being filthy, and the players kept saying how weird it was that I wasn't just playing someone 'normal' (ie. teenage, cleanly and beautiful with superpowers). Their characters, despite being younger than mine by a couple of decades, constantly had to outdo him even though they were all meant to work together. My character fixed something? Their character FIXED EVERYTHING EVER. My character got scared and drew his knife? Their character THREATENED TO KILL EVERYONE AND TORE EVERYONE APART WITH HIS SUPERPOWER ARM SWORD THING. It was just stupid and utterly annoying. It's not how people act in real life, and it just grates. Oh, and all the boys walked around shirtless for no discernible reason other than to try and flirt with the one female character. Gaaahhh.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. One-liner posts make me rage,especially when they're in response to one or more posts that are practically novellas. But nothing makes me rage more than God Mode Sues or Purity Sues. They infuriate me to no end,devalue the RP,and to take them down,you need to try and out-God Mod them. Another major rage for me is when people try to run a fight scene on anime rules. I know how to fight (sorta-kinda) unarmed,and I know my way around nearly any weapon you can name. I'm not an expert or even trained,but I can look at it,and have a general idea on how it's supposed to be used. So,it drives me crazy when people wield katanas one-handed without a smaller sword in their off-hand,or when people somehow leap ten feet backwards flat-footed,or other such nonsense. Is it so hard to try and do combat normally? It just astounds me...
I know what you mean in regards to the weapons thing. I think what annoys me most about that is when I'm in a roleplay where the majority of people have guns, and then people join with swords which can deflect bullets? Or in a roleplay with swords and bows and axes, and someone comes in with a gun. I also think that there should be more love for polearms and maces and such! I used to be big into medieval weapons and loved trying to find ones which were a bit different for my characters. I like how a lot of polearms are basically gardening tools/household implements on a stick.

I seem to have a lot to rant about P:

It also annoys me when people get all whiney that you were away for 'ages' (a few hours, for example). Not everyone spends all day on the computer going F5F5F5F5 on RP threads, and I think it's unfair to get angry at people for it.
My housemate goes into rages over things alot. funny, the things she freaks out about are sthings she does herself. She seems to think other people are doing the things whe does and she flys accross the house, eyes bugged out, and talks hard like some kind of psycho

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