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Prefix Changes


Snap out of it
Hello! Recently I've made two different roleplays, and something caught my attention during both roleplays. While the roleplay had yet to begin the prefix had been changed from Casual to Simple. I checked the Prefix description for casual and my roleplay still fit the requirements to be a casual roleplay. If somebody could clear this up It would be of great help
A roleplay moderator may change the prefix to any roleplay belonging to their section without warning. What you may believe to fit a roleplay prefix may not be the same at the staff member moderating that section. Please remember that if a prefix is changed, it does not mean that your roleplay is "worse" or "better" than other roleplays, so you should not feel offended if your roleplay "drops" from Casual to Simple. The prefixes are not a means to rank roleplays, but they are a means to organize them.

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