Memory Of A Goldfish





This kind of forgetting does not erase memory, it lays the emotions around the memory to rest.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes


About Me
I'm a high school student living in California, at her supposedly prime age of 16. A bit early to be my "prime time" since I'm sort of still restricted to my room and my terribly exciting SAT cramming life. There's a lot of academic and personal stress going on right now, so I use role playing as a way to escape from the person I'm supposed to be in reality.

Well I just found this part of rpnation and I thought that I would try it out. I'm terrible at staying committed to real life diaries so who knows what's going to happen.

Hope you guys are able to withstand my melo-dramatic bullshit.

I'm not a very secretive person, and journal keeping is mainly just a way for me to record my life since I'm able to remember things as long as a goldfish. I'm also the type of person who tends to hold on to bad memories more than good memories, so it's often harder for me to remember the good side of someone after experiencing something negative with them. Journal keeping is also a way for me to feel like I have something I need to stay committed to, and I guess private journal keeping never really worked out since I never felt like I had an obligation to write something. I guess I might be motivated by writing here if you guys finds some things relatable or even interesting (which is going to be rare most likely). I'm most likely just going to write about how my day was, how I felt at certain points of the day, or sometimes maybe even some existential crisis stuff or rants. Yay. My emotions can range from the "I'm done with life chill" to "life is nothing but a void...we are insignificant melodramatic". Just a warning. If you still feel like reading after all that, read on. See you on the other side. Chow.

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