Monsoon [Closed]


One Thousand Club
Closed RP between Evenice Evenice HnaaSung HnaaSung Maeteris Maeteris



There's nothing sweeter than revenge.

If there was anything their father wanted them to remember, it was to never let the enemies have the last laugh. It was the reason his name stroke fear into people's hearts, the reason he was powerful until his death, and it was that power his two sons vied for.​

Two famiglias were born from the feared Rosa Famiglia, each ruled by one of the two. Their war lasted for years until finally, on their father's deathbed, he had chosen the younger of the two. The elder of the two held resentment and spite for his loss. He spent most of his time plotting his downfall, but everything changed when he met a woman.

His feelings for her ran deep. He dropped years of work to focus on her. Upon learning she worked for his brother, his devastation was greater than words could describe. The love he harbored quickly grew to a hate even greater than before. He put his plans into action. It was a swift descent. His brother's famiglia quickly lost their influence and his found higher ground. His father was right. Nothing was sweeter than revenge.

Decades had gone. Leadership was passed down several times but the famiglias' resentment for each other stayed firm.

In this new era, two girls from different worlds met.

Would they suffer the same fate as the brothers?
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University life, a big step for any individual.
Most go to retrieve their higher calling in life, perhaps as a stepping stone to something greater,
Some find love along the way, some trip and get left behind.

What will it spell for two very different individuals?
A contrast to each other, yet, a complimenting pair none the less.
Will they find the object they were looking for?
or will they get caught by the traps laid upon them in life?

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The casino was bumbling with the usual energy, the fake happiness emanating from the patrons almost made Vivienne gag.
These kinds of establishments were never her thing, there were worse places to be undercover though. She knew that, and she forced herself to be content with her assignment. She was a little step closer to her ultimate goal, that mattered in the end.

If only it didn't include baby sitting the boss' little kid, granted, she wasn't so little. The girl looked as if she could handle herself, from what Vivienne had seen. That's good at, at least she didn't have to worry about getting mauled by the boss if the brat got herself shot. Vivienne expected trouble, despite the casino being their turf; nobody made a fuss in their turf. Not even the police, unfortunately.

Or so they thought. Vivienne absently reached for her jacket's pocket, it was empty. Good, she didn't want to accidentally bring her badge along. That'd be monumentally stupid for her. Satisfied, Vivienne brushed her bangs aside and scanned the aisles of slot machines for the umpteenth time. Occasionally she'd spot someone staring at her, perhaps out of curiosity or some other. Most broke eye contact save for some, those required her to glare openly.

It had been close to an hour now, how long does these gang meetings stretch? Standing outside in the hall like a mannequin never sat with her right, Vivienne never saw the purpose in it except to deter honest people. A determined intruder will get in, no matter what. And so far she has received more glances than she'd like. Suppressing an agitated sigh, Vivienne steeled herself and waved another drunk away with a flick of her wrist.

This meeting better be worth it.

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She was about to slap a drunk across the face when the first gunshot broke the tension. Vivienne immediately forgot about the drunk, eyes widening in realization: It came from inside the room, the same room where her boss' daughter was in. Shit, Arezzo had some balls pulling stunts like this. Vivienne pivoted on her heel, hand reaching for the door handle before being shoved aside forcibly, causing her to lose balance. The detective backpedaled and composed herself, a grimace marring her features. The drunk held a knife at the ready, sneering at her as he juggled the knife from hand to hand, inching closer.

Vivienne wasn't about to let him have it, the detective swept her feet in a wide arc. The drunk was caught off guard by the sudden retaliation and stumbled on the carpeted floor, the knife skidding away. Vivienne was fast on her feet, boot smashing into the guy's face in an instant. Satisfied that he was out of the count, Vivienne positioned herself near the door. A million things could've happened in the span of the few seconds she'd been fighting that guy, they could've overpowered the brat and the others. Or both parties had killed each other, that'd leave her with less to worry about.

Vivienne doubt she was that lucky. She steeled herself, 'Here goes.' The detective barged in, she was greeted with gunfire, not wasting time, she quickly ducked behind an upturned sofa. A Lacrime officer who had probably turned the sofa into the cover was clutching his stomach, shirt stained crimson. 'What the hell happened?'

'Fuck it if I know, rookie.' He grunted through clenched teeth, that wound didn't look too promising. 'Where's the little brat?' Vivienne risked a peek, the Arezzos were better equipped from the sound of things, the had at least a few submachine guns. The telltale rattle of the weapon giving it away.
'Shit, I don't know! Damn it, I'm bleeding out! The guys got her, she's safe. I think ugh.' Vivienne spared the officer another glance, he isn't going to make it at this rate, tch. Pitiful.

At least the girl was safe, if he's to be believed anyway. That left these few Arezzo stragglers, if she could just delay them enough until the cavalry arrives... Then the girl might get out unscathed. Shit she shouldn't be even trying to delay them, the whole casino is Lacrima's , where the bloody hell were the fools?

Vivienne sighed, Carpe Diem Vivienne Leclerc, she reminded herself. With that, she popped from cover, blasting at the Arezzo's.

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'For fuck's sakes, kid! You could've died! I'd be deader than dead if I ain't dying right now!' Vivienne heard the officer behind her. Kid? Vivienne glanced over her shoulder, immediately sighing in relief at the sight of the little brat. Never thought she'd be relieved at seeing her, life has it's ways she supposed. The officer was giving her a good scolding, and a quick once over was all Vivienne needed to know why; she had herself shot in the arm. A flesh wound by the looks of it, still she shouldn't have been shot in the first place if the guards did their useless jobs and patted these grunts down at the door like theyre supposed to... Unless they were bought.

That'd explain a few things. A lot of things actually. There was no use dawdling on the matter now however. 'Kid.' Vivienne said, ignoring her dumb question. Of course I'm here, I'm guarding your dumb ass. The undercover detective turned away, gun held at the ready. A small window of silence invaded the room. Reloading? "The hell man? That was your chance, she was open!"Ah, chatter. Vivienne capitalized on the chance, popping from the cover once, her eyes swept the mangled room, locked on the closest humanoid and her hands followed to bear the gun at the target. And bang.


Vivienne dropped into cover again, panting heavily. That shit was risky, she laughed humourlessly, She could've well died. The face on the Arezzo's partner was incredulous, possibly not anticipating a still standing Lacrima putting up a fight, too bad for them, she supposed. That's one less Arezzo, but there were still a few still kicking in the room. Vivienne stilled when she heard something shuffle behind them, the detective turned quickly; the first two shots left the barrel without her looking. The Arezzo mouth was agape, two holes in his chest; the shotgun in his hands dropped harmlessly on the carpet, followed by the corpse.

'Fuckin' hell, Leclerc! it could've been one of our boys!' The officer complained, 'He wasn't though.' She said, looking at the officer then the boss' kid. 'We need to get you out. But not through the main hall ways, too dangerous. The casino is compromised, the next Lacrima we meet might not be a Lacrima at all.' Vivienne explained, eyeing over the cover warily. 'I don't know what we can do for you though, I'm sorry.' She addressed the officer, and he grunted before laughing, 'I'm done for, just go. Get Red outta here, rookie.'

???????? ???????
Vivienne felt guilty to leave the wounded bastard behind, he was okay--for a gangster. But she kicked feet anyway once she noticed the boss' kid missing from action. A quick search found out that she had sprinted past the door, muttering a curse, she quickly followed her out. Gunshots rang behind her as she closed the door. Luckily it was thick enough to impede the 9mm bullets.

"The garage." Vivienne said, leaning back against the door.

Without looking back, she sprinted towards the private garage where the Lacrima kept their cars. Vivienne made sure to glance behind her so the girl hadn't lost her. Blessed: that what she was, it was rather lucky the boss' kid wasn't the spoiled child Vivienne thought out her to be. She imagined the kid would moan and cry half-way, or even stopping entirely. But that wasn't the case and Vivienne was thankful for it.


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