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Futuristic Eternal Sea's (Space Pirate RP) (Accepting)

Verse Zero

Senior Member

  • izcwjlg.jpg
    A picture of Zamyra before she joined the Orion Navy.

    Name: Zamyra Drakazha (pronounced like Zah-mir-aa Draak-asha)

    Nickname/Alias: "Bloodmoon" and "Scourge of the Sagittarius Arm."

    Age: 125 (Due to rejuvenation technology)

    Birthdate: December 30th

    Position on Ship: Captain


    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Relationship Status: Single

    Height: 5ft 11

    Weight: 150

    Body Type: Zamyra is athletic and lithe due to years of travel and hardship. Her past military background still makes her keep a strict physical regimen on top of her captaincy.

    Current Appearance: Zamyra looks to be in her mid to late twenties due to alleged rejuvenate treatments she managed to procure. Her only major change aside from a scar on her right cheek is an eye patch covering her left eye. She did not lose the eye, but it is instead a bionic eye allowing her to see in infrared, thermal, and ultra-violet in addition to sonar.

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-Marchosias 'Oblivion Glare' Luxton-

[[Work In Progress]]

  • Full Name: Marchosias 'Oblivion Glare' Luxton

    Nicknames/Aliases: Marco, Bos ´n

    Age: 49

    Birthday: December 1st

    Sex: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Occupation: Boatswain

    Prior Occupation: Bounty Hunter

    ((FYI: It is not pronounced "Boat-Swain" it is "boht-sweyn" or "bos ´n" The Boatswian is typically one of the higher ups on the ship, he is the one who keeps it running, and makes sure it is in good shape, often refereed to as the 3rd or 4th mate, and is often given a larger some of gold for his duties. For his role is to keep everyone under him in line and making sure the ship is working and clean.))


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  • Name: Tiffany "Francis" Drake

    Nickname/Alias: "Francis Drake II", "The Dragon", and "The Blood Moon's Alpha Wolf"

    Age: 57 (She looks younger only due to genetics.)

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual

    Position: Quartermaster (The Quartermaster is (technically) considered to be the premier authority during peacetime, almost going so far as to be equal to the captain. She is in charge of representing the crew's interests to the captain, maintaining order, settling disputes between crew members, handle punishments that don't require a full-on trial-by-shipmate, distributing essentials such as food and water, maintaining the ship's balance books and other records, and captaining the first additional ship they capture until it's either sold or otherwise dealt with. She is given an increased share of loot for her service, as well as the right to first pick of it.)

    Personality: Tiffany is a very no-nonsense individual, taking her job extremely seriously and carrying out her duties with meticulous precision. You want to see who's eaten what in the past six months? Tiffany's got you covered. You want to see a particularly interesting document? She made 3 copies of it just in case. A dispute at a game of cards? She's memorized all the rules for all the variations her crewmates play. And if that dispute turns violent, she is more than willing to put her boot down and..."discipline" the offenders. She doesn't emote much more than intensity, though her words and actions demonstrate she does feel the standard gamut of empathy.

    If there is one quality Ms. Drake has that most people could agree was good, it is her loyalty. Come hell or high water/supernovas/black holes/debt collectors, she will always do what she believes to be right for the captain and crew. She will never intentionally betray them for any reason, and she would gladly sacrifice any number of people (including herself) for their sake. She has, in fact, slaughtered entire colonies purely for the sake of protecting/avenging those who serve alongside her.

    Tiffany's sense of self-worth is slightly skewed. She does recognize that her life has value, and she will fight to protect it more often than not. That being said, she does believe that her death would be a small price to pay if it aided the crew. She would rather it not come to that, granted, but she won't hesitate to follow through if she must. She does whatever she can to make sure her crewmates are as well as can be expected, which admittedly sometimes means busting their skulls when they're being idiots.

    Drake is tough, but she is fair. Everyone gets their share of the loot...unless someone sat on their ass and didn't contribute at all, in which case that person gets diddly-shit. She does her best to remain impartial when arguments erupt between crewmates, and she tries to keep the punishments she deals out reasonable. She treats prisoners with at least some modicum of respect, as at least some of those bilgerats just may be future members of the crew. That being said, she's only mortal, and one who pushes her too far will quickly discover that she is not one to shy away from brutality when she feels it's warranted.

    Likes: The Crew, Fighting, Being of Use

    Dislikes: Everyone Not On the Crew, Infighting Between Crewmates, Being Useless, The Whole "Francis" Thing

    History: Tiffany Drake was born in one of the Ursa Major sub-sectors to a pair of workers in the industrial complexes that litter the constellation. She soon decided that factory work was too droll and not the life for her, so she joined the local Navy as soon as she was eligible. She rose through the ranks at a surprising rate, causing many around the young soldier to question whether she truly deserved it or whether she was..."procuring favors". Drake herself would insist on the former, and her skills would imply she was being truthful, but there's really no way to tell.

    At any rate, Tiffany served aboard a frigate (the U.M.S. Justicar) for five years, receiving praise from her superiors and frequent threats from her "siblings"-in-arms for her service. She tended to ignore both, simply doing what she was required to do and not minding the squawking of those around her. She was content with that life; it wasn't the best, but it gave her the opportunity to explore among the stars, as well as a peace of mind that her home had failed to provide. However, the Justicar was lost in a pirate attack, and Tiffany was among those listed as M.I.A. by the brass.

    The years between that point and her joining with Zamyra's crew are ones that Tiffany point-blank refuses to discuss with anyone. She has hinted that it was...unpleasant, but she has yet to elaborate. She will, however, admit that as bad as it (apparently) was, it could've been even worse. The only other clue as to what went down during that period of her life is the fact that plenty of her scars were gained during it, though obviously not all of them.

    Joining the crew of the Aeternia had been a surprisingly simple affair. She'd just sort of...been stumbled upon by the ship one day, and she'd joined almost immediately after the offer was made. It didn't take long for her to integrate with the rest of the crew, and just like that, she was one of them. At the ripe old age of 25, Tiffany had finally found her calling in life. She would never be able to put into words just how grateful she was for that.

    What she couldn't put into words, she decided to put into actions. Tiffany soon proved herself to be a terror on the battlefield, and she similarly proved that she was fairly good at getting people to shut up and listen soon after. As her skills just kept increasing and her reputation began to grow, she was soon made the Quartermaster, a position which she has retained ever since. Despite that, she gained the nickname "Francis" almost immediately because of her last name, a fact which never fails to annoy the bajeezus out of her.


    "The lives of our crew matter. The lives of yours do not." - Tiffany just before she executes an enemy pirate crew.

    "The next one of you ingrates to call me 'Francis' is getting Swabbie duties for a month." - Tiffany expressing her distaste for her oldest nickname.

    "'A rabble of rabid dogs'? Wrong. We are not dogs; we are wolves, the Blood Moon's Favored Pack. You'd best learn to hold your tongue, 'captain', or you just may feel this wolf's jaws tearing out your throat." - Tiffany unwittingly gaining her alias of 'The Blood Moon's Alpha Wolf" by threatening a panicked cruise liner captain.

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Basic Info

Name: Desmond Regime

Aliases: Raven

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 170 pounds

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Engineer

Previous occupation: Technological terrorist



This is the general look of Desmond. He is very skinny and looks like a normal teenager when he's not wearing his equipment. Everything is pretty much like the picture. He is rarely seen without his equipment on and anybody who sees him this way would have to be very close to him. He wears glasses when he's not working and he's just walking around the ship with no job. He prefers to wear jeans and other old fashioned clothes when he's relaxing. That being said he usually never stops working so most will never see him this way.

abilities and equipment

Special abilities: Desmond is a natural when it comes to technology, he can fix anything given enough time, he's a natural at puzzles, math is his best subject, he's skilled at the art of robotics, and can make an assortment of wepons.

Specific equipment: Desmond uses all sorts of different tools and gadgets many he makes that day or previously. He does however have three main tools he uses,


1. His powered suit

This suit has many different little tools and such hidden inside it. It is his main outfit. It allows for some protection against attackers along with some means to dish out damage. It is however not made for long battles and harsh climates therefor requires quite a bit of repair after use in combat.


2. His pistol

Desmond's pistol is unique. It was given to him by his teacher as a token of manhood. This pistol has a multitude of features. It has special ammunition that spreads inside it's victim and destroys the body in seconds. The nanobots inside the bullet eats most metals and flesh. The gun shoots conventional bullets as well. Desmond has studied it over time and has made specialized ammo for it. From acid bullets to tracker chips. The pistol however does only shoot once and has to be reloaded every time it's fired.


3.Powered Gauntlets

These gauntlets were created when robotics started becoming popular in law enforcement. The earlier models were heavy and burdensome but the newer ones are light and inconspicuous. These gauntlets allow the user to emit massive waves of electricity into the object the user is holding, wither that be a human or machine. The voltage can be set to stun, paralize, lethal, or evaporate. Obviously the higher the setting the more charge it takes. Desmond has modified it somewhat but not too much in fear of breaking the expensive weapon.


Overall:Desmond is a very nice person. He usually doesn't have a problem with anybody until they provoke him. That being said he has a very strong hatred for those in uniform. He loves to talk about his newest invention or somebody else's achievements. He will almost always be working on something but will take time to chat if someone needs to talk to him. When he's working on something you will have to physically touch him to get his attention. That being said he is still very aware of his surroundings. He is very neat. His workspace is very clean and he hates it when people don't do their job. He was raised to always be a gentleman. He has a sweet spot for dogs. He also enjoys cats but find dogs more lovable.

Voice: Desmond has a very soft voice and can be hard to hear sometimes. That being said he sounds like he has years of wisdom even though he's only a young adult. A lot of people find his voice soothing and calming.


Desmond was a young boy at age 4 when he started to learn how to play with a computer. He loved it and his upper class parents could definitely afford him the best. He was about 6 when his father was suspected of smuggling illegal merchandise through the port he worked at. Unfortunately for Desmond his father did smuggle illegal items. His father had to cut some clients to make sure he didn't draw enough attention to himself. One of these clients was the previous engineer on the Aeternia, Richard Maximus. Richard was angry at Desmond's father for cutting him out of his imports. So in turn Richard had suggested attacking a cruise ship that Desmond's family was on. The ship was looted and many died but Desmond's parents were spared. Richard took Desmond and said that he wanted them to know that their son would lead a life of crime now. Just like his scumbag father. Using a new machine Richard had "obtained" Richard could wipe Desmond's memory and replace it with a new one. This new memory is that his parents left him and he was found by Richard. Richard then took him in as an apprentice after he saw how well Desmond worked with computers and other technology. Desmond grew up and decided to leave the ship and join a terrorist group known as Destiny's hand. He built then high tech wepons and defences for years. Then Desmond got a call from Richard. Richard was sick and couldn't afford any treatment. He knew Desmond had surpassed even his own skill with technology. He needed a replacement. Desmond said he would do it. Desmond was happy to repay Richard for the life he gave him that his parents could not. With Richards dying breath he gave Desmond the pistol he now uses and declared Desmond a man. He was 18 when this happened. Over time he made a name for himself and helped the Aeternia stay up to date if not ahead in the technology field. At age 19 he made the automated cleaning system for the ship. There were no need to have low end swabbies on the ship anymore. Less people means more loot for everybody else. He also modified the ships magnetic lock to affect other materials such as wood and non-magnetic materials. Now he resides inside the ship doing his daily duties and keeping the ship running.


Pm me if you want to have any history

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Full Name: Tommo Evans

Nicknames/Aliases: Tommy Two Guns

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: squad leader (leader of what Tommo likes to call the wolf pack, the elite pirates that are always the first in the battle)

Appearance: A fit guy, standing at an average of 5'10. He wears a bandanna and plenty of scars, two laser pistols and a luxury ceromional sword at his side that's all he needs. He has a hard face which would be harsh on most people but suits him and almost makes him look ruggedly handsome.

Personality: the people who know Tommo sum him up as harsh but fair. He sees his squad of 10 experienced men and women as family but would never tell them that. On the battlefield he is a whirlwind of steel and laser once you see him you usually have seconds left to live unless he sees promise in you. A man you want on your side in a fight but also am argument and albeit being too stubborn he is very persuasive.

History: not much is known about Tommo but what is often is uneventful he has always been a coach of sorts. He started his life as a wannabe chef which he quickly mastered and eventually went on to train some of the galaxies top cooks. The Grand ship he worked on was attacked by pirates and that's where it all changed, the captain of his original crew saw him as a prize to have the famous chef cooking the meals the crew morale would never be destroyed. He quickly learnt that he was also very skilled at combat and became famous for taking a whole trade ship leading just a small group of 5 men. Three years ago he joined his current crew and the rest was history.

(Sorry about the text formatting as I had write it all on my phone)


"Dont get the wrong idea....It will be a painless death i swear to my core....No fingers cross hehehe~"


Jade Face


95 Years since being awake

96 Years since creation

107 Years since core creation

{Home Planet}

Black Moon


"Space Faces"

This "Race" Is mostly Unknown as it consist of "Mechanical living beings" and only few have been sighted,reason why sights are rarely documented is most of thees "Living" Things tend to "search and destroy" most in there sight,its but from recovered documents and info its said thees are actually abandoned machines build to protect some extinct race,since the race is long gone thees machines are free and not having knowledge of the outside world they tend to break anything in there path thinking its a Intruder,But as time pass the surviving machines band together to create the "Space face" Race,they don't have any form of reproduction but to create more of themselves,they tend to use there Bodies as a form of Blueprint to create other Unique Space faces,each of them are like a finger print and never the same making them unique in every way,they have a steady social system like any race but are more aggressive not having a well good flavor for outsiders but they do not mined them,,,Unless they are hostile,once they were recorded as a official race they no longer seem to be as hostile when they were rogue.And because of there growing knowledge they have colonize a death planet known as "Black Moon" the size of Pluto and with no life but the mechanical space faces that don't need water or any food or air.They are considered "Neutral" for most races but to some they are hostile as they raid and cause havoc on nearby planets,do for the most part they try to leave other races alone.

A very unique feature to thees machines is there appearance each and one of them are named after some object with color for example:Onyx,jade,gold,copper,star,black hole,water,leaf,etc and the list can go on,but there names are more concentrated on metals or any other mineral that comes from the ground,a norther key feature is that all share is there Golden colored skeleton,its made of a unknown material that they call "Face metal" as this metal is mass produce by there own race and very strong,reason why is that when a face has fallen they can use the skeleton to create a another space face out of that same skeleton! every face has a unique ability from flying to invisibility! welcome to Black moon! Be sure to enjoy your stay!

They even Posses a rank system:


"War Face's"=Soldiers or any Military Space face

"Blood Face's"=Veteran war Faces

"Left Face's"=Low Ranking Military leaders

"Right Face's"=High Ranking leaders

"Cerberus's"=Any Military leader with Political Control

"Hydra's Mask"=Any Space face within "Hydra" Command like guards

"Hydra"=Main/Primal Leader of all space Faces


Jade face is a slow 9.7 FT Tall space face Juggernaut with a Green Body color,and compared to Other of his own race he is one of the few that actually Posses Teeth! and his frontal teeth are always exposed like smiling,Anyway he is Bulky and heavy space face,Possessing a thick skeleton,his face is silver in color and posses 2 very long "Ears" that come from his bottom jaw,his eyes never blink and are red in color,his body is covered in glowing stripes that extend all the way from his face down to his feet,his spinal cord 100% Visible and as well some parts of his skeleton,His feet look very bad for walking but in reality they sink in soft ground like dirt or snow so he docent go off balance or when in hard surface he can slide if needed do they are not hard to walk on.

His has 2 Long fins that are actually his weapons when on hold or not in use,there is a Odd "Tail" as seen Bellow but actually this is a stable part that is used to Crouch and act as stability so when he is pulling the trigger he is a still rock!,do as well serves as a "Not allowing you to sit" Mechanic,similar there are 2 spikes coming from the base of his legs thees stick in the ground for the same reason as his "Tail".On his shoulders are 4 miniature Propellant exits as thees are for aid wen he is just to slow like walking up a hill as thees will help him clime but he cant fly with them....well maybe in space but not easy.As strong he looks and made of metal jade is easy to take on if its enemy is fast....he is not so fast and nether smart




"Hehehe...HAHAHAHA! Give me some one and i will be sure to rip them in Ribbons!"

Heavy Pirate

Jades Job is to...well...be a Tank on two legs,do as well he serves as a ship boarder or that person who is send inside enemy ships and make sure its "Clean"


"Space face Juggernaut"


Juggernaut shield=Being made as a tank on legs,jade has been supply with a Juggernaut shield,this shield covers only the front of him and can small up the damage cause by miniature explosives like grenades or as well Bullets like a sponge for a Minute,but he cant keep this up for much,just a few minutes.

Hydra's Rage=Being one of Black Face's copies he has gained a Unique ability named Hydra rage,when activated jade will go in this temporary Power +1 state or "Rage state" were he is faster and stronger for limited time,but in exchange he looses his ability to sens friend or foe and will attack anything in vision.


2x Hydra Rifles

As seen above thees Rifles work well as Blades and range weapon,do the Rifle itself fires Bolts of Blue bullets and compared to Other Space face weaponry is one of the work horse weapons of the military,has medium range max and has a semi-auto fire system the weapon is rather balance do problem is it runs on Jades core,each trigger will drain his energy and he needs to "Rest" to regain his energy but still a worthy simple space face weapon.


jade face is vicious and cruel. The only thing that it desires in life is to slice its prey to ribbons; however, it has a soft spot for causing anger in others,as Vicious as he is he dose seem to be silent and serious but still a Laughing clown and thinking he is the strongest,he has shown to seek down stronger opponents and defeat them to show how strong he is! do because of this he is jealous of those who are stronger and seek To Overcome them! do this as well has brought Problems getting him hurt or it state of "Replacement" (This means in the Space face race to be Re-Build) but that docent stop him as he will try till his core is rip out.

do that is now slightly less seen as with the Very bad conversation he had with his previous commander and as well father "black face" he has learn a very well place lesson to never mess with some one stronger that him,he has shown to respect them but still jelly of them,he has shown to work in team and not be a selfish "I can do it alone" Guy,But aside from that he has shown a odd soft spot as well for the weak,not even Bothering to fight them as they are a waste of time but rather teach them to be stronger! Like black face did with him...and he passes that knowledge but of course to allies.


Black Face is jade face,s "Face Father" as in his race this means when they are made out of the Chassis of some other space face,in short some sort of "Copy" for you to understand,Black face was a very well known space face "right face" or in short a space face leader,he was very Hostile and one strong face,to the point Hydra notice his abilities and was planing on making him one "Hydra's Mask",do he denied the request as he dint want to be stuck in a large Building all the time...but serving Under the Hydra would be nice but he rather be free,as time pass Black face needed a copy that will serve under his wing,and so jade face core was created,using his own Chassis or skeleton,jade face slowly took form of his father till he was complete,Black face was proud he had a "son" but his son...was a weak...foolish face...and wont tolerate that! jade face was train and force by his own father to become like him as strong and leader do such training cause defections in jades core making him slightly....stupid in some way...disappointing black face felt sorry for he has damaged his own copy...his own son...but still he continue to train him and to the point of a complete Re-Build state.

Years pass and Jade face was Re-Build....13 Times! as black face was searching for a perfect Model of himself that was strong till he came across the Juggernaut Model....it was strong and powerful do not as him but will work,do as jade face,s core still retain the damage from the pass and so many times being re-made he has finally settled with his body,being a perfect war face,jade face was taken with his father and fight with him in multiple battles do one time it all change.

Every 50 years each space father MUST send there copy out alone in the universe to return with a great trophy to show he is a strong face,and so with no hesitation black face send his son out in the universe to search a Great Trophy to show his respect and power of his own race...and jade face to this day is still in search for one to return to his father and show him he is a strong face like him.

(Black face aka: jades father)

"don't come back till you have what it takes to be a face!"

Full Name: Dr. Maxwell Uluruu

"Doc" or Doctor




Ship Medical Officer

An old timer, standing at a lanky 6' 1". Though starting to show his age, he refuses to go through any reconstructive modification. Still in shape for someone of his age, especially without modification of any kind (at least he claims), he has the appearance of a stern grandfather. He is rarely seen out of his lab coat and old suit. Relics that he seems to cling to from his youth and better days.


Grumpy is the trait that would best describe him. Many of the crew dread having to make conversation with him as it is always depressing. However, no one seems to dread a trip to the doctor's office. Friendly for someone among a crew of pirates, he has an innate empathy for people he works with. Trips to the med room are usually pleasant... so long as you avoid conversation with the old man.

Abilities: Not really gifted in fighting, or even the most athletically fit man. He may know how to fire a gun but is by no means a soldier. His gifts seem to be fixing things; be it man or machine. Most materials found on him are sentimental rather than practical, leading to many awkward moments when suggesting something more modern or just touching said objects. He is also quite gifted in card games. Often times cleaning out members of the crew willing to play against him.

History: Holding a Ph. D. degree in poly-quantum atomic physics has rightfully earned him the name "Doc"... even though he doesn't have a medical license of any kind. Though not necessarily a genius, acquiring his degree barely by the skin of his teeth, he is the hard working and dedicated type. He claims to have hopped from company to company in weapons research after university, apparently having had a hand in developing numerous ship weapons and designs. Countless private, military, and joint projects that had helped revolutionize war and death are on his resume; at least he claims. In his attempt to do good in the universe and makeup for his numerous "mistakes in life" he decided to make his own research company. He took a tremendous loan from the Royal Bank in order to do so. He claims his company failed due to it being unprofitable, resulting in shady activity to try to pay the loan back. On top of the bankruptcy, he now faces criminal charges and claims that if he returned home he would be thrown in prison. Something about the old man's story seems odd though, as he refuses to go into any detail about how he got to be on the ship exactly. In fact, no one really knows how he got to where he is. Still, it's hard to complain due to his aid with engineering. Whenever there is a problem that no one seems to know the solution to "Doc" always seems to know the answer. However, he refuses to go down into engineering or even be near too many of Desmond's command, often resulting in the inconvenience of describing the said problem.
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Full Name: Ky C548

Nicknames/Aliases: Inmate


Sex: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: gunner

Appearance: A tan skinned tattooed criminal. He has several scars and stab wounds. A tattoo on his neck, of his mother's name Aria. A Prison Tat on his back. He sharpened his canines into fangs. Has long red Dreads.Physically fit, muscular but not hulk like.

Personality: Ky is impulsive, Hot headed, Aggressive and rather violent. He is intelligent, perseverant, and Cunning.

Abilities: A strong fighter, and wonderful with a cybernetic bow and arrow. He is skilled at Parkour and incredibly strong though he is not superhuman.

History: Ky was born in a SuperMax prison ship, his conception came at his mother's violation. After her death in Childbirth, Ky was raised by a half blind prison inmate named Jago. Jago raised him teaching him to steal, fight and survive. Ky learned to fashion weapons and fight with his environment. His upbringing fashioned him into a human weapon, geared towards one thing and one thing only survival. In his Teen years he went through a rite of passage, He defeated an inmate named Behemoth the inmate in charge of the prison Tax. After killing him, Ky was considered to be the savior of the inmates. Ky, on the other hand, had other plans, he wanted nothing more than to survive. By the time he had become an adult he had his eyes set on one prize, the most unreachable goal any inmate could have. Escape. He Plated his breakout for 3 years before finally managing to start a riot and become a castaway on a prison export ship. He Ended up floating around for the next couple of years as a fugitive until he ended up stumbling on a position on the Aeterna. There he was given an opportunity to serve a cause bigger than himself and perhaps find the comradery he hadn't found since Jago. Ky has one priority and one priority only himself, he looks out for himself first, second, and last. His driving passion is survival. Trust is impossible for him, the crew is the closest thing he has to family and family is not exactly high on Ky's list of things to be cared for.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3cb104b56573b1498593bfbd0eb4a263.jpg.f1e5359ef02bcdf1ad6798fb26b84846.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88902" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3cb104b56573b1498593bfbd0eb4a263.jpg.f1e5359ef02bcdf1ad6798fb26b84846.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • robot_arm_boy_by_chalii-d333ezm.jpg

    Full Name: KC8-23

    Nickname: "Casey"

    Age: Technically only a year old, but biologically 15

    Position on ship: Cabin Boy

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Asexual Heteroromantic

    Height: 5'8

    Weight: 200 lbs

    Equipment: Stun baton, retractable plug inside his right arm that allows him to integrate with a ship's AI; Bionic eyes that can detect damaged parts of machinery, along with infrared and thermal scanners; universal translator implanted in brain

    Appearance: Casey has the body of a well-proportioned teenage boy. His skin is unnaturally smooth and pale, and his eyes are glowing orange orbs. His right arm is cybernetic, and is significantly stronger than his other arm. His serial number and model, along with a bar-code, are both tattooed on his upper back.

    Personality: Casey is above all, kind, naive, and obedient. After all, these traits tested well among consumers in the early development stage. As his experience has been limited to life aboard the Aphrodite, he doesn't know much about how things are in the less civilized areas of the galaxy. Casey values his personal freedom in high regard, and his dream is to one day be completely free of anyone. due to this, he somewhat idolizes the lawless pirate lifestyle.

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@Verse Zero

Let me know if there is a problem, and I will downgrade him immediately.

Full Name: Solonious Arventino Larvae Sanctaurii Yvonne

Nicknames/Aliases: Solar

Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Race: Ascended

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance: 6'2, bronze skin-tone, slight glow to the skin, and deep blue eyes that appear to have scanning technology. Humanoid in form, with Shaggy white hair.

Personality: Brutal, Aggressive, Calculative, Sarcastic, and to those he trusts: Friendly.

Abilities: Able to take any situation in stride, and will try to benefit from it. Trained as a Military agent in both Assault and Espionage fields. Suffers from a lack of people skills because of it, and has been known to make more enemies than friends. Also has a weakness towards Electrical attacks, due to the fact that they disorient him. This is due to his cybernetics attached to his retinas

History: Solar is an Ascended, apart of a race of beings that live in the north-eastern outer rim. Secretive, Militaristic, and technologically advanced, the Ascended's history is long and not-altogether proud. Despite being small compared to their golden age, they remain an enigma in the north-eastern Galaxy, due to their strange glowing skin, scanning eyes, and long life-spans. Solar was once apart of their military, though records are vague as to his departure, and only a handful of people know the real reason. Even so, Solar is an Accomplished Mercenary, with a high reputation....and a high buying price.

Solar has been known as the most trustworthy gun at your side, to one of the biggest sarcastic assholes in the region. Solar has been around long enough to know, if they can't deal with you, whats the point in playing nice? He's here to earn money, and live his life his own way. He also holds no loyalty: He will kill pirate and government, so long as he's paid proper. Those that don't pay....well, let's just say the galaxy is a bit emptier thanks to him.

Recently infamous for killing a Pirate lord on an old stolen Perseus warship, Solar is now only taking up small-time contracts, mainly to keep his skills sharp. Hell, if people are going to try and kill him, he might as well get some cash out of it. His Vessel is a small fighter, modified to hold it's own in a fire-fight, and to hide it's heat emissions, making it harder for Radars to detect him. It's name is the Alarai.




Combat skin


Personal Quote-

"Why did I choose the life of a mercenary? It's simple: One day, I will die. I will be nothing more than flesh on the ground, for Scavengers to pick at. I've lived a very long life, and though I may have my own share of regrets, I don't regret the way I live: No loyalty to anyone, but myself. Sure, maybe I'll die from a bullet in the head, a stab wound, poison, or my own stupidity. But until then, I am able to live the life I chose for myself. It is the one thing that I chose, not anyone else."

"Why do I live like this? I live everyday knowing, if someone kills me, I did everything in my power to stop them from doing so. I'll die a free being, completely devoid of regret. To live that life, and face it with a grin, it's all I'll ever want."
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Name: Darion Drakell

Age: 30

Position on Ship: Archaeologist

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Darion is very tolerant of people, of their myriad experiences, personalities and opinions, and is able to get along with most people. At the same time, he can also be quite aloof, preferring to share his own ideas and experiences when he is more familiar with other people. He does have a short fuse, however, and loses his temper quite easily. He is also restless in the sense that he is constantly looking for adventure, and loves exploring new settings, cultures and history, not liking to stay in one place for too long.

History: Darion hails from an urban metropolis planet, from a rich family with five older siblings. Since young, he has shown an aptitude for academic work, consistently coming in first in classes until he received a scholarship to the most prestigious university in his planet. He graduated with an honors degree in Archaeology and is currently studying his Masters... or he was until his ship was attacked. He had been working as an archaeologist and was travelling to a dig site in a distant planet when the ship he was on was attacked by pirates. Given the choice to either walk into the airlock or to live a life of piracy he immediately agreed to a life of piracy, though he is still not quite sure how he fits into the grand scheme of things on board a pirate ship with only academic knowledge and almost no combat skills and he plans to learn some combat skills in order to survive.
Character sheet format shamelessly stolen from @Ancalagoner

  • Name: Jerry Everson

    Nicknames/Aliases: Mad Dog

    Age: 36

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Position: Raid Leader. Jerry leads a warband of pirates during boarding raids, to kill and loot. He affectionately named them the mangy pack. The mangy pack is especially violent and savage compared to other groups of pirates, with a lot less prisoners taken then other pirate warbands among the crew. Nevertheless, this savagery makes them terrors upon the battlefield and they're as loyal as any other crew upon the ship. So their unruly ways are tolerated, if not drawing a few odd looks from the others.

    Personality: Jerry is in one word lively. Of course that's if your definition of lively includes being a gambling, drinking, fighting, womanizing bloodthirsty pirate. Jerry is one of many scum living aboard Aeternia, being the perfect pirate for Orion propaganda. He's a lover of violence, who loves getting in drunken brawls and loves the slaughter of boarding an enemy ship even more. He grins and laughs during it all, happy as a bee in an endless field of flowers. Even as he cuts heads and breaks noses, he's grinning.

    He's quite the conversationalist too, dontcha know? Why even when he's politely performing amputations free of charge, he's chatting with the lucky patients. He's especially chatting when he's boozing, ya can hardly shut him up. Not that that's stopped people from trying, which really pisses him off. Our Jerry really hates to be interrupted, with a few other things. You can peruse the list if you're curious of what they be.

    Now despite the way he carries himself, he's really a big ol' softie. He's got a soft spot the size of the Aeternia for his warband of scally wags and scoundrels, being as affable as can be with em. If he's boozing, brawling, sleeping, or gambling it's always with one of his "pups" by his side. Of course that means them being hurt pisses him off, even more then being interrupted. And as I said before, being interrupted really pisses him off.

    Likes: Booze, fights, women, the mangy pack, space shanties, gambling, polite conversation .

    Dislikes: Policemen, hippies, nothing happening, pacifists, Orion Royal Army, cauliflower, fancy paintings, shitty booze, law abiding civilians, jellyfishes, nobles, Orion Royal Navy, being interrupted, that one track that Tiffany always makes the bar jukebox play even though Jerry has fucking said he hated it, surrendering, enemies surrendering, surrender in general, someone messing with his mangy pack, being eavesdropped on, hypocrites, and any military force of an official nation.

    History: Jerry is one of the many humans born upon the husk of Earth, another contribution to the overpopulation problem. He was born in the tomb called Europe, a little island to the north that's called Britain. Jerry was born to a poor family, with a Mum who was a lady of the night and a Dad that once was a soldier in the Orion Army, though by the time Jerry was born he did little but drink and remember his days in the army. Oh and hit Mum, he did that too.

    There was no room for Jerry in the public schools, so he took to the streets, brawling with smaller kids to steal whatever they had stole. This never worked out well enough, as the brats tended to fight back. Then Jerry got a brilliant idea. He called a bunch of the best thieves he had brawled with over his small life to a meeting and gave em a proposal. Instead of trying to steal scraps by their own, they'd work together to steal more, split the proceeds and if they got in trouble because of stealing, they all brawled to get out of trouble.

    Though the little brats were distrustful of Jerry's motivations, they were rather scared of him. After all, when he brawled to get their goods he always won those brawls. Even though there were more of them then him, the brats weren't sure they could win. They decided to give it a shot, so they didn't have to find out. That day they stole more then the past months by themselves and anyone who caught them got knocked out in an alleyway.

    Together they were able to live better and though they had distrusted each other at first, after years of stealing together they were, literally, thick as thieves. When they were all young men, Jerry proposed to steal the biggest thing they had yet. A ship, to get off the overpopulated rock. An Orion police shuttle was coming by, to pick up prisoners for a labor planet.

    By skill or by dumb luck they succeeded. They bashed the policemen in and stole the keys to the ship. Through dumb luck they managed to escape the pursuit ships and jumped to a random set of coordinates they punched in. Within this system hid a ship that even street brats from Earth had heard of, the dread ship Aeternia. As the massive guns mounted upon the massive spires rotated to blow them out of the stars, in a panic they hailed the ship. Explaining that they were not in fact policemen halted the guns from obliterating them, though they threateningly stayed pointed at their, suddenly very small feeling, shuttle. After a few minutes of comm silence, they received the offer. Join or die. Here was a ship full of criminals, full of the worst scum in the galaxy. A ship that would be pursued by every lawmen or soldier that saw it. And it was offering to let em aboard. How could they say no?

    Years have passed and now the street brats, plus a few dozen scum or so, are a fearsome warband of pirates called the Mangy Pack, lead by the dreaded Raid Leader, Jerry "Mad Dog" Everson. What a happy ending, eh?


    "Well if ol' Grannie Francis is the Capn's Alpha Wolf, I guess that makes me her Mad Dog!" - Jerry gaining his nickname, after hearing how Tiffany got her's.

    "Oh Tiffany's last name be Drake, eh? Hehehe, makes too much sense that does. She always looked like a Francis to me!" - Jerry at a tavern, giving Tiffany her other nickname.

    "Come'n Capn, don't yank my leash! Let me at em, let me at em Capn!" - Jerry asking the Captain for permission to board the enemy.

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Name: Spike

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Occupation: Loner/Solo Starfighter, considered one of the best in the galaxy.


His ship: The swordfish

usually spends most of him time along taking odds jobs here and there to keep fuel in the tank. Not much for guns outside of small arms, mostly hand to hand combat is his expertise. Opportunistic, will do anything to get the job done and will join anyone to get the job done.

Swordfish armaments: Twin machine in guns in each one and a powerful railgun energy weapon under the fuselage

the canopy can detach itself from the ship in case of emergency. Spike has the Swordfish for a long time and it's considered to be an antique

Personality: Sarcastic, Generally easy going, Cool under pressure, knows what he wants and the best way to get it
Name: Valakran

Alias: Kandy

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Hired Gun


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    (Sorry for the anime picture but it works)

    Name: nyx

    Nickname: whatever is programmed

    Age: from date of creation she would be about 5

    Birthdate: February 30th

    Position on Ship: whatever is assigned by the capital

    Gender: programmed to be look feminine but being an AI she's truly gender less

    Sexual Orientation. None unless programmed other wide

    Relationship Status: none

    Height: can be any height but usually sticks around 3"3


    Body Type: her actual physical appearance is like a high tech USB but uses her human appearance projected through the circuits of the ship or any vehicle to give a more friendly feeling to her.

    Current Appearance: short grayish hair with bright green eyes. Small build mostly because she's programmed to be around the age of 5 in terms of physical appearance



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Name Yvonne (Gen. Yvonne)

Nickname NaN

Gender F

Age 25

Race Human

Post Admiral of the Fleet

Appearance With blonde hair over her ears and a large shiny blue eyes, she is filled with curiosity and knowledge. Her skin is neither pale nor tanned. Her body is slender, but not too tall, who seems like blowing away by the wind.

Cybernetics Increased age,Translator implant

Disability Social problems

Job (If any) Scientist&Engineer

Group (If any) Nan

Bio Born in a single family, she is being bullied when in primary and secondary school, making her cold, uncaring and unforgiving character. Although, she is, in her heart, open and free and caring, but was rule-bound and rigid by her previous teachers and classmates. She then progressed into the Academy of Space Engineering on Horizon, and she masters the use of remote control to control ships and AIs.

Weapons Like sniper rifle for fighting, but carry precision based weapons.
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Name: Susan Quartwright

Nickname: Susie Q

Appearance: View image: 3901747295 fd30f51ac5 z

Occupation: Astronomer (She basically keeps the ship out of the way of things like black holes and meteor showers, she also looks for wormholes that the ship could hide in to avoid detection.)

Personality: Susan is a generally quiet girl who prefers her solitude more than anything else. The exact opposite of a social butterfly, she is scared to try and befriend people. Inquisitive, she is interested in the history of other planets and their cultures and is very adventurous with trying new things. Although she may appear happy externally, Susan internally is severely depressed due to her past, having only joined the crew to get away from her homeworld. She sees the doctor regularly for antidepressants as well as counselling, they tend to share in each other's melancholy.

Biography: Born on the planet Terra Alpha, Susan grew up in a totalitarian dictatorship state ruled by a woman called "Helen A" where unhappiness was illegal and displays of sadness like crying publicly, writing poetry that wasn't a limerick or wear dark clothes, playing slow music and more displays of sadness were executable offenses, with people simply "disappearing", usually secretly executed in one of 2 ways. The Secret Police on Terra Alpha, the "Happiness Patrol" frequently roamed the streets and executed "killjoys" on the spot simply for being sad, with many people betraying their own relatives simply to get into the citadel where there was no poverty. Susan was forcibly entered into the Happiness Patrol at 11 where she cataloged disappearances. At 33, she grew tired of everything the Happiness Patrol stood for, smiling when it meant nothing and the constant enforced smiling, she had to smile even though people she knew were being killed for being killjoys. During a rebellion in the shuttle silo, she sneaked onto a shuttlecraft and left the planet, eventually finding the Aeternia and joining the crew, vowing never to return to Terra Alpha. Already hardened into killing people due to her work in the Happiness Patrol, due to her knowledge of the universe gleaned from Terra Alpha's databanks she joined the Aeternia.


Susan's "Fun Gun". A standard issue rifle in the Happiness Patrol, it fires a radiowave that causes the brain of her target to become flooded with dopamine until it reaches toxic levels. It also has an "android mode" where it fires transphasic EMP pulses that phase through shielding to directly destroy electronics, however Susan is forbidden from using this function on the Aeternia as it could cripple the ship.
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  • Name: Jacolm Saou

    Nickname: Jack

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Relationship: Single

    Law Enforcement Status: Criminal

    Ship Status: Universal Engineer (Jack of All Trades when it comes to engineering)

    Personality: A hearty, comedic man normally, making him a fun guy to be with. However, he's serious when he needs to be, especially when it comes to work. He can get short tempered at times, or cynical.

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  • General Info

    Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent

    Alias: Reaper

    Age: 35(102 due to regeneration)

    Sex: Male

    Height: 6'3"

    Weight: 135 lbs

    Hair: Dark Brown

    Eyes: Green

    Body Type: Athletic


    Occupation: Assassin/Engineer/PyroSpecialist

    Occupation on the ship: Stowaway

    Status by the Government: Terrorist/Criminal

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Name: Humbled Servant (Keeps real name a secret)

Age: Unknown, presumably mid-late years

Sex: Unknown

Skills (ie. engineering, piloting, etc.): Medicine, Surgeon, Religious congregation

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets): Tome, Sacred Chimes, Medical supply bag, bone saw

Background (feel free to make it long and detailed): Born in a colony world, the Servant had little promise of a future in the stars, despite his dream of one day visiting the sun. During a civil uprising, the colony was cut off from its mother empire and left to its own resources. The people quickly began to panic, leading to countless acts of violence and terror. Through it all, The Servant watches in his home until a cult rose from the ashes of the war. The cults teachings were dedicated to the humbling of mankind in the infinite universe and believed in the all powerful Great One, an extradimensional being capable of immense power. The Servant fit perfectly in it, relishing in the idea of interstellar congregation. He acquired a catalogue of medical skills while serving the church throughout the years, caring for refugees and war victims. However, as the embargo was lifted the empire arrived and disbanded the church. Distraught, and now living on his own, The Humble Servant took the next shuttle off the planet while keeping the relics of his cult. There was nothing left for his religion here, maybe somewhere in the stars he could find his Heavenly Father.

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.):

Roughly 6'2"

Almost inhumanly slender, constantly goes on fasts to further humble himself

No notable physical strength

Androgynous voice, nearly flat chest. No way to discern gender

Description or Picture:

Always wears a black robe lined with pictures and descriptions. Despite it's intimidating appearance, she insists it serves to make herself obscure and unnoticeable; another way to humble herself.

Also always wears a featureless facemask. Could be mistaken for a piece of metal with two eyeholes.
VirtualNotoriety said:
What do you mean by that?
that all CS made from now must be part of the pirates already they cant be travelers like Jade that swoop in and its not one

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