Escape Collete Island


Snap out of it






~Family (Dead or Alive)~

~Weapon (No Guns)~

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Eras Thomas


Works at a gift shop.



~sexuality ~



At 5'2 Eras is a petite and lithe but toned boy. He is pale with a scattering of freckles, bright red shaggy shoulder length hair that often falls into wide bright brown more like amber eyes that's framed by long lashes. Full pink lips below a small nose is often pulled into a smile.


Eras is a cheerful kind person who adores exploring and is very curious. Despite his usual kind nature he has a dark side that shows itself when He's feeling violent or when those he cares for is threatened. When this happens he shows his more clever bloodthirsty side.

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

His parents have been dead for a year and his little brother went missing after everything began. He belives he is alive.

~Weapon (No Guns)~

A blood steined baseball bat with nails in it.
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Felicity "Lis" Florence Fawkes


Before hell broke loose, Lis was working at a grocery store.




Lis is a thin, gangly figure, with long limbs. While she stands at an average height of 5'5", her body is lithe, giving the illusion that she is taller than she actually is. Her traits could almost be described as elven, with her dainty hands, thin, chiseled nose, and plump lips. Her blonde hair falls down to her shoulder blades, and tends to be a bit frizzy when not maintained. Her brown eyes are lined with thick, lush lashes.


Charming, clever, manipulative, psychotic, and erratic are all adequate ways to accurately describe Lis. A diagnosed sociopath, Lis lacks to ability to feel empathy. She is unable to relate to others emotionally (with few excepts); however, she's become so adept at faking it that no one has realized. Because of her lack of guilt, she easy manipulates others and is proficient at getting others to do her will, like marionettes on strings. This goes hand in hand with her charming nature.

On the surface, Lis is charismatic, outgoing, and even outwardly friendly; few know of her sociopathic and manipulative behavior. Her confidence is unmatched and stubbornness unbreakable. She is as outspoken as can be and never hesitates to call out BS as she sees it.

When greatly upset, Lis becomes dangerously erratic. She becomes psychotic, her reality warped. In this state, Lis has very violent tendencies and will lash out.

In many ways, Lis tends to act and think like a child. Because she was heavily sheltered by her parents, she didn't realize the full extent of her naïveté until she moved to Colette Island alone. She has since matured some, although not completely. When things don't go the way she had planned, Lis makes no attempt to hide her anger and even goes out of her way to make it known. Due to her often childlike tendencies, she has a way of making others think she is far less capable than she is; which, often times, works to her advantage.




She will take whatever she can find; however, she has taken to using a knife.

((Apologies for the short form; it's currently midnight. I'll come back and revise it later))
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William "Billy" Davidson


Was unemployed before all of this happened. Being a recently-graduated history major doesn't do much for job prospects.




At 5'3 Billy is pretty short and stout, though a lot of that is muscle due to his active lifestyle. His has dusty-blonde hair is long and floppy for a guy, and his bangs partially obscure his blue-grey eyes. His body is covered in freckles, going all the way from his face down to his hands. Tends to wear a lot of jackets, and keeps everything in his pockets


Very enthusiastic, and filled with an optimistic spirit. The kind of guy who was the "Class Clown" in high school. Despite this "happy-go-lucky" nature, no one really knows a lot about him, personally. He tends to keep what he's really thinking hidden behind puns and jokes, and it takes a lot to really gain his trust. The only person he truly confides in is his older sister, Gale.

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

Both his parents are dead, and he (was, at least) living with his older sister Gale before the outbreak. Gale is, as far as he knows, still alive.

~Weapon (No Guns)~

A dented metal baseball bat with the word "slugger" on the side.

Gregory Brown








Gregory talks a big game, often boasting of his military service, telling the youngsters stories to inspire. However, what he fails to tell them is that they're made up; Gregory was signed up but never fought. In fact, in all actuality Gregory is a bit of a coward, trying to avoid conflict at all costs. However, he's not evil; he won't just desert everyone to die; being the mayor he feels responsible for the citizens if Collette Island. Only time will tell if he can survive the outbreak.

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

Gregory was an only child; his parents died long before the outbreak (thank God) and he never married.

~Weapon (No Guns)~

A shovel from his garden shed.
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Grey Wolfston






Grey is very quiet and withrawn. Top student in both his school and university, he is the serious and calculative. He dislikes risks and likes to plan ahead. He is the type of guy who has backup plans for his backup plans. He dislikes violence but when push comes to shove, he can hold his ground.

Family (Dead or Alive):

His family is alive and well as he was only transferred here by his company about a couple of months prior to the outbreak.

Weapon (No Guns):

Grey is proficient in bows as he was into archery in his spare time. Unfortunately, he soon found out that his archery skills wasn't that effective under pressure or against multiple moving targets. He decided to go for an ice-axe he salvaged from a sporting goods store whilst still carrying his recurve bow and a quiver of unused arrows, just in case.
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Jason O'Connel


Journalist of the Collette Island Informer






As a journalist, Jason has grown a way to tell when people are lying. He makes sure to always give his opinion and hear everyone else's. He always there to stand for whats the best plan of action for the people around him and takes care of the people around him, even the ones he hates.

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

His divorced wife and son are both on the mainland.

~Weapon (No Guns)~

Nothing...At the moment...

I'll Be making the opening post soon




Abraham Finton






He used to be a nice guy back there. But because a little argument with his superior they decided to banish Abraham to the island. Throwing him off like a pebble in the corner of the street. All he wanted as a doctor just to save people life and help them yet they did cruel thing to him that make him changed. Drown in anger and despair for many years. He turned into selfish and stubborn person. With a short fuse to explode him anytime

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

He have a wife and daughter but has been lost contact since he moved to the island

~Weapon (No Guns)~



Destery Ant Danial




20 years old






Destery is sweet and kind, he'll help out anyone who needs it and is very forgiving. He is easy to bully because he's weak, slow, gullible and is quick to cry. Des is extremely innocent and even something as small as a kiss, or an I Love You can make embarrass him. He is polite, smart and responsible, he'll take the blame for someone and will stick up for his friends with extreme loyalty; Destery is extremely dense and slow also he tends to dig his own grave when he talks.


Big Brother - ??? Mother - Dead


A hammer and Swiss army knife


Nichole Erica Rebecca Downworth




29 years old





Nichole is a kind person when she's alone, catching her alone is the best time. She's cheerful, happy, honest with a permanent white smile on her face but once her snotty friends appear, she turns into what she thinks they would like. She does what she's told with no questions but shes learning, slowly, to stand up for herself. She takes good care of herself, she's very strict on stuff like brushing her teeth, her hair and washing her hands. Nichole is use to being alone from her childhood that's why she struggles to be what people want her to be.


All Alive (She didn't live on the Island)


A Flare gun, pepper spray and whip, which she had to learn aggressively for her photoshoot


Blake Aaron Year


College Student, in to be a Police Officer


25 years old






Blake can be a bit of a bully but he actually doesn't mean harm by it, it's how he shows his love; he can be a bit rough and rude but he's actually quite sweet, he'll punch you if you say that to him. He is easily angered but never means to be scary, since Blake is very open and direct, a lot of people hate him because once he decides something, you cannot change his mind. He is really protective of his family and friends so once you made it in his heart, you'll be there for a long time.


All dead - Three brothers, two older twins and his own twin, Jay


Baseball bat with nails hammered into the wood


Avery Sasha Sorries


Tattoo Artist, Artist and Part Time Model


30 years old






Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moods where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly.


Her older brother, dead


Katana, her older brother owned one


Ian Carlos Ever


Youtuber and Small Actor


26 years old






Ian is easily excited and pumped person. He hangs with the girls and the girls love him, he is hated by most guys for 'stealing' away all the girls. He is a kind heart but isn't the type to rush in and be the hero, if a child ran into the street and was going to be hit, he would yell for her to look out, but not rush in and save her. He can be annoying sometimes and a jerk but he does it unintentionally. Ian is quite popular and he's sweet, also he can be very flirty and seductive with good-looking people. He can be very cruel unintentionally, and has broken a lot of people. His jokes can be cruel and rude, but he's never noticed because people usually laugh at them, except the person he teased; he doesn't mean to be a bully but it comes naturally.


His mother, who lived in Arizona




Sabrina Ariana Westyear


Author and Game Design


23 years old






Sabrina is sweet but has a bad mouth sometimes, she's not afraid to take a hit and is really dense. She's quiet with strangers but gets funner and louder as you get to know her, she tends to be a little absent minded but fun to be around. Also, she loves animals and will throw herself in front of an animal to save it's life. She tends to forget easily and day dreams constantly, she lazy at times but other times she works hard. She's scared of boys and tends to be shy around them


Her father is in Montana, her older brother is dead


Cattle Prod

Jacob Henna Newhearth


Med school student before The Fall




Albino. Longish white hair, deep red eyes. Young complexion for his age - if you only saw his face, you'd peg him at 14 or so. 188 Cm (6'2"), however, so he's definitely taller than your average 14-year-old, and very thin. Not overly muscular, but certainly not frail either - 8 years of martial arts helps to keep one fit and fast. His eyes at first glance seem wide, curious, and innocent, but there's an echo of broken hopelessness within. He has no scars on his face, which is surprising for one who survived The Fall.



Quiet and restrained, Jacob is never one for talking when it's unnecessary. In college he had a respectable friend group, but nobody really felt like they knew him - when he left for the tiny med school at Collette Island, almost everyone forgot about him. But that suited him just fine. He's not cold or uncaring, but he does not express his emotions well, and often prefers to be alone. Despite all this, he is very defensive over those he cares about, and genuinely does feel great compassion for those lucky enough to be considered his friends - though these people are relatively low in numbers. He considers himself asexual, never really feeling a sexual attraction towards anyone (not to say he doesn't love people - just not sexually).

Jacob grew up a pretty normal, if exceptionally bright, child. At 16, he began training in Martial Arts. He would often times be seen practicing forms well into the night along with his sister. It brought the two of them together. Besides his sister, he was friendly with pretty much anyone who bothered to talk to him, but he would never start a conversation himself. As such, in high school he never really had many close friends. He was never bullied, teased, or thought of negatively at all, because A: no one would dare (he'd kick their teeth in), and B: nobody had any reason. He kept to himself, and showed very little of himself to his peers, and so nobody really thought of him at all.

Jacob was primarily studying to be a doctor, but he also dabbled in computer science as a side-project. He had created a software that predicted the patterns of illness spread in enclosed spaces, and had written a paper about how a breakout of diseases in isolated areas was bound to happen, due to the close proximity of each person to each other in such areas - but he was so focused on the abstract implications of his discoveries, he never thought about the fact that he was studying in a prime location for such an event. He saw, over and over again, simulated microbiomes wiped out by a single strain of illness. And then he saw it happen in real time. Jacob unknowingly predicted The Fall to the letter. He foresaw the fate of thousands of people, and now had to live with the knowledge that he could have stopped it. And something inside of him cracked a little bit that day. Ever since, he's spent his time trying to save as many lives as he possibly can - trying to justify his own existence. Trying to convince himself that he isn't a mass-murderer. And it's clear, beyond his youth, that every life he failed to save, both in his inaction before The Fall and his inability after, weighs down on him. How one would cope with that all on their own is a mystery - and Jacob's not one for telling stories.

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

Mother was a successful lawyer, father stayed at home to raise the kids - both now deceased. Twin sister Allison joined the military at age 18, now flies fighter jets for the air force. Constantly in touch with her. Younger brother died of rabies at age 9 - Jacob was 12 at the time.

~Weapon (No Guns)~

He typically stays out of the center of combat if possible, using improvised aerosol flamethrowers/grenades and the likes to fight from a distance. But he knows that it'd be naive of him to assume that he would never have to fight up close, and so always wears steel-tipped athletic shoes, gloves, and elbow pads for when things get personal - letting his training in karate pay off. His blows are usually crippling at least.

(I dunno if I'm allowed to have two characters - if so, I'm also writing up his aforementioned twin sister. I'm also not sure if she would be allowed, given the no-guns rule - but I wouldn't have her blowing stuff up ever. As the island was abandoned and the government cut off all the travel, communication, etc. to the island, she'd have to be doing anything to help in secret, which would mandate not bringing a fighter jet.)


Allison Luna Newhearth


Fighter Pilot, currently trying to help the people on the island off the books




Albino. Shortish hair, bangs cut above her eyes which are bright red. Looks much younger than she is, though not as young as her brother - about 18ish by her face alone. She usually appears disheartened and uncaring - often because she is - and rarely smiles. If you had to guess, you'd say she had experienced a loss recently in her life - but you would never think that you could understand her pain, or really relate to her at all. The rest of her body, however, looks quite different to her face - she appears strong and toned, thanks to 8 years of karate and 6 in the military. When not in air force uniform, she wears an exclusively-red-white-and-black wardrobe of dress suits and pants, or exercise pants and a tank top for training. When not wearing a helmet, she has a red flower in her hair - regardless of the rest of her attire, be it suit, uniform, or sweatpants. She stands at 178 cm (5'10"), and is quite thin. You would never guess that such a body belonged to such a head.



From the first day of school, Allison always looked sad. Her teachers would call home saying that Allison wasn't playing with the other kids. She would never smile at anyone, and would often just stare out the window for hours on end. She did nothing outright wrong - she did all her work, studied, and answered questions when called on. She even had a good number of good acquaintances after a while. But nobody ever called her a friend, and nobody thought she was nice, or kind, or anything but cold and uncaring. At age 13 - right after her younger brother died of rabies - she was diagnosed with depression. But she refused medication from the start, and her parents honored her wishes. At 16, along with her brother, she started taking Martial Arts classes, and still takes them now.

At age 18, Allison signed up for the Air Force. Her drill sergeant was extremely skeptical at first - but he quickly learned that Allison was not playing around when she joined up. She went through the military academy with flying colors, passing every test and beating almost every record without even losing her hair flower (her DS made an exception to let her wear it in exchange for cleaning duty for two weeks, which she took without question). And so, Allison went on to be the commander of the first F-35 fighter squadron - her pilots learned quickly that she is not cruel, but she is not overly forgiving or compassionate, and she does not forget mistakes.

Their knowledge holds true for Allison all the time. She does not dislike most people, but many people get that impression from her - even people she does actually care about somewhat. Unlike her brother, she is more likely to talk to people and have quote-unquote 'friends,' but she is even less likely to tell them what she really feels or hold them anywhere near her heart. No one, save her brother, really knows Allison. She comes across as someone who stopped caring long ago about the lives of other people. She may come across as callous, and she is almost never cheerful, but that doesn't mean anything about her feelings towards you - she's that way towards everyone, save, again, Jacob. She considers herself a lesbian - though she has yet to meet anyone she has deep feelings for, just sexual ones. She hasn't told anyone but Jacob of this, and she probably never will. It's unlikely she will ever have a romantic relationship, judging by her current efforts in the direction. At her core, Allison is a person who doesn't think too highly of the world as a whole, but might eventually warm up to you given a chance - although it's not like you'd be able to tell from what she showed on the outside.

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

Mother was a lawyer, father was a stay-at-home Dad. Both died in a car accident two years before The Fall. Younger brother died at age 9 from rabies. Twin brother named Jacob, was studying to become a nurse. He was on the island when The Fall happened. He's basically the only person left in the world she loves, and she would do anything to save him. They keep in constant communication.

~Weapon (No Guns)~

Aside from military stuff (F-35, guns, etc. But there's no way for her to bring any of that stuff on the island, as any dealings she has with it are in secret.), Allison fights with a Katana she got from martial arts classes.
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[QUOTE="Jace Fairis]~Name~
Jacob Henna Newhearth


Med school student before The Fall




Albino. Longish white hair, deep red eyes. Young complexion for his age - if you only saw his face, you'd peg him at 14 or so. 188 Cm (6'2"), however, so he's definitely taller than your average 14-year-old, and very thin. Not overly muscular, but certainly not frail either - 8 years of martial arts helps to keep one fit and fast. His eyes at first glance seem wide, curious, and innocent, but there's an echo of broken hopelessness within. He has no scars on his face, which is surprising for one who survived The Fall.



Quiet and restrained, Jacob is never one for talking when it's unnecessary. In college he had a respectable friend group, but nobody really felt like they knew him - when he left for the tiny med school at Collette Island, almost everyone forgot about him. But that suited him just fine. He's not cold or uncaring, but he does not express his emotions well, and often prefers to be alone. Despite all this, he is very defensive over those he cares about, and genuinely does feel great compassion for those lucky enough to be considered his friends - though these people are relatively low in numbers. He considers himself asexual, never really feeling a sexual attraction towards anyone (not to say he doesn't love people - just not sexually).

Jacob grew up a pretty normal, if exceptionally bright, child. At 16, he began training in Martial Arts. He would often times be seen practicing forms well into the night along with his sister. It brought the two of them together. Besides his sister, he was friendly with pretty much anyone who bothered to talk to him, but he would never start a conversation himself. As such, in high school he never really had many close friends. He was never bullied, teased, or thought of negatively at all, because A: no one would dare (he'd kick their teeth in), and B: nobody had any reason. He kept to himself, and showed very little of himself to his peers, and so nobody really thought of him at all.

Jacob was primarily studying to be a doctor, but he also dabbled in computer science as a side-project. He had created a software that predicted the patterns of illness spread in enclosed spaces, and had written a paper about how a breakout of diseases in isolated areas was bound to happen, due to the close proximity of each person to each other in such areas - but he was so focused on the abstract implications of his discoveries, he never thought about the fact that he was studying in a prime location for such an event. He saw, over and over again, simulated microbiomes wiped out by a single strain of illness. And then he saw it happen in real time. Jacob unknowingly predicted The Fall to the letter. He foresaw the fate of thousands of people, and now had to live with the knowledge that he could have stopped it. And something inside of him cracked a little bit that day. Ever since, he's spent his time trying to save as many lives as he possibly can - trying to justify his own existence. Trying to convince himself that he isn't a mass-murderer. And it's clear, beyond his youth, that every life he failed to save, both in his inaction before The Fall and his inability after, weighs down on him. How one would cope with that all on their own is a mystery - and Jacob's not one for telling stories.

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

Mother was a successful lawyer, father stayed at home to raise the kids - both now deceased. Twin sister Allison joined the military at age 18, now flies fighter jets for the air force. Constantly in touch with her. Younger brother died of rabies at age 9 - Jacob was 12 at the time.

~Weapon (No Guns)~

He typically stays out of the center of combat if possible, using improvised aerosol flamethrowers/grenades and the likes to fight from a distance. But he knows that it'd be naive of him to assume that he would never have to fight up close, and so always wears steel-tipped athletic shoes, gloves, and elbow pads for when things get personal - letting his training in karate pay off. His blows are usually crippling at least.

(I dunno if I'm allowed to have two characters - if so, I'm also writing up his aforementioned twin sister. I'm also not sure if she would be allowed, given the no-guns rule - but I wouldn't have her blowing stuff up ever. As the island was abandoned and the government cut off all the travel, communication, etc. to the island, she'd have to be doing anything to help in secret, which would mandate not bringing a fighter jet.)


Allison Luna Newhearth


Fighter Pilot, currently trying to help the people on the island off the books




Albino. Shortish hair, bangs cut above her eyes which are bright red. Looks much younger than she is, though not as young as her brother - about 18ish by her face alone. She usually appears disheartened and uncaring - often because she is - and rarely smiles. If you had to guess, you'd say she had experienced a loss recently in her life - but you would never think that you could understand her pain, or really relate to her at all. The rest of her body, however, looks quite different to her face - she appears strong and toned, thanks to 8 years of karate and 6 in the military. When not in air force uniform, she wears an exclusively-red-white-and-black wardrobe of dress suits and pants, or exercise pants and a tank top for training. When not wearing a helmet, she has a red flower in her hair - regardless of the rest of her attire, be it suit, uniform, or sweatpants. She stands at 178 cm (5'10"), and is quite thin. You would never guess that such a body belonged to such a head.



From the first day of school, Allison always looked sad. Her teachers would call home saying that Allison wasn't playing with the other kids. She would never smile at anyone, and would often just stare out the window for hours on end. She did nothing outright wrong - she did all her work, studied, and answered questions when called on. She even had a good number of good acquaintances after a while. But nobody ever called her a friend, and nobody thought she was nice, or kind, or anything but cold and uncaring. At age 13 - right after her younger brother died of rabies - she was diagnosed with depression. But she refused medication from the start, and her parents honored her wishes. At 16, along with her brother, she started taking Martial Arts classes, and still takes them now.

At age 18, Allison signed up for the Air Force. Her drill sergeant was extremely skeptical at first - but he quickly learned that Allison was not playing around when she joined up. She went through the military academy with flying colors, passing every test and beating almost every record without even losing her hair flower (her DS made an exception to let her wear it in exchange for cleaning duty for two weeks, which she took without question). And so, Allison went on to be the commander of the first F-35 fighter squadron - her pilots learned quickly that she is not cruel, but she is not overly forgiving or compassionate, and she does not forget mistakes.

Their knowledge holds true for Allison all the time. She does not dislike most people, but many people get that impression from her - even people she does actually care about somewhat. Unlike her brother, she is more likely to talk to people and have quote-unquote 'friends,' but she is even less likely to tell them what she really feels or hold them anywhere near her heart. No one, save her brother, really knows Allison. She comes across as someone who stopped caring long ago about the lives of other people. She may come across as callous, and she is almost never cheerful, but that doesn't mean anything about her feelings towards you - she's that way towards everyone, save, again, Jacob. At her core, Allison is a person who doesn't think too highly of the world as a whole, but might eventually warm up to you given a chance - although it's not like you'd be able to tell from what she showed on the outside.

~Family (Dead or Alive)~

Mother was a lawyer, father was a stay-at-home Dad. Both died in a car accident two years before The Fall. Younger brother died at age 9 from rabies. Twin brother named Jacob, was studying to become a nurse. He was on the island when The Fall happened. He's basically the only person left in the world she loves, and she would do anything to save him. They keep in constant communication.

~Weapon (No Guns)~

Aside from military stuff (F-35, guns, etc. But there's no way for her to bring any of that stuff on the island, as any dealings she has with it are in secret.), Allison fights with a Katana she got from martial arts classes.

For Jacob's weapons I'm going to have to ask you to change it. The reason being that it seems a bit unrealistic to live on a normal island but yet understand to make grenades at flamethrowers.
KillGill said:
For Jacob's weapons I'm going to have to ask you to change it. The reason being that it seems a bit unrealistic to live on a normal island but yet understand to make grenades at flamethrowers.
I wasn't picturing anything like a real flamethrower. Simply enough, it's just a can of aerosol something - hair spray, spraypaint, etc. - and a lighter. Aerosol propellants are incredibly flammable. You can find it all over Youtube. Same for the 'grenades' - aerosol cans are under such high pressure that they'll explode pretty impressively if you just puncture them. Add a fire source, and it's a relatively effective 'grenade' from scratch.


KillGill said:
For Jacob's weapons I'm going to have to ask you to change it. The reason being that it seems a bit unrealistic to live on a normal island but yet understand to make grenades at flamethrowers.
But if you want me to change it, I certainly can.
[QUOTE="Jace Fairis]I wasn't picturing anything like a real flamethrower. Simply enough, it's just a can of aerosol something - hair spray, spraypaint, etc. - and a lighter. Aerosol propellants are incredibly flammable. You can find it all over Youtube. Same for the 'grenades' - aerosol cans are under such high pressure that they'll explode pretty impressively if you just puncture them. Add a fire source, and it's a relatively effective 'grenade' from scratch.

But if you want me to change it, I certainly can.

Oh I didn't see that. Alright I'll accept it with the restriction of limited supplies.
KillGill said:
Oh I didn't see that. Alright I'll accept it with the restriction of limited supplies.
Great, thanks for understanding! And yea, seeing as the island is so small, there's probably a max of two places I could possibly acquire hairspray cans, so there definitely won't be too many supplies on hand to make these.

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