Once Upon A Time | Rewritten

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
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  • ….In a far away land where princes and princesses ruled, various stories unfolded and magic was certainly real, there was a witch. This witch, "evil" to those who had seen her haggardness, was exhausted, jealous, and above all, furious. She had been cheated; many moons ago, a girl traveled to her house in order to bring back a single candle for her wretched stepmother. In order for this girl to obtain the candle, the witch ordered her to complete three nearly impossible tasks, or else the young maiden would lose her life. The girl agreed, and in only three days, she had completed the extremely hard tasks with astounding ease. The witch then gave her the much deserved candle, and let her go, free and unharmed. A year later, that girl became exceedingly successful, and was lucky enough to be married to a tzar. The witch, although never physically following her, kept track of her life through rumor and gossip. Eventually, the witch heard from a loyal witness that the girl had never completed the three impossible tasks with her own labor. In fact, she had used an enchanted doll to do all of the work for her, and then lied to the enchantress once she had asked her how the tasks were completed so quickly.

    Craving revenge, the witch planned to create a potion, which created massive green explosion blew the house down into tiny bits of wood, that would reverse back time so that when the girl had first entered the house, the aged woman would kill her instantly instead of ever giving her mercy in the first place.

    When the witch had finally awoken, a spirit told her about the outcome of the explosion.

    Random people from across the many kingdoms of the land had fainted due to the eruption's effects. When they had regained consciousness, all of the defining moments from their past lives were completely erased from their memories.

    Kings, queens, princes, princesses, rich and poor men alike have all been affected by the potion crisis. The woman knows that if these people don’t regain their memories soon enough, kingdoms can fall, wars can start, and many can become hurt physically and emotionally. She understands that she must do something before chaos can begin to reign. And so, our story starts with the once-evil witch trying desperately to do something good for a change. Along the way, new stories will start, and friendships, rivalries, and romantic affiliations will all blossom into something extraordinary. Let’s just hope that the witch can fix things in time, because all of the characters’ memories will be erased for good.

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'I agree' apart from three paragraphs, I have trouble with making long posts, so usually I'm only one paragraph, at best two, in my posts.

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