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Fandom Introductory posts (CLOSED)



God of wisdom
It was nearly midnight near a Goldenrod residential district and the streets were dark & damp as it had just been raining. A vauge figure appears on the curb out of thin air wearing an executive blazer with a three piece suit. The figure fleshes out into the form of Agt. Henderson as he looks around the otherwise vacant area for an informant he had been exchanging deep web emails with.

[The ‘other’ link goes to the main RP]
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It didn't take long for a shape to shift through the shadows, blue eyes watching her contact through the dark. A small smirk pulled at the corner of her mouth as she inspected him. She was actually surprised that he had come himself instead of sending someone in his place. Deciding it would be a poor choice to delay this, she slipped closer.

"I must say, if all it takes to get you out at night in the middle of nowhere is a few messages with my tag on it, I'm surprised you've lasted this long as the head or INTERPOL." She said, giving him a small smile. It always gave her a bit of satisfaction to know that despite the last two years of helping out the Government groups, they still knew little to nothing about her. Nothing but her tag, Night, the fact she had something big against the local Mafia and that she didn't play by the rules. She was sure they'd be trying to lock her up if it t for how often she des them info.
Kyle had only been sitting in his office when he got the messages and his powers made it convenient for the purposes of a secretive organisation as he can immediately be rid of any would-be assasins in a matter of seconds. He walked over to his informant and said “It’s not much of a hassle when, but when you’ve got the powers that i’ve got, nothing really becomes a hassle anyways.” Kyle tightened his tie as if bragging about something as his tendrils dropped behind his otherwise armoured sholders “Anyways, let’s get down to business, What do have on the Mob?”
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"Confidence can be the worst killer, you have no idea if they could have a Dark type waiting for you." She replied before pulling out a small flash drive before tossing it over to him.

"What I have is all on that, but I'll give you a quick rundown. Three cash operations and a weapons shipment. On top of that, two of your agents, Carson and Raides, are under suspicion and will probably get pinched soon, so pull them asap. They should be well distacted tomorrow around noon."
“oh no” he gently slapped the side of his snout as the gravity of the situation began to sank in “I’ll need to rescue them, but I might need some help in infiltrating their compound, whitch is where you might come in.”
Sinsri tilted her head a bit, raising an eyebrow. "What, can't just teleport in and pop them out with all of your power?" She said, sarcasm leaking into her tone. Probably not the best so sass someone at the head of a Government undercover program, but that was another perk she held from not actually working for them.

"I have my own objective tomorrow, so you'll have a perfect opportunity to get them out. If you need a way into the compound, the south-east section has no decent surveillance and only a few guards, but they shouldn't be hanging around long after I get to my target."
Kyle stroked his tendrils considering the offer “Well, I do have a new agent who recently joined my ranks, but I don’t think he’s ready for a night mission like this” he said “I’ll be sure to alert him of the mission tomorrow, but untill than farewell” He used Teleport to evade Sinsri as he vanished into thin air before going back to his Goldenrod city appartment that inside one of The city’s many skyscrapers
The Next Morning, he was using his psychic power to levitate a mug full of black coffee into his snout before calling the rookie Agent Lang on his office phone that has a caller ID that appears only as corrupted text.
Reggie was sitting on a chair having a snooze. He almost jumped out of his seat when he received the call. His hair caught fire a little bit before he patted it out. He brought the phone up to his face. Corrupted text, well that was weird. He answered. "Hello"?
“Greetings agent Lang” said Kyle in a formal tone “his is Kyle Henderson, Chairman of the Goldenrod City branch at Interpool and I trust your training has been going well”
Reggie's eyes widened. "Uhh. Yeah, going well. Setting tons of stuff on fire". Reggie thought to himself. Real cool idiot. The big head of the organization gives you a call, and all you can think to say is yeah setting stuff on fire. "Sir" he added. Trying to save some grace.
“Alright” Said Kyle nulling it over as the new agent seemed to have a tendancy for recklessness “I do have a mission that will suit your... talents if you choose to accept it of course”
Well it'd be action. "I accept the mission. Sir" he said in military fashion. Should have asked what it was first. Well too late now. He got up, getting ready to move.
“I admire your eagerness” Said Kyle now regreting his decision “I’ll dispatch a driver to your location where thry will take you to the location, There will be a rouge informant at the location who will fill you in on what you need to do”
"I'll be right on it" said Reggie looking at his teeth in the mirror. You always wanted them to look freshly white when about to sink them into some dirtbag. Then he made sure his tail was securely hidden, and prepared to leave. A rouge informant huh. Well this life was never boring. In theory anyway.

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