Secrets of the Toriga System

Fus ro dah

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/nomercy.jpg.5d0960d670a6444395a4a1a9889bbd59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/nomercy.jpg.5d0960d670a6444395a4a1a9889bbd59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Made by @khuyen )

  • First and foremost. Follow the Lore. You cannot be from Earth as it is inhabitable and has been abandoned for over a thousand years.
  • No Godmodding/Bunnying etc. Controlling other players' characters without consent is not on.
  • Yes! You can be a half-breed. Although they are rare and looked down upon, but some exist.
  • No one liners. Please, make an effort! It makes the RP fun for everyone involved.
  • Follow RPN's rules of course.
  • Mary Sues/Gary Stus/Lorebreaking/Overpowered characters will be denied and need to be rewritten.
  • Make sure you read the posts properly, or else your post will make no sense!
  • Tag anyone you interact with in your post, it makes sure to draw their attention to it and it makes it clear who you're talking to.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1737dbc1_snowekf.jpg.b87c1dbaa230f97cb77ba0b7fe7fdf56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1737dbc1_snowekf.jpg.b87c1dbaa230f97cb77ba0b7fe7fdf56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eurium (But with longer ears)














Character Sheet

[center][image goes here!][/center]





[b]Current occupation: [/b]

[b]Birth planet/colony:[/b]

[b]Current residence:[/b]

[b]Physical Description:[/b]


[b]Brief History:[/b]

[b]Weapon Of Choice:[/b]

[b]Anything Else?:[/b]

[sh]Writing Sample[/sh]

[i](At least two paragraphs. Any character is fine!)[/i]

Yin Taesen'anea

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Ferupa.full.1032538.jpg.dbedfbed13d858825683d5c383f35a15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Ferupa.full.1032538.jpg.dbedfbed13d858825683d5c383f35a15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Halfbreed. (Eurium x Ialdor)

Height: 6ft 2”

Weight: 160 lbs

Occupation: Bounty hunter, adventurer.

Birth planet/colony: Vilsyrka, Asildra.

Current residence: Nomadic.

Brief History: Born to an Ialdorian mother and a Eurium father, Yin was an accident borne from a night of drunken passion between his parents. Assuming she was pregnant to her husband, Peng continued on with her life until the day Yin was born. It was only then that the truth came to surface when two twin boys, a strange mixture of Eurium and Ialdor were being held in the nursemaids’ arms.

In accordance to the law, Peng was cast out shortly afterwards. Banished from the city forever, and now without a husband, she took her newborns and fled into the desert. She finally found a small community of exiles who accepted them into their fold. The boys were raised, moving from place to place when they needed to. Peng contacted the boys’ father when they were old enough to travel; and the twins got to meet their father.

He accepted the strange looking boys as his own, and the two took up residence in a more remote location of Egyrius; working alongside the Taur of the forests who did not judge them and assisted them in building a home big enough for the four of them.

As they grew, they were raised in both worlds; learning both Eurium Snowmagic and Ialdor telekinesis. Their power was nowhere near as high as their parents, due to their mixed heritage; but it was still enough to get along in the world.

Yin and his brother returned to Ialdor when they were of age, Bolin deciding to stay on the desert planet and founding the Adventurer’s Guild. Yin was the first member.

Weapon Of Choice: Tigerwood bow, and a short sword for close combat. Sometimes combined with what little power he has.

Anything Else?: Twin brother to Bolin Taesen'anea, founder and leader of the Adventurer's Guild. He’s older than Yin by 30 minutes. His name translates to - silver tracker of the night.



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Alcina Ganymedes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401803840.545253.jpg.e103e3e25b680fa9742be50087f1a38f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401803840.545253.jpg.e103e3e25b680fa9742be50087f1a38f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>










115 lbs


Hybrid (Eurium x Cavr)


Alcina is known to be deadly, although part Cavr, she enjoys a good fight as much as the next Eurium.

She also knows she has a great body and knows how to use it to her advantage.


Assassin/ Mercenary/ Wanderer

Birth planet/colony:

Dorox/ Feland

Current residence:

Anywhere she can lie on


Alcina is somewhat cold and distant to those she deems as enemies, while to her family and friends, she is both a close companion and a protector. She is known to be violent and brutal when it comes to fighting.

Brief History:

Born out of wedlock to an Eurium father and Cavr mother, Alcina has always felt like she wasn't needed. As she grew older, she learned combat from her father, and the ability to heal from her mother.

She left her hometown when she was of age, and to this day, travels the universe.

Weapon Of Choice:

A bow and arrows, or twin daggers are fine with her.

Anything Else?:

She loves to try any sort of food, much to her stomach's chagrin. Also loves a good drink.



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Ka'Rex Ariiyen (AH-ree-yenn)









Current occupation:

Mercenary, bodyguard, hunter, occasionally takes more illegal jobs such as smuggling

Birth planet/colony:


Current residence:

Moves frequently due to work

Physical Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.4a85f741eb53176f7bc501cb6edf3668.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.4a85f741eb53176f7bc501cb6edf3668.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


When it comes to business, he's very serious, and will not get distracted my anything. When he's not working, he's wild and fun loving. He prefers to stay on the good side of the law, unless he's desperate or feels what he is doing is right. Respect him, and he'll respect you. Buy him a drink and you and he'll worship you.

Brief History:

Ka'Rex came from a strict family. He wasn't allowed to roam the forests and hunt as he had wanted to. Instead, he stayed at home and read through books about legendary adventurers, and fighters. He knew thats what he wanted in life; to be an adventurer. He trained in secret, and the day he was old enough to leave, he ran out the door.

After a few years, he learned the harsh reality that there wasn't much work for up and coming adventurers, and turned to more "hired-muscle" jobs instead.

When finding work is tough, he is known to do more illegal work, much to his dismay.

Weapon Of Choice:

He prefers to dual wield swords, and always carries hidden daggers just incase.

Anything Else?: The easiest way to win his friendship is through showing strength or talking about swords.

Writing sample:

Ka'Rex sighed and pulled down his hood. Another smuggling job gone sucessfully. "At least it went well, if that's what you want to call it. I got plenty of money for it either way." He grumbled. He pushed open the bar door and entered, reluctantly. it was the only bar on this side of Rhion, and it charged a lot.

Ka'Rex sat down on a stool and made his order, resting his head on one hand. He scratched the wood of the counter with one claw until his drink arrived. He threw his head back, chugging the drink before slamming the mug down. "Ugh, is this what I want in life? Running around, sneaking items around the law?" He questioned to himself.

He payed the bartender and pushed himself off the stool. Pulling up his hood, he left the bar to search for more jobs.



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Edit: This post broke completely. Even removing the B tags and highlighting and using the Bold button a couple times couldn't get it to sort itself out.

I apologise for the issues and am resubmitting my CS in hopes that it will not break again.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-2_6-20-50.jpeg.0768105c8bfac7b76e05a950a8fedb22.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-2_6-20-50.jpeg.0768105c8bfac7b76e05a950a8fedb22.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Edit: I have no idea what ungodly glitch took over RPNation just now, but something went wrong somewhere because the page froze, showed no connection, then auto reloaded and now my post looks kooky and I can't figure out where the image went. Working on fixing that now. *Face grounds*

Image is available to click as the attached file down at the bottom, provided it isn't showing the image for you here.

(Is assuming humans are still around, if not she is Eurium​

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 139 cm (Four foot Seven Inches Imperial

Weight: Roughly six stone, or 83 pounds

Current occupation:

Birth planet/colony: Prison Colony P-5500

Current residence: The wilds near an outpost of Rhion, where she participates in trade.

Physical Description: Covered in tattoos and bearing scars around her throat after a nasty encounter with a particularly mean Twin-Tailed Wolf.

Personality: Playful and alert best describe Miramyl. At first glance she appears to be a silly and touchy type, and while she is generally positive, it hides her more serious, survivalist mindset. Every hug checks for hidden weapons, a pat on the neck checks for a telling pulse, a friendly, and soft, hit pairs with an acute dissection of your reactions.

Not especially a fan of large gatherings of people, Miramyl often hides her appearance under a cloak of Forest Tiger skin. Outside of business like trading, Miramyl finds herself awkward with vocal interaction, which is part of why she acts so jovial and enjoys putting others on edge with her physical openness, because it makes her feel more in control when others get nervous or annoyed by such things.

She has a strong distaste for criminals or those that over indulge in violent or sadistic behaviours.

Brief History: Born to a mass murdering mother in the prison colony, Miramyl was immediately put into a lackluster orphanage system with far too little money to be dealing with the number of children it was tasked with. Staying here until the age of fourteen, Miramyl eventually chose to slip out one night.

Stowing away on a cargo ship, Miramyl soon found herself on Rhion. After trying to live the streets, Miramyl quickly observed that she would be better to learn the ways of the hunter, and eventually gained the survival skills needed to live in the woods on her own. She now lives in the woods hunting, living off the land and selling any extra goods she acquires.

Still, she remembers where she came from, and how her life started. Due to this, she has a small amount of experience hunting bounties for particularly nasty criminals near her home in Rhion.

Weapon Of Choice: A sword staff that is balanced enough to be thrown as a spear when needed and a dagger with a hilt made of Strangedeer horn harvested from her one and only strangedeer kill./b]

Anything Else?: Is afraid of enclosed spaces and is often nervous around guards because she fears they pay her undue attention. Which of course often draws their attention.

"Miramyl giggled as she ran her hand across the arm of the merchant holding the pelt of her latest kill. Through his wrist she felt his pulse speed up, and she was certain she had him right where she wanted him.

"Come now, that is, without a doubt, probably the finest Grass Rabbit pelt you've ever seen. Perfectly bisected, and not a single entry or exit wound. Besides, I need more candels," the slight woman purred, putting on a pout, "And you wouldn't make me have to go home empty handed. To have to spend the night all alone without light. Just think of the things that could get to me..."

She had him. The gulp, the eyes closing, head leaning back, intake of breath AND...

"You're right miss, this is honestly a beautiful pelt. Bring me more like these, and I promise to cut you a good deal."

Smiling as she took her payment, Miramyl pulled her hood up over her head and stepped outside. Keeping to the shadows and the sidestreets as best she could, the woman made her way out of the area and into the wilds, eager to return home and get away from the hubbub in the outpost.

Some ten minutes later saw her home, and with a few precise leaps and the agility of the big cat whose pelt she wore, Miramyl had herself securely nestled in her treehouse bunk ready to enjoy a dinner of cured Grass Rabbit."

(At least two paragraphs. Any character is fine!)

Yeah I noticed RPN broke your post o_o Could you please fix it up so it's easier to read? xD thanks
[QUOTE="Fus ro dah]Yeah I noticed RPN broke your post o_o Could you please fix it up so it's easier to read? xD thanks

Okay, so how's that?
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Sorry, I wish I knew. I copied your coding instructions and then it got crazy and I have like, half an idea on how to fix it.

You'll just have to go through and unbold the non-titles and make sure the sub headings (like the writing sample) aren't broken.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-2_18-58-11.jpeg.97d749cb3033be4658e8b565575310e7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41505" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-2_18-58-11.jpeg.97d749cb3033be4658e8b565575310e7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 139 cm/ Four foot seven inches imperial.

Weight: Roughly six stone/ 83 pounds

Current occupation: Hunter/Survivor

Birth planet/colony: Prison Colony P-5500

Current residence: Wilds of Rhion near an outpost.

Physical Description: Covered in tattoos and bearing scars around her throat after a nasty encounter with a particularly mean Twin-Tailed Wolf.

Personality: Playful and alert best describe Miramyl. At first glance she appears to be a silly and touchy type, and while she is generally positive, it hides her more serious, survivalist mindset. Every hug checks for hidden weapons, a pat on the neck checks for a telling pulse, a friendly, and soft, hit pairs with an acute dissection of your reactions.

Not especially a fan of large gatherings of people, Miramyl often hides her appearance under a cloak of Forest Tiger skin. Outside of business like trading, Miramyl finds herself awkward with vocal interaction, which is part of why she acts so jovial and enjoys putting others on edge with her physical openness, because it makes her feel more in control when others get nervous or annoyed by such things.

She has a strong distaste for criminals or those that over indulge in violent or sadistic behaviors.

Brief History: Born to a mass murdering mother in the prison colony, Miramyl was immediately put into a lackluster orphanage system with far too little money to be dealing with the number of children it was tasked with. Staying here until the age of fourteen, Miramyl eventually chose to slip out one night.

Stowing away on a cargo ship, Miramyl soon found herself on Rhion. After trying to live the streets, Miramyl quickly observed that she would be better to learn the ways of the hunter, and eventually gained the survival skills needed to live in the woods on her own. She now lives in the woods hunting, living off the land and selling any extra goods she acquires.

Still, she remembers where she came from, and how her life started. Due to this, she has a small amount of experience hunting bounties for particularly nasty criminals near her home in Rhion.

Weapon Of Choice: A sword staff that is balanced enough to be thrown as a spear when needed and a dagger with a hilt made of Strangedeer horn harvested from her one and only strangedeer kill.

Anything Else?: Is afraid of enclosed spaces and is often nervous around guards because she fears they pay her undue attention. Which of course often draws their attention.

Writing Sample

"Miramyl giggled as she ran her hand across the arm of the merchant holding the pelt of her latest kill. Through his wrist she felt his pulse speed up, and she was certain she had him right where she wanted him.

"Come now, that is, without a doubt, probably the finest Grass Rabbit pelt you've ever seen. Perfectly bisected, and not a single entry or exit wound. Besides, I need more candles," the slight woman purred, putting on a pout, "And you wouldn't make me have to go home empty handed. To have to spend the night all alone without light. Just think of the things that could get to me..."

She had him. The gulp, the eyes closing, head leaning back, intake of breath AND...

"You're right miss, this is honestly a beautiful pelt. Bring me more like these, and I promise to cut you a good deal."

Smiling as she took her payment, Miramyl pulled her hood up over her head and stepped outside. Keeping to the shadows and the sidestreets as best she could, the woman made her way out of the area and into the wilds, eager to return home and get away from the hubbub in the outpost.

Some ten minutes later saw her home, and with a few precise leaps and the agility of the big cat whose pelt she wore, Miramyl had herself securely nestled in her treehouse bunk ready to enjoy a dinner of cured Grass Rabbit."



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[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Miramyl

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 139 cm/ Four foot seven inches imperial.

Weight: Roughly six stone/ 83 pounds

Current occupation: Hunter/Survivor

Birth planet/colony: Prison Colony P-5500

Current residence: Wilds of Rhion near an outpost.

Physical Description: Covered in tattoos and bearing scars around her throat after a nasty encounter with a particularly mean Twin-Tailed Wolf.

Personality: Playful and alert best describe Miramyl. At first glance she appears to be a silly and touchy type, and while she is generally positive, it hides her more serious, survivalist mindset. Every hug checks for hidden weapons, a pat on the neck checks for a telling pulse, a friendly, and soft, hit pairs with an acute dissection of your reactions.

Not especially a fan of large gatherings of people, Miramyl often hides her appearance under a cloak of Forest Tiger skin. Outside of business like trading, Miramyl finds herself awkward with vocal interaction, which is part of why she acts so jovial and enjoys putting others on edge with her physical openness, because it makes her feel more in control when others get nervous or annoyed by such things.

She has a strong distaste for criminals or those that over indulge in violent or sadistic behaviors.

Brief History: Born to a mass murdering mother in the prison colony, Miramyl was immediately put into a lackluster orphanage system with far too little money to be dealing with the number of children it was tasked with. Staying here until the age of fourteen, Miramyl eventually chose to slip out one night.

Stowing away on a cargo ship, Miramyl soon found herself on Rhion. After trying to live the streets, Miramyl quickly observed that she would be better to learn the ways of the hunter, and eventually gained the survival skills needed to live in the woods on her own. She now lives in the woods hunting, living off the land and selling any extra goods she acquires.

Still, she remembers where she came from, and how her life started. Due to this, she has a small amount of experience hunting bounties for particularly nasty criminals near her home in Rhion.

Weapon Of Choice: A sword staff that is balanced enough to be thrown as a spear when needed and a dagger with a hilt made of Strangedeer horn harvested from her one and only strangedeer kill.

Anything Else?: Is afraid of enclosed spaces and is often nervous around guards because she fears they pay her undue attention. Which of course often draws their attention.

Writing Sample

"Miramyl giggled as she ran her hand across the arm of the merchant holding the pelt of her latest kill. Through his wrist she felt his pulse speed up, and she was certain she had him right where she wanted him.

"Come now, that is, without a doubt, probably the finest Grass Rabbit pelt you've ever seen. Perfectly bisected, and not a single entry or exit wound. Besides, I need more candles," the slight woman purred, putting on a pout, "And you wouldn't make me have to go home empty handed. To have to spend the night all alone without light. Just think of the things that could get to me..."

She had him. The gulp, the eyes closing, head leaning back, intake of breath AND...

"You're right miss, this is honestly a beautiful pelt. Bring me more like these, and I promise to cut you a good deal."

Smiling as she took her payment, Miramyl pulled her hood up over her head and stepped outside. Keeping to the shadows and the sidestreets as best she could, the woman made her way out of the area and into the wilds, eager to return home and get away from the hubbub in the outpost.

Some ten minutes later saw her home, and with a few precise leaps and the agility of the big cat whose pelt she wore, Miramyl had herself securely nestled in her treehouse bunk ready to enjoy a dinner of cured Grass Rabbit."

Woo it didn't break this time :D Accepted!
[QUOTE="Kori Zanos]Ka'Rex Ariiyen (AH-ree-yenn)









Current occupation:

Mercenary, bodyguard, hunter, occasionally takes more illegal jobs such as smuggling

Birth planet/colony:


Current residence:

Moves frequently due to work

Physical Description:

View attachment 99768


When it comes to business, he's very serious, and will not get distracted my anything. When he's not working, he's wild and fun loving. He prefers to stay on the good side of the law, unless he's desperate or feels what he is doing is right. Respect him, and he'll respect you. Buy him a drink and you and he'll worship you.

Brief History:

Ka'Rex came from a strict family. He wasn't allowed to roam the forests and hunt as he had wanted to. Instead, he stayed at home and read through books about legendary adventurers, and fighters. He knew thats what he wanted in life; to be an adventurer. He trained in secret, and the day he was old enough to leave, he ran out the door.

After a few years, he learned the harsh reality that there wasn't much work for up and coming adventurers, and turned to more "hired-muscle" jobs instead.

When finding work is tough, he is known to do more illegal work, much to his dismay.

Weapon Of Choice:

He prefers to dual wield swords, and always carries hidden daggers just incase.

Anything Else?: The easiest way to win his friendship is through showing strength or talking about swords.

Writing sample:

Ka'Rex sighed and pulled down his hood. Another smuggling job gone sucessfully. "At least it went well, if that's what you want to call it. I got plenty of money for it either way." He grumbled. He pushed open the bar door and entered, reluctantly. it was the only bar on this side of Rhion, and it charged a lot.

Ka'Rex sat down on a stool and made his order, resting his head on one hand. He scratched the wood of the counter with one claw until his drink arrived. He threw his head back, chugging the drink before slamming the mug down. "Ugh, is this what I want in life? Running around, sneaking items around the law?" He questioned to himself.

He payed the bartender and pushed himself off the stool. Pulling up his hood, he left the bar to search for more jobs.


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