• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Murder Mystery


I will either accept your character via PM or on the thread. I have every right to decline a character.

General Information


Nicknames: (and aliases)

Nationality and Birthplace:

Birth date:

Outlook information


Clothing choice: (here also include accessories)

Behavioural Information

Good Qualities: (don't just list them but also give explanations and explain exactly how they behave)

Bad Qualities: (don't just list them but also give explanations and explain exactly how they behave)

Peculiarities: (anything odd about them like chewing nails, tucking their sleeves, etc.)

Background Information


Relationships: (do they know any of the other characters?)

Personal Information




Theme song: (optional! Remove this point if you do not wish to fill it in)

Participants and their characters:

@Sneaux - N/A

@Rearranged - N/A
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General Information

Name: Sneuax Zinnah

Nicknames: Snow, White

Nationality and Birthplace: Irish-American; born in Ireland moved to America

Birth date: 9/17/1997

Outlook information

Appearance: She has long fiery red hair. No surprise. Greenish-blue unruly forest green eyes, and rather pale skin.


Clothing choice:


Behavioural Information

Good Qualities: She’s shy in normal every day life, meaning she doesn't speak much to random strangers, but can be very friendly when engaged in conversation to anyone. Give her quietness, she’s rather observant and often over-looked. Come on, why play with the shy girl no one seems to know anything about?

Bad Qualities: She can be very opinionated at times. She’s very stubborn, and patient. Meaning, she’ll do a lot to get what she wants, weather it be good or bad. Which makes certain people rather uncomfortable around her. She also sometimes has social anxiety problems. When around people for a slightly long time, it causes her to tend to melt-down when in private.

Peculiarities: She chews on her bottom lip when she had something to say but doesn't want to say it, or when she has a very strong opinion about something. She also touches the tip of her nose several times in quick procession when thinking or stubbed for thought. Sometimes its just a nervous tick.

Background Information


Relationships: (unsure until more characters are posted)

Personal Information

Likes: Books, Science, the ocean, sand, writing, her own hand-writeing, calligraphy, anything having to do with Robin Hood.

Dislikes: Spiders, snakes, biology.

Hobbies: Learning new things, writing, reading, gardening.

Theme song: [media]
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  • (This CS will be shorter for a reason. He is not a main character. He is there to move things along.)

    Name: Lucius Vanderguilt

    Nicknames: (and aliases)

    Nationality and Birthplace:
    Scottish/Welsh/Italian. Albany, New York.

    Birth date: (include year as well)
    August 9, 1990.

General Information

Name: Camilla Villatoro

Nicknames: Red, Rojo

Nationality and Birthplace: Salvadoran, El Salvador

Birth date: September 8th, 1996

Outlook information


Clothing choice:

Behavioural Information

Good Qualities: Intense, fearless, and straightforward, Camilla is a strong independent woman. Pretty much raised by her sister, she took on those independent traits her sister had. She's very self-reliant and prideful because she feels like if she's not, she's weak. She is also very friendly, seductive and persuasive.

Bad Qualities: Very self-reliant and prideful. She won't let anyone help her because she thinks she doesn't need anyone's help. She can be manipulative to get what she wants. Camilla had to be very resourceful as a child, so she knows how to pull the strings(manipulate) to make things work.

Peculiarities: Old scars on her wrist that she runs her fingers on when she's nervous, grinds her teeth when angry, plays with eyelashes when thinking.

Background Information

History: Came to America when she was 4 years old. Her mother took good care of her and her sister until she was introduced to drugs and became an addict when Camilla was just becoming a teenager. Her sister, who is 21, cares for and provides for her.

Relationships: N/A

Personal Information

Likes: Deep people, meaningful conversations, mysteries, guns, dark things, dark lipstick

Dislikes: boring people, drugs, being wrong, showing weakness

Hobbies: Singing, writing, partying

  • (WIP)

    Name: Sabella Ainslie Arany

    Nicknames: (and aliases) Sabie. Bella. Arany.

    Nationality and Birthplace:
    Jamaican- Mother's side. Italian - Father's side. Born: New York, New York

    Birth date: (include year as well)
    April 4, 1996. (Age: 19)


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