Other My OCs


#1 Catboy
A Thread full of my OCs and their info, for more info and ideas I have for them, check out my OC Dump Thread.
Name: Lea Montoya

Age: 19

Sexuality: Homo-Demiromantic Demisexual

Physical appearance: Standing at a cool 5'10, Lea Montoya is a Mixed Hispanic and White, gray eyed, wavey black haired 19 year old. He weighs around 156 with some upper body muscles mostly in the chest region. He has one tattoo of a black broken bone on the right side of his right knee along with a scar from a surgery. He's missing on tooth towards the back of his mouth from an incident long ago. He suffers from Social Anxiety and Tourette Syndrome which has led to him requiring someone around at all times as they get violent.

Personality: Lea has a great personality. He's very kind and sympathetic despite how shy he is. If someones feeling low he'll try his hardest to bring them back up without freaking himself out of course. He does cuss buts its mostly involuntarily and reflects a few childhood memories.

A bit of backstory: Born during a bad thunder storm, Lea was originally named Tyson. After months of being called that his parents gave up after being asked If he was named after the chicken company and instead they picked Lea after his great grandfather. He wasnt raised in the nicest neighborhood or around the nicest people. His cousins used to use him a punching dummy and he would often go to school with bruises. He became very scared of people by the time he was in 1st grade and ever since then has had little to no friends. He has an emotional support parrot named Petal who has been with him since he was 10. Between abuse and overall embarrassment, Lea isnt a very social person and ended up having to be in the special ed room because he was socially mute which only led to more harassment. He found comfort in the arts as you can perform them silently and use them to express yourself.

As for his broken bone and scar story, when he was a child his oldet cousin was trying to make him play gay chicken with a guy he was having a sleepover with. Lea refused and pushed him off the bed only to be pulled off the top bunk and landing on his knee. He had to have surgery to relocate the bone. He got the tattoo as a bit of a joke. This is also the same night he lost his first adult tooth.

Any other information?: Some of his main triggers:

Dog Barking (Barking Tic)
People Arguing (Kicking and Squirming Tic)
Affection, Especially forehead kisses (Purring and Nuzzling Tics)
Name: Haven Baily

Age: 15-20

Gender: Cis Male

Sexuality: Bi

Physical Apperance: A 6'2 Mixed Caucasian/Asian Male.
Green Eyes
Pale asian skin tone.
No makeup
Simple Clothes

Persona 1: Styx
Messy Hair, Usually dyed Black although sometimes he wears wigs.
Pitch black satanic contacts.
Wild Makeup
Dramatic Outfits

Persona 2: Florence
Natural hair color.
Natural colored contacts.
No Makeup
Dark Academia style

Persona 3: Honey
Rainbow Array of Wigs or even dyed hair
Rainbow Array of strange contacts
Extreme Makeup
Colorful Harajuku Style

Personality:His personality varies by what persona he's taking on although all of them are generally nice. He's a kind guy overall.

Backstory: Born on a farm in Japan, Haven was Kaito but a move to Canada when he turned eight meant he needed an easier name for other students to use. His parent began using the name Haven and it stuck. He is still legally named Kaito Baily but has given himself the middle name Haven. He's very used to private school. At 15 he began to play with his style, switching it up almost every month until he settled on all of them. He made each style into a persona to help himself mental dissociate from anything he said or did in that outfit that might have been negative.

Styx can be a sarcastic ahole but he's pretty chill once you befriend him.

Florence is a hard working intellectual person who likes to spout out random facts.

Honey is a soft baby who is definitely the most affectionate and enjoys memes and cake.

Haven is just Haven, a chill guy who dresses like any common dude. He's decently huggable and loveable, especially compared to Styx and Florence.

If In a Supernatural Roleplay: Haven would definitely be able to shift his body into any of his Personas, all holding some form of power. Styx being talking to the dead, Florence being endless knowledge of common things, Honey being able to use his voice to hypnotize people.

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