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Fantasy Mundane Arrival


Crimson Kiss of Death


Train Schedule

Arrives: 6:30 PM

Departs 7:00 PM

Your eyes landed on the jovial man standing in front of you. He was saying something about tickets and your hands fumbled for the golden slip in your pocket. Mumbling a quick apology for your delay, you handed the man your ticket and climbed the steps into the Serpahim Declaration. Your family stood a few feet away from you, smiling with happy tears running down their visages. The man waited for the rest of the group to pile onto the train and closed the door.

"Welcome to the Seraphim Declaration. The dorms are on the 3rd cart and each room will have three beds," he said briskly before making his way to the control op. You looked at the others, shrugging and heading toward the dorm rooms. What was going to lie ahead?

The Seraphim Declaration is a world-famous steam train made by Seraphim Johana, CEO of the world proclaimed SERAPHIM CORPS. The train arrives once a year and only allows six residents of each town to get on board. Everyone you have ever known dreams of exploring the mysteries of the train and the destinations it reaches.

You were incredibly lucky to be one of the six allowed onto the train, but there's some questions you want answered.

Why you?

Who is the man controlling the train?

Where were you going?

Too bad the man in the train seems to not want to answer.


1) All RpNation rules are applied.

2) There will be no such thing as killing off characters or being unkind in the OOC.

3) There will be five spots - two girls and three boys.

4) The real password is: Seraphim Corps. Place this in your character sheet discreetly.

5) Please be active and post at least once a week.



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