Story Of Magic and Metal


Once, there was a land that was split between six owners; five of the owners were kings and the sixth was a sorcerer. Each King took their own piece of the land and built up their kingdom, in turn creating the five kingdoms of Eneapia. But the land fell in to disarray quickly, small disagreements rapidly turned into waging wars and the land belonging to the sorcerer, Valkoren, was soon torn into two. A land for the dark and a land for the light.

Not long after this split, those who were of dark soul wanted to claim the land for themselves, to which they did with a great loss of life and corruption of the mind. However, three children escaped this war unscathed, two went to live in the Kingdom of Tarus Hartor, whilst the third simply disappeared.


Flynn and Evangeline Stansborg were, as they often did on a fine spring afternoon, showing off to their friend Ridley, who sat mesmerised, entranced at all the wonderful things the siblings were doing before his very eyes. Chairs moved with no one touching them, paint on the ceiling changed colour, water from the jug that sat beside the wash bowl seemed to come alive as it danced around the room, joyous and full of life. As it reflected the three children in the room. However, neither Flynn or Evangeline turned the luscious blue sky to grey outside. Neither Flynn or Evangeline were the cause of the life changing scream that came from Ridley’s mother. No, the sky and the scream were down to another sorcerer. The water that had previously been flying around the room now fell to the floor, soaking the gold and blue tapestry being used as a rug, as the siblings focus was turned to seeking out the cause of the scream, along with Ridley, they now stood on the balcony adjoining their own room. What they saw was what no child should ever have to see; Elmira, (the name given to Ridley’s mother) gasping for air above the cold stones of the eastern facing courtyard. Ridley could see clearly the bony, wrinkly, old fingers that wrapped around her neck, squeezing every last drop of life out of the woman. The man only needed one hand to take that life which was precious to so many people, the other was just as bony, wrinkly and old however possibly of more importance to the sorcerer - as that was the hand of which he was keeping the woman, who grew cold, and himself a float above the ground and in the air that had become edged with a frosty chill.

To the children, especially Ridley, it must have seemed like they were stood there for eternity, watching the murder of his mother take place. Out of shock and fear non could scream, although a few heart felt tears trickled down the girl’s cheek, dropping onto the stone where she stood. It was as if all sound and movement had simply ceased in this moment. Only resuming when a thud implied that the lifeless and soulless body had now dropped and hit the hard ground below, causing the deceased no pain as no doubt bones were smashed. As they would do if they fell 55 feet. Without a sound the three children left the room which they were in, sprinting, running as quickly as they could, down servants’ passages and back hallways, bursting out into the courtyard. The suddenness of the cold air made Ridley’s cheeks go a light shade of red as he stopped a small distance away from his mother. It was at this point that all the emotion which had been building inside the ten-year-old boy was released. A loud cry that could be heard in the distant Kingdom of his Uncle, rippled across the land. Before he flung himself onto his mother.

“Ridley?” a slow voice broke the silence surrounding the boy, as the King made his way to the scene, the gathered staff parted as he wobbled on shaking legs when he gazed upon his wife.

“No,” he shook his head in disbelief, brown waves of hair hit his ears, “ELMIRA!” he cried, collapsing beside his son. Apart from those three words, no more were spoken between the congregation gathered, the only sound that could be heard was that of tears and grief. And the thoughts that whirred away in the minds of Evangeline and Flynn, after all they had just been audience to one with magic murder a woman without, who might well as been the most mother like figure in their lives after losing their own, in a kingdom that already didn’t approve of housing two sorcerers.

The First Kingdom.

Chapter One.

The ground burned orange, whilst the skies became black, bellowing smoke made it hard to make out the people standing next to you, let alone distinguish those who dared to be an enemy. The village was dying. It was dying along with its people. Kindran may have been one of the smallest settlements within the realms of the Light, but its people were fighters. No one who lived and breathed the air in Kindran would flee, not the elderly and not the children. But tonight there was one who was running. His palms were sweaty, making it hard for the girl and boy to keep a hold of his hands, but cling on they did. He dared not look back for fear the cowardice may leave him and so he would forsake the lives of his two dear children.

The girl had been focussed on running and staying in contact with her father, that she could not hear the screams of her neighbours as they were slaughtered where they stood, dark magic over powering their own swiftly and to great effect; her father suddenly stopped, pulling her back as a spell flew past her eyes, bringing her back to the darkness of reality. Her hand became cold, her father’s hand was no longer there, as she turned she only saw him for a second – spells were flying around him, a group of sorcerers in black masks surrounded him – her brother was now pulling her away, dragging her hand, forcing their legs to go faster. The edge of the forest was in sight. A relief it would be to make it, a sense of some security. All of which was soon stripped away when a burst of pure light ripped across the sky; only a great sorcerer could have produced such a spell and survived, unfortunately for the girl and her brother, their father – although talented- was not great enough. And so as the darkness slowly began to leave the village, (although not completely, darkness never leaves completely), the children took a rest from running, as now they had reached the forest, and turned to see what had become of Kindran.

Their beloved home had become a mass of fire and death. And that was all that could be seen, darkness that closed in on the children.

A thin chunk of light hit the stone floor, being soaked up. The girl’s eyes were already open and had been for some time. It had become a common occurrence that she would be woken by her dreams, she had learnt to keep her eyes open once she was awake, forcing herself not to give into the inviting idea of sleep. Not when she could fall back into the places she had already escaped. So naturally she had become nocturnal, and could go on only three hours sleep. (After all, her life wasn’t that demanding.)

But even so in a life that required little of her, she still found it boring doing nothing, especially laying still and doing nothing. When the boredom could creep in and consume her mind, causing it to wander and thoughts to unravel. Thoughts that came from boredom were often dangerous ones. Sensing that boredom was about to take hold she pushed her self onto her elbows and out of bed. Her feet squirming against the stones that the warmth of the sunlight hadn’t reached. Slowly, after struggling to find the sleeves, she slipped on her dressing gown and slide out of her room. Although it was early in the morning, the sun wasn’t up high enough in the sky to provide much light amongst the corridors. Not that light was needed, the girl knew these corridors. She knew how they breathed, she knew their history. No light was needed to guide her way. (Although light, if she did want any, she could produce herself.) So it was with no help from any light she made her way through the cavern of hallways to a large hall, filled to the roof with books. Ancient and new, any manor of book could be found here. Elmira loved books, a passion that she had passed on to her family but in particular the young girl who now took up residence in her home. She would often come to the library to seek silence, and now a days found herself returning more and more.

“So you still come,” A voice said, breaking the morning silence Eva had become so accustomed too, “I was beginning to think you had actually got a decent night’s sleep for once.” The boy’s infectious smile spread to her as she sat opposite him at a grand oak reading table.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know what a decent night’s sleep means.” She laughed slightly, the boy beamed – happy that he could amuse her. “you were the one who stopped coming remember?”

“I remember being the one who got given pills Eva.”

“Did they stop them?”

He hesitated for a moment, scanning the features of her face that were dimly lit under a low candle. “Would I be here if they did?”

“No, I don’t suppose you would.” She smiled and laughing lightly to relieve some of the tension that hung over the pair, she said “Did you stop taking the pills that kept you awake?”

“Excuse me?” He replied, raising an eyebrow.

“You fell asleep during the feast for your father last night.”

“I did not!” he exclaimed, shocked at the very thought.

She dropped her eyebrows and looked at him.

“For five minutes, my eyes needed a rest.”

“Oh of course.” She rolled her eyes, which made him laugh – making Eva laugh too. They had a way of cheering each other up.

“Mother would have murdered me.” He said after a while, disturbing the dust that had settled on the table.

“She was in my dream.”

“A dream or a nightmare?”

“I’ve forgotten the difference.”

“So have I.”

There was another woken by dreams that night, glistening beads of sweat ran down his forehead as his eyes burst open. His mind still bore the image of Elmira’s face, her gentle laugh rang in his ears but it was swiftly replaced by the sound of a heavy door being opened and quickening footsteps entering the room.

“Sire,” said the aide, who bowed slightly upon entering.

“Yes?” replied the king, turning to face him,” Well, what is it man?”

“The Westward village of Semantia has been attacked, along with three others along our borders. Sire they are encroaching on our borders.”

The King awake fully now, heaved himself up and out of bed, throwing on his jacket as he followed the man from the room. They walked quickly and silently into his council room. A large room on the West side of the castle, high up, here the four most important decision makers in the Kingdom were stood behind their delegated chairs at an oak table, not to dissimilar to the reading table where Ridley and Eva were sat in the library. Once the King had taken his place at the head of the table, the others followed suit and sat down. To the left of the King sat Captain Favian, commander of the Kings men and leader of one of the most fierce armies in all the realms. At the right hand of the King sat Lord Herriot, his most trusted advisor, and long-time friend and ally in almost all causes. Then beside him there was Gaillard, the court physician who dabbled slightly in magical cures, helped of course by the two long term sorcerers who were at residence within the castle. Gaillard also knew more about the history of this realm than anyone at that table due to his age- which shall not be disclosed. And finally, opposite him was Salamon. Salamon was a prickly being at any time of the day and even worse before dawn. In truth he was probably the only person who shouldn’t have been at that table. But, he was there never the less.

“Gentlemen, I thank you for gathering at this hour in the morning, I know not all of you are usually up to see the sun break.” The four men laughed slightly, with Salamon, only a small smile graced his face. The brief burst of sunlight entering the room, lit up a low scar on his lip. The King resumed speaking: “As you will all be aware, our most Easterly village in our Kingdom, Semantia, was just recently attacked.” The King broke off and turned his head in the direction of the Captain to continue speaking.

“Sire, the Dark forces are growing at a quickening rate. Semantia was of no strategic advantage to them-“

“Apart from to gain land in our Kingdom sire.” Salamon interjected, a cold stare being thrown at the good Captain.

“Apart from that, yes. But even so. It holds no military force, it is not located near any source of water, it doesn’t even have an enormous food supply,”

“yes we must get that seen to” The King uttered these words and waved his hand to an aide over his shoulder who had written this request down.

“There is no reason for them to attack this village Sire.”

“So why do you suppose they are Favian?” The Captain was about to reply when Salamon started.

“My Lord it has been clear now for several years that these sorcerers do not want to share these lands with us ‘fainnes’, we must act now to rid this plague upon our lands once and for all.”

“Are you suggesting we fight them Salamon?”

“That is exactly what I am suggesting Lord Herriot. Rid our realm of every, last one of them.” An ecstatic smile spread across his face.

“But, as you are suggesting we should do, to have an all out war with these ‘Dark forces’, these people of magic. They are too many and we are too few. We would never win My Lord.” Gaillard spoke clearly and with reason. The room fell silently as the King thought. Salamon opened his mouth to speak but the King’s hand was raised.

“I will go and think about this matter carefully. Discuss it with people as I see fit. We will reconvene before noon.”

The four looked cautiously around at one another, before gathering their separate sheets of papers, quills, maps of the sort and left the room quickly. The King let out an exasperated sigh, his head in his hands.

The three children, now young adults, of the court were, for once, not difficult to find. The sun had risen and its light now streamed in through the western window. The reflection of the fountain outside rippled around the walls. When this first happened in the day, it indicated to them that it was time for breakfast. So, that’s where they were. Ridley, Eva and Flynn sat in the Great Hall. Bowls of porridge, plates of fruit before them. The two boys in deep strategic conversation concerning hunting techniques, whilst the ever-disapproving Evangeline was reading a rare book on the history of magic.

“Routine!” The King said, entering the hall, casing a brief pause in conversation and reading.

“I’m sorry Sire?” Flynn put is spoon down to rest, not understanding the King’s comment.

“Every day since the day you three met, you eat your breakfast in the same spot, as the water’s reflection dances around you.” He took a sat at the head of the table, the two young men on either side of him.

“It’s relaxing. Sometimes you need a relaxing start to the day to enable you to have a productive day.” Eva smiled, her brown curls drifting down her back from her shoulder as she spoke.

“Oh I couldn’t agree more.” Once again the King sighed, “I have not had quite the relaxing start to the day you children have, and I suspect I am about to break the relaxation, to which I do apologise.” King Tarus was a gentle, kind, compassionate and caring King and father. Even more so since the death of his wife, which no one had ever forgotten. Yet he still managed to be a ruthless and determined man when it came to making decisions. And when it came to war, he would make it the last choice available, however, in this case it seemed the only choice available.

“Perhaps you shouldn’t share this news with us then father.” Ridley said, reaching for the single orange on the plate, only to have it swiped from his grasp by the only lady present. She grinned victoriously and began peeling it.

“I most certainly shouldn’t. Let alone be consulting you on the matter. However, it is for that very reason that I must.”

Eva stopped peeling her orange as the three of them looked on to the man who held all their respect. Flynn gulped, for the older sibling he didn’t fare well with being confronted with bad news. After looking out for his sister, continuously he thought, bad news became a knife to his chest, he thought he had done well to stay away from it. His sister on the other hand, was always prepared for anything, in reality she was much braver than the other two young men who she almost accompanied everywhere. Not that any of them would have you believe this, as Eva was too polite to be forceful to anyone she didn’t know. All that was about to change during the following conversation.

“The three of you know an enormous amount about the history of this realm and its dealings with the sorcerers of this world. You more than many, and it is becoming a burden on you, now more than ever as there is still much to learn. I come to you this morning seeking advice. Most readily from the two of you Stansborg’s.”

“Us sir?” Flynn asked helplessly.

He nodded “Indeed. Earlier this morning the village of Semantia was attacked by Dark forces. Now we all know that the Dark don’t appreciate ‘fainnes’ so the reaction of my council was simple. War. However, Gaillard brought up the idea that we would not be able to fight let alone win a war against sorcerers. Especially those far more powerful than our own in house pair.” He smiled briefly before continuing. “As sorcerers I would like your opinion.”

“Ours sir?” Eva asked, curious about the fact they were being consulted in a military matter.

“If you wouldn’t mind”

The siblings looked at each other before Flynn spoke.

“No fainne has ever managed to defeat a dark army sire. Encroach upon their lands maybe, but with their numbers as high as they are I doubt even that would be achievable. And I’m afraid two young light sorcerers won’t be able to help you much either sire.”

He nodded gravely, “I understand.”

“Father no single army can defeat these people. They are spawned of darkness, no good lives in them. Even a dark army with a small amount of good can be defeated, reasoned with even…” Ridley explained.

“Every sorcerer has good in them. Dark powers just corrupts some more easily than others Ridley. Remember that. Yes, you are right that no single army could be victorious but more than one might.” Eva smiled, watching the cogs turn behind eyes.

“An alliance.” Flynn muttered.

“with the other Kingdoms? Not all of them have very strong military capability.” Ridley spoke, unsure of the idea.

“A war can always be averted. There is always a solution. You simply gather the other kings and you all go talk to Rekron.” Eva smiled brightly.

“Don’t say that name” The king said loudly, fear glancing across his eyes.

“They will all want war Eva. Blood for blood.” Ridley spoke in a hushed tone.

“Surely not all of them will want to fight?” she asked again.

“No, not all!” King Tarus smiled joyfully, getting up and kissing her head. “My dear girl you are an absolute genius! A wonder! Oh, how this kingdom will be blessed with a queen like you!” She blushed profoundly as the other two chuckled with full hearts.

“Father, I doubt you will succeed in winning round the other rulers of this world. Especially not those with everything to loose.”

“Ah but my dear son we can try!” His father was beaming at the idea and quickly left to order another meeting of the council. Sooner than expected.

A silence fell upon the room once the large King had left, Eva once again began peeling her orange in search of something to do rather than in something to say. But her brother was not going to pass up an opportunity to speak.

“Queen?” Flynn grinned, leaning forward on his elbows. Evangeline sunk, her cheeks reddened and her face flushed.

“I’m sorry sire, what did you say?” Gaillard asked, his eye brows furrowed and his face frowning.

“You heard me perfectly well my friend.”

“But my Lord, an alliance? Where ever did such an idea come from?”

“From my Son, Lord Harriot, and the dear Evangeline and Flynn.”

“They are children Sire! Sorcerers of light. They know nothing of the powers the Dark possess.” The Captain began.

“Captain they know more about what the dark can do than any of us here in this room. I suggest we trust them. If you truly do think war is our only option then we cannot fight them alone then I am within my rights to reject that idea and seek about calling a ceasefire but we need the others.” Tarus had spoken and the room went silent. Until Salamon brought his voice to the table.

“And might I ask how you are going to get their help? Both your brothers will not be too inclined to offer their support, nor will Her Lady Mistgard or the Kingdom of Stoddard. They will want war good King. It is inevitable.”

“Salamon. By some grace, you are allowed to sit at my council, but be warned I don’t have much mercy in going to war. If I do, you may lose your spot here. There is no need for more blood to be spilt. My friends will see that-“

“Not all of them are our friends Sire. Family is harder to persuade.” Lord Harriot nodded in agreement to Gaillard’s meek comment.

“They will want the blood to stop. There is already enough fighting going on, I personally don’t want to lose anyone else purely because we did not attempt to talk. Now send out the eagles.”

“But sir-“

The king slammed his fists down on the table, his eyes fixing on Salamon.

“Send. Out. The. Eagles.”
Chapter two.​

It was approaching the first full moon of the season and no eagles had returned with a message. The day faded to night and the King had decided to turn in, finally realising that none of the Kingdoms supported the idea of talking to the enemy. And so, as night spread his arms across the sky, the candle was doused in his room. All was dark now, grey cloud was scattered across the moon, dimming its light, the only small hope of light from within a small corner of the library. Shelves of books loomed up to the ceiling, casting shadows like trees, a soft and dim glow made some attempt to break the shadows, but to little avail.

“What will happen?” Flynn asked quietly, the two siblings and the Prince stood, not caring for the dark, their faces lit by the magic produced by Eva.

The Prince sighed, “None of the Kingdom’s have returned, the council will have their way, we’ll go to war.”

Eva, being defiant as ever, shook her head. “No. We will not win. We cannot win. There must be another way.”

“Eva, we have tried. Not even one of the Eagles have come back with any messages. There is nothing else we can do.”

“Unless you want to ride hundreds of miles to get a solid ‘no’, War it is.”

She smiled, thanking some benign spirit for the brilliance of her brother, there was a way to get an answer, even to turn a no into a yes and that was to ride out to the other four Kingdoms and force them to agree. Not force them by military means, no, Eva liked to consider herself too much of a pacifist for that, but she was sure that she could show them what was happening in the world and what might happen.

“That’s what we will do.”

Ridley laughed, “You, the girl who hates saddles, wants to rides all the way to the sandy ocean just to prevent a war?”

“Yes. And I don’t hate saddles, I simply do not see their use.”

“What if we can’t get them to agree, my Uncles are not so easily swayed, what then?”

“we’ll just have to face that challenge when it comes.”

“Sister this is crazy. A Prince and two sorcerers riding through open country, we’ll be attacked by Reckron’s men before we even cross into our neighbours.”

“That’s a chance we’re just going to have to take. Honestly, for a pair of boys who spent an entire childhood escaping from escorts and causing mayhem in the markets, you don’t half sound scared.”

“I’m not scared Eva.” Ridley’s hand gripped her wrist, the ball of light fading. “I’m terrified. If my father found out…”

“Then it’s a good thing that we are going to leave in the middle of the night, so he won’t know we’ve gone.”

“At least for a few hours.” Flynn mumbled under his breath.

There was an uneasy moment of silence between the three of them. Ridley, the most unsure. Flynn, torn between wanting to protect his sister – which meant accompanying her, as there was no changing her mind, and wanting to not get involved at all. And Eva, smiling hopefully, already basking in the knowledge that these two men would follow her to the moon and back.

“Alright.” Ridley said finally, with an nod in agreement from Flynn.

The moon and back seemed easier than the challenge they had just undertook.
Day had broken, the sun had risen and the birds were coming to the end of their morning song. Tarus walked into the great hall, continuing to study a bunch of reports that had been handed to him from awaking, he absentmindedly said good morning to the three children, like he did each morning when he came to breakfast. He had sat on the throne and was looking from one paper to another when his head arose. He had heard no reply, as he recalled there was no hush of voices as he entered, no gently laugh from Eva as she stole away another piece of fruit. In fact there was no sound, the sun had not even hit the water and caused its reflection to dance around the room. Tarus turned his head to the table in front of the Western Window. The table was set and food was out but the recipients were missing.

Perhaps they were up reading all night and are late to arise, he thought.

But no, he had passed their rooms earlier, the doors lay open- a sign that they were out of bed- so where could they be?

Now any other father may have simply laughed it off, they were still children after all, not Tarus. He had a million and one things to think about, a million of them had higher priority than that of three children not showing up for breakfast. Yet something didn’t sit well with him. Almost instinctively he knew why.


Like the good young sorcerous she was, as they had left the previous night she had bestowed a spell upon the King so he would follow in the morning. She was smart enough to realise that many of the other rulers did not take kindly to the fact that Tarus housed two sorcerers. Too many people thought that the word Sorcerer, was evil. Tarus however, was different. He did not see Sorcerers as anything other than humans, like themselves. Only gifted.

The sun had reached its peak against the pale sky, the three children sat leaning against a grassy hill, their horses stood watch as they ate.

“Flynn what is it, you haven’t uttered a syllable all morning.”

The brother sighed, looking over at his sister. “I don’t like going behind the Kings back like this. It isn’t right.”

“We aren’t running away, we are preventing a war.” Ridley said.

“We hope we are preventing a war.”

“Would you relax brother, we aren’t going behind anyone’s back.”

“He doesn’t know Eva, that means going behind his back.” Flynn sighed, resting on his elbows.

Ridley had stood up, walking across to his horse and checking his stirrups. “Are you sure my father doesn’t know?” Flynn looked to his best friend in confusion, looking beyond him to the figure riding towards them.

“Well what a waste of a morning this was, let’s saddle up, guess we are going home.” He said, standing up. Seeing the King riding towards them was not a sight that filled Flynn with much joy, they had ridden almost to the boarder. It was only a good morning’s ride from the castle, if they left now they would be back before the candles went out.

“Oh stop being so ridiculous.” Eva smiled, standing too as the King rode closer.

“You told him, didn’t you? Why Eva?” The Prince hissed through slightly gritted teeth.

“Ridley,” she walked across to him, stroking the head of his strong brown stallion. “You may be a Prince but you are young, naïve, handsome and have a close affiliation with two sorcerers. Not many will trust you alone, let along you accompanied by Flynn and me. If this will work, we need your father.”

“He won’t allow it..” His thoughts trailed off as his gaze was met by that of his fathers, eyes the same colour yet they had seen more of the world that Ridley had in his young life.

“Just what do you three think you are up to?!” It was a bellowing command, one that didn’t necessarily require an answer. But the female was strong headed and rarely backed down in conversation; even when faced with a King.

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