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My World Creation (Complete-ish Lore)



This is the lore I'm writing for a world in which I'm attempting to create. It's the basis of a Religion that I'm creating, and wanted to have a little input or criticism on my idea... Basically I just want to know if the story is believable, since this is going to be what my characters believe in... <img alt=" :) " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=" :) " width="20" /> There, I believe that covers them all... Save for a few who didn't take consorts and such. Please let me know what you think! <span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:rgb(102,0,0);">
The Creation
</span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">
</span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;">The world was born of the progenitors, the titan gods known as Father Universe and Mother Flame. The legends say that they were lonesome in their realm, and as Gods, they weren't capable of bearing children. With eternity between them, they came to a decision. Putting their powers together, they would create a new realm, and new gods to watch over their creation. Father Universe created the Mortal Realm, the world where their creations would live. To create this realm, it took much of his life and with his dying breath, he brought to life Chronos from a pebble. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>Born of stone, you shall withstand the test of time. Use your power well, and protect those who will follow Time's relentless travel.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> Mother Flame channeled her powers to create the Stars, Light, and the thing that would end their creations time, Death. Death took Father Universe, and Mother Flame. Though before the light fully left her, a tear fell from her eye as she whispered words of love. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>Born of the Light, you will mother the Darkness. Keep time in his place, and nurture those who must attest to his power.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> A woman formed from the tear as it fell to the newly created Earth, and she was named Nyxia. Chronos brought her to the Divine Realms, taking her as his consort and wife in the stead of the Titan Gods. The Gods Together, the two infant gods watched as the world shaped itself. Though something seemed to be missing from this world. There were trees, and rivers, mountains and valleys. Yet it seemed incomplete. What was Chronos to do, other than watch the world shift and change to time? He took his worries to Nyxia, feeling as though his role was empty. He had nothing to care for. The stone was to hardy, it didn't bend to time as easily. The plants were to flimsy, easily brushed away with a simple chill. Nyxia smiled gently at him, and knew. They needed children, mortal children who wouldn't easily be thrust to an end by Time, but not be as hard as stone. She went to the Mortal Realm then, and walked along the earth. She searched and searched for something to gift Chronos with, to give him some form of fulfillment. After many years, she finally learned what she could do for her loving husband. She had come upon a meadow, filled with wildflowers. A gift from Chronos who missed her dearly in the Divine Realms. She walked to the center where a small mound of fresh dirt sat. She crouched, pressing her fingers into the coolness of the earth, searching. She plucked a bulb from that earth, turning it slowly in her hands. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>Life, I give you. Child of Time, learn well that Time will test you. Be not like the grass and trees that bend to easily, but also be not the stone that stands hard against Time. With this, I gift you.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> she whispered to the bulb, pressing her lips in a gentle kiss against the soft flesh of the seed. Then she placed it back into the earth, and moved to find another. She repeated this with many, many seedlings. Flower Bulbs, grass seeds, the seeds of trees. When her gift was finished, she went to a river. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>Nourish our children, and raise them well. So mote it be.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> she called out to the river, and it swelled, spreading over the land to help the seeds Nyxia had planted. She returned to the Divine Realms, and met Chronos with warmth. Together, they watched as their children sprouted, and soon the world was populated. There were thousands of creations. All of different kinds. The rivers and oceans populated with creatures that could only live in water. Forests populated with all kinds of animals, and birds. There were even tiny creatures that would eventually be called insects. Though the intriguing creation was the birth of Mankind. All different, based on the seedlings from which they sprouted. Chronos and Nyxia finally had something to watch over, to care for and nurture. Yet as time continued to flow, they found themselves consumed by the notions of their creations. The animals, plants, humans. Each had necessities, and humans seemed to be the most complex. They found they began to have less and less time together in the Divine Realms, trying to keep their promise to the Titan Gods that created them. A time came, when Chronos and Nyxia had finally had enough. They fought, angry and hurt that the other no longer had time for them. The Mortal Realm reflected this. Storms raged, the earth shook. The seas churned and threatened to swallow anything that dared venture to its waters. The world began to sunder beneath their rage. The lands cracked, and opened, spewing red hot liquid. Destruction wreaked havoc throughout the world. All their creations fled their homes in terror, yet had no guidance on how to avoid what was happening to their world. Chronos flung Nyxia from the Divine Realms, and the world shattered. The world was thrust into darkness, and life grew weary. Time was off. The sun wouldn't rise properly, or it would stay in the sky far to long. The cold would come early, and stay late. Rains would cause floods, and storms would damage everything. The earth continued to shake and rumble. Nyxia did what she could to help their children through these dark times, consistently calling out to Chronos. Begging for him to return her to the Divine Realms so that things would return to normal. The earth needed healing, and she could do no more than small things while she was on the Mortal plane. Years passed by like this, and Nyxia found her way back to the meadow that was once the birthplace of life. It was decrepit, and dark. Pain clutched at Nyxia as she looked upon her beloved meadow. She approached the center where she had laid that first seed, finding the plants and flowers there wilted and dead. She fell there, her knees biting into the earth as her hands covered her face. And there she wept. She wept for her children, for Chronos, and for the death that plagued the world. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>Oh Chronos, Father of Time... We have done a grave ill to this earth we so care for. Our hate and anger has damaged all who we hold dear.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> She cried out to the night, tear stained face upturned to the sky. Rain clouds blotted the sky, hiding the stars that shined until the sky wept with their mother Goddess. She stood, and ran. Her bare feet biting into the ground as they carried her to the river that had nourished their children. She flew along the banks until she found her destination. The human children had called it the World's End. It was a huge waterfall that fell into a deep pit. Nyxia knew it lead into the depths of the earth, a place of darkness where night had been birthed. She stood on the ledge, sorrow clutched at the Goddess's chest as the rains fell, hiding her tears. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>I give myself, to save this world. I give my life, to save this world. So mote it be.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> She whispered the words, and flung herself over the World's End. Curling upon herself as she fell, she clutched her hands over her heart. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>I forgive you.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> Her words rang in the silence of her fall, until she was swallowed by the darkness. Yet Death didn't come for her. Time had stopped, and she lay, suspended in the air. The water droplets of rain gave the darkness that surrounded her a surreal feeling. They glowed, and soon, Chronos stood before her. He had aged, somehow. His form was bent, and wrinkled. Regret pulled at her, and she straightened herself, calm gaze addressing the man before her. With silence, she approached him. He reached out for her, and their hands clasped together. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>Nyxia, my Mother of Night... How foolish I have been. Return with me, so that we may heal our worlds.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> His voice was cracked and rumbling like thousands of stones rolling down the mountainside. They embraced, and together returned to the Divine Realms, and finally Time seemed to flow correctly once more. With youth restored, Chronos and Nyxia set to work. They healed the lands, and calmed the earth. They lead their children back to their homes, returning all to a state of calm. Yet this battle had left irrevocable damage on their world. Destruction and Chaos now existed. With knowing minds, Chronos and Nyxia knew they could no longer take their roles on by themselves. There was far more that needed caring for, and to keep an event like the Sundering from happening again, they had to find a way to spread their power among others. Nyxia then went to Chronos, the power of life held in her hands that was given to her by Mother Flame. They coupled, and Nyxia balled the power of creation in her belly. She had learned from the humans, and now she carried a child. She would be a mother to more than just the world. Though something happened that even Nyxia hadn't expected. She bore the lives of two, rather than one. One boy, and one girl. They were then named Opeus and Zudite. The godly children grew, and came into their own powers, chosen by Time. Opeus had grown fond of the humans, but more so of their tools, and weapons. He became reckless, and thrived in the spilling of blood. Battle was all he began to live for, and the wanton killing and glory of war. His voice was colored with the clashing of swords, or the deep thudding of shields, the woosh of an arrow loosed from a bow. Zudite had become hateful, and jealous of her mother. How Nyxia was revered by the people of the Mortal Realm, and how they so loved her. She delved into Chaos, the power to cause pain and trouble. Turning man against man, beast against beast. She created creatures of evil, and spread a darkness that even Nyxia couldn't control. Nyxia feared what this would do to the Mortal Realm, so she extended her hand in hopes to find something to tame her children. Opeus needed to learn of love, and kindness. Reasons why his bloodlust should be contained and turned toward things of good. Zudite needed to learn calm, and goodness. A kindness that would, hopefully, turn her sword of hate into one of discontent. Chaos needed a leader, and Zudite was that leader. After a time, she finally found a way to help them. She lead Opeus to a woman, mortal by birth, but with a heart that could possibly rival her own. This woman was Casyn, a princess by right of the lands where her people had called home. She was always finding ways to avoid war and bloodshed, not wanting to waste precious life on such tragedy. For Zudite, she found a man who showed kindness to everything he met. He was a poor man, but his worth was far more than even a king's. She could only hope that his heart could help Zudite temper her hate. This man was Erasil. ~~ At first, Opeus tried to convince her that war wasn't the tragedy she had painted it to be. The honor and glory it brought to men, and countries. She wouldn't hear him. She refused to accept that anything good could come of war. Until her country came under attack, threatened to be swallowed by the larger country that lusted for her people's lands. She ran to Opeus, begging he help her people. To protect them, and bring them to safety. At first, he refused, claiming that if she saw no good in war, then he could not help her. She countered, apologizing to him and saying war was good if used for protection rather than merely to kill. That she had been wrong to think war and battle wasn't needed. Finally he relented, finding that he had come to love Casyn, and the thought of losing her to a country that wished to see her killed was wrenching him inside. He drew his sword, and went to battle. He saved Casyn, and her country. Though she was no longer a princess. The cost of war had elevated her to Queen. He knelt before her throne, setting his sword at her feet. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>Lady Casyn, I lay my sword before you. I have learned that battle is for more than glory. It is meant to protect and to prosper.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> He called to her, his voice firm. She smiled upon this god, who knelt at her feet, and stood. She lifted him with her, taking his hands in hers, and thanked him for protecting her country. They courted for a time, and soon, Opeus asked that Casyn join him in the Divine Realms. To be his consort, and wife. To help temper his blade with her peaceful ways. She agreed, save for one condition. She couldn't leave her country leaderless. They needed someone to guide them. So she took a human consort, and bore the man one child, a son. Once the child no longer needed his mother, Casyn went to Opeus. She had spoken with the man she had made king, telling him of the conditions in which she took him as consort. He had agreed, though she knew it was because of his want for power. She worried, and spread her worries to Opeus. He took Casyn into his arms, </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"><em>Stay for your country, and when your Time comes to an end, I shall come for you. Protect your country, Casyn. And take my blessings with you.</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="color:#660000;"> He told her, placing a kiss on her forehead before he returned to the Divine Realms to wait for his lover. Time Passed, and soon, Casyn was brought to the Divine Realms to take her place beside Opeus. This brought the birth of three. Adum, Helios, and Etune. Nyxia granted Casyn the power to watch over Peace and the Healing of those damaged by war. ~~ When Nyxia lead Erasil to her daughter, she had high hopes for him. He seemed to be almost immediately smitten with Zudite and her wild beauty. He thanked Nyxia every chance he got for leading him to her. Though Zudite didn't seem to feel the same. She viewed this man as a pawn, a way to twist a creation of her mother's and make it her own. She was complacent at first, acting a girl in love as she allowed herself to be courted by Erasil. Finally, the time came, and she had him in her grasp. She took him as her consort, as her husband in the eyes of Nyxia and Chronos. Then her real fun began. She turned against Erasil, torturing him and twisting his love for her and for her mother. She would become angry when he would pay homage to Nyxia, claiming he loved her mother more than she. Time took its toll on Erasil, and began to hate Zudite. He began to hate Nyxia for delivering him into the hands of the Goddess of Chaos. He hated all those who didn't have to address Zudite, or her evil ways. So he fought with Zudite. Demanded power and equality with the Goddess. His mind twisted. This was Zudite's triumph. She bestowed upon Erasil the power of Hate, naming him a Demigod under her reign. They were finally on the same side, Erasil no longer worshipping her mother. Now she needed more. She would bare children with Erasil, and spread her evil ways. This brought the birth of Amun. ~~ During the turmoil of Opeus and Zudite, Nyxia bore two more children. A goddess named Yara, and a god named Esreus. Yara became the patron of the Arts, taking to the music of the world. She was a gentle being, always flowing with the music that she picked up from the beings of the Mortal Realm. Esreus was a bit darker, unfortunately. He had been chosen as the harbinger of Death, pulled to save the wandering souls and lead them to their resting places before they would be reborn to a new life. ~~ Yara traveled the Mortal Realm often, relishing in the festivals and other arts that populated there. It was her livelihood, and it brought joy to so many. As well as expressing sorrow and sadness. There was soul to the arts in ways that war or knowledge couldn't grasp. She eventually found a man named Zedos. He was revered by many people to be one whom the gods spoke through. Though not for religious reasons. No, his voice was musical and enrapturing. She was pulled by his poetry, and it sent thrills down her spine. She spoke with her mother, to be sure she could choose a mortal as a consort. With her blessings, she returned to the mortal realm and made herself known to the poet. It was difficult, since Yara had to live as a mortal for a time. Though the courtship was enthralling, and eventually she and Zedos became consorts. She brought him to the Divine Realm, and bestowed upon him the direct patronage of Poetry, and Theatre. Together, they brought life to the God Iros. ~~ Upon Etune’s rise to womanhood, as she grew into her right as a goddess, a tragedy occurred. Esreus, the caretaker of the underworld, stole into her room late one night. He took her from the Divine realm, carrying her off to the realm of Souls. He kept her prisoner there, jealous that his brother and sisters had consorts, but as he was unable to go to the mortal Realm without causing death to all he touched, he was incapable of finding a consort. Yet his curse didn’t work on those that were of the Divine Realm, and so he took his bride. She fought him at first, wishing nothing more than to return home and find a consort among those that she cherished. The humans who relished in the moonlight, for she was the goddess of the Moon. Yet when she finally was a woman, Esreus once again stole into her room, there in the Realm of Souls. He took her as his consort, against her will, but the deed was done. This brought the birth of the Goddess Erris, who was later to be known as the Goddess of the Hunt. ~~ Erris was a champion of the Hunt, and cherished all animals. Though she had a particular distaste for humans who killed her precious beasts wantonly, and often merely because they were bored. Though she lent her favor to those who honored the lives taken to feed them. She grew well, passing between the Realm of Souls, the Mortal Realm, and the Divine Realm. It didn’t take long before she attracted the attention of Iros, the son of Yara and Zedos, god of sun. He was attracted to her wild nature, and she to his nurturing warmth. Their courtship was fairly short, finding themselves pulled to each other and not wishing to ignore such a pull. When Erris came of age, taking her proper place in the Divine Realms, Iros took her as his consort. Though it was to the displeasure of Esreus. Their coupling brought to life Edea – Goddess of the Lands, Aquara – Goddess of the Seas, and Furos – the God of Destruction. ~~ Aquara lived most of her life in the Mortal Realm, disguised in the Seas as a mermaid. She loved the ocean waters, the mysterious depths that hid beneath the churning waves. It was this shared love of mystery that brought her and Amun together. When their love blossomed, Aquara wished to leave her home in the Sea to join her family in the Divine Realms. Except her jealous brother, Furos, argued heavily. He claimed that Amun had stolen Aquara from him. Furos had been poisoned by Zudite and his lust for destruction, that he cursed Aquara to an eternity on the Mortal Realm, never able to leave her Ocean home. This devastated her, and for a time, she thought it was impossible for her and Amun to be together. Though Amun had gone to Nyxia without her knowledge. He had explained what had happened, and begged the Mother goddess to help him in his plight to ease Aquara’s suffering. And so, Nyxia granted Amun’s wish, casting him to the Seas and giving him the same form as Aquara. Even she didn’t have the power to reverse Furos’s curse. Together at last, the two brought the birth of Kontar, the God of Storms. Though Furos was angered even more by this, and went to Aquara one day when Amun was called back to the Divine Realms to help with matters stirring in the Mortal Realm. He attacked his sister, and raped her, claiming revenge for not taking him as her consort. From this, Nixtia – Goddess of Trickery, was born. ~~ Long after, Edea had fallen in love with Helios. Though she dared not spread her news, for fear of angering her brother, Furos. Just as Aquara had done. Helios had other plans. He went to Edea, wishing for her to become his consort. Promising that he would protect her from Furos, and that all would be well. Edea fought this plan for some time, before finally relenting and becoming Helios’s consort. She reveled in the love they shared, and gave birth to Ocara, the Goddess of the Seasons. For the longest time, Edea had thought that Furos has forgotten about her. That he had given up on his pursuit of her when she had coupled with Helios. That he had learned the error of his ways after the harsh punishment wrought upon him for harming Aquara. Yet that wasn’t meant to be. Zudite lured Helios away, seeking his counsel on some matter that was rather unimportant to the Goddess. Yet it was important to the god who asked for the favor. Again, Furos stole into the world of his sister, only this time it was Edea. He berated her for taking a weak god as Helios as her consort. Telling her that he would have been a much better choice. In his anger, he attacked Edea just as he had done to Aquara. Edea, then, gave birth to Kava, Goddess of Rebirth. ~~ Ocara had grown, seeing the sorrow of her mother, Edea, and of Aquara after the events that caused them to beget two children each. Neither having the same the father. She went to Nyxia, asking how she could help keep this sorrow from affecting more than just Aquara and Edea. How to protect others from Furos and his anger. Nyxia gave her the knowledge of how to remove her power so that she would be unable to bear children. Then, she would only need to have Furos take her as his consort. The binding magic would keep him from being able to harm another ever again, as long as Ocara remained living. With this knowledge, Ocara set to work. She collected four objects from the mortal realm. A Robin’s egg, an icicle, a firefly, and a leaf the color of rust. She channeled her power into these objects, and gave life to Mypris – Goddess of Spring, who hatched from the Robin’s egg, Xeris – Goddess of Winter, who was formed from the Icicle, Akdes – God of Summer who came from the Firefly, and Dulous – God of Autumn, who formed from the rust colored leaf. She hid them away for the time being as she went in search of Furos. It took time, but soon she had seduced the God with her destructive winters, and burning summers. Furos finally took her as Consort, and he was trapped in her power. After many times of their coupling, the truth was revealed, and Furos discovered that Ocara was unable to give him children. Sent into a fury, he began a rampage through the Divine Realms. Yet Ocara had been smart. She ran to Nyxia, their mother Goddess, and begged for Sanctuary. With Nyxia’s protection, Ocara was safe from Furos’s rage. She still hides at Nyxia’s side, never leaving so that Furos can never break the bond that he formed with her. ~~ As for Ocara’s creations, they took her duty to care for the seasons. Making sure that the changes were appropriately applied to the lands of the Mortal Realm. Never wanting for more than to make sure their mother was proud of them. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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