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New Member
Allie, a brown haired average girl, never got in trouble, yet she feels like everything is her fault. Her mind is a mess of blaming and insecurities but she acts like everything is fine. She doesn't know what to do. Her latest blaming is that fact the her ex boyfriend broke up with her.

She was at home and heard a knock at the door. Being home alone, she didn't answer at first. Another knock came and she slowly walked over to the door. She looked through the peephole and saw someone waiting
To her surprise it was her ex boyfriend. As she slowly opened the door she opened her mouth and then shut it again not sure of what to say. (music)
MaddyRoseWin said:
To her surprise it was her ex boyfriend. As she slowly opened the door she opened her mouth and then shut it again not sure of what to say. (music)
(i thought i was allie)
magickace said:
You're okay and you didn't ruin it. Continue
Phew okay.

We can just continue from what I said ( if that's okay )

To her surprise it was her ex boyfriend. As she slowly opened the door she opened her mouth and then shut it again not sure of what to say. (music)
She leaned against the door, eyes widened and confused on what to do or say to him. She took a breath and sighed as she slowly opened the door.
Her ex - boyfriend ( James ) had dark brown hair and was average height, he was a goalie for his schools soccer team. She always wondered why he even started going out with her, but she still thought it was her fault that he broke it off.

"Hey!" said James a bit to enthusiastically considering the situation that they both recently got out of.

"H-hi" said Allie, still confused about why he's here. She felt like she should apologize and not at the same time.
Seeing how nervous she look James toned down his voice then said "You where out sick today so Mr. Matthews asked me to bring you the homework and remind you about the school trip to the museum on Wednesday."
"Yea no problem!" James hesitated to on his next sentence but still got it out, "But he said if your parents don't write him an email saying that you are sick and not just skipping you might be suspended."
Allie nodded "I have a note for him" She said and opened the door a bit wider "Can you take it to him for me?" She asked and looked at him
"Yea sure I don't mind" James took the note and placed it in his pocket "Alright I am gonna get going I have practice in 45 minutes, I will be sure to give it to him tomorrow, later!"
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