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Fandom Marvel vs DC



-Silence Reigns-


It has always been said, that before the fall, there is a silence. Just before the rift began, before our world would be changed eternal, a heavy silence ensured among the populace of two worlds, the worlds of Marvel, and DC. Unprecedented tranquility masked the borderline apocalyptic event to occur.

Tension was limited, the streets lit with neon signs and vehicles. An immeasurable number of civilians strode across the sidewalks, many of them heading home after a days hard work, or else, talking amongst themselves. The temperature was cool, multitudes of celestial bodies, namely stars, visible across the skies. The night was beauteous, radiant with unbridled calm.

A variable calm before the storm, and for reasons shrouded in mystery, both worlds remained rather hushed, waiting. For surely, it wasn't too last...

-The Rift Begins-

Before anyone could predict it, before ANYTHING could anticipate it, the tension took an immediate change. Deafening shrieks pierced the air as blinding bolts of lightning crackled across the skies, which had taken on an enormous, cobalt haze. Civilians darted across the streets, eyes wide with fright, many stumbling over each other. Civilization gone mad, betraying the seemingly calm atmosphere from mere minutes before. Alas, it was rather obvious why...

Soon to be known as one of the most shocking events in history, authorities were laid helpless as the sky itself was torn apart, seemingly being devoured by a consistently expanding portal... with the people of Marvel and DC at its mercy. The portal itself was crimson in color, almost akin to a blackhole, the way it slowly revolved...

At increasingly rapid rates, lightning crackled around the rim of the newly opened portal. In another moment, like a real life game of tetris, ebony colored shapes poured from the sky, as the distortion in reality grew. As the build up of energies continued, everyone awaited the inevitable end....

For a mere moment, the entire world went dark, every light having been snuffed out, like a dying fire. At long last... the portal erupted. Seeming embers of energy flew from place to place, the sky temporarily becoming crimson, like blood. As two universes, as dozens of multiverses combined into one, the landscapes, the galaxies themselves, were reshaped.

In a single night, the old world had been torn down, replaced with something new, something vastly worse... or so it seemed...

-The New World-

Days after the blast, after the rift, people hastened to adjust to the changes. Beings of all kinds were emerging, their alignments varying, caught in this silent war between familiar and unfamiliar faces, between allies and enemies, between Marvel and DC...

The new world has emerged. How it has done so, remains unknown. But the fact is, it has. And the war, the war that will dictate how long this new world will maintain, has begun. Nothing will ever be the same. From this point forward, you must write your own destiny, your own path. Your choices will impact this new world, so, I plead, choose very wisely...

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