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Quick RP Question...


New Member
Do crossover RPs go in the fandom section. I would like to make an RP that involves characters from different universes banding together in a roleplay. I did not see a section for it so...

That depends. Are all the characters canon or is your RP setting based off a show, anime, book, etc.? If so, then it will go into Fandom.
Auren said:
That depends. Are all the characters canon or is your RP setting based off a show, anime, book, etc.? If so, then it will go into Fandom.
They are either canon or original characters based off a show, anime, book etc.
Then, yes. That is fandom.

The other categories, for future reference, are to sort out a RP by setting. So, a roleplay with futuristic robots would be in future. A roleplay with a a few vampires but set in today's world would be Modern. So on and so forth. :)
Auren said:
Then, yes. That is fandom.
The other categories, for future reference, are to sort out a RP by setting. So, a roleplay with futuristic robots would be in future. A roleplay with a a few vampires but set in today's world would be Modern. So on and so forth. :)
Okay! Thank you so much!

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