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Dark Age of Nations

Comrade Wubzin

The Dark Age

Ah, welcome my lord, to the dark age. I know that you are but a young person now, but you will become the leader of a great empire.

But, how will you lead your empire? Will you oppress your people, treating them worse than rubbish? Or will you put your people first, ahead of all things? Ah, perhaps you're somewhere in between?

Will you conquer your enemies through great wars with a brutish military force? Or will you use clever diplomacy to sway them to your cause? Or will you remain a neutral force, waiting for the perfect time to strike or no?

The empires of old have fallen, war and danger ravage the world. New empires rise and fall, will your empire stand to the end of days? Or will it collapse as soon as it was formed?

The World

The world of Earital is a high fantasy world, with revolutionary-age technology, and has two large continents, Easteria and Westar. Each continent have the same biomes, albeit different biomes are more dominant in the two continents. There are various islands of many sizes dotting the Cayratian, Lathrolin, and Merlin oceans. But, to the north and south are unexplored frozen wastelands, who knows what hide within the blinding constant blizzards.

Your empire will start out without any knowledge of foreign lands. You will need to send explorers beyond the safety of your empires borders, to seek out resources, allies, or enemies.

Various forests, deserts, mountains, plains and valley's cover the lands of both continents. Where will your empire reside? Will your empire be a great mass of cities within the mainlands? Or will it be a series of united colonies, those that were forgotten when the old empires fell, on the islands.

The races of this world consist of; Orcs, humans, elves, dwarves, draconians, catfolk, savage orcs, savage werewolves, werewolves and gnoll. (new race recommendations will be voted on, please post the race recommendations in ooc chat.)
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